Cheeky Monkey
I know my glib style is annoying to many who read my prophecies. My challenge to them is to consider why that is so.
Is it because I project an arrogance which comes from superior knowledge? Well, for what it�s worth, I have made it eminently clear that I am
convinced that
every single one of us can look within and know pretty much what I know.
As far as I can tell, there is very little I can actually know that you can�t except for some very minor variations in the lives of two spirits among
trillions. There is truly, my friends, very little within me that differs from that which is within you, however important those tiny differences may
Do I think myself better than everyone else because �I saw it first�? No, just amazingly lucky, if that�s really the word for it. And please bear in
mind that this is a team effort. Without my Sweet One this would be a much more time-consuming process!
Does my playful style offend your sense of prophetic decorum? Shouldn�t prophets be more stern and serious in their work? The main problem I have with
such stereotypes is that they are contrived to make you fear and obey the messenger.
That�s a game I
refuse to play, because a prophet who preaches fear is a
false prophet. The truth is that we have
nothing to
fear, because we are truly immortal and will never be alone or unloved in the eternity which faces us.
Folks, I just can�t feel all high and mighty bringing you my messages, because I am nothing more than your brother and sister, not some figure of
authority, wrath or godhood.
And for what it�s worth, I can�t imagine anyone finding my style more opaque than a bunch of cryptic quatrains, fantastically symbolic creatures or
grandiose riddles. I mean come on, people, give me a break here!
News From Yoshiel
I feel it important to point out that as Yoshiel continues their work, the nature of it becomes more abstract and distant from me as �Majic�. What I
report, therefore, is essentially my interpretation of what they are doing, and thus subject to substantial error.
In other words, I am unsure if I can bring �direct� messages from Yoshiel now or in the future, and they seem so engaged in their work that the best I
have been getting lately is an occasional flash of delightful warmth from my Sweet One. She seems to know what I�m going through.
Based on what comes into my mind at present, Yoshiel is seeking to understand the means by which the memories of all souls are organized with us. They
are pursuing this goal in light of the relatively slow pace of progress achieved without this knowledge.
For those looking for a time frame, they have none to offer. Also, you already know how I feel about dates and prophecies. Remember, we are looking
into the past, not the future, and it�s always a little different each time around.
Now Regarding Those Prophecies
Let�s see if I can�t just rattle a few off without so much fanfare. More beef and less bun, in other words.
1. Scholars analyzing my writings will find clues which will lead to remarkable advances in many fields of science, and my writings will be directly
credited with inspiring several of them.
2. Although I hate giving prophetic dates, wound within my writings are, nonetheless, hidden clues which will be found to correspond to the specific
dates and times of important historical events. (Hint: Think �Project Archangel�)
3. Soon a new Pope will be selected that will become an especially charismatic, beloved and influential leader in both religious and political
circles, moreso even than John Paul II. He will wield political power to a degree which no Pope has done in centuries, and will, with passionate
messages of outreach and love, bring many new members into the folds of the Catholic church in the manner of a �new revival�.
4. A technology will be developed which will allow scientists to visualize the patterns of human thought with stunning clarity. It is this development
which will inadvertently lead to the discovery described in the next prophecy.
5. Psychologists will find convincing evidence of vivid memories contained within the minds of men that correspond to experiences they could not
possibly have had within their physical lives.
6. In a similar vein to the last two prophecies, scientists will discover �objective� evidence of the existence of spiritual souls in living
7. I will be publicly denounced by famous and powerful religious leaders as a heretic, blasphemer, False Prophet and/or the Anti-Christ. I will be
unable to dispute those allegations.
8. New spiritual movements will be founded based upon my writings. However, I will be a leader of none of them. They will each differ regarding
specific matters of interpretation, but will in general enjoy a degree of mutual acceptance unprecedented in human history.
9. There will be many attempts by powerful people to suppress and discredit my words, but they will fail.
10. Famous people of many faiths will publicly embrace my teachings, confirming the truth of them by looking within.
11. Archeological evidence will soon be discovered which will corroborate certain details of my claims regarding past lives.
12. A large object will collide with the Moon, changing both its orbit and appearance in significant ways.
13. Astronomers will discover evidence correlating my postulates that our universe lies within a Cycle between Divergence and Convergence to a
remarkable degree, and publish their findings publicly.
14. Large numbers of people other than myself, as a result of looking within, will discover memories of past lives. Many details from these past lives
will be corroborated by historical research and archeological findings, and this news will make world headlines.
15. The �secret� about the existence of extraterrestrial life will be publicly confirmed by official government sources. This news will have profound
impacts on all aspects of life on Earth.
16. Many other prophets will soon arise who will speak from knowledge they will claim to have found within.
17. Some prophets will confirm my messages, but other prophets will claim them false, that
they are the true �Prophets of God�, and that I am
the False Prophet foretold in the Apocalypse.
I know these sound pretty vague, but bear in mind that I want to be 100% accurate, and in light of the fact that things are always a little different
each time around, as it were, that kind of accuracy can be awful darn tricky to achieve!
As more things start �leaking out� from Yoshiel�s analyses, I�ll be sure to update you. But please bear in mind, folks, I don�t get to choose what
leaks out, so if you want me to help you pick the winning lotto numbers or find that missing pet of yours, I�m sorry.
I�m a prophet, but not a psychic, seer, oracle, diviner, thaumaturge, necromancer, prestidigitator or palm reader. Though I may decide to branch out
at some point, I hope you can understand what I�m not, if you can�t understand what I am.
I post this stuff because bringing messages is what prophets do. But with these messages comes my strident request that though you may be aware of my
prophecies, I urge you to choose the course of your path by looking within, not looking to me.
Carry my love with you, dear brothers and sisters!
Edits: I�m tacking new prophecies onto this post as they come to me, but will start a different post before the end of the day so as to preserve the
September 4, 2004 date stamp. After all, prophecies made after the events they �predict� have already occurred aren�t very convincing prophecies now,
are they?
[edit on 9/4/2004 by Majic]