posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Last election in 2008 Ron Paul was not that popular on ATS, sure he had a few supporters but nothing like now.
I was just wondering why so many ATS members are now supporting him, what changed their minds ?
It seems that on ATS
most members are logical truth seekers and see some basic truths to what Ron Paul is saying. Here are some points that I
have heard him make that just make logical sense to me personally.
1) America is broke, and needs to curb the spending, especially on militaristic imperialism.
2) America should not police the world, it's not America's job, other countries hate America for doing that, a policy that worked during WW2 is no
longer viable in the 21st century.
3) America needs to obey it's own constitution.
4)Obama never changed anything, when change was his slogan in 2008, betraying some of his voters.
5)Increase peoples freedom not continually and progressively restrict them.
6)He understands that no COUNTRY would ever dare attack America at this point in history.
7)Reduce Taxation.
8)Reduce federal government bureaucracy, and allow the individual states to control more locally.
9)Ignores the fear mongering of his fellow Americans that are hawkish towards certain countries.
10)Leave Israel to fend for itself, as it is fully capable to do so now.
edit on 12-8-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)