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Are there any ACTUALLY smart girls ?

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Htrowklis82
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

I was just thinking the same thing! He never see's smart girls because they turn around a run!

I'm very proud of you ATS, even alot of you are sucked into the programming...

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:30 AM
There are plenty of smart girls out there.
Not all will subscribe to this website.
They are busy raising our children and dealing with stupid men.
My wife is one of them.
Dealing with real world problems and not some fantasy forum.
We disagree,but ,I think in a way she maybe right.
But,I stay informed and I am prepared for what MIGHT happen.
She is patient with me,as this is MY hobby.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by RevolutionSpeaks

You might want to recheck your premises. I've known several girls that have had an active interest in politics and what's going on with the world. Maybe you need to go out and meet more girls? It could be a sign.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by TopherWayne
It's been my experience that a lot of women could care less about whats going on in the world and all that jazz. My own girlfriend could give a sh*t about whats going on around the world. She's pretty much clueless and would rather watch stupid ass shows like the kardashians and bridezillas and dumb ass music videos. I love her but I hate her mind set.

Exactly I want a girl I can actually talk to and not be thinking the whole time " oh my god you dumb bi*ch shut up "
and one that gets me. I don't care if shes not the best looking or whatever either as long as shes actually worth talking to and understands whats going on and maybe even wants to do something about it.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:35 AM
There's a lot of girls who think they are smart. And there's definitely girls who believe in the conspiracies on this website.
But I'm truly sorry, women aren't capable of the smarts that men are capable of. You can call me a chauvinistic pig all you want, because I understand that the truth usually hurts.
Men were "naturally" selected to be smart and strong. Women were not.
This case is almost identical to black people being offended by being considered much stronger than white people, and at the same time not as smart. Virtually all black people in america were selected for their strength, not their smarts. Smart black people were killed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that black people are indeed stronger than white people, but they are also not as smart.

I don't think any less of anyone for these things. I believe our spirits are all equal. But our bodies and brains are not. It's a painful fact, but it is the truth nonetheless.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
There's a lot of girls who think they are smart. And there's definitely girls who believe in the conspiracies on this website.
But I'm truly sorry, women aren't capable of the smarts that men are capable of. You can call me a chauvinistic pig all you want, because I understand that the truth usually hurts.
Men were "naturally" selected to be smart and strong. Women were not.
This case is almost identical to black people being offended by being considered much stronger than white people, and at the same time not as smart. Virtually all black people in america were selected for their strength, not their smarts. Smart black people were killed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that black people are indeed stronger than white people, but they are also not as smart.

I don't think any less of anyone for these things. I believe our spirits are all equal. But our bodies and brains are not. It's a painful fact, but it is the truth nonetheless.

God speed, because your life has been shorten.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
There's a lot of girls who think they are smart. And there's definitely girls who believe in the conspiracies on this website.
But I'm truly sorry, women aren't capable of the smarts that men are capable of. You can call me a chauvinistic pig all you want, because I understand that the truth usually hurts.
Men were "naturally" selected to be smart and strong. Women were not.
This case is almost identical to black people being offended by being considered much stronger than white people, and at the same time not as smart. Virtually all black people in america were selected for their strength, not their smarts. Smart black people were killed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that black people are indeed stronger than white people, but they are also not as smart.

I don't think any less of anyone for these things. I believe our spirits are all equal. But our bodies and brains are not. It's a painful fact, but it is the truth nonetheless.

I see what your saying recently I've been coming to this conclusion alot because every girl I talk to doesn't even deserve to talk

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

There we go, proof positive that incredibly stupid people indeed visit ATS....

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by RevolutionSpeaks

To tell you pricks the truth I don't care what you think of me or what kinda jokes you wanna tell about me because I am what I am and nothing will change that.

Dude, your sixteen, the first person to reply to your thread was Partygirl and she told you to take a hike.
Dude, I'm just saying.

And by the way, how did you know that's what I am.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by RevolutionSpeaks

And I have come to the conclusion on why you are single......
You seem like a guy who likes to rush things, and not think before he speaks..The NWO, God is really ET and 9/11 was a big fat inside job, is a lot for a first date.
Why not try easing a girl into your thoughts and ideas, teach her a bit....give a crap about a girl and not be such a selfish prat! You come across obnoxiously, even in just one all this advice is probably useless to you.
edit on 10-8-2011 by Htrowklis82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:49 AM
no such thing as a smart girl


posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by RevolutionSpeaks

To tell you pricks the truth I don't care what you think of me or what kinda jokes you wanna tell about me because I am what I am and nothing will change that.

Dude, your sixteen, the first person to reply to your thread was Partygirl and she told you to take a hike.
Dude, I'm just saying.

And by the way, how did you know that's what I am.

I don't give a # who said what did I say I have problems getting girls ? no I didn't if I wanted to I could get with alot of different hot girls I just wanna try and find a girl worth keeping

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:53 AM

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by RevolutionSpeaks
I don't give a # who said what did I say I have problems getting girls ? no I didn't if I wanted to I could get with alot of different hot girls I just wanna try and find a girl worth keeping

If you look like the ET in your avatar - mblah will love you to death - and she's a girl - and smart (so they say) - but she can't cook I heard....

*runs away*

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:54 AM

I don't give a # who said what did I say I have problems getting girls ? no I didn't if I wanted to I could get with alot of different hot girls I just wanna try and find a girl worth keeping

There isn't one bit of punctuation or understandable grammar in this whole sentence. Maybe smart girls have an issue with this....just saying!
Anyway, and every time you say alot I see this in my head.....its funny!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:59 AM

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Htrowklis82

I don't give a # who said what did I say I have problems getting girls ? no I didn't if I wanted to I could get with alot of different hot girls I just wanna try and find a girl worth keeping

There isn't one bit of punctuation or understandable grammar in this whole sentence. Maybe smart girls have an issue with this....just saying!
Anyway, and every time you say alot I see this in my head.....its funny!

I love how you change the topic. I can use grammar and punctuation but really when I'm talking online I don't feel like making everything perfect. To tell you the truth I'm too lazy to do it all the time but I have no problem admitting it.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:05 AM
I'm an intelligent 28yr old female. I'm book smart, street smart, and yes - I know and understand those points and more. Hence the reason I'm on this site. The problem is where you are looking, and likely the type you look for. If you are only associating yourself with floozies, then no - you won't find yourself an intelligent woman. Another reason you likely don't find a lot of women who know much about those issues is because women (in general) tend to shy away from things that are hard to understand emotionally. Most women don't get why people just murder because they can. Most women don't understand why burning your own city is ok. In fact, just today I was telling one of my female friends about some stuff here on ATS - and her response was "if it's something that will change my happy views, I don't really want to hear it." Kinda short-sited, though honest. There are a lot of women who just don't want to know because they don't want to worry. I'm not saying all - obviously... but there is definitely a large chunk. Another reason is demographically where you live. For example - Utah. Mormon girls are taught at a very young age to be house-wives. Learning about the world they live in isn't important, because that is what the man does. I grew up in that religion, and left it when I was 12.... I started learning about the world very very quickly. Women are taught to enjoy barbies and babies. Not numbers and politics. When I was 7, I cut all the hair off my barbie dolls just so my parents would throw them away. I thought they were stupid. Instead, I dressed up in black and played "spy" with my younger brother. It all depends on how we were raised, and how we fared our surroundings.
Honestly - when I first read your post title.... I was incredibly annoyed. But, it's true. Intelligent women - in your opinion - are hard to find. Attractive intelligent women even more so. It might have been more intelligent on your part to have rephrased your title though. It's one reason so many of us attractive intelligent women wonder if there are any ACTUALLY intelligent men.

That reminds me of a study done by a University in Nebraska I think it was?? Women scored lower on math when men ogled them. So - there it is.

edit on 10-8-2011 by CeeRZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:06 AM
I think this thread is going to be closed pretty soon! LoL

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by CeeRZ
I'm an intelligent 28yr old female. I'm book smart, street smart, and yes - I know and understand those points and more. Hence the reason I'm on this site. The problem is where you are looking, and likely the type you look for. If you are only associating yourself with floozies, then no - you won't find yourself an intelligent woman. Another reason you likely don't find a lot of women who know much about those issues is because women (in general) tend to shy away from things that are hard to understand emotionally. Most women don't get why people just murder because they can. Most women don't understand why burning your own city is ok. In fact, just today I was telling one of my female friends about some stuff here on ATS - and her response was "if it's something that will change my happy views, I don't really want to hear it." Kinda short-sited, though honest. There are a lot of women who just don't want to know because they don't want to worry. I'm not saying all - obviously... but there is definitely a large chunk. Another reason is demographically where you live. For example - Utah. Mormon girls are taught at a very young age to be house-wives. Learning about the world they live in isn't important, because that is what the man does. I grew up in that religion, and left it when I was 12.... I started learning about the world very very quickly. Women are taught to enjoy barbies and babies. Not numbers and politics. When I was 7, I cut all the hair off my barbie dolls just so my parents would throw them away. I thought they were stupid. Instead, I dressed up in black and played "spy" with my younger brother. It all depends on how we were raised, and how we fared our surroundings.
Honestly - when I first read your post title.... I was incredibly annoyed. But, it's true. Intelligent women - in your opinion - are hard to find. Attractive intelligent women even more so. It might have been more intelligent on your part to have rephrased your title though. It's one reason so many of us attractive intelligent women wonder if there are any ACTUALLY intelligent men.

That reminds me of a study done by a University in Nebraska I think it was?? Women scored lower on math when men ogled them. So - there it is.

Just letting you know I try to make my titles harsh and I try to make them stand out so more people will read them I know there are Intelligent women (such as yourself) I'm just trying to find out If there are very many of them

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