posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:45 PM
I was suggested to create a thread about childhood memories involving paranormal and/or spiritual experiences after explaining how I've had tons of
my own that seemed so real that there was no way they could be fake.
This thread is for those to share their thoughts and experiences.
I'll start by sharing one of my many stories (in all the details I said I could never forget), and we'll see where this leads to:
One incident I remember so clearly was when I was sharing a room with my sister, she was roughly 10 years old, and I was 6 or so.
We had a bunk bed in our room, made from metal, painted red. I took the top bunk, as my sister was too tall for it and would often hit her head on the
ceiling. She was on the bottom bunk. I often poked my head down to talk to my sister, practically hanging off the rails of my bed, especially after
our parents tucked us in at night and left the room, we were troublemakers like that.
We had a walk-in closet in our room, with a door that slid open. Inside this closet was one wall to hang things on, and shelving on the other two
accessible walls.
We also kept a night-light in case either of us had to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or whatever. Mainly for me, since getting
off the top bunk in the dark wasn't an easy task.
One night, when hanging off the bed to speak to my sister, she freaked out and said she saw the closet door opening. I looked across the room, and
sure enough the door was wide open. We always closed it before going to bed, you know, for fear of the "boogie monster" and such things that every
kid worries about.
All of a sudden, and clear as day, we could see a brief-case-looking box of something fly off the top shelf in the closet and come crashing down all
over our bedroom floor. Whatever was in the box had shattered. Everywhere. Naturally, my sister and I covered our heads in fear, and that's when our
mother came in the room, flicked on the light, and started to give us crap for making a mess when we should be sleeping. Our mother scolded us and
told us that in the morning we will be forced to clean up the mess, no questions asked. That's when we looked down to see what it was all over our
What had came crashing down to the floor was an entire box full of little pieces of Lego and they were everywhere.
The scary part is, we had never once owned Lego (my mom forbid it because of how messy it could get when left out, and she hated stepping on our toys
all the time), nor did we keep our toys in the closet.
We did our job and cleaned it up anyways, and put it back on the shelf, where it was never seen again.
This story and many others led us to figure out that there was two other people living in that house with us that our parents could not see. There was
a young girl, maybe about 7 or 8 years old, and she loved to cause trouble. I think she mainly just wanted someone to play with. The other is older,
and a dark entity, not someone we want to be around.
To this day, my parents still live in that house (the rest of us moved out and started our own families). Often when I go to visit, I get a huge fear
of going to the basement because of what I had witnessed in my teenage years when residing down there (they had two new rooms built to accommodate us
all as we grew older). The fear strikes over me like nothing else, and is very powerful. I never go down there alone and I never spend longer than I
need to down there. I used to spend entire nights out of the house and only go back when the sun came up.
But I shall save those stories for another time.
The little girl seems to have moved on.
None of this is a joke or an exaggeration, and like I said, I have many other stories to back up my claims. I'll see if one day I can get
photographic proof (I never had thought about it before, to be honest).