posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Finally violence has entered the picture in the UK riots, as the lower classes in the West have in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, and other lands
similarly have taken to the streets protesting the austerity and poverty that the governments have been imposing on the people.
Even though this riot didn’t nominally start over politics and poverty, believe me, underneath the rage is just that—frustration with the
austerity that the elite is forcing on the populace.
Here in America I believe it will soon become apparent to the people that the tea party republican led austerity imposed on this country will lead it
down the same path of oppression and massive poverty that is occurring in Europe and other places around the globe.
Here it will take longer because we have already had a period of civil insurrections in the 60’s led by the oppressed black masses in deadly
conflagrations in urban cities such as Newark, Detroit, Watts, Harlem and other areas that many on this forum are too young to remember. They too
often began with police brutality and ended in long days of massive unrest that spread all over these urban cities. Indeed, underneath those riots and
insurrections was the economic misery and plight of those neglected urban areas where unemployment, crime, drugs, and bad education was allowed to
spread amongst the benighted poor.
Soon when people in this country find all this tea party led austerity has undermined the well being of the country, such as: preventing youths from
going to college, infrastructure being neglected, poverty and suffering forgotten about, children going hungry massively, homelessness proliferating,
and all kinds of social ills plaguing and overrunning the country, while the rich get richer with tax cuts while the rest of the country live like
dogs, the Americans will hit the streets like their brothers in the UK.
Power to the people!
edit on 9-8-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)