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London Riots, Is USA Next?

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Finally violence has entered the picture in the UK riots, as the lower classes in the West have in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, and other lands similarly have taken to the streets protesting the austerity and poverty that the governments have been imposing on the people.

Even though this riot didn’t nominally start over politics and poverty, believe me, underneath the rage is just that—frustration with the austerity that the elite is forcing on the populace.

Here in America I believe it will soon become apparent to the people that the tea party republican led austerity imposed on this country will lead it down the same path of oppression and massive poverty that is occurring in Europe and other places around the globe.

Here it will take longer because we have already had a period of civil insurrections in the 60’s led by the oppressed black masses in deadly conflagrations in urban cities such as Newark, Detroit, Watts, Harlem and other areas that many on this forum are too young to remember. They too often began with police brutality and ended in long days of massive unrest that spread all over these urban cities. Indeed, underneath those riots and insurrections was the economic misery and plight of those neglected urban areas where unemployment, crime, drugs, and bad education was allowed to spread amongst the benighted poor.

Soon when people in this country find all this tea party led austerity has undermined the well being of the country, such as: preventing youths from going to college, infrastructure being neglected, poverty and suffering forgotten about, children going hungry massively, homelessness proliferating, and all kinds of social ills plaguing and overrunning the country, while the rich get richer with tax cuts while the rest of the country live like dogs, the Americans will hit the streets like their brothers in the UK.

Power to the people!

edit on 9-8-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:44 PM
i cant wait till the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA falls


let the people stand

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:45 PM
yeah blame the tea party....not the democrats or republicans or the fed, or the central no no blame the tea party. stop watching cnn.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:46 PM
I also believe that America is next. With the rise of videos from "We The People" and such. It's only a matter of time before riots happen and the government declares martial law and the next phase of the NWO starts.

Now, having said that...

Your slant to the left is really apparent in this post. Why do you think people that want the government to spend within it's means as the reason for all the problems? Is it not Democrat AND Republican that is causing all of the chaos in the government? How can you so easily pin blame on a group that preaches fiscal responsibility on the governments lack of fiscal responsibility?

You lose credibility with me when you start bashing Americans trying to stop the political madness. And no, you don't have to like what they are doing. But they are at least doing something. Start your own group and maybe we can get behind what you believe to be right.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by inforeal

It may be coming to the US soon, but it isn't the Tea Party's fault.

Do you honestly think this problem started in 2008? This problem started in the 1940's! This is a consumptionism problem. Our country transitioned from a conserving resources and strategizing for the future during the 1800's and even through the Great Depression, to a time when we intentionally began making sub-par merchandise with functional and perceived obsolescence. We did it intentionally to keep the factories running after the Great Wars. At the same time, we switched to a fiat currency, and we built an economy dependent on inflation and debt!

The only thing the Tea Party can take credit for is seeing through all the BS, and realizing we have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. We can either take our lumps today like responsible folks, or we can continue burdening our future generations, and allowing them to be raised dependent on government help and technology. At some point in the future, our descendants will be entirely ill-equipped to deal with the trouble we have built for them, and it will be devastating.

I am not willing to put off that responsibility. I say we take our lumps today, we let this house of cards fall down, we build a new economy based on high-quality "American Made" merchandise, we stop filling up our landfills, we stop relying on inflation, debt, and government handouts, and we rebuild this great nation.

If you cannot see the Tea Party as patriots, and if you believe the magical boob-tube that tells you all this started in the last 5 years, then you are not using that mushy gray stuff between your ears! Turn off the TV, and educate yourself!

Start Here: The Story of Stuff. That is a very elementary version to get you started.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:48 PM
Too many people are not content with what they have and believe society owes them benefits.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Please...our cops are like dobermans chomping at the bit to kill someone now.
Riots, looting and fire in the streets should unleash the kraken in them.

You go first.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Also see This Post.

Not all Tea Partiers are Republicans. I am registered that way, but after last week's vote, I would like to see them all recalled!!

Tea Partiers are Conservative by nature, but in today's world, "conservative" does not equal "republican."

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:51 PM
After we attack Syria/Iran the muslims in the US are going to go ape$(-)!t.

Also the muslims in Australia, Europe, the Philippines.....

that's when it gets interesting.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:51 PM
With the economic situation in the US I'm surprised it's not happened already.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by occy30





edit on 9-8-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Peace Bro.

Never said I was with the Tea Party.

But I do agree with them. I feel if you don't take your lumps now (as bad as they will be) then you will take them a short while later...and they will be far worse. Just my 2 cents. relax, chill, smoke something if you need to

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by inforeal

WRONG!! Even with your all caps, you are still wrong!!

The compromise that was voted upon, is worthless, and it is not the Tea Party's doing. Marco Rubio didn't vote for it. Ron Paul didn't vote for it.

The Tea Party wants to see deep cuts, fair taxing, a balanced budget amendment, and a way to reduce the debt and deficit.

In my opinion, we should have let the default happen, and refused to pay out interest payment on the T-bills. It would have caused inflation, which could have been tempered by regulating banks a little more strictly and stopping the leverage of their money. That action would have raised interest rates on deposits and started us into recovery mode in the long run. At the same time, we should have allowed the expiration of the tax loopholes, demanded tax reform along the lines of a Fair Tax or Flat Tax, and also demanded a Balanced Budget Amendment that with an incremental DECREASE in the debt ceiling over the coming decade!

We can learn to conserve resources, make quality American Made purchases, bring innovation and manufacturing back to the US, and still pay out on our existing Social Programs, while slowly ending peoples dependence on those programs and restoring the work ethic the country was founded upon!!

Those are CONSERVATIVE VALUES! You have fallen victim to the TV's portrayal of the "Tea Party Express" and the so-called "Tea Party Caucus." Those guys lost their Tea Party support last week, and they are not representative of the group that got them elected!!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Ohh.......I can't wait, we're like London very diverse. The only difference is our brown people have guns, and I'm scared of them.....oh lord.

I'm really praying no, but my heart is screaming yes.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Ohh.......I can't wait, we're like London very diverse. The only difference is our brown people have guns, and I'm scared of them.....oh lord.

I'm really praying no, but my heart is screaming yes.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Heartisblack

white people have guns too...I'm one of them.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Ok, I could direct my rage at a couple posts here, not the least of which is the OP. Yours, however, in its capitalized belligerence has called out to me.

You say that cutting defense spending would stop wars. You must think that the USA is the only country which wages or wishes to wage war. You have a poor grasp of human nature, and for that matter, history. Cutting our defense spending would make us more vulnerable to anybody. China, we owe them a ton of money. Aside from the fact that we are their primary buyer there is only one other thing stopping them from collecting, we could kick the living shiz out of them. We could take any country on this planet, easily. Military strength makes peace. You be the guy with the bigger stick and a lot of clout. Nobody wants to mess with you.The problem is when you fall.
Don't get started on Iraq/Afghanistan because if you do you will expose your monumental misunderstanding of war on a country and war on an idea.
Continuing, you say that conservatives want to starve people. I laugh. See that homeless guy on the street? You think he deserves your income? Go give it to him. That's fine. It isn't the government's job to tell you to give him money or food or shelter. Living in a republic means the citizens are expected to be responsible for themselves and eachother. It requires compassion and sympathy otherwise it fails. Capitalism requires ethics and principles. If these are absent, then it becomes a broken, corrupt system.
What you seem to be proposing, communism, is much the same. Communism is a pretty good system, in theory. Unfortunately it fails to take into consideration that it is human nature to better your position in life. That's why a pure communism fails except for at microcosmic levels. People can live in communes, like a tribe, just fine *mind you, it's not a very literate, peaceful, or wholesome existence* but it can work. Capitalism is the best system on Earth because it allows for human nature to happen. It allows for literacy to develop, true, country wide literacy.

Please use less caps, I'm tired of typing.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by TruthWizard

yeah blame the tea party....not the democrats or republicans or the fed, or the central no no blame the tea party. stop watching cnn.

It is inforeal, of course he is going to blame the Tea Pary, that is his Raison d'être for being on ATS.

If a huge Earthquake hits California and half slides into the sea, Inforeal will find a way to blame the Tea Party

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:34 PM
No to be pretty blunt the people who would riot here are a minority...they maybe able to influence 50 kids to mob and rob but not thousands. I think sensible people generally dislike mass chaos. Take a look at Japan...just about everyone there has commonsense.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:34 PM
Ok so I just posted this in the very long London thread , in a matter of minutes is was buried by many pages.

Long time lurker 2nd time now time poster, anyhow I hope its ok to post lyrics to a song I feel that is quite fitting to this issue.

If its not ok,well then I suggest google search city : hollywood undead

Now I know alot of you will not wish to search due to the type of music they produce,but I assure this song is quite pertinent to London and surrounding areas.

Let's watch it burn [2x]
Let's watch this city burn the world

Let's watch this city burn
From the skylights on top of the world
Till there's nothing left of her
Let's watch this city burn the world

My body doused in ash with two empty cans of gas
The only evidence they have is a police sketch of my mask
And it's hard at times to ask if you can save my heart for last
And it's hard to face the facts when the darkness fades to black

It's not just make believe when they make me take a seat
And they put amphetamines in the air and make me breathe
So come on and grab your children look out for burning buildings
And villains who pillage, they're killing by the millions
And billions of people die for a lost cause
So now I pray to my nation destroyed under god

(Say it's the end of the world)
All my battles have been won
But the war has just begun


The city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me?
Till the skies bleeds ashes and the #ing sky crashes
They catch us with matches to ignite the flame
And all the hopes of a teen deemed #ing insane

Take the pill
In god we trust
Go and kill
God loves us
As in life as in death
Breathing till there is no breath

I will not die in the night but in the light
Of the sun with the ashes of this world in my lungs
But who am I to say let's all just run away
Go grab your saints and pray, we're gonna burn this world today.

(Say it's the end of the world)
As in heaven as on earth
We've been done since our birth


(Let's watch the city burn) [X2]
The city looks so pretty,
do you wanna burn it with me?
The city looks so pretty
do you wanna burn it with me
The city looks so pretty
do you wanna burn it with me

We use the trees as torches
Do you wanna burn it with me
Fill the streets with corpses
Do you wanna burn it with me
Watch the city #ing bleed
Do you wanna burn it with me
Bring the world to its knees
Do you wanna burn it with me

[Chorus x2]

Let's watch it burn
Let's watch it burn
Let's watch this city burn the world

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