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Guess where Obama will be on 9/27 (next major ELEnin alignment) ???

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by galactictuan
The rest of Elenin is invisible to us because it's cloaked.

The Harbinger of PEACE, it is, shall so, it is.

Why is it cloaked?


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Jakes51
Should I listen to a bunch of people who sit in their den all day making You Tube videos with crappy soundtracks and with shoddy science, or should I listen people with actual credentials in the scientific field? Oh the difficulty of having to choose? We have had numerous scientists, astronomers, and space agencies refute claims by the fringe about this being an extinction level event.

TSME - While I Would Obviously Take Every YouTube Video With a Heart Attack Enducing Amount of Salt...Most Scientists Whose Testimony You Hear, Is Also Status Quo and Very MainStream.
In Fact I Think There is a Very Sinister Side To Science, as With All Things.

Originally posted by Jakes51
I highly doubt the President or the Queen, and practically anyone of the elite will endure long term. The bunker will run out of supplies, generators will run out of fuel, fresh water will be depleted.

TSME - Your Naive to Believe that Fossil Fuels, Are The Choice Of The Elite.
This Isnt a Bunker From HomeBase....Or The American Equivolent.
It Is Highly Technological. As With All Bunkers...It Will Have Train Lines, Tunnels, Etc Through to Other Bunkers.
By Now, Theyve Probably Had Time To Build Whole Cities, Under Our Very Feet.

Originally posted by Jakes51
Extinction Level Event means almost all life forms will perish from said event.

TSME - No, Extinction Level Event Means Exactly What It Says.
There Are Billions of Types of LifeForm.
The Dinosaur Extinction Didnt Include Man...Nor Bird...Nor Fish...Thats Just Three. Insects. Arachnids. Crocodilians.

Quite Alot Of Things Survive ELE's.

Originally posted by Jakes51
That is unless they have the anti-gravity space ship gassed-up at Area 51. Please excuse the sarcasm.

TSME - It Is Hard To Excuse The Sarcasm, When It is Your Whole Basis Of This Remark
And Once Again The Naivety is Astonishing.
Area51 = The Most Heavily Guarded, Secretive Place On The Third Rock From Our Star.
But I Guess The Shoot on Sight Policy, And MIB's Are There, Because They Dont Want You to See Airplanes.
1) Airplanes Arent a Secret. 2) Anti Gravity Wouldnt Need to Be Gassed Up, Seeing as Anti Gravity, is Possible Using Solar Power And/Or The Control of the Earths Magnetic Force.
Using Quite Simple Mathematics...Not Just Science.

edit on 02/09/2011 by TheSandMansExecutioner because: Too Trippy
edit on 02/09/2011 by TheSandMansExecutioner because: TSME = Me.

extra DIV

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:07 AM
^ That quotation presentation is trippy man.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Jakes51
Folks we are on the verge of global economic collapse, unrest all over the Middle East, China is on verge becoming a Super Power, nuclear catastrophe in Japan, and other earthly misfortunes to contend with. Yet, people feel the urge to itemize their time with this widely refuted doomsday scenario?

These Are Very Well Documented Things...Which Im Sure Most ATS Members Have Prior Knowledge Of.
Why Is Then Adding This Elenin Topic To Their To-Do-List a Problem.
I Very Much Doubt Any Of Us Are Fixated With Any One Subject. Or We Wouldnt Be Here.

Besides Which, The Global Economic Collapse, Has Been Ongoing Since Monetary Systems Were Put In Place.
Inflation Has Never Gone Down. And Nothing Will Change, Until Paper, And Digits On a Computer Screen Stop Becoming Our Commodity For Trade.
However All Of Your Gold, And Precious Metals Are Hidden Well UnderGround. (I Go Back To Your Comment Of Fuel Running Out For The Elite.)

Also, What You Would Call Unrest, I Would Call Illegal Invasions, And And Obligatory Reaction By The Masses. Defending Yourself, Is Instinct Right?? Or Should We Be Compliant To Our Master...Like a Dancing Bear, Or Circus Elephant.....Its Not Long Before Dignity Takes Over. And You React To Bullying.

China Has Been a Super Power Since Before The Great Wall Was Even And Idea.
Even So, China as a Super Power Isnt Half as Scary as The States Becoming a Super Power.

I Personally Await The Apocalyptic End To The Great Babylon.

Tony Blair On The Iraq Inva...War, War...I Meant War... "I think if you have faith about these things, you realise that judgement is made by other people … and if you believe in God, it's made by God as well."

If I, Or Indeed You, Justified War Crimes With This...We Would Be Executed.
He Was Appointed Middle East Envoy.
edit on 02/09/2011 by TheSandMansExecutioner because: Too Trippy, Apologies.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:12 AM
Regarding the subject of Nibiru which has been brought up in this discussion, as in 'How far behind Elenin is Nibiru' and so on:

Hasn't the whole 'Nibiru is near' thing been completely debunked due to how it's not possible for it to be as close as people claim without us being able to clearly see it, as in TPTB would not be able to prevent every amateur astronomer, or anyone with good binoculars, from seeing it?

Also if it was anywhere near Elenin, hasn't it been shown that its gravity would have disturbed the positions of some of the outer planets? and that this hasn't happened?

Also regarding the alignment debate, while I don't think that Elenin could in any way affect the earth (too small, not enough gravity etc) isn't it unfair to say that it doesn't align with earth & sun because it doesn't lie on the ecliptic plane, as Elenin+earth+sun define a 2D plane themselves, as do any three points in space?
edit on 6-9-2011 by Vasteel because: I realise the fault in my alignment point, Elenin+earth+sun may be on same plane but not actually in line, duh

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by TheSandMansExecutioner

Dear TSME,
What is with the constant use of capitalisation in your responses? Do you suffer from OCD or ADHD, or do you lack the ability to write properly?

Very annoying habit, if it's intended stop it immediately.


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Deplume

So, I totally want some fairy cakes! Regardless of the whole earthquake thing.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:14 AM
Nice, another youtube video consisting of scrolling words in a funky typeface backed by mid-90s house techno. I made it through all of about 15 seconds....

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by nyancat
So the globalists want to kill off alot of people on the Earth right? We are too overpopulated. nuclear bombs? waste of good material and dirty and it looks like our fault(tptb). Plant a few rockets on a astroid/comet and gently steer it into earth and make it look like some prophecy to kill a crap load of people? maybe and ontop of that you keep the slaves following religions you created. Haha i know its a little far fetched but possible

I have often thought that one out. Then it is an act of "God" which ever one you want to blame it on. You could actually steer it into an entire country (China) survive it (Underground bunkers) get rid of some unwashed masses and declare the world as United (NWOoooh) after the cleanup.
edit on 6-9-2011 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by TripleDoubleSingle

I read on discovery news from my phone that an 18-year-old british student discovered/witnessed the break-up of the comet she was studying over the summer named, Comet 213P Van Ness. Coincidentally, at the end of the article an astronomer, Howes, is quoted as saying, "Between that and the fragmentation of Comet Elenin recently which, due to it's altitude we could not image, goes to show that these enigmatic interlopers are really fascinating."

I'm not sure if I entirely believe the quote since the lack of image evidence doesn't supports it. To me, and this might sound ignorant, but this quote sounds a little 'gently placed' if you ask me. I imagine the editor saying, "O' a comet story.. make sure to include the break up of Elenin!"

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 05:39 PM
I notice the debunkers went from "ELEnin doesn't exist" to "ELEnin is just a small comet!


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

Um, where did anyone ever say Elenin didn't exist? The claim has always been that Nibiru doesn't exist. Up until recently all the ELE-tards were claiming that Elenin was a brown dwarf/Nibiru. That is what doesn't exist and now that that's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the claims are things like Elenin is a spaceship. Elenin has always been a comet and that's what those of us who have been trying to put an end to this nonsense since day one have always claimed.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by SatoriTheory

Originally posted by galactictuan
The rest of Elenin is invisible to us because it's cloaked.

The Harbinger of PEACE, it is, shall so, it is.

Why is it cloaked?


because it is cloaked4u to see at the right moment in time.
It will come like a thief in the night, for know,one will know the day or the hour. May peace be with all you Gladiators.

edit on 6-9-2011 by cloaked4u because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-9-2011 by cloaked4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by DukeOfDorch

I wish I hadn't attached the video, forget the video...

This thread is about the "leader of the free world" being in Denver on major alignment day.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by torqpoc
reply to post by TheSandMansExecutioner

Dear TSME,
What is with the constant use of capitalisation in your responses? Do you suffer from OCD or ADHD, or do you lack the ability to write properly?

Very annoying habit, if it's intended stop it immediately.


I wasnt aware, we were here for grammar lessons. Or indeed Psychiatric Diagnostics.
Duely noted.

Also, If Is That Annoying To You, It May Be You Who Has OCD.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 03:53 PM
I was watching conspiracy theory with jesse ventura one time and he went to Denver airport. They were doing construction about 1 mile from the airport, and as they got got closer they had cars following them and they started seing that they were building TUNNELS!
They did the same thing on 9/11, they evacuated all the top officials and sent them to secret locations. They dont care about people like us.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Heartisblack

I heard she already bought property in Colorado, for later.....know what I mean?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Wow, a bunch of NASA big wigs will be in Denver the same day (week) -

Sept. 21 through Sept. 27 astronauts, engineers, education specialists and program scientists will make presentations at public schools, universities, the Fiske Planetarium, the Denver Botanic Gardens and the Butterfly Pavilion.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by boncho

how about solid Granite? I'm not sure I agree with your statement...really surprised at all the stars you got for the comment. The Military admits to a underground city/base under Denver. When asked if regular citizens could gain access? The reply given was that the Doors will be long closed by the time the first person even get's there!

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
Oh my god!!!!!!!! The world is gonna end!!!!!!!!!!!!1

You should be typing OMG!!! to keep up with the trendy acronyms

I am just as much amazed at some of the characters on here as you are

Well. All we can do is wait and let 09/27 pass us by

edit on 15-9-2011 by hp1229 because: (no reason given)

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