Hello. I rarely post on this site anymore, because it seems to have mostly descended into nothing but partisan bickering and people who haven't the
slightest clue what they're talking about throwing around facts and theories they don't understand. However, I still lurk, following the handful of
members who actually make a meaningful contribution around here. No offense to you all, but before the giant membership boom, this site was a much
more organized, friendly place to discuss a wide variety of topics. But no matter. I digress.
One thing I can no longer stand is the amount of Obama bashing that goes on here, and everywhere else for that matter. I am by no means some huge fan
of Obama. "Yes we can!" is not my mantra. I am, in fact, a huge Ron Paul supporter (as I'm sure a ton of you are.) I'm just entirely sick of
this one man being blamed for the sordid state of our nation.
I've read more smear posts and threads regarding Obama's "out-of-control spending" than I can shake a stick at. Every time, I laugh to myself,
because anyone who understands a shred of political theory understands two very, very basic things -
1. It's not just the President - it's his cabinet, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Fed, and all other government (and, these days,
some non-government) entities as well.
2. Want to see the effects of a bill, law or economic action? Wait at least four years for the full trickle-down to run its course.
Want someone to blame? How about this one guy (I don't know if anyone remembers him... ya'll don't seem to, at least) named GEORGE W. BUSH?
Between him, his cabinet, and Congress over the past ten years - there's your responsible parties. Let me illustrate this with a simple graphic -
one I think has been shown around here a few times before -
Before anyone says 'well of course it's lower, Obama's been in office for only three years! If you follow that out... blah blah blah', note that
this is a LIBERAL projection of his spending habits OVER A HYPOTHETICAL EIGHT-YEAR TERM. Also, you can't place any of the war monies on Obama's
head, no matter how hard you try - he didn't start them, and he can't very well just suddenly drop two military engagements, can he? Bush started
it, Bush's cabinet and Congress created the tax loopholes to cause the lending crises, Bush's cronies were the ones profiting from 9/11. When
Clinton left office in '00, our economy was in fantastic shape - see below.
This amazing economic standing carried over well into Bush's second term, which is when things really started to fall hard. That's why we were able
to start not one, but two wars as quickly and efficiently as we did - at the time, we didn't even have a national debt. It is Bush's decisions and
his cabinet's influence we are now seeing. If the corporate tax loopholes hadn't been created in the first place, we wouldn't have had the
bailouts. If responsible lending laws had been enforced, we wouldn't have had the sub-prime mortgage crisis, and therefore the absurd amount of home
foreclosures we see now.
And Obamacare really shouldn't even be called so - sure, it was his idea initially. Then Congress spent upwards of a year ******* it into oblivion,
and out the other end came 2400 pages of unreadable, unenforceable silliness. Anyone who reams Obamacare clearly didn't do a lot of research.
Indeed, it does 'require' you (though not through threat of legal action) to have coverage. It also (tries, not at all saying it's perfect or even
halfway decent) to make this coverage infinitely more affordable and fair to those who don't already have it. And while this may seem like
socialism, let's consider - public education? SOCIALISM. right to vote? SOCIALISM. women's suffrage? SOCIALISM. public roads? SOCIALISM.
public transportation? SOCIALISM. police? SOCIALISM (but screw them anyways). All of these things would be considered socialist by very
definition, and I don't see many threads decrying the fascist horrors of your local bus stop (the police are a different story, but no matter). And
last I checked, when you step out your door without heath insurance, have fun being $400,000 in debt for the rest of your life because that drunk
driver destroyed both of your legs.
No, Obama isn't great. I don't plan on voting for him, as long as RP gets the GOP ticket. But Jon Stewart said it best: "Obama's slogan has
been updated from 'Yes we can!' to 'I thought we could, but everyone else is an a*****e!" I feel everyone is forgetting that the prez, as one
man, has very limited capabilities. So next time you want to decry someone for ruining our nation, remember - just because we have a leader, doesn't
mean he actually leads. Just look at the recent mess over the debt ceiling - Obama put forward a PERFECTLY REASONABLE solution, raise the debt
ceiling accompanied by just over $2 trillion in spending cuts (and oh yeah, just a FEW select tax increases, here and there, to help grease the
wheels...). But NOPE. Congressional Republicans swore to NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER raise taxes EVER. So we came 48 hours away from
destroying the world economy - for what? Petty rivalry? This was actually the main reason S&P downgraded our credit rating - not because we almost
defaulted, but because the threat of default was tossed around as a political bargaining chip. Any rational person looking at that should be far more
afraid of 535 slimy, corrupt bastards than one measly President, even if he isn't the best we've had. Again, I am not some blind Obama-loving
Democrat seduced by the 'hope-and-change' rhetoric. He's certainly dodged questions, evaded answers, and generally been a politician. But
(besides RP) who hasn't?
Now, I'm not like most self-professed politicos on here -
my mind can be changed. And if any of my points here are incorrect, please -
POLITELY - correct me, with sources. I have read considerable amounts on these topics, and this is my best understanding of the situation. If you
can somehow prove to me - with irrefutable sources and math - that Obama has single-handedly done anything to cause the current situation, please do.
I have plenty of evidence supporting my beliefs stated here.
However, please don't just accuse me of being stupid and/or wrong with no basis, as
I will not respond. I am intending this to let out my personal opinion, as well as hopefully spark some constructive conversation as to what Obama,
Bush and Congress may or may not have done since the year 2000 to get us to the point we're at now. Ultimately, I truly hope it comes down to
Ron Paul vs Obama in 2012 - to me, that's a 'fantastic' vs 'at least decent', which is better than anything we've seen in a long, long time.