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Terrorists on Meth, Cocaine and Anti-Depressants

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by OnceReturned

That's why I don't think its of value to connect drug use to terrorism. It's an extension and reaffirmation of the existing anti-drug sentiment in our culture, which causes more trouble than it's worth. Consider all drug violence. If drugs were not so taboo, and their marketplace was just like liquor stores or cigar shops, all the drug violence would stop. It's societies current attitude towards drugs that perpetuates the taboo and makes a peaceful marketplace impossible. Is it worth it to keep that up? It's certainly not going to eliminate drug use.

If all the big terror events of the last decades were fueled by drugs I think that is worth pointing out. And you don't think its worth pointing out. But you do think its worth pointing out that its not worth pointing out.

I dont think one thread on an obscure internet site among many Billions of sites is going to harm society. Likewise you would say that a little some of X for recreational use is not going to harm society. And you'd be right.

Dont misperceive the point of this thread. This is not an anti-drug thread. I am against the war on drugs and the criminalization of pot users. This thread is more about desensitation through drug abuse and its effect on psychopaths as being of more primary importance than the ideology of a terrorist.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by OnceReturned

One more thing...another poster in this thread made the important distinction between natural relaxants and drugs that increase wakefulness and agression. There are distinctions to be made, just like the distinction between coffee and meth is valid.
Its not my fault that the uneducated generalize about drugs.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Who created methamphetamine?

God. Mother nature if you'd like. Meth is found in some species of Acacia.

Just saying... it was thought to be man made but it is found naturally.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Darce
reply to post by Skyfloating

It seems they did, more connections to mass-murder to be made then..

The Germans invested in methadone during the second world war when their supplies of opium were cut off. During the war the Germans needed more painkillers than usual, so they got to work synthesizing opioids.

The Germans also invented heroin, which English word came from the German trademark, Heroisch, from their word meaning heroic. The German pharmaceutical company that manufactured heroin was named " Bayer" of aspirin fame.

Methadone is man-made opium, which is different from methamphetamines. It seem the Japanese made meth in the mid 1900's. Still, they are well known for mass murders in that time frame as well.

Ahh our old friends Bayer.They have to be the most soulless corporation in history.

Poisoning people with AIDS infected IVs. Manufactured the poison gas in Nazi germany. Created herione as a replacement for opium.
financed a civil war in Congo. Created poison baby formula.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman
Ahh our old friends Bayer.They have to be the most soulless corporation in history.
Poisoning people with AIDS infected IVs. Manufactured the poison gas in Nazi germany. Created herione as a replacement for opium.
financed a civil war in Congo. Created poison baby formula.

It gets even better than that. Bayer was part of IG Farben, which one of industrial subsidies was Auschwitz camp. After war ,during Nurymberg Trials, Bayern's executive Fritz der Meer was sentenced for 7 years. A scape-goat plainly, and he was gratified for that, after his relaese he became head of supervisory board in Bayern, which was splitted from IG Farben.
Later Bayer become owner of Miles Canada and Cuttler Labs. (Alka-seltzer).

IG Farben itself was founded by BASF company, Bayer, and Hochst, all three still existent on market, IG Farben was only company from this sector dissolved after 1945.

And here comes the best part!

BASF works with close co-operation with Monsanto, spending big bucks on research and development. 1,5bln $ that is. Also it started GMO trials in France, which were widely criticized, but that's already bit offtopic.
In german unfortunately:
BASF website on co-operation with Monsanto

edit on 14-8-2011 by stainlesssteelrat because: add

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

For me it’s not a coincidence that the greatest terrorists of the last 50 years were almost without exception, drug abuser

As much as it pains me to do disagree with a moderator, I have to, this is simply not true and I would also question some of the claims in your OP this being the main one. It’s probably just a poor choice of words on your part but to say that “the greatest terrorists” are drug users is wrong. What you have wrote is an over generalisation, there are some groups where many members are drug users, there are also individuals independent of a established terrorist group that are drug users but not all terrorists are drug users. Indeed there are many individual terrorists and terrorist groups who do not use drugs.

One of the problems I have with your thread is that it appears you have set out with the intention of finding evidence that terrorists are drug users, which can be done but in your thread I am afraid you have failed to do identify this trait amongst some groups. Two of the individuals you have mentioned are not even terrorists, Jared Loughner and Eric Harris are not technically terrorists they are murderers of the most depraved kind but not terrorists.

I am prepared to give you Timothy McVeigh, Breivik and the Mumbai terrorists as examples of terrorists who used drugs. However in the case of both the Mumbai terrorists and Breivik they both used the drugs as a means to boost their body’s natural abilities according to press reports. You also mentioned Mohammed Atta as being a drug user, I personally don’t believe that at the time of the 9/11 attacks he was an addicted coc aine user. The only evidence I have ever seen of this has came from conspiracy literature that on the whole I avoid if you have a link I will happily discuss it further with you.

The part of your thread that interested me the most was regarding suicide bombers, again some links would have been nice there but let’s work with what we’ve got. Your first quote uses the word “speculate” speculation is not proof. You also make mention of Jemaah Islamiyah leader Noordin Top quoted as being a “master hypnotist”, he is someone I am pretty familiar with and I would not describe him as being a master hypnotist. I read a book a few years ago on suicide bombing and the author did talk about how the brain washing of people can be hypnotic but it’s not hypnotic in the sense that someone is actually hypnotising you into these bombings by making you “LOOK INTO MY EYES” or something similar. I once remember a famous hypnotist, Paul McKenna talk about how you can’t hypnotise someone into doing something they would otherwise not do. Hypnosis is not why suicide bombers are blowing themselves up.

If you really want to look at a connection between terrorism and drugs I would turn your eyes to South American groups like FARC and the NLA could make for quite an interesting read. I have also read about drug use amongst African groups, I am sure I once read about a Black Tiger form the Liberation Tigers of Eelam taking drugs before blowing himself up and another group called the West Side Boys, they don’t really exist anymore but they took allot of drugs. In Asia I know that in the Philippians a group called the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (or MILF... LOL!) have been caught with drugs, I think your thread may make reference to them. There are also drugs trafficking between the Afghanistan and the Philippians and a few other states with a Afghan border that may be funding the Afghan militancy again that could have been a interesting idea to have explore in your thread regarding terrorism and drugs.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Darce
reply to post by Skyfloating

It seems they did, more connections to mass-murder to be made then..

The Germans invested in methadone during the second world war when their supplies of opium were cut off. During the war the Germans needed more painkillers than usual, so they got to work synthesizing opioids.

The Germans also invented heroin, which English word came from the German trademark, Heroisch, from their word meaning heroic. The German pharmaceutical company that manufactured heroin was named " Bayer" of aspirin fame.

Methadone is man-made opium, which is different from methamphetamines. It seem the Japanese made meth in the mid 1900's. Still, they are well known for mass murders in that time frame as well.


One of Bayer's popular painkillers products.

edit on 14-8-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
If you are crazy, then you ingest meth........

You are crazier....Meth is some serious crap that really messes up the wiring in your brain.....Logic takes on a whole new meaning.

Meth can heighten alertness in many situations. Continued around-the-clock use of meth and avoiding sleep is a danger. After several days remaining awake with meth the mind often goes off into dream-like states, and as with dreams logic is thrown out the window. Craziness occurs then, and at that point I am not sure that it is the effects of the drug itself or is the result of the sleep deprivation. I am more inclined to think the latter.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Meth has legitimate medicinal value... please don't generalize guys. Meth can be used for narcolepsy (I know a guy who takes it for that) and extreme cases of ADHD/Obesity although it is rarely if ever used for this purpose anymore.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:31 PM
The potential terrorists were heavy pot smokers and while their plans were grandiose and well laid they decided to kick back and just chill .....
not many pot using terror groups I don't think.
Oh and the africans are known for snorting coc aine and gunpowder as the nitro compounds cause a massive heart rush they think of as "heart of the Lion" Probably TIAs as well leading to irrational and violent behavior.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:13 AM
Some sportsmen take drugs to enhance their performance. Some sportsmen take drugs for recreation or medicine.

Some terrorists take drugs to enhance their performance. Some terrorists take drugs for recreation or medicine.

Therefore drugs are useful. There are a wide range of drugs for many different purposes, even if your purpose is mass murder (the point this thread is making?).

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro

Meth can heighten alertness in many situations. Continued around-the-clock use of meth and avoiding sleep is a danger. After several days remaining awake with meth the mind often goes off into dream-like states, and as with dreams logic is thrown out the window. Craziness occurs then, and at that point I am not sure that it is the effects of the drug itself or is the result of the sleep deprivation. I am more inclined to think the latter.

I couldn't agree with this more, from personal experience that is.
edit on 15/8/11 by Burnerz because: Removed unnecessary quote

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Spencer1989

It's true.

It's called Desoxyn, but good luck getting a script for it. It is basically like the OC-80 of ADHD medicine. I believe now more or less it is actually used for the overweight.

There are a very small percentage of people that use it for ADHD from what I am told. I tried to get some myself, but was almost laughed out of the office. I heard it is actually much smoother than Adderall and much better focus.

As I stated previously in this thread I really do not agree with the OP, but everyone is welcome to their opinion. I really believe the media has gotten to some of you to think this way.

Have a nice afternoon.

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