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The Ridiculous Ron Paul BS On This Site Is Pathetic

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Ron Paul's Congressional voting record matches his words. Unlike most politicians, he talks the talk and walks the walk. He has my vote! I'm sick of the lies and corruption, want a return to following the Constitution AS OUR FOREFATHERS intended (meaning, not subject to interpretation by the flavor of the day), want an end to corruption, would like to see a President with ethics, morals, honesty and integrity--values that once mattered in the USA.
As far as him being a Mason, I don't know if it's true or not, and frankly I don't care. There are, imo, good and bad people in all walks of life. I believe that even some of the politicians I get so frustrated with, aren't evil (some are), but only vastly uninformed. Perhaps Presidential and Congressional candidates should have to pass a Constitutional examination prior to even being eligible to run for office!

Now for a "really-out-there" theory:
What if the story about our forefathers, many of whom were Masons, knowing what would happen to the Republic (we'd almost lose her) were true? What if George Washington's "angelic" third prophecy (we'd almost lose the Republic, but would save her at the last moment) were true? What if Ron Paul getting elected, with a little help from his friends, the Masons, is how the Republic is saved at the last moment? What if the marginalization of Ron Paul is just a ruse, designed to further enrage Paul supporters, who then become even more determined, become even more active politically--so that they may garner even more votes and more support for Ron Paul--again, Paul's election saving the Republic at the last?
(The above is just an idea that came to me one day when I was getting so frustrated with the blatant lies, poll shenanigans and outright dismissal afforded Ron Paul. Media cannot possibly believe that "we" don't see through their charade, imo.)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:50 PM
All I can say is after reading all of these Go Ron Paul!! Ron Paul will never get elected!!! threads is:

Not a single one of you will sway my vote one way or another,
I will vote for WHO I WANT TO VOTE FOR.

If you are so dismayed with the system that you believe someone like Ron Paul could never get elected, then why the hell do you care one way or another because it just suggests you do not believe in the system we have in place and that everything is rigged.

I've been there, I have not voted in the last 3 elections because I thought it was pointless, and now FINALLY I see someone who is worth voting for, and I'll be damned if I will let a lot of nay Sayers try to tell me to vote otherwise because "He will never get into the white house,you are wasting your vote" which I have read in several places.

I think Ron Paul scares people because OH MY GOD!!! He is telling the TRUTH!

You don't see that every day in politics do ya!?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:08 PM

I didn't have an opinion about Paul one way or another, but there was something about him I just couldn't put my finger on,
Just happened upon this,

An LGF reader emailed this photograph, showing Ron Paul at the Values Voters Presidential Debate in Fort Lauderdale on September 17, 2007. Immediately to Paul’s left: Don Black, the owner of neo-Nazi hate site Stormfront. If anyone knows who the creepy guy in the hat is, please post a comment.

Update: it’s Derek Black, Don’s son.

Maybe he didn't know who the guy was,
edit on 113131p://bSaturday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:09 PM
I don’t care if Paul is a Freemason or not, but I agree with the OP that Paul’s foreign policy ideas are very good but his domestic philosophy is pretty crazy and won’t work.

Also, if Paul actually got elected, believe me; he wouldn’t last long going against the Military Industrial Complex and the Fed and the wars.

Recall what got Kennedy taken out among other things was his messing around with the CIA and not wanting to fight the Vietnam War.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Im noticing that as Ron Paul is doing better and getting more support, more and more lambasting posts about him are made that clog up the "recent posts" search and are kept at the top.

It seems the shilling and trolling campaign is ramping up. The "elite" know RP is a threat, and are doing anything and everything to make him look bad, and plant subconscious messages by holding slating thread titles in public view as long as possible, planting the messages even if the thread itself is not read.

Its obvious, and sad.

Ron Paul 2012!

edit on 8/13/2011 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:08 AM
Ron Paul is real! I realize a lot of people on ATS are paranoid beyond belief, so they suspect that the Illuminati runs everything and everyone. But Ron Paul has consistently voted and taken positions that were not necessarily popular. Positions that should hurt his chances of being elected. Additionally, he was the tea party before other Republicans hopped on the tea party bandwagon and adopted it's rhetoric. If that doesn't convince you as to his legitimacy, then I don't know what will.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

You're right!
Palin 2012.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

There is one very simple reason why Americans love Ron Paul.

They are hoping that if they elect him, he will give them their freedom back, without requiring them to engage in personal responsibility.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by timi0000

ya he's real.

real what, tho.

st. paul is a fake.

40yrs in congress, ok.


hey! i can be prez!

i tell ya'll what ya want to hear but when i get in, it won't happen!

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by N3k9Ni

Originally posted by Red Cloak

First of all, he is a Freemason and he claims he is not one. Even though he is.

Ron Paul being a mason is pretty well known.

There is, in fact, well-documented evidence that Congressman Paul was inducted into a Masonic fraternity in college

Ron Paul was initiated in the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at his alma mater, Gettysburg College, in Pennsylvania. The November 2007 issue of Lambda Chi Alpha’s publication, Cross & Crescent, proudly announced “Ron Paul's Presidential Bid.” Ron Paul was not only a member but a leader of Lambda Chi Alpha.

So What?

It's a "secret" men's fraternity on a college campus. There are tons of them all over the place. I have done a good bit of searching and nowhere can I find it is said to be or linked to the masons.

Do you assume because it's a secret order of some type that it Must always be The Masons?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:22 AM
OP you say Rand Paul is a nut. Well, he is no different than any other American, all "nuts" in their own special way. He had a liberal (libertarian) and free upbringing so he will probably have some odd ideas, no biggie, and not fair to condemn freedom of thought. I expect my fellow Americans to be a bit strange, that is the nature of human individuality, which I celebrate.

As to his father, Ron Paul being a mason, I don't think that means he's a priori evil. Hitler was empowered by the Vatican and persecuted the mason, and then the masons have their surface-beef with the Vatican, imo these are just drama plays for the 12 or so occult families (Rothschild at the center) who manage all this drama for us, as they act in the capacity of our presumed masters. I do not participate in politics, but I am encouraged by Ron Paul's rhetoric, it is most refreshing to watch him destroy everyone he comes into contact with. He is definately going to flush the turds out of the pipe, but your question is if he is going to become some larger turd.

Well, you may be right, and only by waterboarding him immediately after his being elected, can we know for sure. And I am sure he will relent in the name of the people. In fact I think it should be Constitutionally provided via amendment that we get to ritually waterboard the Executive before they actually take power. It is the only way to know the truth.

But even if newly elected president Ron Paul submits to the waterboard of the people, and he holds true to his principles and appears to be real, we will still have to watch him closely because the nature of power is that it corrupts. So you make good points OP.

Really though, you must see that Internet Protocol destroys the world as we knew it. All these political systems are like quaint affectations which we will drag into the future until they just get too heavy to drag. Voting is a trick run by Deibold and even when they hilariously run two Bonesmen against the people, and even when it is a total excercise in shambology, and when the hanging chad ballots go to the SCOTUS --which is a complete violation of separation powers no less --EVEN THEN they didn't consider the ballots because there was no credible witness who would testify as to the tons of ballots, nobody wanted to testify about the matter! Haha, it's hilarious that people even believe in the process after that. You get two Bonesmen, who flee the room when asked about secret belongings to other men (frat boyz ya know), and then when they have a close "election" they make a show of sending the ballots to a competing branch of the government (which is a complete joke in your faces) and that branch basically "runs out of the room" similarly and won't consider the evidence, and who cares if they did anyway?? Ha!

It's funny how badly people want to stick to the old ways, but Internet Protocol and Peer-to-Peer systems make all nations, all magistrates, all authorities obsolete. The whole system as it is, is terminally vectored. But I must say I am laughing my ass off watching Ron Paul annihilate his opponents who are actually made to be like wood for his axe. I am not under any mistaken belief that this system of electing representatives will exist much longer, it is fatally flawed and we all know this. But the people who have their foot on the gas pedal will keep it floored until the seals break on the motor. They'll actually be surprised when the tach shows RPMs diminishing and they start slowing down. Every race car driver knows that feeling, when the pedal's floored but your car is slowing down. It means the race is over. I mean the whole race. The track, the association, the gasoline, the whole thing ends soon. People will go home and figure out a way to just work without it, and eventually, the world will be better than it is now. Remember that the 20th century by all measure is the bloodiest and most horrific century in the history of mankind. Never, until the modern age, were sacrificial altars made so large, and were so many piled onto them. We need to stop seeing the 20th century as being a good one, because it was run by evil killers. Anyway, I am looking forward to interviewing or debating Ron Paul, where's the global town hall microphone? There was GLP voice chat, but now that that's dead. So where can we have a global microphone so we can grill these potential rulers on mic? Get it going asap please.
edit on 14-8-2011 by smallpeeps because: context

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

your voice has just tipped me into the Ron Paul camp

i will vote for him in the election,
but alas my vote has been for the losing candidate in every election since McCarthy ran

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:28 AM

and if you cannot afford something you have NO RIGHT to have it.

I stopped reading after this. Clearly you believe you are entitled to material objects without having earned them. YOU are what is wrong with this country, not the Paul's.

Secondly, the idea that a man should be judged on the actions of his adult offspring is ludicrous.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:45 AM
Ron Paul is loved for his record not his words. This is where you are wrong in your entire premise.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

I would love for you to substantiate any of your claims. Without substantial proof, this is simply editorial rhetoric, opinion and pure assumption.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

The thing that amazes me about Americans is, you would think that after they were hoodwinked by Obama to the degree that they were, they might have learned something.

After all, at the time, everyone was chanting, "Yes We Can!" along with him, and there was lots of camera footage of black women crying and hugging each other, and lots of blog posts on the Internet about how Obama was the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln; as well as lots of New Age sites referring to him as the "Annointed One," etc. you are now. Guantanamo wasn't closed, Afghanistan and Iraq continued, Bush and Cheney weren't arrested and charged with war crimes like they should have been...virtually nothing that anyone wanted, that Obama promised, actually came about.

And you're doing it all over again. You're making the websites about Ron Paul, and what a glorious human being he is, and you're getting yourselves frantically excited, and you're telling everyone that he is the Messiah, and he's going to come and make all of the bad things go away, and wave his magic wand and give you all of your freedom back, and everything else you might want, besides.

It seems to me that no matter how many times Americans get kicked in the head by the cabal in Washington, they still go back for more. They just don't learn. Every time they get betrayed by the most recent member of the crime syndicate who goes into the White House, who they tell themselves is going to solve all of their problems, they just move on to the next one, without missing a beat.

How long are you going to keep doing this for, Americans, and still getting the same result? When are you going to think that maybe, it might be a good idea to actually try something different?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by N3k9Ni

Originally posted by Red Cloak

First of all, he is a Freemason and he claims he is not one. Even though he is.

Ron Paul being a mason is pretty well known.

There is, in fact, well-documented evidence that Congressman Paul was inducted into a Masonic fraternity in college

Ron Paul was initiated in the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at his alma mater, Gettysburg College, in Pennsylvania. The November 2007 issue of Lambda Chi Alpha’s publication, Cross & Crescent, proudly announced “Ron Paul's Presidential Bid.” Ron Paul was not only a member but a leader of Lambda Chi Alpha.

That cracks me up. Because he was in a fraternity in college, he's a Mason? Maybe that's true for some of the elitist Harvard secret societies (Skull and Bones, etc.), but anyone who went to a non-elitist college and joined a fraternity should not be automatically viewed with suspicion.

I went to a college that had a lot of fraternities, and I hung out with those guys. Their main agenda was drinking beer and getting the girls to come to their parties. Although I'd love to think that they were doing secret ceremonies designed to rule the world, I can't with a straight face believe that...

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

The thing that amazes me about Americans is, you would think that after they were hoodwinked by Obama to the degree that they were, they might have learned something.

After all, at the time, everyone was chanting, "Yes We Can!" along with him, and there was lots of camera footage of black women crying and hugging each other, and lots of blog posts on the Internet about how Obama was the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln; as well as lots of New Age sites referring to him as the "Annointed One," etc. you are now. Guantanamo wasn't closed, Afghanistan and Iraq continued, Bush and Cheney weren't arrested and charged with war crimes like they should have been...virtually nothing that anyone wanted, that Obama promised, actually came about.

And you're doing it all over again. You're making the websites about Ron Paul, and what a glorious human being he is, and you're getting yourselves frantically excited, and you're telling everyone that he is the Messiah, and he's going to come and make all of the bad things go away, and wave his magic wand and give you all of your freedom back, and everything else you might want, besides.

It seems to me that no matter how many times Americans get kicked in the head by the cabal in Washington, they still go back for more. They just don't learn. Every time they get betrayed by the most recent member of the crime syndicate who goes into the White House, who they tell themselves is going to solve all of their problems, they just move on to the next one, without missing a beat.

How long are you going to keep doing this for, Americans, and still getting the same result? When are you going to think that maybe, it might be a good idea to actually try something different?

The difference is their record. Obama was beloved for absolutely nothing other than his rhetoric. He had no actions to back up his words with. Voting "present" doesn't exactly show his strong political convictions.

Paul, on the other hand, has a decades-long record of VOTING that meshes exactly with what he says.

With your attitude, you suggest that Americans should never support ANY candidate, ever, because simply doing so is foolish. How would that be helpful?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl
With your attitude, you suggest that Americans should never support ANY candidate, ever, because simply doing so is foolish. How would that be helpful?

I'm actually suggesting more, that you don't view candidates as complete father figures; who will supposedly fix everything themselves, so that you can go back to watching television without interruption.

The problem isn't the politicians themselves. It's the fact that people want politicians to act as their babysitters.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Damn, it is like NO ONE here knows a thing about history at all. And if you really think that Ron Paul could take on the US-Israel military industrial complex and get away with it, then you are well beyond delusional and are entering into the realm of borderline psychotic.

Great post but you say all this as if to suggest someone else might be able to do what Ron Paul can not.

I don't think that is accurate and think Ron Paul is the least of many evils.

Many of your accusations are assumptions based on flimsy and circumstantial "evidence." Actually you have provided NO EVIDENCE of your claim only a jab to people's intellect, sanity and memory if they fall for the mans rhetoric.

Here is my question,,,Do you think someone who IS NOT PART OF THE US ISRAEL MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX can "take it on"?

Also by take it you mean curtail their activities?

Or do you mean give that entity everything it wants, feed it like the beast that it is to pacify and sooth it so it does not revolt and drop bombs on schools, murder another peace-nik, invade Iran or something equally inflammatory and irreversible?

Who is your ideal candidate anyway and do you suppose he can take on the US Israel Military Industrial Complex.... and tame the beast?

Can he or she make this beast less carnivorous and voracious?

Give me a peace nik anytime.
Elect Ron Paul
and then let them kill him.

At least then we will have caught the US-I MIC red handed with murder.

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