posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:49 AM
Man I am so lost in hl2 right now you wouldn't believe, and I got no ammo, just good ol' grav gun and me crowbar.. Stupid zombies...
I didn't realise it was going to just keep respawning them... it's ok i am good with what I got... just lost.
listening to Blue Mars radio - Music for the Space Traveler, it's playing ambient music space music I guess, kinda cool, it's been growing on me.
wow changed station to sleepbot enviromental broadcast.. had a voice saying sleeeeeep, sleeeeeeeep, sleeeeeeeep
apparently there is a big sleep music following... found another Cryosleep radio..
This is all somewhat exciting to me, as I am a fan of sleep, well dreaming, I love it when I can remember my dream, they are just so abstract it
amazes me. Feels so real yet I was inside?
man telling ya this sleep music rules it found them under ambient genre i guess its just more ambient than i am use to? it's almost elevator
Elevator music if it were a SPACE ELEVATOR!!!!! or atleast some really cool scifi one in a building of the futrah!