reply to post by RazcoTheInsane
I'll have a neat little conclusion at the end of this one, it's just I've never really talked about this before and it's coming back so vividly
and I had to switch on the light because I can feel the little hairs standing up as I type this out.
So, I had three of these dreams where the dude took me flying and it was awesome. Today I cannot remember most of it but I can still remember that it
felt very real, the town looked exactly like I would imagine it would look at night from the sky and I could really feel the cold wind on my face and
hands plus I can vividly remember the grip he had on my one hand.
As for recently, I had a strange event a few months back, probably about Aug/Sept of 2011. Again I felt a strange thing inside my room and I had
trouble opening my eyes which I never really opened. At one stage I could only see a slither of the real world but my dream quickly and cleverly
incorporated my whole room into my dream world so I'm not 100% sure if I was awake with my eyes open or dreaming because my room looked exactly right
except in the dream world it was a bit brighter, which again hinted to me it was a dream because I'm cool with the dark again and I sleep best with
no lights what so ever. But back to the half dream, again I couldn't move but this didn't bother me that much this time, I felt fairly calm and I
thought to myself "whatever this is I want to see how it plays out, I don't really want to wake up completely, I need to see it through this time"
and this time it was truly amazing in a grayish type way, not really positive or negative, like I said I felt fairly calm. This time though I saw a
sort of a black winged thing, like a shadow I could only make out the outlines, but I could clearly see things that looked like wings, constantly
shifting and slightly blurring at the edges like I or it was vibrating, it clung to the ceiling and it spoke to me and said, "
You think you follow
a path of light but you are truly a follower of the inverted sun/son" I say sun/son because nothing he said made any sense really and I kept on
thinking did he mean inverted sun as in a black sun or inverted son as in maybe the opposite of some important son. Maybe some of you can clarify this
bit for me as I would really like to know what inverted sun or son might mean. I joined this site basically just for this reason so please help me to
understand. I know with every part of my body that this had happened and it was real and I need some clarity on this matter because I know that this
will become very relevant quite soon.
Here's a quick recap:
1. How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located?
Pretty young maybe 11 or 12. I live in South Africa and this happened in a small town in the northern part of the country close to the border of
2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen?
it went on for a whole week at that stage, 5 times in total, never happened before then and I had about 3 strange dreams a week after that. It also
happened once about 5 or 6 months back accompanied by a strange dream of a black, shadowy, winged, thing that stuck to the ceiling plus I now live on
the West Coast a stones through from the sea
3. What you saw (if anything).
As a kid only very thick, unnatural, choking darkness which filled the whole room and it felt like a really dense gas/smoke of some sort and it seemed
to have weight. As an adult I saw a black, winged, shadow thing but no choking darkness and I'm not sure that my eyes where open but again I was
completely paralysed throughout the whole ordeal
5. How long did it last?
As a kid about 15 to 30 mins, at least that's about the time between when I became aware that I couldn't move up to the part where I could move
again. As an adult it probably about 20 mins or so
6. Were you able to do anything to stop it?
As a kid, nothing, I had trouble breathing and I had to wait for it to go away on it's own. As as adult I kept fairly calm and it also went away by
7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate)
Baptized as a baby but never really felt to excited about Christianity. Today I feel quite connected to a larger view of what God might be, not in the
Christian sense. I like to think we are all God's sensory organs experiencing the universe through our own unique view-points, constantly summarizing
and gathering information through ourselves through God and that in some way the experiences of others are my experiences and everything they know I
know or we all know and that's how God knows, not apart from us but we make up God in all the good and bad ways
Crap, even my summary is too long... Anyway please help me with what "
You think you follow a path of light but you are truly a follower of the
inverted sun/son" might mean.
Thank you all very much for reading, it means a lot me