posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Donegal_TDI
By they I mean the powers that be,
most major world governments,
who most of the time have difficulty agreeing on anything,
but on this one topic,
the ET presence on earth,
they have effectively kept the lid on the alleged facts
for over half a century.
If there are any ETs coming to Earth...
* it is 99.9% the fault of ETs who are keeping the 'lid on the alleged facts'.
* THEY are skulking around OUR planet
* they could try to communicate with us, but they do not, because they do not want to.
Any government in this situation would do the logical thing which is to STFU. Think about it from the perspective somebody in government. If there
are any ETs coming here, my guess is that governments don't understand or know anything (because of ET actions or non-actions) and yet their
constituents would demand that they "do something about it", when nobody has any idea what to do about it.
No "New World Order" conspiracy is necessary, just a little logic and maturity.
It's like telling a neighborhood "there is an invisible potential serial killer who cannot be found seen or arrested or defended against, but nobody's
died yet and we don't know if anybody ever will. Just go about your business." What use is that? It just makes people nervous and unhappy.
There is one more scenario useful for global powers with advanced aerospace projects (say the security council members). If people are willing to
believe that weird unusual lights are potentially extraterrestrial aircraft they might get less scrutiny and hostility than if they were thought to be
what they are, foreign military or surveillance platforms.
I call it "cognitive stealth". Hence strategic ambiguity of the status quo is very useful to many involved. Without conspiring.
edit on 13-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason
edit on 13-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)