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Battle for the California desert: Why is the government driving folks off their land?

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Battle for the California desert: Why is the government driving folks off their land?

[Video Link] Nick Gillespie says: "Thought you might find this new doc about homeowners in one of the world's great godforsaken places, the Antelope Valley, being hassled by LA County officials. Includes footage of the great "Phonehenge" house out that way."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:53 PM
got this sent to me by my firend on face book so i know not too much about the source but its an interesting video and is quite scary that they seem to be getting away with this.

i for one have only driven through the area and before watching the video was unaware of this area or its apparent plight

if this is happening in the middle of no where how much longer tell were all moved because of proposed developement
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

This is CRAZY.

Stupid fascists.

This guy built a castle out of telephone poles. That is genius.

No one is bothering anyone. Why the hell would they do this? Oh yeah (Second line)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

thank you for embedding the video i havent gotten that crafty with ats yet. yeah the castle part was cool it sucks they made him take it down and its not like these people have neighbors for crying out loud stuff like this is why i got a hell out of california

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:29 PM
Possibly that it might turn into the next Oasis? now that Texas is facing drought?
or possibly someone discovered Gold Ore in abundance ? or perhaps if LA and SF and SD goes under the water, thats the next place to go ? Back East? Go East son Go East

I dont know...just throwing it out there

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap
reply to post by KilrathiLG

This is CRAZY.

Stupid fascists.

This guy built a castle out of telephone poles. That is genius.

No one is bothering anyone. Why the hell would they do this? Oh yeah (Second line)

Wow so much for the land of the free. The fact that they refuse to comment on the issue obviously says they are hiding something and they KNOW what they are doing is wrong.


posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:49 PM
This makes me so mad. It's just corporate greed. How dare these people live off the grid!!

My grandfather owned land in the San Gabriel Canyon, in L.A. County. He built a cabin by hand out of logs and stones. He landscaped the areas with an irrigation path fron the local stream, and had a "victory garden." They baked bread in an out door oven and smoked the meats and fish he hunted and caught in their smoke house. He made beer and wine in the bathtub!

While my mom grew up, they raised chickens and turkeys and had goats, pigs, cows and horses.

Never will we see that kind of life again here in the good ole USA, unless there is a disaster.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

Whatever the secret hidden reason behind it it STINKS!! None of the states want to let anyone alone anymore they don't want you to have independent water and power off grid and I think the one guy may be right a control thing when they decide to tell us all we are not to leave our homes and they want to control when our power runs and when we can communicate they don't want any free individuals left out there.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:48 PM
i think that hispanic man in the video said it best what neighbors? he didnt have any for 10 miles and they say hes offending them? shady la

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:11 PM
I've had neighbors that I absolutely HATED for parking crap cars and junk all over their lawns but I never contacted authorities because frankly it's not my place to. You own a piece of property put whatever you want on it as long as it isn't endangering anyone.

Why in the hell should you be forced to hook up electricity and drill a new well if you don't want to?

I would not be at all surprised to learn some real estate investor is hoping to build some communities in the area hoping to attract the affluent and wants all the ne'er do wells kicked out first.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:21 PM
The Chinese don't want their new real estate littered with stinking Gwailos.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:28 PM
...high desert corridor hwy is a very likely suspect, imo... similar stunts were pulled here on people who were "in the way" of the trans-texas corridor (nafta super hwy) and the bs border fence program (which was intentionally designed to be an absolute failure)...

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

If that were the case I would imagine LA county would pursue acquisition of the properties through eminent domain. It sounded as though a supervisor just has a power trip going on and is enforcing the letter of the law. The mayor of my hometown, here in Ca, was just arrested for building code and permit violations, among other things. Something tells me the homes in the video were constructed without permits too, and a cash strapped county may want to collect.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Domo1

from the video it seemed to say that the residents think it is to make way for devlopement and some new highway good thinking

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by painterdude
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

If that were the case I would imagine LA county would pursue acquisition of the properties through eminent domain.

...that would require a modicum of integrity... besides its easier and cheaper to accomplish if you just strong-arm the poor people in the way...

Originally posted by painterdude
It sounded as though a supervisor just has a power trip going on and is enforcing the letter of the law.

...power trip?... agreed... enforcing the letter of the law?... no... if the law was on his side, he wouldve addressed it in that meeting - but - instead, he froze and looked guilty as hell - so did the stenographer in front of him, which implies she knew that was a "no no" topic... did you notice his "answer man"?... twisted-tongue smarmy to a T...

Originally posted by painterdude
Something tells me the homes in the video were constructed without permits too, and a cash strapped county may want to collect.

...were building permits required when those people built their homes?... i dont know but i got the impression that its an unincorporated part of the county... if so and the county wants to now incorporate it, the snooty poots dont want to grandfather-in what they consider to be junky places cuz no developer wants to build a fancy subdivision near "those kinds of places" and maybe thats why they're doing this strong-arm stuff...

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 10:48 PM
people have a right to live on the land they own...who cares if they want to live off the grid....they can do that, if they choose to..the county forcing someone to connect to the power grid, is total bull#. they need to arm themselves...protect their property...i don't see how LA county can take their land from them, courtesy of eminent domain...last i heard, that was the feds that usually pull that #. screw LA county, and their lame-ass threat far as i'm concerned...those abatement enforcement douchebags were trespassing, and and need to be locked up

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 10:53 PM
I can give some of the answers.

There are two parties that want these people out of the desert.
first are the environmentalist.

The other is LA county. LA county wants this land in large parcels for future solar power projects.
but they don't want to tip there hand yet by openly telling the public that they plan these projects.

If they go after anyone that tries to build out there and do not approve permits and use Nuisance Abatement Teams to drive anyone already there out they can drive done property values down to the point the land is worthless and the county can buy it for nothing.

Oh by the way the complaining party does not have to live on near by property only own it.
This can be a developer that want to sell near by property, A corporation that wants to use near by property some time in the future. ECT ECT
This can even be a parcel that the county has taken for back taxes and made the call complaining about the nuisance.

Sometimes its the county records that is the problem. much of this land was originally zoned Light Agricultural (Zone A-1) Light Industrial (Zone M-1)

On wells there are two types Agricultural and residential wells.
Unless the well is new it a Agricultural well and can not be used for drinking water.
Many of these desert parcels were old homesteads and part of improving the land under the old homestead act was drilling a well.
No mater how good these wells were drilled 50 years ago the state calls them Agricultural wells as there was only one type well back in those days.
I have cheated LA county a couple times by turning Agricultural wells into residential wells.

You have to dig down with a backhoe and weld a heavy casing on the old well casing that meets code and pour a concrete pad around the casing so it looks like a new dug well. and looks like it meets code.

If these people lived 40 mile to the north on Kern county or 60 miles east in San Bernardino county they would not have these problems.
San Bernardino county has a "Desert Living." zoning that allows for just what these people were doing and gives the county added tax money for with would otherwise be vacant land.

edit on 27-8-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:13 PM
the only nuisance in this case, is the county...they seriously need to find a different way to bring in revenue, other than harass people with bull#'s not the residents fault the county and the state screwed themselves, financially

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Its wonderful to know that we don't own the land we OWN. I feel for these people, I couldn't imagine. My dad is 75 years old and has lived on his property for 72 of those years...I couldn't begin to think of someone coming to his HOME and telling him it isn't his home and that he must leave...such a shame....
I hope the word gets out and these people have help and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for what's theirs.

I loved how Mr. City wouldn't even consider answering the questions and then sent that little worm out to do his dirty work...*grrr!*

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:34 PM
[align=center][color=F62817]Natural Disasters and Opportunities for Massive Land Grabs.[/align]

Check out where Antelope Valley is on the Wildlands map. It’s a red zone. Beautiful place by the way. Never been there but the pictures of the poppy reserve, it is wow.

I wanted to make a thread that encompassed the painfully obvious land grabs in this years most recent disasters and what they may mean, and how the coming Hurricane Irene will engulf the East Coast and a possible land grab. But I have cut it short and decided to post this information here where it may be of some relevance.

Most of this information can be found under topics about UN Agenda 21, which stretches back to the 1980’s.

The Wildlands Project

The Wildlands Project, or now known as the Wildlands Network, seeks to design the wilderness so that habitat’s can be linked. For example, habitat’s in Idaho will be linked all the way to the Mexican Border, and perhaps beyond as now Mexico is on the coalition.

That of course means no humans may inhabit these zones. Nor may you hunt or camp on them. They have extensive funding. Here’s their *website, I directed you to their science page which tells more about their agendas.


Executive Order 13575

What the government has to say on the new Whitehouse Rural Council


“The White House Rural Council will coordinate programs across government to encourage public-private partnerships to promote further economic prosperity and quality of life in rural communities nationwide. Chaired by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, the Council will be responsible for providing recommendations for investment in rural areas and will coordinate Federal engagement with a variety of rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, and state, local, and tribal governments.”


What an alternative site is saying on the new Order


“The order admits that it intends to seize greater power over “food, fiber, and energy,” items that are key to human sustenance.”


Perhaps as another poster said, a corridor highway, or in my theory, corridors to link wildlife habitats.


"Much of this region is federal land. However, several key areas include extensive private lands. One is the Antelope Valley, a V-shaped valley separating the Liebre-Sawmill Mountains portion of the Angeles National Forest from the Tehachapi Mountains. This valley broadens slowly from a point near the I-5/Highway 138 junction to a wide connection with the Mojave Desert proper in the Lancaster-Rosamond area."


Or as another poster mentioned, turbines.


"Spring blooms in the Antelope Valley, in the western Mojave Desert. The Antelope Valley is also famous for the iconic California poppy (official State flower). Unfortunately, the proposed Blue Sky wind energy project and "Wildflower Green Energy Farm" would industrialize several square-miles of these fields around the famed California Poppy Reserve, adding wind turbines and solar panels."


edit on 26-8-2011 by AMANNAMEDQUEST because: (no reason given)

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