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Wow... England Needs A Revolution...

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by christina-66
You do keep citing the periods in history that suit your perspective.

'In about AD 600, three hundred men gathered around their King. Mynyddog, in his stronghold of Din Eidyn. This is the first mention of the name of the place, which we call Edinburgh. The war-band was preparing to attack the Angles, recent heathen invaders from Europe. The war-band pledged themselves to die for their King and almost all did die, on a raid into the territories of the Angles, in Yorkshire. Shortly after, in AD 638, Din Eidyn was besieged and taken by the Angles and the place seems then to have received the English name which it has kept ever since - Edinburgh. '

Well of course, I am hardly going to cite History in it's entirety every time I want to make a point, am I? Just like you keep banging on about the Normans, whether factually relevant or not.

However, it is interesting that you mention the above, because with a name like Mynyddog he doesn't sound very Scottish at all. In fact, that is a Welsh/Brythionic name...

So, while I may have glossed over the extreme history of Edinburgh (It was Anglo-Saxon for 400 years. Was never Scottish prior to that.. It was originally a Roman settlement), I wasn't actually wrong....

Originally posted by christina-66
All Burgh's are Norman - the form of government we still use is NORMAN. Our aristocracy is STILL NORMAN.

Oh dear Lord...

A Burgh is an anglo Saxon place name. Hence why you gert -Bergs in Germany. The burghal system of Alfred the Great was an Anglo-Saxon idea about self-governing fortified towns. The Normans merely recycled it. I'd suggest you stop having a hard-on for the Normans quite so much, you're painting them out to the font of everything, when they weren't.

And again you're massively simplifying over 1100 years of history and cultural development into

"It was the Normans..Everything that ever is and was is Norman"

I might point out that a significant number of Anglo-Saxon Lords and nobles went on to pledge their allegiance to William or his vassals and gain land that way, including one of Haralds sons... So no, not all the aristocracy are Norman.

Please, get over this Norman fixation. They were a signifcant influence, but you are really are glossing over so much history.

Originally posted by christina-66
All the so called Scots/English conflicts we've been taught about were merely the Norman elites fighting among themselves.

On this I agree with you, plus the Irish and Welsh suffered by Norman-guided hands too.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by stumason

I know its been cut because I got a letter through the other day saying that it had.

The letter told me that the government are lowing it by £15 per month. Claimants who require less than the local average payment are topped up with an extra £15 per month as an incentive to live in cheaper areas. This has now been removed.

It might not seem much to some people but it makes a whole lot of difference to me.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:22 AM

So having been at the bottom of the pile I can see why some people get angry, but those people need to stop complainming and look at the help that is available. 6 Months on the dole and you can go self employed whilst still being paid the dole for around a year! (Compared to under abour where you would only get any help if you were employing other people...). All those poor ong term dolies need to take advantage of the arge amount of help that is offered.
reply to post by MaxSteiner

Can you please provide a link with that information?

Not being an ass, just genuinely interested.


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

The Once and Future King legend / fantasy is something many of us Brits have dreamt about, but being realistic it's not going to happen - but who knows, maybe one day.

It would be good to know the exact truth behind the legend....thanks for the link on Pelagius, he certainly seems an interesting sort and I'll definately be looking a little deeper into his life and beliefs etc.

Yes, there is much that divides the peoples of this land and the elites certainly exploit these differences.
More the reason that we focus on the many things that unite us and become a force for positive and real change.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by MaxSteiner
Sorry you're wrong as there mate,
You pay tax after your first 4k, which believe me, is tax, and added to national insurance tends to take a fith of your earnings.

Nope, I am not wrong. You are quite out of date though, my taxable personal allowance hasn't been as low as £4k for about 11 years!

It is actually £7,457 before you pay any income tax. And you have to earn over £102 a week before you pay NI andf it certainly isn't as arbitrary as taking a fifth of your earnings. It's a percentage and quite a low one, certainly not 20%..

Originally posted by MaxSteiner
Having worked 75 hour weeks durring my youth at a couple of arcades (Had to sign away my legal rights to get that job) and been taxed at a higher rate, and can confirm that it only gets worse.

I pay the higher rate of tax on some of my earnings, yet in total the amount I pay in both income tax and NI roughly equates to around 30% of my gross earnings. I pay more in tax now than I earnt as an apprentice when I started out 11 years ago.

Originally posted by MaxSteiner
I was never eligable for any of the social benefits labour brought in either.

Tell me about it. It got marginalkly better when my first kid was born and we got Tax credits and child benefit, but now our tax credits have been taken away too, that has stung.

Originally posted by MaxSteiner
So having been at the bottom of the pile I can see why some people get angry, but those people need to stop complainming and look at the help that is available. 6 Months on the dole and you can go self employed whilst still being paid the dole for around a year! (Compared to under labour where you would only get any help if you were employing other people...). All those poor long term dolies need to take advantage of the large amount of help that is offered.

Indeed. As the bible thumpers will say, the Good Lord only helps those who help themselves. The same is true of Government. But a lot of people simply don't want to work as they have grown accustomed to watching Jeremy Kyle and getting pissed.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by tigermoff

I stand corrected as I wasn't even aware that excess payment existed. My sisters are both on housing benefit (pointless breeders...) which is why I know a bit. What we're talking about are to different elements.

I am right in saying the benefit itself is being capped, not cut (apparently at £400 a week for a 4-bed home!!), whereas you were on about an excess that isn't given to everybody.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by SecretFace
reply to post by Swanfilters

The Middle Class in any country is the link to a country's prosperity. That is the same in the UK as it is in the US, as it is in any country. The Middle Class are not to blame for the mess this country is in, far from it! The Middle Class is the only reason this country has not folded yet.

The middle class lapped up everything shiny that was dangled in front them. Like, you know, 300K $ houses made of wood.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by EvanB

Hang on a mo' I'll check. It's a really good deal to be honest, I was looking at going self employed when my contract ended, but was shocked to realise that I'd be so much better off, and more likely to succeed with my business plan if I lay low and signed on for half a year ... Got to decide soon,
(Adds up to around £2000, but that's £2000 you don't get if you aren't unemployed for 6 months

Added to this help though, when you go self employed, sign up for working tax credits. As long as you're putting 30+ hours a week into your business, you get topped up to around 11K (Really good for start ups, because it allows you to stay solvent whilst you are earning nothing!). Working tax is one of the few good things labour brought in, but it's very difficult to actually get it. Thankfully the tories are going to make it so that EVERYONE is eligable as long as you are earning under a certain amount. (I think that's one of the reasons I think there is a diffference between the parties, labour prefer job creation/make work programs, Conservatives prefer small business and self employed people, know which one I prefer!)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by stumason

I was working for a charity last year, earning very little, and didn't pay tax, until I passed the threshold.
Once I did, I paid tax. I've got the paychecks to prove it
(Is it really 7K? Really doesn't feel like I earned that much doing it lol)

The thing is, it is better than it was, people lose perspective.
When I first moved out, me and a friend moved into a cottage ontop of a hydroponics plant (Hastings is a strange town!) for £80 a week. I was working anywhere from 45 to 75 hours a week and getting £4.50 an hour! The tax would come through, (going up and down because it was always based on last months earning rather than what I earned), and some weeks I'd get less than a hundred pounds!

We recieved NO HELP off the state, and had to cut corners like ot paying the water bill, stuff like that.
Same job pays £6 an hour now, still #, but more doable. Everything is more expensive - appart from entertainment! Consoles cost the same as they always have, DVD's are more than half the price videos were, music is free. Booze has gone up, but thats a luxury really. Bills and tax have gone up too, but theres plenty of ways around that (Like charging your electricals at work).

Office space on the other hand, is insanely cheap right now

edit on 1-9-2011 by MaxSteiner because: more depth

edit on 1-9-2011 by MaxSteiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
reply to post by EvanB

Sadly I have always believed he was a Romano Christian Leader that supported the Pope rather than a Leader that wanted a Britain free of a corrupt elite (I really would like the myth tho.. it would be nice to believe in something like that)

But It is an interesting topic if you drop behind the scenes and look at the players beliefs then whole thing changes dramatically with Arthurian figure on the Roman side.. while the much maligned Vortigern is said to have been a Pelagian Christian that opposed both Roman law and Roman Christianity.. hence in my opinion why (truthful or not) his leadership is maligned.

An interesting character to follow is Pelagius who's confrontation with St Augustine of Hippo laid the foundation of the Roman Church we know today, also interesting are the visits to Britain of St Germanus of Auxerre who was tasked with ridding these Isles of Pelagianism.

Thanks for those very interesting links mate

Although I knew about Germainius (a contender for the Arthur moniker) , Pelagianism is still alive and kicking here in the UK in evangelical churches. He was a very interesting and brave character taking on papal authordoxy and facing it up.

I also believe Vortigern was much maligned too and find it rich that papal scribes would slander him, calling him incestious when most of the papal elite was shagging each other..

Yet another example of missinformation and proaganda of people who saw through their crap and were a threat to their power.

If it was not for Vortigern then maybe we would not have the rich and unique culture of the South Downs and deprived of a king who realy did help to make this country great. And I would have a different last name
or not be here.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by MaxSteiner

Thanks for the info mate

Will look into it myself.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by MaxSteiner

Max , Im looking to become self employed as a graphic designer , what would I need to do to follow suit .
Do I just quit my job with student loans , currently earning £17,000 to become self employed
and earn £11K a year with the government earning under £4K a year as long as Im putting in more than 30 + hours a week .

Hell I do 30 + hours a week just now in my spare time doing graphic design for others without getting paid !
it's all I do at weekends .

I'd much rather have my own business than work for the student loans.
can you give me any advice mate !

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by SecretFace
reply to post by JonoEnglish

I would be more than happy to ban any movement on a global scale. I bet you'd find more Brits happier to live here than you currently do!

I'd be happy to ban any movement of resources to the West. That's why us here in the East will keep buying them. So you don't have to.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by something wicked
Lol, and where are you based you charmer? Are you basing this on your own looks being inherited from English ancestors?

Camilla. The Royal Family. Rowan Atkinson. Elton John. Many of your actors and actresses. And them mingers. And more mingers. And even more mingers...

I don't have English ancestry, thank God!

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by eldard

Originally posted by SecretFace
reply to post by JonoEnglish

I would be more than happy to ban any movement on a global scale. I bet you'd find more Brits happier to live here than you currently do!

I'd be happy to ban any movement of resources to the West. That's why us here in the East will keep buying them. So you don't have to.


You can keep your cheap, mass produced junk and we will just keep our high end quality stuff to ourselves

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Mister_Bit
So now you agree it's the state keeping everyone down and not the lazy, layabout, good for nothing, poor, uneducated spongers that need to get off their backside and make something of themselves that are the British people?

More like the state made them lazy, layabout, good for nothing, poor, uneducated spongers that need to get off their backside and make something of themselves that are the British people.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
I heard Richard Hoagland on Coast 2 Coast the other night and he said one of his mates almost got mugged

While going out from their hotel to move their car.

What a drag!!

I've really wanted to come for a visit as I have family from England. But, its such a mess now.

I just remembered this AWESOME thread I started a few years back.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by sapien82

Hmmm I wouldn't ever recommend going on the dole to anyone really, it's soul destroying... (That said as long as you apply to two jobs a week and do some job hunting you're doing all they require...).

Go into your local job center though (It's not just for unemployed people, and if you're nice and polite they go out of their way to help you, I guess it makes a change for them), and tell them you're looking to go self employed, they'll have the details of the local enterprise centers, and the limited help that is available to non dolites (It's all changed of late and noone is sure what they're doing...). Go there, sort out your business plan, then go back, run through it with them. Then goto your local tax office/ring the working tax credits line and discuss it with them.

It takes some doing from what I can tell, but eventually you'll have a business plan, and you should be eligable for at least some aid and the tax credits.

One thing I would recomend is a Regis Gold Card if you're going to have clients all over the UK. Sliding scale of prioces, but for £79 a month, you get unlimited use of their offices and business lounges located ALL OVER the world (and the UK lol), with 24 hour access! (It's such a good deal that I might get one for the next time I go on holiday - if I can ever afford a holiday...), looks really professional, and you get admini support too.

Graphic design did you say? Because I'm looking into setting up an SEO company targeting small business in my local area, and might be able to throw some work your way if it ever gets off the ground!

I'm not an expert, I've gotta be honest, but this is THE BEST time to set up a business, tories in power after a recession so there's more support than there was 10 years ago, but there's alot of hoops to jump through.

I'm lucky in that my employers have been really supportive, giving me advice and helping me sort out a business plan and giving me leads. It's taking me alot longer than I thought it would though, worked it out roughly, and was told that if I charge that little noone will take me seriously! Once that's sorted though I'm arranging a meeting via the job center with the local enterprise center. If all goes well I form the company (Costs about £15). From there it's applying for the tax credits, and then I should be set (Need to get someone to do my accounts for me though.
edit on 1-9-2011 by MaxSteiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

I know I say otherwise but deep down I honestly hope the legend is true... and even knowing the myth has probably been created to legitimise the church, the once and future king has not lost his shine in my eyes
besides meanings can be re-written, like Blakes poem giving us "Jerusalem" or Fauksian masks now representing dissent and freedom instead of treachery.. We certainly can re-write our own narrative and perhaps, find the bridge to reunite the aspects that keep us divided.
edit on 1/9/11 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by eldard

You've long since stopped getting me wound up but I really do wonder if there is anything more to you than just being the bigotted, hateful individual you so often prove yourself to be.
Can you actually rise above your racist and small minded mindset and at least attempt reasoned and respectful debate just once without uttering your bitter and twisted rantings.

That you consistently contravene T&C with apparent impunity no longer surprises me.

It would be good to see you come up with some sort of reasoned arguement or supportive evidence to back up your rantings.

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