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Sleep Paralysis has anyone had it?

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posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Malcher

Shifting throughout our sleep is caused by many reasons. I am not your personal dictionary.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Warpthal

That would mean no paralysis, wouldn't it?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:55 AM
I can say I have never had sleep paralysis, I tried to astral project which is based of sleep paralysis and got to the vibration point once but then my mind wandered, maybe do to fear, not sure.
My mind is conditioned to wake do to acid reflux or sleep apnea since I condition my thoughts to wake me do to these health issue symptoms just like I woke tonight at 2am.
Yesterday I asked my sister and brother-in-law if they ever experience sleep paralysis, my sister thought she experienced it one time and my brother-in-law said he experienced it a couple times as a kid. My wife never has experienced it and None have had any hallucinations with it, My sister believes she is sensitive to paranormal so i asked her if she remembers any dark figures and she said none.

If it were me, and I had sleep paralysis I would definitely look into astral projecting. I would use the sleep paralysis and control it into something that could be very interesting like astral projection.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

1. How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located?

My first memory of it was around 2 years old. It started earlier, I believe, but this memory made an impact. I was dreaming that I was on a table instead of my bed, strapped down and unable to move also due to paralysis. Some weird creatures that I described as "Mr. Bubble" (bubble the grays) were on the right side of the table with big long needles that they were sticking in me. I tried to scream and couldn't make a sound.

2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen?

I had issues with sleep paralysis and nightmares almost every night until I was 21.

3. What you saw (if anything).

I saw grays by my bed as I was coming back to my body from I don't know where. They seem to work in pairs! I got the feeling they didn't understand human emotion. As a child, I spent lots of time in labs, having babies (I had no clue how one became pregnant at that time....and thought it could happen to me in real life at age 8)

4. What happened?

Sometimes the paralysis started as I was falling asleep, sometimes in dreams and often when awakening. If it happened as I was falling asleep, there was a three dimensional sound/vibration that I called "the sound of ionization" but don't even know what that means or why I'd think of it. It's pleasant.....usually.

5. How long did it last?

Too long! I don't know. Often, I'd be paralyzed and be pulled across the floor, up walls, on the ceiling in my dreams by an invisible force. If I fought it, sometimes I was thrown out of my body. I found myself flying over a sidewalk once. Other times, a force got into my body with me. That happened a few times and I didn't like it.

6. Were you able to do anything to stop it?

Yes! Someone suggested that if, in my dream, I called on Christ, that it would leave me alone. I tried it and it was so effective that I didn't have one of those dreams for about 7 years!

7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate)

I'm not even a little religious. My family never talked about God or religion. I never went to church or thought about it. When I got the advice to call on Christ, I told the person it wouldn't work since I think Christ is like Santa or the Easter belief. She said it didn't matter. I did it to prove she was wrong. Surprise! I am still NOT Christian. I know the energy called Christ who saves me from grays and nightmares (?). We have a relationship that is intimate after calling on Christ constantly for a period of time after a car accident when reptoids started coming after me every night in my dreams for a year and a half. I don't need a book or a preacher. I have my own connection, and it isn't tied to dogma. I don't believe in's mind control if you ask rule the masses.

8. Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say?

I didn't have contact with the grays or reptoids, except telepathically. The grays were too much for my belief system, but they didn't scare me...except when armed with medical instruments. The reptoids (7-8 feet tall and just like the illustration in David Icke books....OMG!) scared me so much that I mentioned it to a therapist I saw after the accident. She asked me to draw a picture of one in my journal. I'll never forget the look on her face. She didn't comment, nor diagnose me with anything. The reptoids were always coming to kill me....but I didn't know why. I was into Jungian psychology at the time and didn't believe in aliens.....until the universe gave me a wake up call and I had to admit they did exist. It took another 15 years to be able to handle the thought that I am possibly a life long abductee. I was tapped to be a mouthpiece to deliver a message to humanity for a group of aliens...of at least 40 different types. I refused. I'm still VERY conservative and not willing to channel them. I'm not sure about them. Lots of people are dying to channel them...I'm not ruining's not MY mission, man! I don't feel comfortable in their all.

9. Did the experience feel positive / negative.

Negative. They did some stuff to help me, but I'm not clear about what or how.

10. Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself)

After sleep paralysis and the dreams, I'd awaken with part of my brain feeling numb. If I didn't stay awake for 3 or more hours, I'd drift into dream after dream of sleep paralysis. More than once, I woke up with a new white line scar that wasn't there when I went to sleep.

My reptoid/gray dreams started in 1966, when I was a year old. Those characters look the same. Icke was a footballer then, I think. I'm convinced that they exist. Too many of us have seen them! I am hoping to take a hypnosis course and find a fellow student to trade sessions with to explore these memories takes some courage to accept all of the layers of reality. I became very telepathic after that accident....and could perceive some of these beings in a waking state. I shut down my visions. I couldn't even admit these creatures were real! Yuck! I'm still working on it!

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:49 AM
Hi, just to let you know i am major sufferer, it happens every night between 2-10 times. I t had ruined my life and others around me i have countless tales which would probably lead to me being rinsed. If you want me to send you stuff i can i even have drawings of some of the visitors. This is very real and it is literally every time i sleep

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:56 AM
1.How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located?

Im not sure but my first episode that I remember was at 19 in my studentflat.

2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen?

Very rarely I still get paralysed occasionaly.

3. What you saw (if anything).

My bedroom, the first time was so scary I thought I saw two red eyes staring at me, but now I know it was just my tv.

4. What happened?

I heard this creepy screeching noise, couldn't move or speak or scream for help.

5. How long did it last?

Only a moment but it seemed like forever.

6. Were you able to do anything to stop it?

First time I started praing to God eventhought I wasn't a believer.

7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate)

Not in the tradional religious sense but I grew up in a christian home.Now I believe in love and creation to put it simply. The vastness and beauty of the universe and earth take my breath away and its a great gift to be alive.

8. Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say?

No, I do feel blessed for certain memories I have.

9. Did the experience feel positive / negative.

At the time negative, because it was so scary the first time. But I now I know for sure these episodes only happened when I had great stress on my nervoussytem by overexhaustion of overstimulus from my nervoussytem.

10. Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself)


posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:13 AM
I was thinking about the typical Old Hag experience. I'm not certain that the dark shapes are hallucinations. I had a dream where I was lying on the couch (in the dream) and the sleep paralysis started. Then a huge dark cloud was pressing down on me and I couldn't move.

My cat (in waking real life) bit my hand....almost drawing blood to awaken me.

Now....wide awake on the couch, I watch my cat looking freaked out run out of the living room into a bedroom. I cleared the energy of the room (using reiki at that time). My cat returned to the living room once the energy was gone.

Of course, I know that this can all be argued....but it seems more likely to me that there actually was an energetic presence in the room and my cat thought I should be awake to deal with it.

I sound crazy!
I'm saying that ALL 'Old Hag' dreams may not be mere hallucination.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:31 AM
1. How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located?
I was about 16 and im from the UK
2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen?
Its only happened once more since then
3. What you saw (if anything).
When it first happened nothing strange happened apart from the paralysis but the second time something did happen.
4. What happened?
The second time was strange. I woke up unable to move at all. I mean not even my head to the side. People might not believe this but this is what happened. I started being "touched up" by something that i couldn't see. And not in a sexual enjoyable kind of way. It was rough and i was scared. I wanted it to stop but i couldn't talk. Then suddenly it stopped. And this is where it gets strange . I could move my body again. I sat bolt up and looked around, i looked at my pillow and my body was still lying there. I instantly though i had died, it was a very strange feeling. But then i thought to myself i want to be back in bed. Next moment it was if i had jumped back into my body. Lets just say i didn't sleep again for a while. This was the same night i woke up with scratches and weird marks on my body. I did post a thread about it but people tended to call me a liar and think i was looking for attention.
5. How long did it last?
The first time i couldn't move for around 5 minutes. The second time which i mentioned above lasted in total about 10 minutes.
6. Were you able to do anything to stop it?
No nothing.
7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate)
I am a christian but i do not go church.
8. Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say?
The second time, somthing was there. It didnt speak but it did "touch me up" and left marks on my body
9. Did the experience feel positive / negative.
Negative, left me very scared. The only positive thing i felt was when someone suggested i had started astral travelling, i found that exciting being told that.
10. Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself)

I couldn't sleep for days. I now have to keep the tv on. I always feel my bed vibrating at night and i constantly hear the humming sound in the sky that people have been mentioning. It was a very scary ordeal and not being able to move terrified me.

I know i may get laughed at for this, but i know what happened. Think what you will about this.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Alpal

Ive had the same thing happen to me on many different occasions, ive always thought i was the only one because everytime i told my mom or brother i just got weird looks and "Hmms" from them its nice to know im not alone with that anymore.

1. How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located?

I cant say for sure it started when i was around 11 or 15 a large gap but it happend rarely, I was at the 3rd house i had ever moved into in.

2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen?

For at least 6-7 years and yes it still happens every few months or so.

3. What you saw (if anything).

Nothing, i was either face down in my pillow or partly on my pillow always on my stomache.

4. What happened?

I would be dreaming and then awake but i couldnt open my eyes, i would say i was in between asleep and awake
but i felt very tired and unable to move and breathing was impossible sometimes, other times i can barely breath.
I end up getting a sheer sense of terror from the lack of oxygen and attempt to move by rolling from side to side. To move any other way wouldnt work for me. I eventually snap out of it with my heart racing and gasping for air, while other times ill sit straight up as if nothing happend.

5. How long did it last?

2-4 minutes if i had to guess

6. Were you able to do anything to stop it?

Tense up and keep moving

7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate)

I dont beileve in any god that a religion of the human race recognizes or worships because noone has ever seen the true creator if there is a being at all that created us or existence.

8. Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say?

I wouldnt know i was more focused on trying to not suffocate.

9. Did the experience feel positive / negative.

its always terrifying and i hate it but i dont know what to do to stop it.

10. Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself)

Upset and scared, thinking to myself that was a close one next time might not be able to move at all.

edit on 26-8-2011 by Daygone23 because: Needed to involve the questions with my answer

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I have experienced this many times. It has also been called Night Terrors. Its something beyond "just a dream" I feel as though something is sitting on my back and other entities are in the room watching me. A dark dangerous feeling is around me and its very vivid and intense. It seems like demons are #ing with me because I have an open mind and understand of things more than most or something. Its very much an observing of sorts. Its #ing scary and very real. They say these days that are aliens are demons, and I believe that. Aliens/demons are in control/or battling for control of this world and have been for a long time, thats why in a world full of beautiful sensitive humans the backbone of world economy is the death(war) industry. Seems like a cold blooded alien presence have been #ing with people for a while cough zionists cough.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 10:16 PM
Yes, and it is a spooky feeling. I woke up one time with the blankets partially over my face and I was having trouble breathing. I tried to remove the covers, but my arms didn't work. I began to panic, and then everything slowly began to work. My doctor says it happens to a lot of people, especially when they are over-tired. It is just your body's ability to help you sleep more soundly by preventing tossing and turning. I can remember it happening three times, but it hasn't happened to me for over a year now.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:02 AM
Yes, unfortunately I have experienced sleep paralysis. Whilst doing some research into the Chacara's and various other spiritual science's I came back to this topic and searched it up here, you say that this could possibly be because of Alien abduction? I'd never of thought of it but looking back now I can see some similarities.

-How old *were* you when it first happened / which area *were* you located?

When it first happened I would say I was about 10, I was at my dads house, there were only 4 people in the house, my dad, my sister, and myself. If I recall correctly, it was in the morning, however there was a ominous light from around my bed so it could have in-fact been night and the light was what made me think it was day, I was unable to move, led on my back, looking back on it, it looks as if I was actually sitting up as I was in-fact able to see the whole room, now it gets interesting; everything in the room began to rise from the floor up, I can only remember them rising up, never reaching the ceiling, only rising. It was as if I was having a bad acid trip, but as I said, I was 10. I remember telling my dad, and in turn him mocking me for being crazy, who wouldn't? Either way, this is how it started.

-How long has it been going on/does it still happen?

Its only ever happened to me 3 times, it hasn't happened to me in 2-3 years, a slight mix of feelings from each individual experience, the first, as described above is confusion, the second was neutral; It was Christmas eve, once when I was about 11, I remember waking up and seeing a bright blue light "walk" into my room, I remember being paralyzed once again, yet thinking nothing of this blue orb, I skimpily closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep, being the impressionable kid I was, I didn't think Santa would bring me presents if they were open! And the third one, was a very negative experience, I remember being at my mums this time, waking up for school. Now I was about 13-14, I remember opening my eyes, and not being able to move, I clearly remember thinking to myself: "Jesus Christ not again," not calling for Jesus in this situation, just using it as a blasphemous term as I have heard people who call for him during these are not bothered by them again. However, I remember sing nothing at first, but after a few long seconds I remember seeing a grey, hairless monkey type thing, in-between a cat and a monkey anyway; the closest think I can relate it to is this:

Pretty silly imagining that in my room, but I remember it freaking out, pulling in and out of the curtains, jumping on the walls doing all kinds of weird stuff. It had this verry "human like" demonic face with a large mouth. Since then I haven't had another experience like it.

What you saw (if anything).

*As above ^

What happened?

*As above ^

How long did it last?

I remeber each one was fairly short, about 30 seconds at the most, although the blue orb "session" was about 5 seconds.

Were you able to do anything to stop it?

Nothing at-all, I remember making marks in my hands from where I had dug into them with my nails during the first experience.

Are you a religious person? (elaborate)

No, I am very much against religion. I was brought up in a Church of England school, however it was not drilled into our heads that "If we were not religious we would fail." so I went my own way and ignored the majority of our Philosophy lessons and contradicted it whenever I could.

Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say?

I was never directly told anything at any time.

Did the experience feel positive / negative.

As above ^

Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself)

Nothing other than me diging into my own hands with my nails, however thinking back on it if it were to happen again i'm sure I would be sick, the thought of it makes me sick.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Yochuna

I don't believe the doctors' explanation for this phenomenom... I think its E.T involvement

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:38 AM
I was 24 when it happened to me(1989). I was home alone, and it was probably 8:00am. I woke as normally do but that feeling only lasted about a split second. After i opened my eyes, i went to move to get up and couldn`t. It terrorized me instantly, I thought it must be a dream. I tried to scream hoping someone would come save me, but could not take a breath to scream. that scared me even more!!! With fear and desperation of thinking i was dieing, I tried with all my mite to shake my legs. finally my legs started jerking viotenly as the rest of my body woke up, and i lept to my feet. I went next door to my nieghbors house shaking, they allowed me to stay till i calmed down. Luckily it has never happened again.
I never felt a presence in the room, but with the amount of fear i felt from not being able to move, I`m not surprised. The paralysis only lasted about 15 seconds if i had to guess. I could only imagine the fear if it had lasted longer, and felt or seen another presence.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
Has anyone on ATS actually experienced the phenomenon known as "Sleep Paralysis" ?

The reason i ask it here is because its usually accompanied by some sort of alien encounter...

Why on earth would you think that? It's a fairly common condition experienced by lots of people who have had no 'alien encounter' whatsoever.
It's strange statements like this which give people on sites like this a bad name. OP you clearly do not understand the difference between a personal theory and proven fact.
edit on 30-8-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

1. How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located?
I was 14 when I first experienced sleep paralysis. This happened in my bed.

2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen?
It happened more often when I was young, but still happens on occasion. The most recent time I can remember is about five weeks ago.

3. What you saw (if anything).
Only once. I was 21, taking a nap on my girlfriends bed. I awoke and couldn't move and there was what looked like a small creature sitting on my chest. It was grey with two eyes and a very squat body. I was terrified, but couldn't move. The next thing I remember was trying to yell for help. I tried to roll but couldn't move at first, and then rolled off the bed hard onto the floor. Looking up, whatever it was was gone.

4. What happened?
I've grown to accept it and learn to control it. It is a positive thing for me, as I can turn it off now. When I couldn't control it, it was frightening at first. When I tried to control it, it was a little frustrating. But meditation and lifestyle changes have helped me learn to break the paralysis.

5. How long did it last?
The longest, about 30 seconds.

6. Were you able to do anything to stop it?
Yes. If I wake up with paralysis I will usually stop to meditate, because it's a wonderful place to do so. If I have things to do, I say in my mind, "Get up and move." This usually breaks the paralysis immediately. At first, it took a few seconds. But after breaking it a few times, it got easy.

7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate)
I am a spiritual being having a human experience. That is the simplest way to describe it.

8. Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say?
I was never contacted verbally or mentally. Physically, the one time. But that was just the one time.

9. Did the experience feel positive / negative.
Once I gained control, it is mostly positive. Sometimes upon waking, there is a slight disorientation as the gears start to turn, and I'll forget that I've been in sleep paralysis before, then I'll remember and break it.

10. Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself)
Only slightly disoriented for a short time following movement. The long term effect for me is a positive one.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Iam almost 70..Starting around 41yr i have had one every 2 yrs. I am in a dream locked in the position i am in, panic in my mind because i have no control. It lasts about 5min, seems like hours..I dont look forward to the next one.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:27 PM
1. How old was you when it first happened / which area was you located? Around 10, Boston, MA.
2. How long has it been going on/does it still happen? It's been going on since I was about ten, 25 now.
3. What you saw (if anything). I see all different things, from shadowy figures to myself walking around.
4. What happened? Can't move anything but my eyes, feel an uncontrolled sense of dread.
5. How long did it last? I couldn't really say, but I'd venture a guess perhaps a couple minutes? seems longer
6. Were you able to do anything to stop it? Focus on moving a finger or toe usually does the trick
7. Are you a religious person? (elaborate) No.
8. Were you contacted by something, if so what did it/they say? No.
9. Did the experience feel positive / negative. Negative, worst feelings of fear always when it happens.
10. Were you left with any after effects? (Feeling sick or different in yourself) I feel normal when I come out of it.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Anusuia

You are a Richard Head...Please cease to Exsist!!

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by walksalone2

I'm sorry that your experiencing this gary... All i can suggest is trying what's suggested in the video.


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