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What are THEY afraid of?

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posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:08 AM
By they I mean the powers that be,
most major world governments,
who most of the time have difficulty agreeing on anything,
but on this one topic,
the ET presence on earth,
they have effectively kept the lid on the alleged facts
for over half a century.

Up until now,
we have always thought it was about technology,
and the war machine,
and who's top of the pile,
the paranoiac secrecy of the military,
or the technology and electronics industry
making money.
But having thought about this for soooo long,
I am starting to believe it may be something else.

Whatever they have learned could be so shattering
to the public consciousness,
that this may be the real reason for non-disclosure.
I personally believe it may have something to do with our origins,
and consequent impact on religions worldwide.

Religions, which without exception, exist without any substantive facts to back them up,
have such an impact on people's lives
leading zealous followers to build their entire lives around them,
the collective fear of world authorities
could be the disorder and chaos that would ensue
if factual information was introduced into the public domain concerning our origins.

It may very well be something else,
free energy for all and warnings of it's impact in the past on societies of other planets
or a collection of different facts.

As always, I welcome your thoughts on the matter.
edit on 12/8/11 by Donegal_TDI because: addition

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:11 AM
Religion needs to be thrown out of the window, mostly because thousands of people die nonetheless or are killed because of what they believe in. They should come to an agreement, once we do that. We'll have world peace, at least close to it.
They are afraid of people rioting, because there is no religion.

Watch 7:50 of this video.
The disbelief when they hear of "Was there no god ?"
Then they will slowly break and turn to a mental ash
edit on 12-8-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack

Agree that religion is both a means of control and a crutch that needs kicking into touch. There would certainly be one less thing to fight about and one less thing to be used as justification for conflict. It would be a very good start to the human races future!

They are afraid because the truth destroys all credibility of all religions (not that there is much anyway) thus a major tool of influence and control is lost to TPTB!

Order, new and old has used and depended on it for a few thousand years regardless of its validity!

Change is in the air!! All things that are boll...s are eventually disgarded like garbage! So be it!!

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:19 AM
Why can't the TPTB simply say "Yes..aliens exist!" and then just shut up? The more they hide, the more I believe that there is something earth-shattering awaiting us all.

Simple-minded fellows, egoistical, unaware humans and religious zealots will never welcome aliens especially if they have something to do with our origins. Aliens having a much better thought process and awakening than humans must be the primary reason for us getting jealous of them.

Who would want to lose their identity and their petty recognition? Celebrities? Sport stars? Are you ready to lose yours first?

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by RoguePhilosopher
reply to post by Heartisblack

Agree that religion is both a means of control and a crutch that needs kicking into touch. There would certainly be one less thing to fight about and one less thing to be used as justification for conflict. It would be a very good start to the human races future!

They are afraid because the truth destroys all credibility of all religions (not that there is much anyway) thus a major tool of influence and control is lost to TPTB!

Order, new and old has used and depended on it for a few thousand years regardless of its validity!

Change is in the air!! All things that are boll...s are eventually disgarded like garbage! So be it!!

Preach, i'm bad if i'm quoting True Blood
that is a different story; but "Was there no god ?"

edit on 12-8-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:25 AM
I agree with you ...there is something out there. I also believe that governing bodies everywhere have kept this knowledge hidden. I think these administrations have underestimated their civilians. The political upheaval around the world is proof of that and let's not forget all the recent "hacking" incidents. Disclosure is close.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:25 AM
Well, OP already answered his question. Our true history was hidden from us. Once people learn their true origins, there will be a change in consciousness and the TPTW may not be able to control the people anymore. They don't like it. Better keep the people ignorant and always in fear. It is easy to control the people if they are in fear. And the way to keep them in fear is to keep them ignorant.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack

I agree with you heart. Religion(I'm sorry folks) is a big thorn in humanities side. I better hush up now because I might get beheaded ...

Anyway, what are they affraid of?

Simple, losing their sheeple

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by David291
reply to post by Heartisblack

I agree with you heart. Religion(I'm sorry folks) is a big thorn in humanities side. I better hush up now because I might get beheaded ...

Anyway, what are they affraid of?

Simple, losing their sheeple

Because the sheeple will hop in the alien ships and. Never. Look. Back.
I'll be the first one to hop on the doctor's TARDIS

As long as he looks like David Tennant, Matt Smith is cute and all but he reminds me of a foot.

Humanity just needs to evolve and move on from religion

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:33 AM
It's possible that one of the things holding up disclosure is that the governments of the world still don't fully understand and have little to no control over the ET problem. All they really have control of is the flow of information, and even that is becoming increasingly more difficult.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack


Yes, I agree. We need a giant wake up call and I'm sure it will come but the only problem is, there'll be blood and lot of it ... have you seen how "defensive" they are? Over their precious religion? Is it worth it? Really?

Never mind, that topic is off limits

Disclosure will come, whether they like it or not.


posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by David291
reply to post by Heartisblack


Yes, I agree. We need a giant wake up call and I'm sure it will come but the only problem is, there'll be blood and lot of it ... have you seen how "defensive" they are? Over their precious religion? Is it worth it? Really?

Never mind, that topic is off limits

Disclosure will come, whether they like it or not.


You said it my English friend, let it ride.
Just let it ride, fate is stronger then emotion. Peace

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI

the ET presence on earth,....they have effectively kept the lid on the alleged facts.

Whatever they have learned could be so shattering to the public consciousness,
that this may be the real reason for non-disclosure.

if factual information was introduced into the public domain concerning our origins.

It may very well be something else, free energy for all.....
The single most important word that you used = 'alleged.'

There is still a strong possibility that 'THEY' have [color=B1FB17]nothing to disclose.

You said it yourself, "ALL of the governments of the world are able to keep the lid ONLY on this particular subject,"

[color=52F3FF]It is always easier to keep the lid on a container that is empty, as opposed to keeping the lid on a container that is jam packed tight, and filled far beyond its limit.

I am not saying that there is not life, elsewhere in this Universe.

Regardless of whether or not there is, that does not mean that they are visiting this planet that we live on.

Regardless of whether or not they are visiting this planet, that does not mean that they have been in contact with any governing body of official.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI

the ET presence on earth,....they have effectively kept the lid on the alleged facts.

Whatever they have learned could be so shattering to the public consciousness,
that this may be the real reason for non-disclosure.

if factual information was introduced into the public domain concerning our origins.

It may very well be something else, free energy for all.....
The single most important word that you used = 'alleged.'

There is still a strong possibility that 'THEY' have [color=B1FB17]nothing to disclose.

You said it yourself, "ALL of the governments of the world are able to keep the lid ONLY on this particular subject,"

[color=52F3FF]It is always easier to keep the lid on a container that is empty, as opposed to keeping the lid on a container that is jam packed tight, and filled far beyond its limit.

I am not saying that there is not life, elsewhere in this Universe.

Regardless of whether or not there is, that does not mean that they are visiting this planet that we live on.

Regardless of whether or not they are visiting this planet, that does not mean that they have been in contact with any governing body of official.

All of those traumatised alien abductees ? You can't say all of them are doing it for money because some stories are posted for free. But it makes no sense to worship a man you haven't seen to something that may be legit. And all of those little groups of people(Sumerians, Mayans, other people) those are just stories too ?

Okay, we're listening to you dude. We're listening hard.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by DarthChrisious

They still know more then they lead us to believe....and they have NO control over any of it. The comical thing is that within the collective government of the world there is the answer to all the questions. It has been an information war for years, certain things, artifacts and vital parts of history withheld for power and control. It was always my opinion that if our world was presented with aliens on a mass scale it would be our "government " initiating an attack. Power, greed and control. In retrospect if aliens come with guns blazing......then that is a different story.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 08:10 AM
As regards the religion issue I need to clarify.
I am not anti-deity per se,
and definitely leave a path open for a higher purpose,
but earthly religions,
or I assume religions anywhere,
are divisive in nature,
a club of people with one belief vs another club with another belief,
leading to ridiculous conflict over hocus pocus.

We have, after all, only ONE source of origin,
be it panspermia,
natural evolution on earth
or genetic manipulation en-route,
so multiple takes on the religious issue is irrelevant and unadvised.

Religious faith issues taps into something very deep in the human psyche,
which can be a powerful manipulative tool in the hands of the unscrupulous.
It is one of the most effective mind control concepts
ever conceived, whether this is accidental or contrived.

The difficulty that arises is establishing the truth,
which is what my original post is attempting to address,
the factual truth about the origin of humanity could be what prevents disclosure.

edit on 12/8/11 by Donegal_TDI because: Addition

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 08:36 AM
The central issue, augmented by a dozen lesser issues, is nothing less than CONTROL.

Not one single government on this planet wants an outside force regardless of how beniegn it appears to be superior to it in any way. Humans are funny that way. And human governments are even more that way.

There cannot be contact without various levels of change across the whole spectrum of human activities from the physical to the emotional. Can any government hope to cope with, counter, or avoid such changes? No. Not realistically. They see themselves as doomed to change also, and they don't want to. They like their positions of power over their peoples.

That is why the virtual police state is being formed all around us, for increased control.
We cannot avoid the possibility that this condition is sanctioined by the ETs themselves as necessary.for our survival.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

What are THEY afraid of?

Angels & Divine intervention would be my guess..

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Donegal_TDI
...the factual truth about the origin of humanity could be what prevents disclosure.

I agree, somewhat: What if the truth "they" are hiding is that there truly is a God...and he's the God of the Bible?

The black budget sorcerers know...they just prefer that we don't. They've made their choices and wanna take us with them.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by The GUT


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