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Mich. governor signs 48-month welfare limit

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posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by circuitsports
lol michigan i sense a racial protest in 3,2,1

Interesting quip.

Do you think this bill will be turned into an issue about race?

(I'm not challenging you in regards to your remark but rather asking a question of the event in-general)

Would it be that far fetched to think that political opponents of this Governor might try to turn this bill into a racial argument in the hopes that it will get overturned in order to avoid a social disruptence?

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Have a question for those who care to answer...or give a point of view.

If every single American that was capable of working, was working..would the amount of taxes you pay be any different?

Would this stop the TRILLIONS of dollars be scammed out of government funds by certain military personnel and their cohorts.

Maybe stopping the leaches from the top would be a better place to start.. instead of being so concerned about the ones at the bottom.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Why don't we do both?

Top, and bottom then maybe things will start to balance out.

Originally posted by gabby2011
Maybe stopping the leaches from the top would be a better place to start.. instead of being so concerned about the ones at the bottom.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Pfft,taking more away from the people that don't have squat in the first place,that's a really good move isn't it...?

You tax payers must think your better than the people on welfare don't you?
Because you find it pretty easy to say that this is a good thing,which to give poor people even less,or nothing.
You also find it pretty easy to say that these people are low lives and are living their life on welfare.
But the fact is,you don't know them,you don't live like them,you aren't one of them,so how can you judge them so easily?
Just imagine if you were in their position and you were being told this? would you see it differently?

I'm not saying there aren't leeches on the bottom of the system,because there is.

Maybe stopping the leaches from the top would be a better place to start.. instead of being so concerned about the ones at the bottom.

I agree with Gabby2011,

These people at the top of the system are the ones costing the most money for the tax payers.

Think about it,your worried about people that clearly have a lower cost of living,and don't get much from welfare to support that cost of living.

Then you have these people that live large amounts of life with their expenses paid by taxpayers.

It doesn't make sense,you want to force poor people to be independent when your own government encourages dependency on the people?
Then the rich that depend of the tax payers to support their expensive cost of living and life style,but doesn't seem to be a problem?

That's not even taking into account the silly and stupid amounts of money that "disappears" and that the government wastes.That's not even the huge amounts of money that banks and company's get from their customers,which are tax payers,or the amount of money the stupid stock market moves around.

There's so much money everywhere and you getting ripped off from every angle,but people want to give the poor even less or nothing,

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by BillyBoBBizWorth

Did you even read the Michigan Bill?

People that need welfare, truly need it, will be exempt from this law.

It's making bottom-feeders who are scamming the system accountable after 4 years of collecting.

I am tired of standing in line at Kroger's, watching people buy $500 worth of groceries with a Bridge card, then top it off with their WIC card, only to go out to the parking lot, and load everything into their new BMW or Mercedes.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Just create one big giant state,put all the welfare recipients in it,let them sell crack to each other all day and talk trash.Give them some seeds to grow crops and a mountain of horse manure to fertilize the crops.It will be more free stuff than I ever got, and they will still be complaining how they cant believe they got their checks cut off after 20 years of welfare and food stamps.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 03:56 PM
This saddens me to the core. Based on the responses grouping EVERY person on welfare in the "low life don't wanna work category", most of you that commented must make some serious cash and have never struggled or needed assistance. People need to do research on the poor and "entitlements" before passing judgement. Did you know in my state (Texas) minimum wage is in the $7 dollar range? Did you know when you qualify for unemployment here the MAX you can get is 1200 a month?

Did you know the ones that qualify for that $1200 are the ones that were making atleast pay in the $20 an hour range? We all know people abuse any type of system whether its the justice system or a financial system, but to group the entire poor class into the abuser category is ignorant to the bone. People keep talking about the government is starting class warfare but its obvious its already been going on with the general public and how they feel about the poor.

P.S nobody complains about the military complex that just eats up all our dollars. I mean the air force can spend a few billion testing a new aircraft that can go mach 20, THEN PROCEED TO LET IT CRASH IN THE OCEAN AFTER THE TEST and nobody even bats an eye. Sickening it is. :

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by TXRabbit

I moved to Marion, Indiana recently and was shocked by the people here. For the first time I have to take public transportation. What shocks me is this, the attitudes of some of these people who do nothing but hang out at the bus station or ride the bus all day long. Today on the bus, a young man who had no apparent disability and was talking very lucid and coherent was sharing with another lady about how he was trying to get his disability check started. That bugs me when people say "my disability" as though it is their right to own it. She was trying to convince him that he needed to have something wrong with him that he could prove. He replied that he had it figured out. There was nothing wrong with him, just that he thought he should get his check.

At the bus station, a young woman was talking to a man about working, she said, and I quote "How are you going to look for a job, you have a monthly income". There was no "good for you for trying" or "that's right, don't let anything keep you down". The people here drink those large convenience store sodas and carry them around all day long. I always thought that you should try to look cool by not looking like a fool. This looks very foolish to me and tells me so much about your life.

I am a disabled person that has a disabling disease that I did nothing to get, it just happened. It clearly hit me during the time of my life when I was the most productive and it kills me having to stop working. I know I am not supposed to judge people or ask questions about their lives. But the people in this country today are falling into the poverty trap because they are really too lazy to do anything else and don't want to do anything else. Don't get me wrong, there are some good people who do ride the bus, some are elderly and today I talked to an 81 year-old man who had served in the Army. He was dressed in clothes that fit and he was well-spoken. He was not a lazy bum who had leached services.

I am angry at the young people in this country who think that welfare is there for them. I am angry at young punks who get young stupid girls pregnant and do not support their children so the girls go on welfare. They teach their children that welfare is more honorable than work. When did this happen? When I was in school, if a boy got a girl pregnant, he better marry her because it was the responsible thing to do.

I know there are a lot of single parents who may read this post and think I am insulting them. That is not so, what I am saying is this...if you can spend all day on Facebook, Myspace, Bebo or ATS, then you can get yourself out there and work at McDonalds. It's not that hard. But if you are a single parent because of a tragic incident, you can still go work. But if you are like me, and you have worked and contributed to society and paid into the system, then you should not feel ashamed. But alas, we are made to feel ashamed for having an illness. We are made to feel as though we are the ones who created this problem.

The least you can do for your children is not the best. And if you have done the best you can do, then make sure they do better than you. Welfare is not the even the least you can do, and take it from someone who had a bum for a father who raised his children on welfare. It is insulting to the hard working people who have to pay for you to sit around all day playing.

Again, my apologies to people who became parents through tragic circumstances. If you had your child when you were very young, then my apologies. Welfare was created to be temporary. And if people say there are no jobs, then why are fast food restaurants always hiring? We need more nurses, doctors and teachers in this country. Go to college, do something, but do not rely on welfare because it only encourages more welfare. This disabled person does not have a mental disability, like so many claim because there is nothing physically wrong with them. This disabled person wants to get back out there and work. This disabled person is only here temporarily.

I had to make the choice for my life, the illness won this round but will not win the war. Good for Michigan, I hope it teaches people a lesson that life may be free for you but it comes at a big cost to the people who are tired of carrying your sorry, lazy butts.

And that is the end of my rant.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by ForestBehindTheTrees
This saddens me to the core. Based on the responses grouping EVERY person on welfare in the "low life don't wanna work category", most of you that commented must make some serious cash and have never struggled or needed assistance. People need to do research on the poor and "entitlements" before passing judgement. Did you know in my state (Texas) minimum wage is in the $7 dollar range? Did you know when you qualify for unemployment here the MAX you can get is 1200 a month?

Did you know the ones that qualify for that $1200 are the ones that were making atleast pay in the $20 an hour range? We all know people abuse any type of system whether its the justice system or a financial system, but to group the entire poor class into the abuser category is ignorant to the bone. People keep talking about the government is starting class warfare but its obvious its already been going on with the general public and how they feel about the poor.

P.S nobody complains about the military complex that just eats up all our dollars. I mean the air force can spend a few billion testing a new aircraft that can go mach 20, THEN PROCEED TO LET IT CRASH IN THE OCEAN AFTER THE TEST and nobody even bats an eye. Sickening it is. :

And the Federal minimum wage in all states in 7.50. And there are a lot of poor people who are poor because they like to be poor.

This passing judgment comes from being raised by parents who were lazy and were on welfare. Thank God I chose to do different in my life. Yes, class warfare has been going on a long time. But pandering the poor does not end it.

Suppose we didn't have those jet fighters? Think of what would happen then. Do you really want poverty that exists in nations that do not like us? Yes, crashing a jet plane that cost that much is really excessive. But so is buying drugs and guns with welfare money.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by WarminIndy

I know there are a lot of single parents who may read this post and think I am insulting them. That is not so, what I am saying is this...if you can spend all day on Facebook, Myspace, Bebo or ATS, then you can get yourself out there and work at McDonalds. It's not that hard. But if you are a single parent because of a tragic incident, you can still go work. But if you are like me, and you have worked and contributed to society and paid into the system, then you should not feel ashamed. But alas, we are made to feel ashamed for having an illness. We are made to feel as though we are the ones who created this problem.

I have a question for you, then. If you can manage to type the way you do, here on ATS, what is preventing you from working at home, earning a living typing? By the looks of your post, you do quite well navigating the internet and posting replies. You could do customer service, sales, and all sorts of jobs from home with your skills.

My husband has MS, is on total dissability but can manage to mow the lawn, over 3 acres at home, plus cut grass for other people just because he is bored. He doesn't charge them a dime. It seems that when I bring up the fact that he is able, that is when his symptoms flair so he will have an excuse not to work. You can still work a set amount of hours while you are on SSDI without losing any of your benefits. You can even work full time for up to nine months to see if you can get yourself off dissability, earning as much money as you can without it affecting your benefits. Had you just let your post go without the snide comment of people spending time on ATS instead of working, then I probably would have let this go! My husband like you, feels entitled to collect a check, instead of figuring out other ways to earn a living outside of what he used to do. It's easier to collect a check because he has MS (his symptoms are not that bad) simply because the government says he is completely dissabled.

I had to make the choice for my life, the illness won this round but will not win the war. Good for Michigan, I hope it teaches people a lesson that life may be free for you but it comes at a big cost to the people who are tired of carrying your sorry, lazy butts.

And that is the end of my rant.

And, once again, if you can spend all the time you did posting this on ATS, as well as you did, why aren't you attempting to work doing something (like what you posted here) to earn a living?

Yep, I did find your post completely judgemental!

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:32 PM
Its a good start.
In Mass we have 3rd/4th generation welfare families. My wife is a teacher and all of her kids are on the system,while I visited her for lunch one day a guy in a Porsche Cayenne S pulls up and parks next to me. I was like damn, she said his kid was on welfare and getting free lunches. In fact most of these kids parents drive big dollar cars. I have no problems helping a person who is down on their luck and needs a hand getting through hard times. I have a huge problem when they abuse the system and keep pumping out kids for more money. They are paying these people to have kids, if you dont believe me check out the population growth stats for Mass.While only 30% of the population they account for 90% of the growth while one stat I read was almost 100% of the growth. 4years is long enough to get training/degree and become a contributing member of society. What scares me as most of these people believe that they are entitled to this and theres nothing wrong with it, they have no remorse or will to work. In fact most of them think that we are the stupid ones for working. I really dont blame the people personally, I blame the system,after all who can say no to free money, health care, housing, education,transportation and so on.


posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Camperguy

Perhaps the father was visiting his son, who he doesn't have custody of after school is not in session. It's amazing what dead beat parents can get away with, allowing them to drive a Porche, while the custodial parent is so poor that the kids have to be on welfare and get hot meals at school!

edit on 8-9-2011 by Blanca Rose because: typo

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Blanca Rose

Actually I am working at home. I am a trained writer, thank you for noticing how well I write. I write screenplays and have been involved in making films. Thank you for noticing my work ethic.

By the way, I am also working on my Master's thesis for college. That is exciting for me. And I have MS as well. Although I don't mow lawns because it is hard to push a mower with a wheelchair, but thanks for bringing your husband's plight up to me.

I don't get SSDI. And I don't use my disability as an excuse. And yes, I could work in an office, I have thought of that as well. I did go work at Wal-Mart but could only work there for several months before it became difficult to maneuver around. Sounds to me like you need to address the problems you have with your husband.

The weather is much cooler now so I think I can go out and find something to do, perhaps in the office like you suggested. That would be wonderful. But wait, darn it, I am a writer and write at home. I am also involved in making several documentary films, perhaps next year you would like to pay the ticket price to see them in the theater? That would be nice if you could contribute to my cause. Would you like to know how to make a film? I could teach you and then you could pay me for teaching you. But not every person can be a writer, and this is the talent I have been imparted and indued with. So thank you for noticing how well I write, I will take it as a compliment and perhaps when I write a film about people who spend their days posting in conspiracy theory threads, I will remember your advice.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose

Originally posted by WarminIndy

I know there are a lot of single parents who may read this post and think I am insulting them. That is not so, what I am saying is this...if you can spend all day on Facebook, Myspace, Bebo or ATS, then you can get yourself out there and work at McDonalds. It's not that hard. But if you are a single parent because of a tragic incident, you can still go work. But if you are like me, and you have worked and contributed to society and paid into the system, then you should not feel ashamed. But alas, we are made to feel ashamed for having an illness. We are made to feel as though we are the ones who created this problem.

I have a question for you, then. If you can manage to type the way you do, here on ATS, what is preventing you from working at home, earning a living typing? By the looks of your post, you do quite well navigating the internet and posting replies. You could do customer service, sales, and all sorts of jobs from home with your skills.

My husband has MS, is on total dissability but can manage to mow the lawn, over 3 acres at home, plus cut grass for other people just because he is bored. He doesn't charge them a dime. It seems that when I bring up the fact that he is able, that is when his symptoms flair so he will have an excuse not to work. You can still work a set amount of hours while you are on SSDI without losing any of your benefits. You can even work full time for up to nine months to see if you can get yourself off dissability, earning as much money as you can without it affecting your benefits. Had you just let your post go without the snide comment of people spending time on ATS instead of working, then I probably would have let this go! My husband like you, feels entitled to collect a check, instead of figuring out other ways to earn a living outside of what he used to do. It's easier to collect a check because he has MS (his symptoms are not that bad) simply because the government says he is completely dissabled.

I had to make the choice for my life, the illness won this round but will not win the war. Good for Michigan, I hope it teaches people a lesson that life may be free for you but it comes at a big cost to the people who are tired of carrying your sorry, lazy butts.

And that is the end of my rant.

And, once again, if you can spend all the time you did posting this on ATS, as well as you did, why aren't you attempting to work doing something (like what you posted here) to earn a living?

Yep, I did find your post completely judgemental!

Where do I apply for the type at home job?

While that sounds all nice, the work at home gimmicks are just that a scam..

If everyone (or anyone) could get paid to sit at home and type, i'm sure EVERYONE would do it..

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by litterbaux
reply to post by LargeFries

Here comes more dis-info agent verbage!

You don't hear about illegal immigrant stock brokers or illegal immigrant lawyers. These people are doing jobs that nobody else wants to do. Face it, do you want to pick strawberries for 12 hours a day for 10 bucks? Didn't think so. Now we get back to the welfare problem. People do not want to do hard labor and earn an honest buck. These immigrants aren't taking jobs from Americans, they are taking jobs Americans don't want. Someone has to pick your blueberries, would you do it for 10 dollars a day? You wont, they will. The list goes on and on. Would you wash dishes at taco bell for minimum wage or just take welfare? A sensible person would take welfare, its more money and you don't have to do anything at all.

Welfare is a crutch not a way of life.

Why is this so hard to understand?

They hire the illegals for BELOW minimum wage...
Hell if they offer minimum wage to pick fruit it would be better
then flipping burgers in my estimation....

Of course no one is going to do a job for an illegal wage!

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by orbitbaby
This is going to be interesting. Michigan has one of the highest
unemployment rates in the country. Where are these people
supposed to get jobs?

Um..I live in Michigan..all they have to do is get off their a$$ and look..there is work here. I was laid off in 2009 from my job of 14 years. In the 9 months I was laid off I was able to find 2 other jobs until I was called back to my original job.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by popsmcgee

Originally posted by Blanca Rose

Originally posted by WarminIndy

I know there are a lot of single parents who may read this post and think I am insulting them. That is not so, what I am saying is this...if you can spend all day on Facebook, Myspace, Bebo or ATS, then you can get yourself out there and work at McDonalds. It's not that hard. But if you are a single parent because of a tragic incident, you can still go work. But if you are like me, and you have worked and contributed to society and paid into the system, then you should not feel ashamed. But alas, we are made to feel ashamed for having an illness. We are made to feel as though we are the ones who created this problem.

I have a question for you, then. If you can manage to type the way you do, here on ATS, what is preventing you from working at home, earning a living typing? By the looks of your post, you do quite well navigating the internet and posting replies. You could do customer service, sales, and all sorts of jobs from home with your skills.

My husband has MS, is on total dissability but can manage to mow the lawn, over 3 acres at home, plus cut grass for other people just because he is bored. He doesn't charge them a dime. It seems that when I bring up the fact that he is able, that is when his symptoms flair so he will have an excuse not to work. You can still work a set amount of hours while you are on SSDI without losing any of your benefits. You can even work full time for up to nine months to see if you can get yourself off dissability, earning as much money as you can without it affecting your benefits. Had you just let your post go without the snide comment of people spending time on ATS instead of working, then I probably would have let this go! My husband like you, feels entitled to collect a check, instead of figuring out other ways to earn a living outside of what he used to do. It's easier to collect a check because he has MS (his symptoms are not that bad) simply because the government says he is completely dissabled.

I had to make the choice for my life, the illness won this round but will not win the war. Good for Michigan, I hope it teaches people a lesson that life may be free for you but it comes at a big cost to the people who are tired of carrying your sorry, lazy butts.

And that is the end of my rant.

And, once again, if you can spend all the time you did posting this on ATS, as well as you did, why aren't you attempting to work doing something (like what you posted here) to earn a living?

Yep, I did find your post completely judgemental!

Where do I apply for the type at home job?

While that sounds all nice, the work at home gimmicks are just that a scam..

If everyone (or anyone) could get paid to sit at home and type, i'm sure EVERYONE would do it..

Pops, even people like me who sit at home and type are trained to do it. That is something I had to go to college for. But what I am trained to do is for an industry that pays a lot of money to people like producers and directors and actors. People like me don't make so much, but you still have to go to college for it.

Those work at home typing jobs are really a scam. You are right about that. People fall for it because it sounds like easy money or they believe they can raise their children while working at home. And no, my classes were not online, I had to actually go to a classroom on a campus and produce actual projects.

Instead of welfare, perhaps more states can be like Kentucky and have a college that students who are from the state can attend free, like Morehead State University in Olive Hill. That is a great opportunity from one of the poorest states in this country. And recently, Harvard University began offering free classes for children from welfare families. Education is the most important pursuit a young child should endeavor and should have parents who encourage them to pursue it.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by popsmcgee

Americans used to.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by WarminIndy
reply to post by popsmcgee

Americans used to.

I think we are advanced enough that we have unemployment benefits,
social security for over 65, food stamps, disability, and welfare.

My neighbor is epileptic he gets disability, he never knows when his next siezure will be.

He would love to be able to get a real job and make more then what he is getting.

Without disability he would litteraly have been left for dead in this society.

While I understand the complaints against welfare, I do not want anyone left to die
in the streets.... I know welfare is not disability. There will be people who abuse the system
as long as there is a system.

No one should have to work for below minimum wage in a fruit field..
If they want to pay at least minimum wage, i'm sure there would be people
who would do it.. There are so many illegals to do it though, they will not hire you..

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by WarminIndy

Actually I am working at home. I am a trained writer, thank you for noticing how well I write. I write screenplays and have been involved in making films. Thank you for noticing my work ethic.

By the way, I am also working on my Master's thesis for college. That is exciting for me. And I have MS as well. Although I don't mow lawns because it is hard to push a mower with a wheelchair, but thanks for bringing your husband's plight up to me.

I don't get SSDI. And I don't use my disability as an excuse. And yes, I could work in an office, I have thought of that as well. I did go work at Wal-Mart but could only work there for several months before it became difficult to maneuver around. Sounds to me like you need to address the problems you have with your husband.

Well this is all terrific. What a great example for people who you think take advantage of the welfare system. It's nice to see what people can do, rather than just judge them, right? You have shown what determination can do, given your illness. My husband knows that I think he is capable of more. He feels entitled, so suffers from terminal boredom more so than his illness.

The weather is much cooler now so I think I can go out and find something to do, perhaps in the office like you suggested. That would be wonderful. But wait, darn it, I am a writer and write at home. I am also involved in making several documentary films, perhaps next year you would like to pay the ticket price to see them in the theater? That would be nice if you could contribute to my cause. Would you like to know how to make a film? I could teach you and then you could pay me for teaching you. But not every person can be a writer, and this is the talent I have been imparted and indued with. So thank you for noticing how well I write, I will take it as a compliment and perhaps when I write a film about people who spend their days posting in conspiracy theory threads, I will remember your advice.

Thanks for your offer of teaching me. My father worked in the film industry his entire life, and I could probably teach you a thing or two based on all the summers I spent working as an apprentice for him.

As for writing, while it isn't my forte, it runs in my family. My older brother has a community newspaper in Chicago, and just shut down a magazine he started more than 20 years ago.

The whole point is, it's easy to be judgemental, rather than give people who are on welfare examples of now how to be, like you just did in your reply to me here. It is inspirational.

It's not fair to judge a whole class of people receiving those benefits based on what you encounter at the bus stop. I sometimes used public transportation rather than fight traffic, parking, etc. Some bus stop people are a breed unto themselves, and just because some of them are on welfare, should not be indicative of all the rest who are.

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