reply to post by whaaa
If Law enforcement keeps beating people whether justified or not expect to see what is happening in London as we speak. People will only take so much
I like the justified or not part of that statement. So, let me get this straight, even if the police use a reasonable amount of force when confronted
with resistance to arrest that is totally justified, there is still going to a backlash against them?
How is that rational. It sounds like, to you, the police are in a no win situation. Even if they do their jobs properly and within the policy that
is set for them by not only the police administration but by the public administration and state law as well, they are in for rioting, looting and
violence against them?
We need citizen review boards and not internal affairs sweeping corruption and brutality under the rug. Total transparency of those that are paid by
the citizens taxes.
Many jurisdictions already have citizen review boards. And just about all jurisdiction's Internal Affairs sections work very closely with the
State's Attorney's office who also reviews their investigation. Just because Internal Affairs Sections do not find every police officer who is
complained on guilty, does not mean they are "sweeping it under the rug" or allowing the officers to get away with crimes.
If you think the police in your jurisdiction are getting away with corruption and the Internal Affairs Section is helping them and not doing their job
then speak with your local representative, mayor or county executive. If you can show that enough people want a citizen review board or can show a
clear need for it, that is who can make it happen.
The community and police need to start communicating instead of the siege "we/them" attitudes of LEOs.
Oh really? What have you done to reach out to the police? Have you attended community meetings with the police? Are you on some kind of public
relations council? Have you even tried to speak with the precinct commander at your local precinct?
I would bet not. I am sure your local police department holds functions for the public to meet with them. You are the one who chooses not to attend.
It is a two way street. The police are not going to come to your house and ask you if you have any questions or comments.
More CIT training....much more, test for steroids, drugs and alcohol abuse of every LEO and immediate termination for infractions.
Please clarify CIT training. All departments already randomly test for such drugs and steroids and already immediately terminate officers who are
found to be using such substances.
Total and complete transparency is the only way to regain the trust. Absolutely no more "Blue Code" and please don't insult us by saying it
doesn't exist.
Believe it or not, police departments are extremely transparent. In fact, they are probably the most transparent government agency around because
everything they do is public record. Do you want to pull a police report? You can make that happen. Do you want to pull an arrest report? You can
make that happen.
In fact, everytime one of their officers is fired or arrested while off duty, they usually have a press release. That is how the news finds out about
it so fast.
The real matter at hand is whether you believe them or choose to listen.
And yes, I am sure the "Blue Code" still exists but not to the extent you probably believe. The police are not murdering people and covering it up.
There is a small minority of officers who engage in criminal activity. It is everyone's job to route out these criminals and at the very least get
them off of the job. Just because one police officer is engaging in criminal activity does not mean the entire department knows and is covering it
up. 9 times out of 10, they are doing it on their own and are concealing it from their fellow officers.