While Ron Paul does make some appealing claims like stopping the illegal US wars of aggression and stopping the insane US-Israel military industrial
complex, going after the Fed, not being a de facto puppet state of Israel, etc.
The fact of the matter is that Ron Paul is basically a wolf in sheep's clothing. First of all, he is a Freemason and he claims he is not one. Even
though he is. Why would he deny it, if there was nothing to hide in being one? Secondly, he is a long time US Congressman from around the Houston
In other words he is BIG OIL to the 100% and anyone that cannot figure that out is a drooling retard. This guy is supposedly "one of us", and
"outside", "one of the people", etc. No he is not. You do not spend decades in the oil money in Texas in politics as a Republican if you are "one of
the people".
Look at this guy's son, Rand Paul. Rand Paul is a genuine and certified nut job lunatic. Are you telling me that Rand Paul got all his insane ideology
all by himself? Ridiculous. It came directly from his father.
Look at Rand Paul's economic philosophy and his statements about what he would do economically. It would be like economic terrorism against the
average person. He is advocating something like the wild west of late 1800s. Probably half of the population would starve to death under the economic
policies this guy is advocating.
He basically is saying that ONLY the very rich elites have a right to exist. Because ONLY the individual and private corporations can buy things and
if you cannot afford something you have NO RIGHT to have it. You have no right to food, water, ANYTHING if you cannot provide it to yourself fully.
Even if you have no job, no support, NOTHING. Even if the economy is a freaking joke. If the local water company demands $5,000 for your water
service......tough luck. You are just SOL if you can't pay for it. No rules and no laws. You see how long you last when you lose your job and the
entire safety net is gone. And you see how fast you lose your job, if you have one, once all laws and regulations in the nation are erased from
commerce and business. You Ron Paul supporters will never know what hit you, and you will be in a police state (a real one) so fast that you cannot
even comprehend it.
It is economic chaos and economic anarchy that Paul is advocating. It is the loss of everything that the non top 1-2 percent has. If you think the
economy is bad now, then you have no idea what hell on Earth it would be like under this "libertarian" Satanic system. They already played this one
before in Germany after WWI, and guess what? After fighting two world wars, they STILL have the banksters controlling them.
Hands off that free market "libertarianism". As Paul says, "the market will work itself out". That means that all the useless eaters like YOU ATS Ron
Paul supporters will die off.
News flash ATS Ron Paul fan boys and fan girls, about 99% of you will die in such a system. Guaranteed. And there is no way that Rand Paul came up
with his deranged ideology without his father teaching it to him. His father taught him this.
Look, I cannot stand just about all the US politicians. The only one that advocates for the people truly from what I can see is Bernie Sanders. And
that is probably completely nothing more than the powers that be allowing him to vent in the Senate so that the average moron out there can think that
somehow what goes on is legit. Just a way to make people think they would consider Sander's views. Even if he wants to help people, he in effect
serves the powers that be by making some think, "hey, look there are normal politicians". Nothing Sanders ever advocates will ever happen, and even he
knows it.
I can't stand Obama. He is a sad joke for the US and the world.
But how is Ron Paul fooling people into thinking he is "one of the people"? Seriously, how freaking gullible are the ATS Ron Paul crowd? George W.
Bush was a nightmare for the whole world and that nightmare continues. Well, he made a lot of promises before he was selected President by the corrupt
US Supreme "Court".
He was going to be a uniter, not a divider. He was going to have a basically isolationist US foreign policy. He was going to be an advocate for
freedom, he was going to create jobs, etc. Did you Ron Paul fans that believe this Ron Paul propaganda also believe that G.W. Bush propaganda?
Barack Obama talked endless BS before he became President. He was going to end the wars, end Guantanamo, stop the tax cuts on the rich and
corporations, give "terrorist" prisoners the rights under the US law, create jobs, bring "universal public health care", a single payer system like
the rest of the western world has (the much more civilized and less barbaric than the USA western world) -> NOT a ridiculous law that was a mandate
that just handed money over to the insurance companies.
I could go on and on with all the promises Obama made. He in fact did the exact OPPOSITE on ALL accounts. But somehow, Ron Paul, a decades long
politician, a Republican no less (they stand only for the rich), in the oil soaked regions of Texas.......somehow we are to believe that the
propaganda that comes out of his mouth is real?
Please excuse me while I puke. Ron Paul is as phony as they come and he does not have me fooled for even a micro second, just like Bush and Obama did
not have me fooled for a micro second. Do people here STILL not get it?
If Ron Paul was "for the people" he would NOT be allowed in any Republican Presidential debate. He would NOT have been allowed to stay for years and
years in the oil soaked Texas as a representative and he sure the hell would not have a son that is a US Senator and that is basically one of the
craziest politicians in the history of the US.
This is a dog and pony show people. Wake the hell up. Ron Paul is a freaking bone that they throw to you and like Pavlov's dogs you are drooling over
it, just like the sound of that bell. Ron Paul's economic agenda, if enacted, would be something akin to what Stalin and Mao did to their citizens. A
starvation and culling program of epic proportions. I seriously doubt that a single ATS Ron Paul supporter would even live more than 2-3 months if
such an economic policy was ever put in place.
Ron Paul is being thrown to you with his anti Fed BS, which is just the same nonsense that Hitler used in Germany. The "get the Jews" tactics will
start next. He is there to rile you up and point your anger towards the banksters and to get you to believe in some kind of fantasy delusion that
somehow he is this savior of the people.
There is absolutely ZERO CHANCE that Ron Paul would EVER be allowed to one of these debates if any of this was true. Say he gets "elected" President
and takes down the Fed.......then what? He will just install the next and even more draconian form of economic terrorism against the people. This
"libertarian" free market crap, which is nothing more than 100% pure fascism. Just like the Tea Party is nothing more than the modern version of
Mussolini's black shirts.
Damn, it is like NO ONE here knows a thing about history at all. And if you really think that Ron Paul could take on the US-Israel military industrial
complex and get away with it, then you are well beyond delusional and are entering into the realm of borderline psychotic. If the powers that be
thought for even a blink of an eye that Ron Paul was telling the truth about taking all US troops home and closing all US bases outside the
US.........he would be assassinated in a heart beat. He would just be another guy that "died in a tragic plane crash", or some other nonsense.
This whole pro Ron Paul push here at ATS is downright scary. It just shows how incredibly easy it is to totally brainwash the average person, even
ones that belong to a website like this. Either that, or a bunch of paid government stooges are posting here to further promote this ridiculous pro
Ron Paul is a "savior of the common people" propaganda.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)