+73 more
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:36 AM
No, I am not trying to be dramatic, but this issue does need the attention of everyone.
We have a loaded gun pointed to the head of humanity. That gun has a hair trigger and no one is even flinching. The loaded gun is the over 400 nuclear
power plants and 250 research reactors worldwide. Now think of this: NASA has already warned us of what the sun WILL do. They've already told us that
we are entering a period where the likelihood of major regions will lose power and the grid will be inoperable for an indefinite period of time. That
time period could go on for years. Nuclear power plants need electricity to maintain stability and keep the rods cool and prevent a meltdown. Now,
what's going to happen when the inevitable CME hits Earth and knocks out some, or all, of the world's electrical power grid? Of course, those
nuclear plants are connected to that grid and they will be without power and will begin the rather quick process of melting down and releasing
incomprehensible amounts of radiation into the atmosphere. As you all know, the effects are not local for even one reactor -- such a meltdown would
affect a large part of the world. Several reactors melting down would spell near-extinction --- hundreds would guarantee the planet would not be
inhabitable for thousands of years.
I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the one issue that should take priority in the news, websites, forums, etc. These plants need to SHUT
DOWN IMMEDIATELY or as soon as technically possible. Generators being used as a backup are a ridiculous "solution" to such a problem. These
generators may have enough fuel for a month. Most have enough fuel for at most one week.
And, who do you think will run these generators when all hell breaks loose? Do you think the operators and technicians at these plants will be
interested in leaving their families, whom they need to protect? Do you think they'll even be able to get to the plant with an inoperable car? And
what about the circuitry in the generator itself? Do you trust this, or any other, government to ensure that these plants will remain powered no
matter what happens?