posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 05:51 PM
Bigfoot is one of my favorite topics, and is a subject that I have researched more than any other. Here is what I think...IF this is real, it would
have to be a juvenile Sasquatch, because the bulk seems to be present, but it lacks the height. My first impression however was a man in a suit. I
thought this simply because of the gait and movement...It doesn't seem fluid enough. A Sasquatch would definitely carry itself well, and would have a
larger stride than is seen in the video.
The main thing that leads me to believe hoax is the fact that the video never shows steady clips of the creature. This is a common tactic among
hoaxers. I think that if someone was filming something this important, they would definitely make sure to document it well. My first or second thought
would be to hold the camera steady. If this person just grabbed the camera, then they definitely had the intent to film it, and should have held it
I don't believe this person just happened to be filming in that general direction before seeing the creature. Another reason this seems like a hoax
is that a creature such as Sasquatch, if real, has stayed hidden this long from being smart and avoiding humans. I don't believe one would walk right
by a campsite in broad daylight.
The hiding behind the tree would be consistent with a creature like this, imo, but it defeated its purpose by coming straight out again. With those
things, and others I haven't mentioned, considered, I am 80% sure this is a hoax. This analysis is based solely on the video. I haven't read witness
reports or anything, which may sway my percentage one way or the other, but not by much.