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Man Faces Life In Jail For Recording Police

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Me? I don't think police are like Nazis, but I do think we are veering into shady territory with video cameras everywhere and monitors that can tell how many miles you were going between one toll booth and the next and voila you get a speeding ticket in the mail, and eyes in the sky and so on. I read George Orwell's NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR when I was about 15 and it had a very profound impact on me. I have been watching our country change since the mid to late 70's. And when our govt calls its civilians right wing extremists and starts having the FBI scan rallies and take pictures of the attendees( likely to be used at a later date) because those civilians don't agree with their agenda, we are definitely on the wrong course. It should be obvious that a group of ordinary citizens concerned about the Totalitarian Socialist nightmare we are seeing form right before our very eyes are villified by that very group, something is not right with this.
This is why people come to sites like this, because all is not right. I know you think that may be over the top, but I've been watching it develop since I was 15.

no i agree with you...its part of the reason im here too...i smuggled a copy of 1984 while i was in basic training about the wrong book to be reading at the wrong time...ive read brave new world too and think both books speak so much truth. the government pisses me off as much as anyone else.

What I fear the most is this....all this over security going on and some group of politicians turning it all on us at once. I do worry about this. But I think you will find...that when if the US every crosses that will see people like me leave the profession....

I have more survival crap than I know what to do with...just in case something happens...whether it be a comet or the government going nuts. But I don't think we are there yet....I dont think we are even close...there are some shady things that go on, but I think there are bigger dangers as of now.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:45 PM
This is absolutely outrageous!!! People from all over should come out and back this guy. This is America, not a communist country. Something has to be done about this because law enforcement can't police themselves. If they don't have anything to hide they shouldn't be hell bent on people recording their actions.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

Bad mouthing your employer online is NOT a first amendment right.

What is exactly covered under Free Speech? Speaking only nicely to people? You have fallen prey to the pc police I think. We do have defamation laws now to keep people from uselessly beating up on each other verbally, but where does it say in the Bill of Rights that I cannot speak out against my employer or the govt or anybody? Does it mean there are no consequences? Of course not. Actually I think it was Wilson who introduced sedition law into this country, and why do you think he did it? Because Progressives at that time embraced Totalitarianism. Jonah Goldberg states in his book, "Liberal Fascism" that Wilson was the first fascist totalitarian in our country. Many Progressives even embraced Hitler and Mussolini before Hitler got completely out of control. In fact I have read that Hitler got his eugenics ideas from American eugenicists. Margaret Sanger in fact embraced eugenics and founded the American Birth Control League, now called Planned Parenthood.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on May 16, 1918.[1] It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt. The act also allowed the Postmaster General to refuse to deliver mail that met those same standards for punishable speech or opinion. It applied only to times "when the United States is in war."[2] It was repealed on December 13, 1920.[3]

excerpt of Sedition Act

and whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States or the Constitution...or the military or naval forces of the United States, or the flag... or shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any language intended to incite, provoke, or encourage resistance to the United States... or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy

Considering that our Founding Fathers broke away from the Crown of Great Britain and the right of Free Speech was directly related to the right to speak out against the tyranny of corrupt rulers, one has to wonder how the Sedition Act ever made it into law.

With the act rendered inoperative by the end of hostilities, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer waged a public campaign, not unrelated to his own campaign for the Democratic nomination for president, in favor of a peacetime version of the Sedition Act.[23] He sent a circular outlining his rationale to newspaper editors in January 1919, citing the dangerous foreign-language press and radical attempts to create unrest in African American communities.[24] He testified in favor of such a law in early June 1920. At one point Congress had more than 70 versions of proposed language and amendments for such a bill,[2

edit on 1-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

hope its not against the tc to quote or reply to your self but i wanted to clarify my post it seems he is being charged with Audio(changed because i screwed up) taping a public offical not a police officer per see but a judge ,but that leads to the important question what is the judge trying to hide in a case that obviously has no threat of violence erupting would the judge be worried about his privacy what was he trying to hide by not let a recording happen why do there own words seem to put the fear of god into them so much that they want to put a man in jail for the mere want of a record of his trial in-case anything shady happened

edit on 1-9-2011 by KilrathiLG because: to clarify an error

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by BadNinja68

Originally posted by areyouserious2010
Not true. The vast majority of police do their jobs properly everyday, hundreds of thousands of times over, you just only hear about the incidents that go wrong or are suspected police corruption.

There are corrupt cops, and cops who ignore the corrupt cops.

anther FYI:

99% of the cops out there have a less than rudimentary grasp of the laws they are paid to uphold.
How can you realistically enforce laws you don't even know or understand without violating innocent peoples rights?

Cops are undereducated, untertrained and, underpaid. This makes some of them a dangerous liability IMHO.

I say pay all cops 100K a year to start.. but require them to pass a watered down version of their state's bar exam first.


This statement made me smile...I have a Bachelor's degree, Im probably overpaid for being a cop, and I have a very good understanding of the laws I enforce...when I don't...I call the S/A's Office...and they tell me how they want to proceed....It is very simple actually. Honestly man....I know of a single corrupt cop and he was fired immediately. Im not saying there are some "good ol boy" systems out there where they watch each others back on anything, but it is not as bad as you are making it seem. Cops aren't all bad brother. Honestly its the laws that are whacked. There are too many laws broken into too many categories. I do more paperwork on a DUI arrest than a sexual assault case...why is that? Cause some stupid ass law maker made a series of steps that you have to do during a DUI arrest which is total bull#. But its a job man...I have to enforce laws I don't agree with it...that doesnt make me corrupt or brain washed....think of everything you do in the job you have that you don't want to's part of the job!

edit on 1-9-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

A BA is more than most, in CJ I would guess?

So, if I were to add speeding, moving violations to the list, and "extending professional courtesy" to the list of corrupt acts, would your reply be the same?

I live in Southern California now.
google San Diego Police Dept.
you will see link after link to articles of corrupt law enforcement.

I moved here from South Georgia.
Ive seen more corrupt cops than pine trees.
in my younger days, I worked selling situation specific tools to various Law Enforcement departments.
Scariest part of that job was being alone with cops and hearing them talk freely.
I stopped doing that after a year.
You wouldnt believe some of the things I heard them say.
(then again, maybe you would)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by KilrathiLG
reply to post by KilrathiLG

hope its not against the tc to quote or reply to your self but i wanted to clarify my post it seems he is being charged with video taping a public offical not a police officer per see but a judge ,but that leads to the important question what is the judge trying to hide in a case that obviously has no threat of violence erupting would the judge be worried about his privacy what was he trying to hide by not let a recording happen why do there own words seem to put the fear of god into them so much that they want to put a man in jail for the mere want of a record of his trial in-case anything shady happened

its audio taping not video taping

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
reply to post by hawkiye

No such right in the bill of rights, I'm afraid.

Citizens do not have a right to have video tape of dealings with public officials. This is a smart thing to do, but is by no means a right.

Rights do not have to be in the bill of rights to exist as the 9th and 10th amendments illustrate, it is simply a list of the more poignant rights. However the 1st and 4th amendments cover this quite well. The right to be secure in ones person or property is paramount, and freedom of expression. Video taping the actions of police who have the powers of arrest and imprisonment is very important to being secure against abuse of rights as citizens.

edit on 1-9-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

oh good for you! Then we may be more on the same page than we thought. We both believe in the rule of law, but know it can be abused if taken to extremes. This is why the Constitution is so important, and there is no other document like it anywhere in the world( although I think Australia may have something akin to it, but I am not sure what all it entails) and this is why we cannot let a bunch of grimy politicans "fundamentally change" our society.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by BadNinja68

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by BadNinja68

Originally posted by areyouserious2010
Not true. The vast majority of police do their jobs properly everyday, hundreds of thousands of times over, you just only hear about the incidents that go wrong or are suspected police corruption.

There are corrupt cops, and cops who ignore the corrupt cops.

anther FYI:

99% of the cops out there have a less than rudimentary grasp of the laws they are paid to uphold.
How can you realistically enforce laws you don't even know or understand without violating innocent peoples rights?

Cops are undereducated, untertrained and, underpaid. This makes some of them a dangerous liability IMHO.

I say pay all cops 100K a year to start.. but require them to pass a watered down version of their state's bar exam first.


This statement made me smile...I have a Bachelor's degree, Im probably overpaid for being a cop, and I have a very good understanding of the laws I enforce...when I don't...I call the S/A's Office...and they tell me how they want to proceed....It is very simple actually. Honestly man....I know of a single corrupt cop and he was fired immediately. Im not saying there are some "good ol boy" systems out there where they watch each others back on anything, but it is not as bad as you are making it seem. Cops aren't all bad brother. Honestly its the laws that are whacked. There are too many laws broken into too many categories. I do more paperwork on a DUI arrest than a sexual assault case...why is that? Cause some stupid ass law maker made a series of steps that you have to do during a DUI arrest which is total bull#. But its a job man...I have to enforce laws I don't agree with it...that doesnt make me corrupt or brain washed....think of everything you do in the job you have that you don't want to's part of the job!

A BA is more than most, in CJ I would guess?

So, if I were to add speeding, moving violations to the list, and "extending professional courtesy" to the list of corrupt acts, would your reply be the same?

I live in Southern California now.
google San Diego Police Dept.
you will see link after link to articles of corrupt law enforcement.

I moved here from South Georgia.
Ive seen more corrupt cops than pine trees.
in my younger days, I worked selling situation specific tools to various Law Enforcement departments.
Scariest part of that job was being alone with cops and hearing them talk freely.
I stopped doing that after a year.
You wouldnt believe some of the things I heard them say.
(then again, maybe you would)

edit on 1-9-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

my BA is in geography...originally was trying to be an intelligence officer...sadly cause i want to know wtf is going on in this world....

here is my take on professional courtesy...i let almost everyone go without writing a ticket...unless its an what is the difference if i let a cop go with warning like i do with the public....however if i cop got into an accident and it was his fault...i would write him a ticket just the same.

if you read earlier about my estimation..this is only my personal guess...that 2% of all populations are criminal...if there are lets say...700k cops..that means that there would be 14000 criminal cops out there.....if my math is correct...that means 14k cops are corrupt..just like 2% of teachers...and anything else you want....those 14k are the part you read about...unffortunately for us ...its the part society focuses on more than anything else..but thats ok...keeps us on our toes! just remember though that means that the majority are decent. it just stings more having someone with authority doing something bad...

and i remember reading some crazy stories out of atlanta....i think at one point they reviewed who they hired and a number had felony that is some news to be talking about.
edit on 1-9-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-9-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: my typing skills when im in chat mode are horrible...i apologize

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

doh thats what i ment but the link i posted clears up this case and shows the resoloution of alot of cases that have been on ats and there results mostly side with the defendant in the cases

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

You can hit the edit button if you want, as long as the edit time has not expired. I don't think there are rules against clarifying your own material.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:04 PM
You know the times are sad when you cant trust your govt or police.......

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by KilrathiLG
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

doh thats what i ment but the link i posted clears up this case and shows the resoloution of alot of cases that have been on ats and there results mostly side with the defendant in the cases

im sorry i figured you meant that just so many peeps keep saying video i just wanted to make sure for others was all....carry on mate!

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
You know the times are sad when you cant trust your govt or police.......

we should include citizens in here as well then lol...everyone plays a part....we all need to work to make it better...not just the government

man ill have 200 posts soon at this rate...

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
You know the times are sad when you cant trust your govt or police.......

That really started with Wilson in my opinion. Jonah Goldberg has a lot of really interesting things to say about the rise of Totalitarianism in this country. It wasn't just in Europe, you see, Progressives everywhere embraced it. Some liberals may not know this about their party's history, and they believe their party stands for liberal rights.

Here's an excerpt from a book review

highly recommend taking part in UV-III because Liberal Fascism is not only an important book in understanding the true shape of the ideological spectrum and the history of early 20th century politics, it's a very timely book that is likely to prove helpful in comprehending what will otherwise appear to be seemingly senseless actions of the current presidential administration. It is a well-researched, intelligent book, and as an Italian speaker who has been privy to untranslated material that is unavailable to Jonah, I can testify that his assertions and conclusions about Italian Fascism are in line with those of mainstream Italian historians of the Left and Right

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by jhn7537
You know the times are sad when you cant trust your govt or police.......

we should include citizens in here as well then lol...everyone plays a part....we all need to work to make it better...not just the government

man ill have 200 posts soon at this rate...

So you are new here then. Well welcome then. Yah posts can rack up quick. (but don't forget that a google search on an issue you post on can turn up on the Internet, so take that into account)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by jhn7537
You know the times are sad when you cant trust your govt or police.......

we should include citizens in here as well then lol...everyone plays a part....we all need to work to make it better...not just the government

man ill have 200 posts soon at this rate...

So you are new here then. Well welcome then. Yah posts can rack up quick. (but don't forget that a google search on an issue you post on can turn up on the Internet, so take that into account)

thx for the warning! i stand by what i say online life and real life! ive watched this site for a very long time before finally joining...glad i did....

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Citizen, what is your name?
Jim Kirk!

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:38 PM
what more proof does one need that we live in a police state. Who says facsism lost the war!?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
You know the times are sad when you cant trust your govt or police.......

Throughout human history people werent able to trust their government or those that enforce the law. This is nothing new. The idea of FREEDOM however is a very new idea.

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