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Are Homophobics Gay?

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posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by iforget
Are bisexuals terrified of homophobes or would it be asexuals? I am so confused
if I am terrified of all phobics then I am fearless?

I think there are more causes of phobia than there are phobias

Maybe you should take the test if you are so confused?
About that last bit...good thinking.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by 200457
Being gay is plain wrong. If everyone turned gay, our race would die. Gays are detrimental to society.

So, by this logic, I could assert that being a man is wrong because if everyone were men, then our race would die... Being male is detrimental to society...

See how much sense that makes? None.

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
Lol, that's like saying Atheists are closet Christians.

Do you have a study that backs this assertion up?

S&F for the thread!
I think many anti-gay people are actually gay. Look at all the politicians who drive anti-gay laws and then get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Look at Michelle Bachmann's husband, for Christ's sake! That man is GAY, but will do everything he can to deny it and to 'help' people supposedly get straight.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

It was a pun I find the entire topic silly

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
I find it fascinating how logic goes out the window when this topic comes up.

You wouldn't say an anti-communist fears communism because of his own communist thoughts, or that a libertarian is a closet tax-lover would you?

"That exuberant1 he doth protest too much. He is definitely a Red".

The difference between what you suggested, and the gay issue, is that some people are biologically homosexual. It's out of their control. The extreme homophobes discussed in this thread can't change the core of what they are, so they try to change everything else & end up overcompensating.

Of course though, no one likes to see sexual acts in public that don't arouse them, or don't like public displays of affection.. And that's understandable - to not like the act, directly in front of you. (which isn't homophobia) What's not understandable, is not liking an entire group of people because of what you're picturing in your head about what they do behind closed doors.

Some people believe that gay is a choice though, and I can see that being your counter argument.. So I'll just say pre-emptively, that there is definitely a percentage of gay people that are so gay, that they must've been born that way, like basically a woman in a man's body.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:49 PM
I am an attractive, hetro female. I was in the military for 21 years.
I have a phobia of butch lesbians. I did not start out this way.
I also have a phobia of Arab men since deployment, ones who would just as soon kill me.
I fear what could, or what did harm me. It may not be rational but my brain sorts and groups danger now. I aplogize if that is not politically correct - but there you have it.

Why do I have these phobias? Because I have been sexually harrassed by butch females in the past who would not take no for an answer and insisted that I would like it if I would just try it - um NO! I don't need to "try" I know it would not appeal to me. So now, when I see one - or a couple, I am grossed out. I am sorry. I am sure there are plenty of warm, loving, nice butch women in the world - but since I was practically assaulted by them on more then one occassion - for no known signal I was throwing off - I fear them, and don't want them around me. I was harrassed by men in uniform as well - but they are not as identifiable as the butch element.

I was still open early on - as in harbored not prejudice, but by the time repeat events occured over my many years in uniform - no thank you, please stay away from me. I just want them, and their ideas to stay away from me. Isn't it possible some homophobes are actually victims of unwanted sexual harrassment or assualt??? I've actually heard the arguement that some of these women choose to be gay after assualt or molestation from males. (I don't believe this by the way, but I've heard that.)

People develop phobias of things they think will hurt them. While there are wonderful gay people, and wonderful straight people - either or can be preditory, and use manipulation and smear tactics to question your desire not to play with them. There are probably many reasons phobias develop and one of them is the result of trauma and certainly NOT latent sexual desires.

This just seems such a false arguement - and I am familiar with the studies
edit on 3-9-2011 by LittleBirdSaid because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2011 by LittleBirdSaid because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:50 PM
I find myself in the realm that the thought of bumpin whiskers with another man, is gross. Not because I was told it was gross...but because it just fills my being with yuck.

Just like a homosexual is gay because they have that feeling about the opposite sex, so choose to be with the 'sex' that doesn't make them feel that way.

So why do we label the people who feel "yuck" by homosexuality, homophobes?

If I have to fall under that label, then fine. I am not gay, because of the statement. I'm straight.

When I think of two men in the act, I think of wearing sandpaper gloves and rubbing my hands together, just aint right. If it's right for them, awesome for them.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by 200457
Being gay is plain wrong. If everyone turned gay, our race would die. Gays are detrimental to society.

So, by this logic, I could assert that being a man is wrong because if everyone were men, then our race would die... Being male is detrimental to society...

See how much sense that makes? None.

2 men can not create a child together. Neither can 2 women. *(leaving science out, test tube ect). One sex needs the other for procreation. Period. If everyone turned "gay", and we didn't have science to ensure our species survival, we would become extinct. As would, if everyone were men. So it makes sense, but not in the way you meant it to not. haha.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 03:00 PM
Homosexuality is a learned behavior from something lacking in that person's life.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by LittleBirdSaid
I am an attractive, hetro female. I was in the military for 21 years.
I have a phobia of butch lesbians. I did not start out this way.

This study was done on men. I think it's important to consider that men and women (speaking generally) respond to situations differently. A study done exclusively on men may not directly translate to women or prove anything about women at all, simply because of our generally different world view.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Demoncreeper
I find myself in the realm that the thought of bumpin whiskers with another man, is gross. Not because I was told it was gross...but because it just fills my being with yuck.

I, too, am not the least bit interested in thoughts of 2 men bumping whiskers. It's a bit yuck for me to think about. That doesn't mean that you or I are "homophobes", or the term I prefer - "anti-gay". It just means our sexual interests don't extend to gay men...

So why do we label the people who feel "yuck" by homosexuality, homophobes?

Speaking for myself, I don't. I label people who don't believe in equality and equal rights for the LGBT community, I label people who push for and support legislation that discriminates against them, or use foul and demeaning language when talking about them - basically anyone who thinks it's their job and their business to dictate who should and shouldn't be 'allowed' to love each other, have sex with each other and marry and raise families with each other or have some input as to what other people should do with their own sex organs and bodies.
Those are the people I label anti-gay or bigots. Being yucked-out at 2 men together isn't a reason to label someone as anti-gay.

If I have to fall under that label, then fine. I am not gay, because of the statement. I'm straight.

The study does not suggest that ALL homophobes are gay. Just a lot.
So, as far as we know at this time, you are not a homophobe or anti-gay.

2 men can not create a child together.

Oops. I may have spoken too soon. What's your point?

You have stated a scientific fact. If everyone only had sex with their own gender, then the species would die out. I agree with that. What's your point?

It's illogical to hold a position against someone on the basis that if everyone were like them, something dreadful would happen. The nature of humanity is such that we're all different. There's no chance that we're all going to become gay. THAT's what doesn't make sense.

This argument is not about whether or not 2 people of the same gender can make a baby. This has nothing to do with human procreation. Making a point that we've all known since we first learned about the birds and the bees (2 men can not create a child together) isn't some great revelation. But thanks for the info.

edit on 9/3/2011 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by fallow the light
Are arachnophobics Spiders?

Are dendrophobics trees?

Are anthrophobics flowers?

Hmmmmm seems not.

Here's where terminology differs... Homophobes don't run screaming from the room having a massive panic attack whenever someone gay enters the room or is shown on TV... So maybe the term 'phobia' is incorrect to use with these people. They do not express fear. They express irrational hatred towards all things homosexual. That is a major difference and one that makes them very dangerous. It is quite common that self-loathing is turned outward towards those who represent what it is that the person in question is loathing about themselves, which is REALLY what this study is showing...

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Good point

I think the label "homophobe" is a misnomer. Generally speaking, people tend to say that someone who is uncomfortable with homosexuality is a homophobe. That's a bit extreme imho. Just because you are against it, for whatever reason, does not have to mean you have a phobia. lol It just might mean you disagree with the lifestyle.
It might help if people would stop trying to imagine what goes on behind other peoples bedroom doors. It's not ALL about sex.....unless you make it about the sex.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by newcovenant

Are athiests secretly religious?
Are people who use the race card bigots?

Little broad in the brush, aren't we?

That.. that's actually an interesting thought, leaving sarcasm aside.

Think about this - Atheists (at least the ones I've spoken to), WANT to believe in a higher power, a higher force, the lack of evidence is what sets them apart.

And those who play the race card.. maybe they are indeed racist against those who they play that card against?

Questions, questions..
edit on 3-9-2011 by Lionhearte because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:24 PM
The idea that "homophobic" people are secretly gay was probably thought up by homosexuals who wanted to shutup gay bashers. If this logic had any merit then people who hate murder are secretly killers, people who hate child molestors are secretly molestors, people who hate sports are secretly athletes, people who hate school are secretly well educated extc extc extc What a bunch of nonsense.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:26 PM
I aint scared of them
I just dont like them

And No I aint one of them

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Now I'm not denying that some "homophobes" (Damn I hate that stupid word) have internal conflicts about their sexuality.

But a study done with 64 people is suppose to represent the entire worlds population? Are you kidding me?
This researcher is either pushing his agenda or just a simple moron.
edit on 3-9-2011 by DrChuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by beezzer

No and no.

But if a study was done that concluded something, wouldn't you give it more credence?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by beezzer

No and no.

But if a study was done that concluded something, wouldn't you give it more credence?

If it could be reproduced, with an N larger than 62, then of course I would.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:52 PM

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by modeerftahw

Do a Google search for "Gay Sex Scandals" and tell me how many non-conservatives you find in such a search... It has been my experience that those who are secure in their sexuality don't give a crap about what anybody else does...

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:03 PM

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