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The Mysterious World of the Crystal Skulls

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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:45 PM
Your "bandwidth exceeded" photos are not posting because they are too large. Photobucket allows you to use the EDIT feature to reduce them so they fit. Reduce them around 300x600 and theyll fit. Good luck
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: ?

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: lack of sleep

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

please fix the images links some of them are not visible, great `post S+ F

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by SpiritualStar

A lot of people feel a natural bond with the skulls, when people see them, especially the truly ancient ones, they become euphoric and some people feel as if they're being reunited with an old friend. They connect us, to ourselves and to each other. I would advise that you go out and buy one, through the nature of crystal, especially quartz and the skull, they seem to be connect with each other.

People bring their own skulls to crystal skull conventions so that they can meet other skulls, Max and Sha na ra are popular for this, so they bring the skulls together and they seem to charge each other, energize each other, its as if they're all connected.

You can buy one online or at specialty crystal shops. I sincerely recommend you connect up with's waiting for you......
edit on 12-8-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:53 PM
Very Nice Post of information. I have been waiting for someone to Talk about these skulls for some time now.

I have read up about a lot of the finders and i have come to keep asking myself one question.

When and Where did this Legend of bringing them together originate?


If they are in a group referred to as "The Crystal Skulls" and all have a divine purpose when brought together, Shouldn't they all be of the same Design and Quality?

If someone would answer this for me i would feel greatly appreciated.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by elpistolero1

Just a moment, a moderator is fixing it for me, I sincerely apologize for any delay here, it's killing me!

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by TLOCKE

Well if they are in fact truly ancient, and originate from, as legend says 12 worlds, then their appearance would stylistically represent the people of that world, so they would appear different.

I would imagine that the Mitchell Hedges, under that premise may be the one that represents our world, although it has a perfect cranium, which means it came into this world perfectly, indicating that whoever the skull was modelled on was perfect in nature.

They are supposed to only be bought together at a certain time, a time when humanity needed them. The Mayans and other cultures are the keepers of the skulls until that time. Hope that helps

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by youthsavior
reply to post by sir_slide

a wonderful report indeed... so s&f.. but you did fail to mention their extraterrestrial connection! Psychics, and metaphysisists believe that the original 13 crystal skulls are linked to different extraterrestrial civilizations, and that each one can be accessed through different portals scattered around the world. each skull represents an energy/ carries knowledge of an et race. the Mitchell hedges skull is believed to be linked to the pleiadian et's. i don't know if you knew this or not, but theirs a few really good books on crystal skulls that mention this. they are indeed mysterious, wonderful, amazing, and trying to get my hands on one!

I actually had no idea that the Mitchell Hedges was supposed to be linked to Plaedians...that is fascinating. Mainly because of the Atlantean connection. It brings a lot of other things into focus for me, so maybe the Plaedians were the original founders of Atlantis, Poseidon being a Plaedian by inference.

I really wanted to talk more about the Alien connection but I thought it could get a bit out of hand if I jumped into the Alien connection too forcefully, all good for the discussion though! Cheers for the reply

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:35 PM
Quite an interesting little summary here:

Based upon a parapsychological analysis of these artifacts, the following theories have been proposed:

We believe the Crystal Skulls are a form of computer which are able to record energy and vibration that occur around the them. The skull will pictorially replay all events or images of the people who have come into contact with them (i.e. - they contain the history of our world). Just as our modern computers can receive or send information to other computers all over the world (the best example is Internet), so too can the Crystal Skulls send information amongst themselves. We believe, as the ancient legends describe, that the Crystal Skulls can and have been used for healing. They have played a key role in many ancient cultures who saw the skull as the Godhead. We have also found a very strong link with extraterrestrials and feel that beings not from our world either brought these skulls to our world for some use or presented to us the techniques to fashion them. We believe that the holographic images of UFOs and Aliens that are displayed various ancient crystal skulls and have been observed by various researchers and sensitives, adds support to such a theory.

If the Crystal Skulls were not brought by extraterrestrials then certainly we must conclude their have been civilizations much more technologically or spiritually advanced than our own today. We have had several spiritual channels suggest the skulls were created in Atlantis or Lemuria.

The ancient Maya from Central America passed on a legend that tells of the 13 crystal sculls able to save the world from a terrible catastrophe.

The skulls have mystical qualities: they can bring their owners into the state of hypnosis, cause people to hallucinate or have dreams about ancient Indians. Some say they can even make wishes come true. Mayan Crystal Skulls
According to the Crystal Links research a conservator and restorer Frank Dorland studying one of the skulls discovered that it had zygomatic arches acting as light pipes, using principles similar to modern optics, to channel light from the base of the skull to the eye sockets.

The eye sockets in turn were miniature concave lenses that also transferred light from a source below, into the upper cranium. Finally, in the interior of the skull was a ribbon prism and tiny light tunnels, by which objects held beneath the skull could be magnified and brightened. As a result, when placed upon a source of light, the skull acquired glowing eyes and appeared to be on fire.

In metaphysics, crystal skulls are used for ceremonial work, healing, energy work, and enhancing one's psychic abilities. Used for healing, we go to themes of self awareness and creating balance to opening psychic abilities to be able to understand the nature of human creation and evolution. Mayan Crystal Skulls

Holding an object to exchange energies and/or receive messages with it, is called psychometry. To find messages while look at the inclusions within a quartz crystal, or crystal skull, is a form of divination called Scrying.

There are countless hypotheses that the crystal skulls are the legacy of some higher intelligence or ancient astronauts who seeded the human race.

The Twelve Crystal Skulls

Some incredible photo's of the Mitchell Hedges Skull:

edit on 12-8-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by sir_slide


They are back

Thank Maria for me. Great work you two.
Now, I may be asking if I could borrow one of the photos and linked info for another semi-related thread of mine

Giving this thread a well deserved bump I might add.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I'm very pleased to say the least!

She truly came through for the skulls. Yeah no problem about the photo's man,

take, take!!

Cheers for the bump

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

I really like your idea, but to be honest, I don't think a regular crystal skull would work. When I put my mind to the idea, it's rejected, which tells me a replica isn't good enough :\. Plus I don't have the extra cash around to go buying crystal skulls to take to meet others, unfortunately.

BTW Op, I never had an issue with any of the pictures. I had seen this thread after it was mentioned that the pictures weren't working. They all loaded just fine, so when I saw people saying they weren't working, I was confused. Kinda still am lol

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:35 AM
In my view the crystal skulls are obviously just lumps of crystal shaped (and not very well) into something to look mystical and theyre used to exploit people into beleiving in something not real either for financial gain or sense of self importance and purpose. Computers shaping mankind? lol. Im not trying to upset anyone here and remember this is just my opinion but the skulls are so poorly made it begs beleif why anyone would choose think theyre real. if you beleive in them and gain some comfort for that...your in a better place than I am.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by SpiritualStar

Well if the skull that you get is well made then it will work. Have a look at the skull posted by a member on the first page, if it is quartz crystal and a skull you should be able to use it. You can get smaller ones for about a hundred bucks, although yeah, I don't have much to throw around for skulls either, I really wish I did.

Strange about the photos, I just uploaded them to ats instead.

reply to post by Scott495

Well they certainly are not poorly made. You should read some of the information under the headline 'properties of the mitchell hedges skull'. If you can provide us with some information as to who made them, where, when and how that would be great.

The thing is, people say that, but they cannot provide anything, we have this amazingly anomalous skull, they have cynical skepticism. I mean they found some of the best crystal carvers in the world, German carvers who had been passing down their skills for generations. They commissioned these guys to try recreate the Mitchell Hedges Skull. Well after months and months of work they had finished and needless to say their recreation was absolutely and completely pathetic in comparison to the original. It was crude, and was far inferior to the MH skull.

Did you sign up to make that post by the way?
edit on 12-8-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Awesome topic! Apparently they have found a few more in one or more caves in Mexico in the last few years, the one that I saw looked a Reddish Pinkish hue and was very beautiful. These things are just some of the amazing artifacts, some ancient some not, that have been recovered over the years.

I'm surprised Federal Agents haven't came and snapped some of these up

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Thanks sir_slide for this post! I've been looking for a good comprehensive collection of basic information of all of the skulls, well done.

With that said, I have an interesting personal side story about MAX the crystal skull.

For starters, this has not gone public anywhere that I am aware, so I will be slightly discreet with the information (mostly just of the name/s.)

But anyway, I know that MAX the crystal skull will be changing hands soon to a new keeper, who I happen to be personal friends with.

The story goes, that when JoAnn Parks was given the skull by the Red Hat Tibetan monk, she was also given a prophecy of sorts of who she would be responsible to pass on the skull to when the time came. Keep in mind, this was about 37 years ago that JoAnn gained possession of the skull.

The prophecy listed three key characteristics that the new keeper of MAX would have:
a) He will be an open homosexual
b) He will come wearing angel wings
c) He will already have built his temples.

Enter: My Friend (who we will call Mike.) For starters, Mike was born 37 years ago, the year the prophecy was given.
Mike is an open homosexual. He is also one of the most amazing people I have ever met. The amount of love, strength, knowledge and power his soul contains is radiant. The first time I met him I just wanted to be by his side for as long as I could. He's fun, funny, very gentle and is able to 'channel' divine knowledge and inspiration at will.
His life story is pretty interesting too, but I will only give a brief explanation. Mike (remember his name has been changed) also had a nickname growing up, his nickname was 'Max.' (It is also said that when the original channeler of Max the Crystal Skull asked it's name, the skull responded, "Max's." As in, "I belong to Max." But they went ahead with 'Max' as the name.)
Mike had a rough time growing up in the deep south, with very religious bible thumping father. By the time he was 19 Mike moved to NYC to pursue spoken word poetry. He put on a small off broadway act of his poetry. He did that for a while, until one day through a series of 'synchronous' events, he was introduced to a Red Hat Tibetan Monk. After becoming friends with the monk he was invited back to their small monastery in the city and was asked to live with them. Which he did. He dropped his off broad way show and moved in with them. I forget how long he stayed with them, but mostly he just lived with them, helping cook, run errands, clean, etc.
After that, Mike ended up becoming the tour driver of the monks as they made their way across the US, Canada, Europe and India. While in India, Mike also helped build two temples. One was a retreat for the Dali Lama. He even had the opportunity to meet the Dali Lama's teacher, who named him, 'The Awakening Buddah."

Okay, so fast forward to last year. Mike heard that Max the crystal skull was coming to his area and he wanted to meet it. He also was told to bring a personally sacred item with him to meditate with while with Max. Mike is a dancer, it's his way of expressing his sacred art. And as a dancer, MIke has made big wooden angel wings that he has become well known for at the festivals/clubs/shows he has danced in/at.

So, in walks Mike to meet Max: he is an openly homosexual, wearing angel wings, who recently returned from 'laying his temples' in India. Before Mike even spoke to anyone, the woman who was channeling Max exclaimed that Max loooved Mike and was shooting enormous amounts of light and energy towards Mike. It was after that that JoAnn was able to find out that Mike fit the rest of the prophecy.

Anyway, I guess that's kind of a long story. But, being personally connected to it, I find it fascinating. Especially after meeting and becoming friends with Mike. He truly is one of the most light filled, en-lightened beings I have met. He just glows with love. And he loves Max so so so much. You can all be rest assured that there are no more loving or safer hands for Max to be in.

The final 'transaction' of Max should take place within the next year, and I'm sure you all (who are interested in such events) will find out who exactly the new keeper is.

In fact, on another side note, I am in a band that has come together to share with this world the message of love, light, creativity, collaboration and ascension. The idea has been rolled around amongst us and Mike that once he has possession of the skull, he may join us on tour with it while also collaborating with the dance/choreography for us. Just sayin'.

Okay, I rambled a lot, and I am going now.
Much Love!

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Ive been reading ATS for months now and signed up then read this post. it is the first post i have made so sorry if it looks like i wanted to post negatively about this topic. I see alot of time and effort put in and clearly you done the job very well. my opinion is targeted at the crystal skulls and not those who beleive in them.

There are no properties about the crystal skulls that significantly back up any of the claims made. its all just smoke and mirrors and in fact you could choose most ordinary objects and if you dig deep enough will find out something amazing about them, but that doesnt mean theyre magical.

if the skulls were more intricate to the point they could have perhaps came from a living being or formed from quartz that cannot be found in nature, then i would be seriously tempted to beleive in them. Thyere not, they were shaped to form primitive representation of a skull and not even a real one. Someone chose to shape the quartz into the form of a skull and for me this alone does not mean there is any indication of anything being special about them. The quartz is no different than what you find in a quarry so just on the basis of them being skull shaped...i cannot beleive they are mystical bases on their shape alone. no doubt alot of skill was involved. if a higher being did shape the skulls then im pretty sure they would not have done such a primitive would be truly amazing

im allways interested in these kinds of things and have an open mind about many things but i need more convincing before i commit to beleiving in something and for me the evidence is just not there yet. as historical artifacts they are interesting indeed.

also its a shame that so many fraudsters have assosiated themselves with these skulls over the years as it does nothing to help their credability.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by eleven44
Thanks sir_slide for this post! I've been looking for a good comprehensive collection of basic information of all of the skulls, well done.

With that said, I have an interesting personal side story about MAX the crystal skull.

For starters, this has not gone public anywhere that I am aware, so I will be slightly discreet with the information (mostly just of the name/s.)

But anyway, I know that MAX the crystal skull will be changing hands soon to a new keeper, who I happen to be personal friends with.

The story goes, that when JoAnn Parks was given the skull by the Red Hat Tibetan monk, she was also given a prophecy of sorts of who she would be responsible to pass on the skull to when the time came. Keep in mind, this was about 37 years ago that JoAnn gained possession of the skull.

The prophecy listed three key characteristics that the new keeper of MAX would have:
a) He will be an open homosexual
b) He will come wearing angel wings
c) He will already have built his temples.

Enter: My Friend (who we will call Mike.) For starters, Mike was born 37 years ago, the year the prophecy was given.
Mike is an open homosexual. He is also one of the most amazing people I have ever met. The amount of love, strength, knowledge and power his soul contains is radiant. The first time I met him I just wanted to be by his side for as long as I could. He's fun, funny, very gentle and is able to 'channel' divine knowledge and inspiration at will.
His life story is pretty interesting too, but I will only give a brief explanation. Mike (remember his name has been changed) also had a nickname growing up, his nickname was 'Max.' (It is also said that when the original channeler of Max the Crystal Skull asked it's name, the skull responded, "Max's." As in, "I belong to Max." But they went ahead with 'Max' as the name.)
Mike had a rough time growing up in the deep south, with very religious bible thumping father. By the time he was 19 Mike moved to NYC to pursue spoken word poetry. He put on a small off broadway act of his poetry. He did that for a while, until one day through a series of 'synchronous' events, he was introduced to a Red Hat Tibetan Monk. After becoming friends with the monk he was invited back to their small monastery in the city and was asked to live with them. Which he did. He dropped his off broad way show and moved in with them. I forget how long he stayed with them, but mostly he just lived with them, helping cook, run errands, clean, etc.
After that, Mike ended up becoming the tour driver of the monks as they made their way across the US, Canada, Europe and India. While in India, Mike also helped build two temples. One was a retreat for the Dali Lama. He even had the opportunity to meet the Dali Lama's teacher, who named him, 'The Awakening Buddah."

Okay, so fast forward to last year. Mike heard that Max the crystal skull was coming to his area and he wanted to meet it. He also was told to bring a personally sacred item with him to meditate with while with Max. Mike is a dancer, it's his way of expressing his sacred art. And as a dancer, MIke has made big wooden angel wings that he has become well known for at the festivals/clubs/shows he has danced in/at.

So, in walks Mike to meet Max: he is an openly homosexual, wearing angel wings, who recently returned from 'laying his temples' in India. Before Mike even spoke to anyone, the woman who was channeling Max exclaimed that Max loooved Mike and was shooting enormous amounts of light and energy towards Mike. It was after that that JoAnn was able to find out that Mike fit the rest of the prophecy.

Anyway, I guess that's kind of a long story. But, being personally connected to it, I find it fascinating. Especially after meeting and becoming friends with Mike. He truly is one of the most light filled, en-lightened beings I have met. He just glows with love. And he loves Max so so so much. You can all be rest assured that there are no more loving or safer hands for Max to be in.

The final 'transaction' of Max should take place within the next year, and I'm sure you all (who are interested in such events) will find out who exactly the new keeper is.

In fact, on another side note, I am in a band that has come together to share with this world the message of love, light, creativity, collaboration and ascension. The idea has been rolled around amongst us and Mike that once he has possession of the skull, he may join us on tour with it while also collaborating with the dance/choreography for us. Just sayin'.

Okay, I rambled a lot, and I am going now.
Much Love!

Sorry but this needed to be posted twice.

That is an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING story you have there. It's just blowing my mind right now. What does your friend plan to do with Max? What incredible synchronicity! I cannot thank you enough for sharing that story. I wonder how it is all connected.....

How is Joann taking the whole thing? I'd be pretty sad to give up the skull. I'm just so fascinated by this story, please share more if you can!

Do you know where about's in India those temples were built? I've just been there and I'd be very interested to know. I was on a train heading to Varanasi from Bombay and we were seated next to these two Tibetan fellows. We started having a chat and it turned out they were the President and Vice President of the Democratic Party of Tibet, on the run from the Chinese Government. They ended up taking us to see the Dalai Lama in Varanasi the next day. They tried to get us an introduction but there was so much security it was a bit difficult that day. Just a cool story I thought, some people are maybe meant to encounter these things.

Side note: I'm also in a band trying to spread the light! We got reviewed yesterday and they said the guitar was "Sparse and mesmerizing"...awesome
edit on 12-8-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Scott495

You're still not reading the information my friend. When Max and Sha na ra were tested the results were refused, so who is to say that they didn't come from crystal that couldn't be or was not formed here? Seems likely to me, because if they baffled the British Museum then this is certainly an option. You're also judging their design based on your on idea of what something otherworldly may look like which is a complete mistake. Also anatomically speaking the Mitchell Hedges Skull is perfect, except for it's perfect cranium. So yes they are of superior design.

You should also read some of the phenomena associated with the skulls, until you have actually read more about them it doesn't really matter if you believe or not. I'm not trying to convince you either, just presenting everything so people can make their own minds up. Have a further read of the information regarding the properties and phenomena.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:43 AM
I believe this thread answers the question why there are no tool marking on the more ancient skulls:

Basically this thread states there is a plant in South America that when ground to a paste, softens stone.

This perfectly explains why tool marks are not apparent on the more mysterious skulls. The piece had simply been polished when it was soft, preventing any shattering. This also explains some of the stone walls in South America: How they seem to fit together so well.

Sorry to take away from some of the more esoteric or alien explanations but the simplest answer is usually the correct answer.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

One of the most fascinating mistery!
S & F.

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