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Childhood Paranormal Memories

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posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:45 PM
I was suggested to create a thread about childhood memories involving paranormal and/or spiritual experiences after explaining how I've had tons of my own that seemed so real that there was no way they could be fake.

This thread is for those to share their thoughts and experiences.

I'll start by sharing one of my many stories (in all the details I said I could never forget), and we'll see where this leads to:


One incident I remember so clearly was when I was sharing a room with my sister, she was roughly 10 years old, and I was 6 or so.

We had a bunk bed in our room, made from metal, painted red. I took the top bunk, as my sister was too tall for it and would often hit her head on the ceiling. She was on the bottom bunk. I often poked my head down to talk to my sister, practically hanging off the rails of my bed, especially after our parents tucked us in at night and left the room, we were troublemakers like that.

We had a walk-in closet in our room, with a door that slid open. Inside this closet was one wall to hang things on, and shelving on the other two accessible walls.

We also kept a night-light in case either of us had to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or whatever. Mainly for me, since getting off the top bunk in the dark wasn't an easy task.

One night, when hanging off the bed to speak to my sister, she freaked out and said she saw the closet door opening. I looked across the room, and sure enough the door was wide open. We always closed it before going to bed, you know, for fear of the "boogie monster" and such things that every kid worries about.

All of a sudden, and clear as day, we could see a brief-case-looking box of something fly off the top shelf in the closet and come crashing down all over our bedroom floor. Whatever was in the box had shattered. Everywhere. Naturally, my sister and I covered our heads in fear, and that's when our mother came in the room, flicked on the light, and started to give us crap for making a mess when we should be sleeping. Our mother scolded us and told us that in the morning we will be forced to clean up the mess, no questions asked. That's when we looked down to see what it was all over our floor.

What had came crashing down to the floor was an entire box full of little pieces of Lego and they were everywhere.

The scary part is, we had never once owned Lego (my mom forbid it because of how messy it could get when left out, and she hated stepping on our toys all the time), nor did we keep our toys in the closet.

We did our job and cleaned it up anyways, and put it back on the shelf, where it was never seen again.

This story and many others led us to figure out that there was two other people living in that house with us that our parents could not see. There was a young girl, maybe about 7 or 8 years old, and she loved to cause trouble. I think she mainly just wanted someone to play with. The other is older, and a dark entity, not someone we want to be around.

To this day, my parents still live in that house (the rest of us moved out and started our own families). Often when I go to visit, I get a huge fear of going to the basement because of what I had witnessed in my teenage years when residing down there (they had two new rooms built to accommodate us all as we grew older). The fear strikes over me like nothing else, and is very powerful. I never go down there alone and I never spend longer than I need to down there. I used to spend entire nights out of the house and only go back when the sun came up.

But I shall save those stories for another time.

The little girl seems to have moved on.

None of this is a joke or an exaggeration, and like I said, I have many other stories to back up my claims. I'll see if one day I can get photographic proof (I never had thought about it before, to be honest).

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:53 PM
I probably should add that the house is over 100 years old (but kept in great condition, often renovated), and we've lived there since I was about 4 years old. It has quite a history to it according to my mom.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:59 PM
I have a childhood memory, but I cannot say whether it is from a dream or if it really happened.

My memory is of myself standing at the top of the stairs, I then float down the stairs still in a stading position, then land softly at the bottom. It all seemed to be calm and as if it was a normal thing to do. I didnt jump down the stairs, as I would have probably broken all the bones in my body!

This is a memory which my sister also claims has happened to her and other people seem to have experience it too.
Anyone else share this memory?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

That's really strange. I wonder if there's maybe a significance to the stairs within your family.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Your story reminded me about when I was little, It was my first paranormal experience and what drove me to be the researcher I am today.

I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, sleeping over my grandparents house, around Halloween time, and they always told me to never go into one of the rooms they had in the basement because they said it was haunted. I was a child of reason and I thought they were trying to scare me. My curiosity always drove me, so I went in one night around 7:30-ish, and I saw the room my great-grandmother lived in, so I snooped around, and I head someone come downstairs, I looked to see who it was cause I didn't want to get in trouble, but there was no one there. Still snooping around, I heard humming, starting to be scared, I thought it was my Grandma, so I said that I wasn't scared, then it stopped, and I heard tapping, I said it again, but then realized that my grandma wasn't there., then I saw some picture frames starting to move, making the same tapping sounds, now completely scared, I ran out of the room, and the door slammed shut behind me, so loud that my grandma to floors up heard it and ran down, once she saw what had happened she grabbed my hand and took me home... It always stuck with me, I always wanted to go back but my grandparents moved out several years later and the people who currently own the house renovated it so I doubt the room is still there.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Bluue

Did your great-grandmother pass away in that room as far as you know?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by andriod


I have had a creepy dream about the stairs in my childhood home.
I am standing at the top of the starirs again, this time it is night time. The house is still and the only light is from the upstairs landing. I am looking down the stairs. From the fourth stair down there is a sea of complete blackness, I cant see down any further. I am really scared and I wake up.

Another reason I am afraid of the dark!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Bluue

Im so glad we dont have basements here in England!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 05:47 PM
I asked my grandparents about the house, my great grandmother never actualy died in the room, but she lived in it for 6 years before moving to and dying at a retirement home, but I was told that she did chants and at one time had a ouija board, I found that interesting. I might call the current owners of the house and ask if they experience anything, especially since they renovated the house.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 11:07 PM
I have a creepy memory i don't know what it was, i was around 3-4 years old, my dad had a boat at a yaught club in Toronto, Canada.
I was playing in the parking lot at the time and my parents were talking, on the dock, by the main clubhouse, i wandered around like children do, and i saw what i thought was the sun on the ground, it was red-orange, and glowing like the sun, it was a bright sphere, or orb.
At the time I was like wow the sun's on the ground! i approached it a bit then I ran away because i knew the sun was hot and i shouldn't touch the sun, i ran to my mother and i said mommy! the sun is on the ground i grabbed her hand and led her there and it was gone, she thought i was just up to some childish antics but no, i clearly remember what i thought was the sun on the ground =\
i don't know what it was to this day, however about 6 months ago i was sitting in my basement watching tv and there's a door beside where the TV is leading to another room, and up the stairs to the back of the house, and i clearly saw another orange orb fly directly through the door from behind me and go up the stairs, these are the only times in my life i have seen anything like this i don't know what they are. I'm not crazy!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

I have had a lot of paranormal experiences as a kid. Too many to recount now - but the memory of being outside my body is very prevalent.

I recall waking up many times when I was 3 - 5 years old, and finding myself floating below the ceiling and looking down at my body. I recall looking very calmly around me and taking in the detail of the room from up there - I looked down and saw my red cheeks and all the bedding kicked off - my body oftentimes facing the wrong way (as a kid has a way of doing when sleeping). I could hear my dad snoring in the next room. I recall studying the pictures on the wall and the light from the outside streetlights streaming onto the floor.

Very very vivid memories. And it is especially interesting that I can objectively remember what my child-body looked like whilst sleeping.
edit on 9/8/2011 by shimmeringsilver73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:11 AM
This might not be completely topic related but might be of interest:

Last night after going to bed i had much trouble falling asleep, at one point hearing humming, which isn't unusual, I live in a haunted flat. But the interesting thing was that I had a dream about my Great Grandmother, the one who's room I was in, and one whom I've never actually met having died before I was born. I've seen pictures of course. I just thought that might be of interest.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by afraidofthedark
reply to post by andriod


I have had a creepy dream about the stairs in my childhood home.
I am standing at the top of the starirs again, this time it is night time. The house is still and the only light is from the upstairs landing. I am looking down the stairs. From the fourth stair down there is a sea of complete blackness, I cant see down any further. I am really scared and I wake up.

Another reason I am afraid of the dark!

How many people are in your family? I'm wondering if we can figure out maybe what the stairs mean in general for you.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

I'd classify them as genuine out of body experiences, and you're lucky to have experienced them without even trying! You should read up on them and lucid dreaming. Sounds like fun!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Bluue

More than likely because we were talking about her. Perhaps she sensed it.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by andriod

I had a lot of out-of-body experiences as a kid, as well as some "unexplained" encounters with "otherwordly" beings for lack of a better word.

But all my "gifts" disappeared when I hit the age of 15. I have not had any experience in adulthood that I can say was as "real and physical" like when I was a kid. I do a lot of lucid dreaming though.

What is it with the child mind? That they are able to perceive and experience this kind of phenomenon so naturally? And why do we block this ability of ours when we age? A protective mechanism? Too much time spent on a planet whose greater populace discourages any form of "supernatural experience"? I just don't know... it is a great pity though. Imagine a world where we could carry this ability through into adulthood.

Great thread. S+F to you.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by andriod

When I lived in my childhood house where the "stairs" are based, I was living with my mum, dad and older sister.

We didnt have a happy family life as my parents would argue alot and went on to divorce, and my father commited suicide. Dont know if this has any relevence?
I dont really feel I have moved on from my childhoodand I am always thinking about it.

Any ideas?

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

Very interesting shimmeringsilver.

I cant say for sure if that is what I was experiencing, but its a possibility.

Thanks for the idea,


posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by andriod

When I was about 6 years old, my mom, sister, and I lived in an apartment complex. An old lady lived in the apartment across the hall from our door. Anyway, she died in her apartment and noone knew for a couple of days. After she was found, my mom went to the funeral. The same night of the funeral, I turned out the light in my bedroom and went to bed. As I was drifting off to sleep, I saw an eye on the closet door across from my bed. It was not the size of a normal eye. It was big, going all the way across the door, and even blinked like an eye would. I mentioned this to my mom a while back and she said that when she was a kid, she had seen eyes like that also. I'm not sure what it means, but it's definitely strange. I have a ton of stories about weird things like that when I was a kid, but I will just post that one for now, cuz I want to see if this is something that other people experience, and maybe what it means.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by AM47240

I had a 'somewhat' similar experience to that, when I first started ghost hunting I always had a feeling of being watched, and at times I saw eyes in windows, mirrors, and glasses, they wern't my own, they were a jade green and they were the same size no matter the surface.

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