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Mexico Is The Most violent Country In The World And Should Be Taken Over By The U.S. military

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by warehouse7
LOL typical American.... we don't like something so lets invade, take over, and rob the country of its resources so that we can say we helped...... if you take over this country then who will mow your lawns and tend your gardens and sell fruit on the sides of your highways lol ...... o America how the world hates you
the united states invaded...france and germany twice,japan,korea,vietnam,iraq,afghanistan so why not mexico

the question is;

why WOULD you invade mexico.
so the psychopathic gangs filled with drug addicted homicidal maniacs dont start coming over here and mutilating our children in the usa...thats why...theres heads of women and children hanging off of the highway overpasses in mexico and body parts being thrown all over the place...someone told me that they are doing this to the kids of parents who refused to pay protection money to the gangs...!?!?....

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
mexico has its own army to deal with the problem does it not?

Isn't the Mexican and Russian army existing only to train the next set of foot soldiers of the corrupt, gangster, and drug lords? I suspect they have a special course in boot-camp about waylaying people to rape them.

Mexican and Russian tax dollars at work - training people to destroy their own culture on the citizen dime.
edit on 2011/8/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by BadMagician
That just sounds like a dandy plan.

Get into a nasty situation (Project Gunrunner), blame the people you sold them to, then take an army in and wipe them out....Who cares if there is civilian death and collateral damage?

Like the cop that abuses his taser or his gun, we are just doing our jobs...
just like we did to saddam in iraq...sell him weapons,give him loads of tax payer cash...then invade and crush him for using them!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by macman
I am a champion for the US Military. But, we are not the world's police.
Let it burn. We have our own issues here to deal with.

Build the dam fence, arm it and let Mexico deal with Mexico.
you think that "the usa is not the worlds police"... "yes we are" and we always have been ever since we became a country, read through this! >>>
edit on 17-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by BadMagician
That just sounds like a dandy plan.

Get into a nasty situation (Project Gunrunner), blame the people you sold them to, then take an army in and wipe them out....Who cares if there is civilian death and collateral damage?

Like the cop that abuses his taser or his gun, we are just doing our jobs...
just like we did to saddam in iraq...sell him weapons,give him loads of tax payer cash...then invade and crush him for using them!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by blocula this country mexico is more dangerous than any other in the world right now.thousands of men women and children are being massacred every month! by viscious drug gangs and i think that our army needs to teach them a lesson they will never forget,hunt them down and lock them up.we could do it if we really wanted to. and i think we should because mexico borders the usa and we should do something about it before this muderous rampage spreads over into our country...but theres no oil in mexico so we'll probably do nothing...
edit on 17-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2011 by dbates because: Slight title edit. (United States milita - now U.S. military)

If the drug cartel is threatening US integrity and well being, if war between drug dealers is being spread in the states than I find it more the reasonable for the US army to take action. Otherwise US has no business in getting to another independent country. Is this kind of attitude that got America in financial trouble. Who is US to intervene in every corner of the world and act like a world police? I'm amazed with the attitude of some of the posters in here. Is about time that USA minds her own business and tries to heal her own wounds. Don't get me wrong, I like US and I've got nothing against this country. I just don't agree with this kind of bully behavior. Despite the trillions of debts, heavy economic issues, a population with an increasing amount of problems, financial and social, with a government in a total panic, still there are dudes in here who think that US should step in a military action against another country. Seriously???

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:41 AM
The op has stated that Mexico, is a country that is dangerous and needs to be pacified in a military way. There are a few things to be stated about such.

Military action is not going to do the job down in Mexico. The problem of what all is going on, is a 3 fold part. Part one is that corruption spans at all levels of the government in Mexico, where city, state and even federal officials are working with the Cartels, even the Mexican military has been reported to giving aid to such individuals. The cartels have to be getting their training and hardware from someplace, and the only logical conclusion is that such is covertly supported by the Mexican officials, or government agency.

The second part of the problem is the people of Mexico, where there are some states that support the cartels that are from there. The cartels have either bought these people off, or are cowed into submission, where they can work and operate with impunity and no one sees nothing. Every time a bomb goes off, or a decapitated body is found or a mass grave is uncovered, it is a message and thus the population remains silent and turns a blind eye to the cartels rather than saying enough is enough.

The third part of the problem, as much as we do not like to hear it, is the US and the drugs that are bought illegally by the consumers of such. The US is not winning the drug war, and as sad as it is, the money being thrown at it is wasted by the US and the taxpayers are footing the bills, from the messages that are not getting through to the population, to the incarceration of the users. Most of the experts not working for the federal government all agree, that the money would have been better spent in rehab clinics rather than incarceration, that way the drain would not be there. While many would call for the legalization of drugs, the federal government will kick it around and keep it where it is at, as it is a good diversion from the actual problems at hand in DC and at the state levels.

The problem with going into Mexico, is that how could you tell who was a cartel member, and who is not, who is in with such and who is not, as they are not going to be willing to say or point out there someone is, or take that chance. And combined with the actual corruption of the police, military and governments, it is not worth it, nor should the USA continue to give aid to the Mexican government for them to continue to also fight a losing war on their end, or have to deal with corrupt government officials in their midst.

The only real way to win this war, unfortunately has to be a 2 fold way, the first is to close the borders, and to tackle the drug problem either to legalize it, or to offer rehab to the population, to stem the craving for such. And the other is to cut all aid to Mexico, leaving them to deal with the problems that they have and stay out of it, keeping it south of the border. Botch exercises like the guns going to Mexico, need to stop, as that only adds fuel to a burning fire.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Mexico should handle their own problems in their own country. It is none of our business. They have lost millions/ billions of dollars in the tourism industry. The USA are not nazi world occupiers. This war idea has made us broke. NAFTA needs to come to a stop, the jobs brought back to Americans.

Besides, the Quazelcoatal will return in 2012 and make them behave in a civilized rational hospitable demeanor.

In 1984, I stopped a mugging on a public bus in Mexcico. Three men were trying to lift my father's wallet out of his back pocket while were all standing up on the bus. I stuck my hand in under everyone else's and made a fist in his pocket. I was going to be damned if I was going to be stuck in Mexico forever with no money or plane tickets to leave there. I was only 17 and I knew getting on a 3 cent per person public bus was a very bad idea. My mother the cheapest person on the planet thought that would be a thrill. Good Grief! The rest of the bus ride I just stared at the muggers untill we got off at the next stop. My father was a constant target that week for petty theft. Some kid ran up and tried to pull his watch off his arm. It was just an ordinary watch. I grabbed that kid by the arm, gave him a lecture, and his mother came runnung up. So you knew she was watching the whole time.
Drivers licenses are another thing they try to steal off of tourists. My brother had his stolen as an adult on a business trip. My parents had to fax documents to the embassay or airport so he could get home.
Last winter heads were found in coolers in Altlanta GA from the drug war, it was on the internet.

My neighbor went to Mexico two years ago and on the day he was returning to the airport the police stopped him and told him he ran the traffic light. He didn't. They cleaned all the money out of his wallet and let hime leave.
So this is the government keeping the drug cartels in order? I think not.
edit on 17-8-2011 by frugal because: add on

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by kn0wh0w

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by warehouse7
LOL typical American.... we don't like something so lets invade, take over, and rob the country of its resources so that we can say we helped...... if you take over this country then who will mow your lawns and tend your gardens and sell fruit on the sides of your highways lol ...... o America how the world hates you
the united states invaded...france and germany twice,japan,korea,vietnam,iraq,afghanistan so why not mexico

the question is;

why WOULD you invade mexico.
so the psychopathic gangs filled with drug addicted homicidal maniacs dont start coming over here and mutilating our children in the usa...thats why...theres heads of women and children hanging off of the highway overpasses in mexico and body parts being thrown all over the place...someone told me that they are doing this to the kids of parents who refused to pay protection money to the gangs...!?!?....

again, stop feeding the problem then.

stop the supply of arms to these 'drugslords'.


posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by blocula this country mexico is more dangerous than any other in the world right now.thousands of men women and children are being massacred every month! by viscious drug gangs and i think that our army needs to teach them a lesson they will never forget,hunt them down and lock them up.we could do it if we really wanted to. and i think we should because mexico borders the usa and we should do something about it before this muderous rampage spreads over into our country...but theres no oil in mexico so we'll probably do nothing...
edit on 17-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2011 by dbates because: Slight title edit. (United States milita - now U.S. military)

If the drug cartel is threatening US integrity and well being, if war between drug dealers is being spread in the states than I find it more the reasonable for the US army to take action. Otherwise US has no business in getting to another independent country. Is this kind of attitude that got America in financial trouble. Who is US to intervene in every corner of the world and act like a world police? I'm amazed with the attitude of some of the posters in here. Is about time that USA minds her own business and tries to heal her own wounds. Don't get me wrong, I like US and I've got nothing against this country. I just don't agree with this kind of bully behavior. Despite the trillions of debts, heavy economic issues, a population with an increasing amount of problems, financial and social, with a government in a total panic, still there are dudes in here who think that US should step in a military action against another country. Seriously???
just wait till a few dozen innocent civilians get shot and cut up then we might do something, just like we wait till a bunch of people get killed on a dangerous street before we put up a stop sign that should have already been there...if any mexican drug gang member came over into the usa and killed a rich person or a senators wife we would invade in a week or two, but as long as they kill poor nobody janes and joes .. we wont do a damn thing...

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Heartisblack

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by Heartisblack

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy
You've never heard that ? There was a thread here a few weeks back that stated the CIA/FBI somebody with letters was supplying the guns to cartels. I know it is here somewhere

it was the ATF,( alcohol,tobaco, firearm), "supervising" the flow of weapons to Mexico.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by daskakik
There are over 40 countries with higher per capita murder rates around the world.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate

While Mexico has about three times the murder rate per capita compared to the US, the US has around three times the murder rate of Canada so by your logic Canada should invade the US and teach the US a lesson?

Also Mexico is the second largest supplier of oil to the US after Canada. Maybe that is why they don't go around invading each other. Their actually a pretty tight bunch.
edit on 17-8-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)
i saw this as well but keep in mind that this data only goes up to 2004,thats 7 years ago and since then the murder rate in mexico has gone up and up "a lot" higher

Actually if you look at the third table on that page it goes up to 2009, the last column says Most recent which I would imagine is whatever has been tallied since then.

Just so you understand no one wants soldiers policing. That is called martial law. The US doesn't want the US military policing on US soil so why would any other country.

Also what you fail to understand about legalization is that if something is illegal then it is more expensive and that means higher profits. Also if you are dealing something illegal then you won't think twice in commiting other crimes like kidnapping and murder to control the market. When was the last time you saw the makers of Jack Daniels put a hit out on the Jim Beam crew? Doesn't happen because they are not thugs living the gangsta life, they are businesses that don't need to take those risks because what they do is legit.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by blocula

When I read the title I was sure this would be another kro thread this country mexico is more dangerous than any other in the world right now.thousands of men women and children are being massacred every month! by viscious drug gangs and i think that our army needs to teach them a lesson they will never forget,hunt them down and lock them up.we could do it if we really wanted to. and i think we should because mexico borders the usa and we should do something about it before this muderous rampage spreads over into our country...but theres no oil in mexico so we'll probably do nothing...
Look man I hate to break it to you, but to be blunt we can't worry about other countries right now. Our country is on the brink of total chaos and failure, and as great as the United States being the Superman country of the world and solving lots of other countries problems sounds, it's just not practical, especially with the current state we are in right now.

And one of the reasons that we went into Iraq was to bring an oppressed people peace, but in reality we just killed thousands of innocent civilians in our noble quest to help them out....

"We come to bring you peace"

edit on 17-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by blocula this country mexico is more dangerous than any other in the world right now.thousands of men women and children are being massacred every month! by viscious drug gangs and i think that our army needs to teach them a lesson they will never forget,hunt them down and lock them up.we could do it if we really wanted to. and i think we should because mexico borders the usa and we should do something about it before this muderous rampage spreads over into our country...but theres no oil in mexico so we'll probably do nothing...
edit on 17-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2011 by dbates because: Slight title edit. (United States milita - now U.S. military)

Perhaps Mexico might have something to say about foreign(u.s) troops rounding up their citizens?
our military is built to destroy things not "lock them up" and especially not have our hands tied by some international criminal court as in some kind of sick "USA world police".

Put our military on our borders.we can take care of our selves. The U.N.can ask Paraguay or Portugal or Spain for troops to fight cartels.
edit on 17-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-8-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Utter foolishness....hey OP, if you want our military to take over mexico I hope that you'll be enlisting for service

This is real life, not CoD multiplayer

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:51 PM

edit on 17-8-2011 by aufosg because: changed my mind about even commenting on such a foolish thread

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:43 PM
I totally agree with the O P, mexico's people are in dire need of help, innocent people are being murdered on a daily bases its total chaos in that country, the U S military should step in and take the drug cartels out.

Anyone who disagrees is simply racist
you should hear all the horror stories

quit sending troops to middle eastern countries and do something about your neighbors that are in serious need.
edit on 17-8-2011 by AzazeI because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:52 PM
We dont want mexico's debt, we can't even afford our own government let alone an entire country. We might be 14 trillion in debt, mexico is like 14 quadrillion and the only thing they export that any country could possibly want is hotsauce. I dont trust their sodapops, its made with their water, and you know all about "don't drink the water" in mexico, and i highly doubt pinatas will ever be a world commodity. What is it they make to trade with the world again? Oh yeah, poverty!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
We dont want mexico's debt, we can't even afford our own government let alone an entire country. We might be 14 trillion in debt, mexico is like 14 quadrillion and the only thing they export that any country could possibly want is hotsauce. I dont trust their sodapops, its made with their water, and you know all about "don't drink the water" in mexico, and i highly doubt pinatas will ever be a world commodity. What is it they make to trade with the world again? Oh yeah, poverty!

How about some facts. Mexico exports around $300 billion a year and their debt is around 20% of their GDP. Their number one export is oil to the US.

According to the Forbes Global 2000 - Mexico. Mexico has 16 of the worlds 2000 largest companies.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by TheLoony
reply to post by blocula

Dude, read my post. I would say read it again but you obviously did not read it the first time. Refute my logical points - I even forgot to mention that we are arming them as was posted above. Don't give me that crap. I actually do know people in Mexico - San Luis Rio Colorado to be exact - and they have been directly affected by death. They don't want the bloody U.S. military there, at all, they just want the damned war on drugs to end. Any sane and logical thinking person(few and far between nowadays) would also want a end to years of failed drug policy in stead of, say, invading a country that deserves it not at all.

Now, try again, this time with logic and not a ridiculous emotional argument that holds no weight at all.
how can i not be ridiculously emotional about hundreds of 12,13 and 14 year old girls being raped then chopped up and strewn all over town...what is the reason they are doing this to them,do you know? is it because the girls fathers refused to pay the drug gangs protection money?or what?

Yes, hideous. I still say, legalize marijuana. That would remove at least half of the cartel's reason for being. It would also eradicate a whole infrastructure built on the marijuana industry.

Whole segments of the Mexican economy would be left unfunded overnight. Plus the fact the income from taxation of it would be a great help to the good old broke U.S.A.


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