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Originally posted by MasterGemini
Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by kykweer
But these UFO's have been seen video tapes and photo's have been taken, which means there is some sort of proof to this. And the fact that this has been happening for a very long time makes me believe these are ET's. Plus why cant they be just Aliens, what in this "Theory" makes so much sense that you came to the conclusion that these Aliens are shape shifting Demons? And use logic. No Fairy Tales. Lets get back to reality and maybe we can actually debate on things that are true.
What evidence do you have that they are in fact aliens from outer space?
All the photos show are objects in the sky, no indication of where they originally came from. Saying they are ET is jumping to just as many conclusions as those you aim to detract from. In previous posts there have been many links to people claiming possession and having similar experiences to the ET.
Much of the ufo info that has been addressed in the msm is tinged with attacks on Christianity. Why not mock the spirit worshipers of old who thought they had to make human sacrifices to their gods?
Ehem referring to the ancient aliens here. What kind of aliens would enslave people and demand human sacrifices like the Mayans and Sumerians? Sound fairly wicked to me.
Now there is much symbolism in left from these peoples to indicate they were familiar with the pineal gland.
I am referring to the acorn that is at the Vatican and in much Sumerian art and so on.
The idea is that '___' is released by the pineal which transfers one to the dream world. (See Joe Rogan '___')
This would hint to me that they were deeply interested in the dreamworld/ spirit world whatever, and lend credibility to the idea that these are entities from another dimension and make contact via that avenue.
Originally posted by MollyStewart
reply to post by stevcolx
Never mix God and Jesus BS with Aliens.
What I find amusing about your post is that you consider God and Jesus BS but Aliens....fine, no problem!!
A Creator is not as far fetched as one might think it is simply that science is yet to catch up and the two; Science and a Creator Source are not mutually exclusive. There is supporting mathematical data to suggest intelligent design. The Fibonacci sequence is a place to start and then you have quantum research on the verge of discovering a god particle.
What I am more inclined to call BS on is Alien life forms coming billions of light years through space to engage a more primitive race in vile, seemingly useless experiments designed to create fear in the victim for years on end without ever seeming to change their modus operandi. These "Aliens" as you refer to them leave no physical evidence of encounters, always operate under the cover of darkness, are all malevolent and have an agenda that consists of instilling fear and pain in their victims/humanity. They hide, they lie, they do not like Jesus, shrink away from the name and they do not like righteous courage or anger when they are caught by a lucid human.
Why would super intelligent aliens with such advanced technology from some far off galaxy to all outward appearances display the characteristics of a human Arch type if not to mislead and deceive. They have all the hallmarks of demonic entities but sure, call them malevolent entities if the terminology makes you feel better. I don't buy the Alien theory, all is clearly not what it appears to be and the more serious research done is beginning to uncover a very sinister spiritual phenomena that has been plaguing mankind since we began scratching crude pictures on cave walls.
Originally posted by caladonea
Here are some interesting quotes and a website about the UFO Bible connection which I believe proves there are beings from other planets.
"The Lord Yhovah of the Old Testament, who claimed to be the Lord Jesus of the New Testament, is described as flying in thick clouds, swift clouds, bright clouds, dark clouds, white clouds, low clouds great clouds, and fiery clouds......."
"There are 362 verses describing natural and manmade objects as vehicles in the Bible."
"The fact that the objects described in the Bible are controlled, flying craft, is borne out of the flight characteristics of those objects. In Bible text the objects associated with the Elohiym are shown to exhibit rapid , prolonged flight, they ascend and descend....."
Here is the link: on 13-8-2011 by caladonea because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by 3nlightened
Demons and ghosts are not real people.
Originally posted by 3nlightened
The fact that you may need a drug to have the ability to see such "demons"?
Originally posted by 3nlightened
Is no different than the person that has such a well ingrained faith in religion that they believe a demon is trying to overtake their body or that they believe so endlessly that ghosts exist.
Originally posted by 3nlightened
People who claim possession have serious cases of schizophrenia, and more often than not were raised in a household which promoted their faith in such beliefs.
Originally posted by 3nlightenedI buy into the Alien abduction theory. I believe ET's have visited Earth, I believe numerous races of Aliens have visited Earth, I'll even buy into some of these ET's abducting people for personal reasons. Now if you are saying that some people who thought they were possessed were actually abducted, cool I'll believe that. I can understand someone being in such shock that they had no other explanation than it being a Demon, I mean Religion is everywhere, so it makes sense to rationalize that it was a demon rather than an ET.
Originally posted by 3nlightenedDue to the infinite number of galaxies and stars, the mathematical probability given the sample size provides 100% certainty that life exists elsewhere.
Originally posted by 3nlightenedGiven the estimated age of our Universe and the elements which exist in our Universe there are unlimited variations of life which could exist.
Originally posted by 3nlightenedFinally, not to troll but....
Given your grammar alone I can tell you are rather uneducated, your misuse of the variations of the word "there, their, they're" is all the evidence I need to discredit any intellectual argument you have towards the working of the Universe.
Originally posted by PapagiorgioCZ
1.Do you think there are also Lord's angels manifesting in the same way (and is it possible according to the Bible) or it's just "deception and bad stuff only"?
Originally posted by PapagiorgioCZ
2. When will they (1/3 of angels fallen with Lucifer) be striked down on earth's ground? Is it now, soon, or it was done already in the past or on the spiritual level?
Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by MasterGemini
You can see 2 Saucer Shaped Craft in this Tanzanian Painting and this has been Carbonated to 27,000 BC (29,000 YEARS AGO) Oh wait according to the Bible the world is only 6000 years old. Am i wrong?