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The Ridiculous Ron Paul BS On This Site Is Pathetic

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posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by Red Cloak

So, with all the Ron Paul bashing, what would your choice for president then? Would you have Michelle, or Mitt, or perhaps Perry? Would you have America ran on Christian principles instead of Constitutional principle? What is your agenda in damning Dr. Paul in this forum?

You don't know Ron Paul very well. He thinks the Church should have more power than the government

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. — Ron Paul

The Founding Fathers envisioned a robustly Christian yet religiously tolerant America, with churches serving as vital institutions that would eclipse the state in importance. — Ron Paul

What he stated is both historically accurate and would serve the interests of communities much better than the current nanny state!

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by TruthWizard

Well you are free to make of his voting record what you will but regardless of the reasons it's clear that alternative energy get's no votes while oil companies get yes votes.

Enough to get a good idea where he stands on the issue anyways. [/quote

You are certainly full of baseless assumptions, among other things. He voted against "Alternative energy" because it would amount to HUGE hidden taxes for Americans. Take ethanol as a simple example. The price of corn is now over 300% higher than it was prior to its subsidies. Although not a direct tax, Americans bear the burden of increased costs none-the-less.

Try actually reading and researching WHY Paul takes these positions before making foolish assumptions.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:27 AM
Well, I am glad you posted this because it provides the hilariously ironic counterpoint to the last election cycle, and all of the screeching, drooling sycophants who were apoplectic when Ron Paul supporters were pointing out the hypocrisy of BO's promise of hope and change. How's that going by the way?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by CoincidenceX
well what the hell do you want us to do? vote for obama? vote for bachmann? santorum? perry? PLEASE GIVE US YOUR ADVICE! You've enlightened us Paul Fanatics and now that we realize we've been following and supporting a fraud SO WE'RE FINALLY MAINSTREAM!!!!!


Am I gonna take my chance on RP in 2012? Hell yes. Atleast he has consistently voted the past 30 years.... if he is a fraud then America is hopeless anyway so why does it matter.

and OP who would YOU vote for? -

Maybe stand up and make it clear that you know that the 2 party system is nothing but a hoax.
Personally I would rather not vote than vote for the "lesser" of the devils.

Most people here on ATS supported Obama as well, but like usual it turned out it was nothing but words.
I also don't understand how Americans worship someone just because they can hold a great speech.

There is no real democracy, it is just a illusion to make you think you have influence.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Just so you know, if there's a website and discussion of politics, well Ron Paul is all I see being talked about. So go on thinking its just this site, but I assure it is not

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I didn't have an opinion about Paul one way or another, but there was something about him I just couldn't put my finger on,
Just happened upon this,

An LGF reader emailed this photograph, showing Ron Paul at the Values Voters Presidential Debate in Fort Lauderdale on September 17, 2007. Immediately to Paul’s left: Don Black, the owner of neo-Nazi hate site Stormfront. If anyone knows who the creepy guy in the hat is, please post a comment.

The guy is passing by in the background of the picture.....A bit of a stretch to say they are buddies,don't you think?I have plenty of pictures with people that I have never even met before,in the background.

Update: it’s Derek Black, Don’s son.

Maybe he didn't know who the guy was,
edit on 113131p://bSaturday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Ahh, the old Drive by idiot propaganda machine. Don't fear, your paycheck is safe for one more week. Make sure you get in your obligatory 20 posts per week.

I wish Ron Paul was a Freemason. He has morals and conviction, which is a perfect foundation for a good person. I hope he finds time to petition the lodge in the future. perhaps in 2016, after he gets my country out of the crapper.
Godspeed Dr. Paul.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 01:14 PM

First of all, he is a Freemason and he claims he is not one.

Hate to have to tell you that most of the founding fathers of the country were masons.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak
Who pays you to post on this site? You come across as someone with an agenda, are you an Israeli sympathizer? Or some sort of Zionist?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

That's why we have a Congress and a Senate... to make sure the president doesn't act like a dictator and change everything to suit their ideals. You make it sound as if Ron Paul would have full control over changing laws and stuff.

Get real man!

Also: James Garfield was the only Congressman to become president and that was in 1881.
He was the 20th President of the United States. It's obviosly very rare for a Congressman to become president.

Besides, the Perry/Palin ticket has already been chosen by TPTB to be next in office.
edit on 8/14/11 by AstroBuzz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:02 PM
this is exactly why i dont vote...say what you will.but there is nosense in voting for him or her when be honest with yourself they all are in it for themselves..noone cares for the common man or making this a better place to raise or kids..i cant beleive people are so stupid..or willing to beleive the lies..people wake up... i wanna see a common man stand up and really shake the tree do away with the irs im tired of half my money being taken every year and whats so wrong with wanting people to come here legally guess im just a raciest funny my great grandparents did it..guess its not fair to hold the people of today up to there standards they were real men and women.not theses winning babies of today,,any way all im saying is ask the question of the canadate you support and see for yourself what the answere is and listen to your heart..does this man or woman truely care about my wellbeing and that of my kids and grand kids,does he or she beleive in the true american way or are they just pandering for votes.......

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:04 PM
Is it ridiculous OR is it pathetic, it can't be both. Well if it were re typed as a different phrase it would be perfectly fine, just not as it stands though.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:19 PM
Ron is our best bet plain and simple. He never talks about "winning" or "getting in the white house". He doesnt make outlandish promises. He isnt trying to sell you an idea, notice that? every other candidate tells us why why need him as if he is selling himself . I like Ron because he doesnt try to convince me why I need to vote for him, Just like a good product his plans and ideas sell themselves. I'll ask you this who are you voting forSome overweight overwhite blowhard republican moron or some lying pansy wimp of a democrat? Im going with a feeble old man myself

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by kro32

You don't know Ron Paul very well. He thinks the Church should have more power than the government

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. — Ron Paul

I direct your attention here:

Our Founding Fathers were anything but today's Christians, in fact, most were Deists.

Were the Founding Fathers "Deists," "Freethinkers," and "Infidels?"

Founding Fathers, Deists, Orthodox Christians, and the Spiritual Context of 18th Century America

Quotations regarding religious beliefs:

Just by reading about the Founding Fathers religious beliefs, including them into the Constitution was something that seemed, to them, the right thing to do. This is why there is a Separation or Powers, and a Separation of Church and State, and I guarantee you that Ron Paul would not go against the Constitution, or the Articles.

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