posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:08 PM
I live 4 miles from the New Jersey shore and I can tell you for a fact that had the 1 million people who left here not been evacuated from the Jersey
shore there would have been a lot more deaths and/or injuries than we saw. The wind wasn't the main concern, it was the flooding and power outages.
In my opinion the situation was handled perfectly.
We learned from Katrina and continue to learn from situations like this. The gov't apparently can't win. Don't do enough and you are accused of not
caring and/or intentionally trying to kill the people. Do too much and you are accused of more sinister things.
When theorizing the true intentions of our government's actions, there are a few things that need to be taken into account:
- When this hurricane started making its way to the States, pretty much everyone who knows anything about the weather believed this was going to
be a big one and were very concerned for the people in its path. This includes professional and amateur meteorologists alike. In the beginning it
wasn't hype, it was a legit, presumed, threat.
- In order to ensure the safety of as many people as possible, evacuation procedures had to put into place as early as possible.
- At some point, Irene began to weaken, but the mainstream media ran with "Doom & Gloom" because that's what they do. Sensationalize. They are
continuing to sensationalize the aftermath as well. Not to take away from all the people who were affected from this storm, but it wasn't nearly as
bad as is being reported.
- Over the past few days, most actions have been taken by local, not federal, government officials.
I can understand people looking too deeply into the events that took place, but trust me, had Irene been nearly as devastating as first thought, we
would not be having this conversation. Hope this clears some things up.