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Terrorists on Meth, Cocaine and Anti-Depressants

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:50 PM
For me its not a coincidence that the greatest terrorists of the last 50 years were almost without exception, drug abusers. Certain drugs have a tendency to desensitize you. They distort your cognitive and perceptual abilities, making you susceptible to delusional thinking up to a point where you think mass-murder is OK or justified in some way. Certain hard drugs suppress emotions. Over time feelings such as empathy flatten out altogether. This is why many of the terrorists have been described as "cold" and "emotionless" by people who knew them personally.

Timothy McVeigh

The perpetrator of the Oklahoma Bombings killed 168 people and injured another 680 in 1995. McVeigh is known to have been a consumer of crystal meth, the drug known to cause psychotic behaviour in so many.

Anders Breivik

The recent Oslo shooter and bomber killed 69 people. He is known to have taken a wide variety of drugs, in his own words "to make me stonger". He reportedly consumed a dose of drugs on the day of the attacks.

The Pakistani Mumbai Terrorists

The Pakistani Terrorists that staged the Mumbai attacks in India were found to be using Coke and Meth during their attacks.

Mohammed Atta

The leader of the 9/11 attacks (if he really was) is reported by people who knew him personally, to have been a Cocaine snorter (so much for him being a "devout Muslim" or Tim McVeigh being a "Christian").

Study the history of terrorist attacks and 8 times out of 10 you will find that Drugs were involved.

And Terrorism is not the only area that seems to be drug-fueled:

Jared Loughner

2011 shooter Loughner used acid, ecstasy and was apparently also forced to take anti-psychotic pharmaceuticals.

Eric Harris

Eric Harris of the Colmbine shooting was also taking anti-psychotic drugs. School friends of him say they believe he changed because of those drugs. They say he was a nice, regular guy before taking them and only started "turning strange" after he was on drugs.

Last but not least, lets look at...

Suicide Bombers

...and some hints that it may be a mixture of drugs and hypnotism that compel people to commit insane acts.

Some media reports have speculated that suicide bombers take drugs before they go on their missions, but this would run contrary to the strict religious teachings they adhere to.

"Hypnotized Zombies":

"These people are nuts... It is hard to grasp it why a man becomes a suicide bomber, especially man so young... In Chechnya, which is neighboring Ingushetia, the hypnotic powders were poured in addition to the ordinary tea in the camps of the militants. At first man felt seemingly normal, but over time he was already like a zombie", - Yevkurov told the journalists.

Police say the militants shouted Islamic slogans as they attacked police and army outposts

The Thai Public Health minister says several of the insurgents had methamphetamines and other illegal drugs in their bloodstream

Top terrorist 'may be master hypnotist'

Noordin Top is using hypnotism to elude capture and recruit more suicide bombers.

The magazine said the chief's mind went blank "like he was hypnotised"

Videos that were being sold in Mingora when the Taliban were in control showed many teenage boys being trained for suicide attacks. The videos would climax by showing them embrace their adult tutors before climbing into vehicles, which were then filmed driving into their targets — often military checkpoints — and detonating, all to a sound track of hypnotic jihadist songs.

"They (the children) have been through great trauma. They were picked up from their homes by the Taliban,"

Kidnapped boys 'brainwashed' to die as suicide bombers:

"The first day they beat us and then made us exercise," one boy said. "They made us run and told us you will wage jihad."


It seems that terrorism may have more to do with the psyche and its manipulation than with ideology - despite the majority claiming its all about ideology.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:58 PM
Couldn't the same thing be said of U.S soldiers?

Genuine question....not meant to be inflammatory.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:59 PM
I think that drug abuse, is very helpful to those that decide to commit crimes. But the crimes that have been committed by those you mentioned, are wayyyyy beyond even the most serious drug user. I mean a crackhead can rob 50 homes for money, but blowing up a building not easily explained away to just puffing on a pipe.

I think that those crimes had to do with (this IMHO) a bit of drug use, programming, handlers, propaganda, and more. Its easy for many people to try to put this in a, they are drug addicts attitude, but thats also as logical as the movie "reffer madness" and the craziness that it implied and the fear that many had about even the least harsh of drugs.

When people begin to see a pattern, by eliminating the drug use, the randomness, the times and places of these events, I think that it will be easier to comprehend what it is that leads people to this "type" of madness.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Man talk about a literal recipe for disaster! I wonder which came first in the case of anti-depressants, the madness or the drug? A testament to the long term effects of ant- depressants is that one cannot join the military, not for ever being diagnosed as depressed, BUT for ever being prescribed anti-depressants.
The meth, blow and hypnotic music/frequencies obviously can take over one's cognitive control and autonomy. I think meth is what took the nazis to such elevated and accelerated levels of destruction and madness too. man you know they were using very powerful stuff, and that coupled with their resources left such a scar on humanity forever and ever!
Tis kind of scary knowing this stuff is used both voluntary and required sometimes!

edit on 13-8-2011 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:22 PM
Some of the dead terrorists involved in the Beslan, Russia School massacre of 9-1-04 had large doses of heroin in their bodies. But I don't think drugs cause these mass killings. MK-Ultra is a better candidate.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:30 PM
Great thread.

But funnily enough, I thought that this thread was going to be about Presidents and Politicians.

Oh - maybe you just left them out on accident?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Kram09
Couldn't the same thing be said of U.S soldiers?

A lot of drugs were apparently used in WWI, WWII and the Vietnam-War to stay awake and suppress the horrors.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Well, methamfetamine, coke, and all similar induce aggresiveness, it's not an assumption but a fact. They increase alertness, concentration, practically remove pain threshold in a larger doses , increase overall energy output. And this makes us more eager to confrontation, they also bring euphoria, so in 'run-or-fight' situation you WILL choose to fight without giving a slightest notion to consequences.

Thing is, they are lab-made. You know, we created them.

It's really sad that those drugs are in same law-sack as psylocibes and pot, both which reduce aggresiveness in both short and long term.

Ahh, never will stop amuse me, i miss him so much these days....

I'm not gonna even start on alcohol, that propably is responsible for more tragedies than all other combined.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I also think there has to be a mix of stuff involved. Ideology plays a part. But the evidence suggests that causing that much violence also requires the desensitized state caused by certain hard drugs. Its really hard to find a big-time terrorist that was not in one way or another taking drugs.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
A lot of drugs were apparently used in WWI, WWII and the Vietnam-War to stay awake and suppress the horrors.

Amfetamine during WWII was used extensively among ground troops, both on allies side, germans (they were using metamphetamine though, 'new' stuff) and japanese as well. Among pilots it was completely rutine to get boosted before mission.

It's not like soldiers even always knew what they were getting, but hell, i can imagine they quickly started to like it.
And let's remember folks amfetamine was legal until 1965, around peak of anti-pot campaign.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
For me its not a coincidence that the greatest terrorists of the last 50 years were almost without exception, drug abusers.

Hmm... Do you know any adults who haven't consumed a psychoactive substance in the past 24 hours? This would include coffee, alcohol, nicotine, prescription drugs with psychological effects, and recreational drugs of any kind... What about adults who have gone a week without any of those things?

I don't think I know any such people, and my acquaintances are - predominantly - members of "respectable" demographics, socioeconomic backgrounds, and lifestyles.

Almost everyone uses substances regularly. We just start calling them drug abusers when they do other things we don't like. I think the drug-terrorism conversation is to be expected given our culture's irrational position on psychoactive substances, but I don't think it's a valuable or important point to be making.

"Drugs" (here meaning any psychoactive substance people use) are now, and have been throughout history and across the entire world, a normal part of human life. A lot of good has been done by people who started their day with a cup of coffee and ended it with a drink. We ought to keep that in mind when we talk about how bad guys use drugs, too.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
Man talk about a literal recipe for disaster! I wonder which came first in the case of anti-depressants, the madness or the drug?

Good question. Were they given anti-depressants because someone recognized them as dangerous, or did they become dangerous after being on anti-depressants for a while (as the Eric Harris case suggests).

A testament to the long term effects of ant- depressants is that one cannot join the military, not for ever being diagnosed as depressed, BUT for ever being prescribed anti-depressants.

I guess they know something thats widely known yet.

The meth, blow and hypnotic music/frequencies obviously can take over one's cognitive control and autonomy. I think meth is what took the nazis to such elevated and accelerated levels of destruction and madness too.

Hitler was a methhead from around 1938 on. He started WWII in 1939.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by starviego
Some of the dead terrorists involved in the Beslan, Russia School massacre of 9-1-04 had large doses of heroin in their bodies. But I don't think drugs cause these mass killings.

You think the drugs-terrorists connection is a coincidence?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by stainlesssteelrat
they also bring euphoria, so in 'run-or-fight' situation you WILL choose to fight without giving a slightest notion to consequences.

Interesting. I can see how the feeling of invincibility helps them go on a killing rampage.

Thing is, they are lab-made. You know, we created them. It's really sad that those drugs are in same law-sack as psylocibes and pot, both which reduce aggresiveness in both short and long term.

Yeah, I wish more people would see the difference.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Anders Breivik

The recent Oslo shooter and bomber killed 69 people. He [color=gold] is known to have taken a wide variety of drugs, in his own words "to make me stonger". He reportedly consumed a dose of drugs on the day of the attacks.

Source please.

Untill then I'm going to asume this entire subject is paid for by the Creatine people who are waging a propaganda war against the old powder Muscle Building Suppliments. What is particularly troubling is the wording of " [color=gold] is known to have " The classic invisible person behind a curtain with great authority.

Additionally the approach is woefully misguided when one consideres blowback. People who are already against those drugs, don't require the horrors of terrorists to help them be against the dehumanizing nature of drug addiction. But the potential nuts out there will read all this information and be like "cool, I'll have to start mixing drugs together more often. Thanks for the protip."

David Grouchy
edit on 13-8-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-8-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Mind control/hypnotism etc,. can also produce feelings of being on drugs, floating, or just not remembering being there or doing something. Its not very hard for those that may be behind many of those crimes to inject, or falsify documentation of drug use.

Having a feeling of invincibility, or no sympathy for murdering, as far as I know is not usually a feeling that many get when on drugs. Now get someone in the right position for controlling their thoughts, and actions, is something entirely different.

Though I am aware that some drugs can give you a feeling of invincibility, that doesn't not always imply murder, or well thought out plans, if it were considering how many people are on drugs, there would be far more crimes of the above nature.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by OnceReturned
Hmm... Do you know any adults who haven't consumed a psychoactive substance in the past 24 hours? This would include coffee, alcohol, nicotine, prescription drugs with psychological effects, and recreational drugs of any kind... What about adults who have gone a week without any of those things?

Comparing meth to coffee is like comparing a toy house to a skyscraper.

I think the drug-terrorism conversation is to be expected given our culture's irrational position on psychoactive substances, but I don't think it's a valuable or important point to be making.

So what do you have to say in defense of meth and heroin...

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
Source please.

Wasnt that all over the news?
edit on 13-8-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:03 PM

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
But the potential nuts out there will read all this information and be like "cool, I'll have to start mixing drugs together more often. Thanks for the protip."

Any sort of information can be used to justify nutjobs in their behaviour. That should not deter from having an open discussion about important issues.

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