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When is life not worth living anymore?

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posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by STEADFast
Life isnt worth living when you are too stupid to live and consider taking your own life.

You cannot think of one instance or circumstance that you would rather be dead than alive? If not, then you need to do some THINKING. Just going through the not living. And it is definitely not thinking.


posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 12:18 AM
Everyone has different views on when life wouldn't be worth living anymore. It just depends. Personally, I would never bring myself to take my own life, because that's completely un-honorable IMO. I don't think I would want to live under slavery, or in large amounts of pain over an extended period of time. However, I personally am ready for death, and if I ever end up staring death in the face soon, or in the far-out future, i will accept it and embrace it with open arms.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 12:43 AM
when you arnt willing to stand and fight for any thing then life isnt worth liveing

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 12:55 AM
just to tell you, i found my mother after she had blown her brains out, i woke up one morning and couldnt find her. she had had a bout of depression for several months, was on doctors meds for depression, and was showing significant improvement. i was staying with them so i could watch over her during the day, because my dad was working and couldnt take off at the time. we lived on a large wooded family estate, and she liked to walk the trails in the mornings, it was peaceful. i went to find her and i did, just not how i expected. now every time i go in the woods alone, i still see her like i found her that day. i feel cheated and angry at her every day for this. i have forgiven, but i can never forget. i could never put my loved ones through what i felt, and still feel to this day. this has also made me question my faith, how could such a loving and kind god allow this if he could control it? if the circumstances were different, maybe i could understand, incurable disease or something, maybe, this was 19 years ago and i have never had the closure i needed, or an answer why. suicide is not the solution for anything.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by davespanners

I personally think that no matter what happens, no matter how tragic or who we lose, there is always a glimmer of hope somwhere or in somebody. So, I would personally say no-life is always worth living-even if you don't have a reason right away. You will find one.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 01:20 AM
"Learn, he says, that there will be hours, days
and months ahead of feeling absolutely terrible
and nothing can change that; neither new
girlfriends, health professionals, changes of diet, dope, humility, or
God. "
— Charles Bukowski

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
I believe in helping others and being here for others in need. I like for people to be support for me as well in my time of need. We are here with an instinct to survive. We love deeply and sob when a loved one passes.

Suicide is a selfish act.....totally against what I believe. To be selfish and kill yourself is a slap in the face to your loved ones. Its a cowardly act. For anyone to commit such an act is pathetic in my opinion.

So the person is not to be "selfish" just so the selfish loved ones and others can keep enjoying the life of the person that doesnt enjoy it him/herself?

Cowardly? Yes..

Selfish? No.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 03:26 AM
Usually when one has destroyed life to the extent that they felt so guilty that they wish that they had never been born.

Some, even after they have died, will even insist on dissolving completley into the darkness in the afterlife.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by davespanners

Hi dave,

I think life is not worth living when you can not live with yourself.

Whether that is from extreme pain, extreme hopelessness, loneliness or whatever.

I think that if someone feels totally alone on this planet they cannot survive.

And I believe that people in extreme pain should say "enough". There is no shame in that.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 03:43 AM
If I lost my freedom, my health and my loved ones, yes I would rather die.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by davespanners

yes.. i have lost everything and on 2 occasions I've been close to committing suicide, and before I jumped in the river, I saw my own funeral, 100s of people where there, people from high school that I never thought really like or cared for me, people that knew me through other people that barely knew me where there .. all my ex's were there.. children, family etc..

there was standing room only .. the question that was posed to me was...."do you love them as much as they love you ?" .. at that split second......I realized I couldn't leave this world giving them any more grief they had already in their lives..

We, have a obligation to LOVE People, even when they don't love us back; when it gets to the point where we don't 'think' that people love is .. and there are times we KNOW they don't.. it's the THEIR loss, Not ours! They're the ones that Choose to NOT love or show love though actions.

and yes.. I'm starting at the Churches and religion and going is NOT for HUMAN BEINGS on planet Earth to be alone~!! PERIOD.. if you know someone that is alone and they are close to you .......CALL them and say just say Hi ..

In the world of the 'social networking'..........that's is not enough......body language is 80% of our language, facial expressions say ALOT~!!! You can't get that through FB~! Money doesn't fix everything... People caring for people ...can fix things when they don't seem fixable~!

There is ability in numbers and when you realize there are more people for you, even the ones you don't think see you, you will be able to understand the true meaning of..


edit on 6-8-2011 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 03:53 AM
It's my belief that one should not kill themself, No matter how hard your life here on earth is. your alive for a reason, live out your life and when you die, you move on. i like the saying "every new beggining comes from some other beggings end"

my belief.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 04:52 AM
I have read through most of the comments (though not all, so I apologize if this has already been mentioned), and I find it baffling, but not too surprising I suppose, that people believe suicide is selfish. Do you people not know what the word selfish means? It means acting solely in the interest of self with no care for others. I have personally known someone who committed suicide, and he felt that he was being UNselfish by ending his life. You cannot say that someone is being selfish when they truly believe that they are doing others a favor. He was wrong, yes. Misguided, yes. But those do not equate with selfishness. When you feel that you are nothing but a burden to those around you, when life has become such a struggle that suicide appears appealing, how can you say that someone is being selfish?

As for me, because I don't believe in a God(s), religion doesn't factor in. If I was in my right mind, I can only imagine myself seriously contemplating suicide if I had reached a point in life where disease had overcome me, where I had no possibility for survival, and where the little time I had left would be filled with nothing but pain and misery. At that point, I see no reason to say suicide is not an answer. Saving money - particularly if medication which only mildly reduces pain is astronomically expensive, which it is - is also a factor to consider. I do not think that causing my family to go into thousands of dollars of debt so I can live in pain for another three months is the right thing to do. At that point, it becomes selfish to live. It becomes selfish to NOT commit suicide, because you care only about your own prolongation of life, not about the financial burden you are leaving your family with.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 04:59 AM
Well I don't consider suicide an option, it runs against natural law. I have often wondered tho if just 'giving up', that is stopping making the effort to live really counts.
I used to think I was just too curious about what comes next in the world to ever be satisfied with leaving quietly but these days I lean more towards not really wanting to know. Hope fades and sometimes there just doesn't seem to be any point.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:04 AM

So the person is not to be "selfish" just so the selfish loved ones and others can keep enjoying the life of the person that doesnt enjoy it him/herself?

Quoted for truth. Who is the selfish one? If my loved one had desired to commit suicide (things like some illnesses are sufficient reason), then the truly selfless thing to do is to support them in their decision, precisely because I care about them and their wellbeing. Those who consider suicide selfish are the true selfish ones. It is not black and white issue.

There are things worse than death.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

There are things worse than death.


posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
I believe in helping others and being here for others in need. I like for people to be support for me as well in my time of need. We are here with an instinct to survive. We love deeply and sob when a loved one passes.

Suicide is a selfish act.....totally against what I believe. To be selfish and kill yourself is a slap in the face to your loved ones. Its a cowardly act. For anyone to commit such an act is pathetic in my opinion.

Suicide is an option that people CAN choose, whether a conscious entity believes it "wrong" or not. The ability to commit suicide is an act billions of years in the making, since the beginning of all time. Perhaps humans should be happy we exist at all. But we didn't choose this life. I didn't choose to be born. If I were to disagree with the way humans live on this planet, or I were unhappy with life why should I HAVE to stay here and suffer through something I do not wish for? Leaving my corpse behind would be my acceptance of the universe to reclaim the atoms of my body and allow it to once again become a part of the Earth. I would be allowing the energy utilized by my existence to be put to use by future organic life forms who may greater appreciate the nature of consciousness. I don't find that selfish?

If I were to end my own life it wouldn't be for irrational reasons such as sorrow or pain. I would do so to experience the inevitable. I've long ago shed my fears. The fear of death is perhaps the most irrational fear of all. We will ALL die. We might be dead in 5 minutes. Every second of life is one more second of evading death. There shouldn't be a negative stigma attached to that. Death is a cycle just like the churning of the ocean currents and the orbiting of the planets. One might say it's selfish to deny a sentient being their natural ability to do so as they please with their body.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:15 AM
Things worse than death:

If there's an afterlife - Hell/Hades/etc.

If there's another life (i.e., reincarnation) - coming back as cow feces or a dung beetle or a cockroach or a maggot or a creepy spider...

If there's nothing after death: a prolonged period of time in life full of nothing but suffering, pain, and misery. Why is that worse than death if there's no afterlife? Because death -that is, nonexistence - is not bad (it is not good either). It just is(n't). So, death can't be worse than pain, because death isn't something. Only something can be worse than something else. (YAY logic!)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Chett
Well I don't consider suicide an option, it runs against natural law. I have often wondered tho if just 'giving up', that is stopping making the effort to live really counts.
I used to think I was just too curious about what comes next in the world to ever be satisfied with leaving quietly but these days I lean more towards not really wanting to know. Hope fades and sometimes there just doesn't seem to be any point.

The only natural laws are those of gravity, nuclear, electromagnetic weak and electromagnetic strong force. Those four forces brought about the order of the universe, the gas clouds, the birth of stars, planets and all life in the universe which we have yet to discover.

And as a side note, yes animals (other than humans) do commit suicide. It isn't strictly limited to humans. People fail to understand that everything is a part of nature.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Dystopiaphiliac

Originally posted by MamaJ
One might say it's selfish to deny a sentient being their natural ability to do so as they please with their body.

Just to play devil's advocate here (as I don't believe in God)....when I have spoken to Christians regarding suicide - and excluding the ignorant ones who mistakenly believe suicide is some kind of unforgivable sin - they have said that it is immoral to commit suicide because it is not your body. Rather, it is God's body (i.e., your body is God's temple). Just a head's up in case a more fervent Christian brings that up at some point.

Which makes me think...if I did believe in the Christian God, I would then have to say that I wouldn't consider suicide, because I would be ending the life that God gave me, destroying God's temple, and I would tend to think that might be possibly immoral. Hmm..that appears like a good argument from a Christian perspective.
edit on 6-8-2011 by Alexander_Supertramp because: (no reason given)

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