I see large eyes very often when I close mine, every day... not in my mind but on the dark backdrop of my eyelids. I actually see them. They are the
eyes of the one who talks to me. When he gets very "talkative" I see frequent images of his eyes as though he is right there telling me something and
I feel waves, pulses. He touches my hand a lot.
Many years ago I was in sleep paralysis and I saw the room in front of me, but could not move and a large eye descended from the ceiling down toward
me. He showed me things that day but this is before I realized who that was... and yes, it scared me.
He is watching you... you are seeing things he sees through that eye. I truly believe that. One of them, anyway. There is more than one.
I think he is showing you things because you are sensitive and you can pick it up, but maybe he/they have chosen to show you things in an impersonal
way since this obviously scares you.
I think the injection you saw was a forced interrogation, possibly leading to a death. They are heavily investigating this and were only making things
worse. I was told twenty years ago by a man people thought was crazy about some things. He used to sit on park benches and talk to someone no one else
could see. One day I was upset and driving somewhere to talk to someone because I knew something was wrong and thought I was going crazy. I got
stopped by a red light and looked down at the steering wheel in despair... then something told me to look up to my right... and he was sitting there
staring right at me. He motioned for me to come sit on the bench. I parked my car because this man had always been a mystery to me. He didn't often
talk to people... he ignored anyone walking or driving by and stuck to his conversation.
i sat down and he introduced himself and told me he had been to Korea in the military. He has seen many truths. He told me some other things about the
world but one of them was that there are aliens in the south pacific. I never asked him who his unseen companion was, but I'm pretty sure I know.
I am telling you this because of the research into ETs and UFOs was big in Pine Gap BECAUSE of the South Pacific... and part of that is underground.
They used Pine Gap because of it's position in the Pacific, but they have developed technology that now enables them to explore further south and have
a small base in Antarctica... and I think they have found something under the ice. If they have aliens in Pine Gap, they are captive or they have
managed to corrupt them, but what I think you saw was the eye you were looking through... and yes, he can be very intimidating, but you are being
shown things no one can prove because they hide it. That's not something everyone is entrusted with.
I believe they have moved in closer and do not just operate from Pine Gap... and that they have established dialogue. A lot of people have suffered
needlessly for this investigation because of how pig headed people can be. The government has even staged abductions to bring that testimony to the
public eye.
Why?... It's all about power.
That is my opinion... one of them has been showing you things.
Think about it.. humans are not typically skilled telepaths.
I have seen all sorts of things and I *know* I'm being shown.
Not all these things have to manifest, either... it is a conversation... a projection that can come true, or go another way. That's why this dialogue
is so important... as well as overcoming fear of the unknown.
edit on 6-8-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)