It doesn't matter what system you have; Be it a Kingdom, military rule, capitalism, socialism and/or the fantasy of communism or utopia. Humans are
greedy. It's in our nature. You can't blame capitalism for the world's problems. Blame human greed, because human greed was around much longer than
any political system!!!
Competition and hence greed arose as early as humanity itself. We are the only species that can think as well as driven by our instincts. If one tribe
got more food one day, than your tribe would want to get more food than them the next day. It makes us feel good to beat people, like in that way.
That one tribe could have shared it with your tribe but, they feel that you don't deserve it, because you didn't work for it.
Why the competition? Power and Greed! Sure you all need food in your tribe to survive, but you would want to be in the best, biggest, strongest, and
smartest tribe and you show that by the amount of food you have or in our case now stuff. As long as there is stuff to be acquired there will always
be means of acquiring said stuff, and ppl will want more stuff!
Hence why our society is NOT a utopia and shares everything with everybody. This is also the main reason why Socialism can never work the way most ppl
dream about.
Communism will never happen because humans are greedy and they will never learn how to share anything equally including ideas. That is also the reason
why the richest men in the world really control everything. Not the people!
Socialism has been tried and is failing right before our eyes. USSR completely collapsed and China is on the verge of collapse or complete gov't
Indeed, America has helped brainwash certain people about how 'evil' these two ideals are. Especially in the previous generation when it was all out
attacking communists left and right and anybody who looked at you suspiciously was a communist. It's pretty much the same way majority of Americans
are treating Arabs people today. As much as I hate to admit it, that's prejudice, and America shouldn't condone it. But this is a touchy topic
because of what happened on 9/11 and since!
These are great ideals but sadly will never spread throughout the world, partially due to America's police force and partially because of the fact
that humanity is just not wired that way.
I don't believe that capitalism is the reason for the worries of the world. It's the Wall Streeters and the rich families of the world that really
control it. Even if somehow our society became socialists or communists the rich would still rule the world, because it would be the rich that set the
system up. Technology would still be around even without capitalism, but its likely that the everyday citizen wouldn't have access to it. Think about
the countries like Libya (which combines socialism and islamic traditions) and where Gaddafi has complete control over the entire technological
community. I don't think that's soo much better than our system.
Every year the most powerful people in the world get together to talk about what they are going to do inside their own companies, private wars,
economic policies, and what they will force the gov't to do. Every four years companies and the rich families invest in presidential campaigns. If
you lack their support you will likely not make it to the primaries. This is why we see major GOP candidates dropping out of the race already. Then
the most powerful corporations go on an all out spending spree after the nominees are elected and they invest, invest, invest. Oh yea and there have
been too many elections where there appears to be some type of mysterious lost votes that can never be found and a very close call!!!!
I'm not talking about lowly politicians and random CEOs here. I am talking about the old money families who made their fortunes in the industrial
era, and whom now control our very world behind closed doors: the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothchilds, Fords, Vanderbuilts, Du Ponts, and the Lehmans
among a select few others like Sudai kings, royal princes and princesses, the royal British family, and a few celebrities. Maybe some tech guys are
headed up there now. These people control the world's money and money controls the world!
I'm sorry but the way most people want socialism to work, will never happen because the rich control everything. That wasn't brought on by
capitalism, that was brought on by pure human greed. Even if we were to go back in time and become, communists or socialists, there would still be
greed among those high profile rich families as I stated before. And also, would you rather be under Stalin's rule? Or Maybe even Hitler's? Most of
the rich families in the world invested in Hitler's One World Government when they tried to set it up. America however, fought back along with a few
Even the world socialist movement has realized that their system would eventually become overrun with greed and consumerism/mechanization. "Such a
system would almost inevitability lead to capital accumulation and profit making—the definitive features of capitalism."
If the world was socialist and communist we wouldn't even have purchasing power because the gov't would tell us what to buy/need to survive and you
couldn't buy or own anything else. The rich would still have everything they have because they are rich and pretty much above the political systems
they put into place.
Other counties in the world like China, EU, Libya, Egypt are struggling to keep there systems in place just like the US. No one's system is the best,
but I think Capitalism is a little bit better than the others. It has worked ok-ish for the countries that have adapted it. Certainly lasted longer
than Russia's USSR, China's communism, and Hitler's One World Government. The EU is now struggling as well.
It's the main reason world peace is a silly concept. In this state, world peace cannot be achieved because there will always be those ppl who want
more stuff! Maybe with a smaller population, more brainwashing drugs and technologies, and a one world gov't system socialism will work well, but
that is not what we have on this world, and it won't happen (if ever) for a very long time.
At some point in the future we could get a world gov't of some type (2050?) but it won't really be a world gov't, because there will always be the
'terrorists' and the rebels.
Considering this, lets go back to the so-called communist utopia that ppl dream the world will be one day. If somebody produces 500 items who decides
who gets those 500 items first? When do they get them? Why do these people get them first and not me? Are they better than me? Do they have more
power? You couldn't distribute it to all the people all at once. Could you? And if so why? Why do these people deserve your product first? Why should
I even make it for them? What are they giving me? and Why would that help me? Who will decide what gets traded for what? See what happens without
money? Laziness and confusion.
There are sooo many questions for a utopia society like this to set up that it seems nearly impossible and it makes perfect sense as to why our
society evolved the way it did. Because frankly there could be no other alternative.
This coming July 4th marks the anniversary that America's so-called evil capitalist society has been around for 235 years!!!! For awhile there we
were the strongest Nation in the world, and we still are one of the strongest nations in the world. Live with it! Because you can't go back in time
and change the past to make the world socialist, something that couldn't possibly happen anyway.