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Doctor Cures Cancer – Gets Charged By The FDA 5 Different Times For Regulation Violations

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

I'm still waiting for your evidence. You can tell all the fanciful stories you like, but they don't amount to even one piece of evidence, sorry.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by wonderworld

I'm still waiting for your evidence. You can tell all the fanciful stories you like, but they don't amount to even one piece of evidence, sorry.

I'm not trying to sway your opinions. You have yours and I have mine we can leave it at that I guess. I cant prove depopulation but it's obvious someone doesnt want a cure for cancer. Ive seen these fights on here before with people who know more than me on the subject. They could argue with you and provide better links.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
I cant prove depopulation

At least we can agree on one thing.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

while you two seem to be lost for facts about the history of the global depopulation agenda ... please, let me help you with some historical facts ...
Wildlands Project - summary ...

Moral and ethical guidelines for the Wildlands Project are based on the philosophy of Deep Ecology.
The eight point platform of Deep Ecology can be summarized as follows:

All life (human and non-human) has equal value.
Resource consumption above what is needed to supply "vital" human needs is immoral.
Human population must be reduced
Western civilization must radically change present economic, technological, and ideological structures.
Believers have an obligation to try to implement the necessary changes.

The Wildlands Project itself is supported by hundreds of groups working towards its long-term implementation. Implementation may take 100 years or more.
The Wildlands Project has received millions of dollars in support from wealthy private and corporate foundations such as the Turner Foundation, Patagonia, W. Alton Jones Foundation, Lyndhurst Foundation, etc.

and then there's ...

1976 - The joint KGB-CIA chemical warfare experimentation program began in Philadelphia at the American Legion Convention. A convenient test group was assembled, and it was exploited. Data was desired for the effects of a formulation of the new family of poisons on older men in particular, and the American Legion Convention was chosen as the perfect target. Aerosol spray cans containing poisoned room freshener were used to selectively saturate the atmosphere of the Legionnaires. Afterwards the special spray cans were taken from the hotel, leaving the city by airplane from a small airport on the northwest side of Philadelphia. Two of the active ingredients in the poison that produced the Legionnaires Disease were plutonium and zirconium. Dr. Peter Beter

August 1976 - About a month after the Legionnaire episode, and had quite a different purpose; and so a different poison formula was used. Plutonium was again an ingredient, as it is in the entire line of chemical warfare agents now being tested; but this time the formula was designed for very rapid effect with the victims receiving a massive dose. On a day late in August two Air Force C-141 Starlifter transport aircraft that were preparing to leave McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey on flights over the Atlantic were sabotaged by the placement in their cockpits of concealed canisters of poison gas, rigged so that the gas would be released in flights without being detected.

The two planes left McGuire at nearly the same time, and crashed within hours of one another when approaching separate destinations in Greenland and England. The very next day, with the wreckage of the aircraft hardly cooled, a Pentagon spokesman said, quote:

"Sabotage does not appear to be a factor. It's not even being considered as a factor."

Officials also said there was no apparent connection between the crashes. Apparently leaving the same Air Base at practically the same time and then crashing almost simultaneously without warning is not supposed to suggest the possibility of anything but coincidence. No doubt it is also coincidence that McGuire Air Force Base, the origin of these two strange fatal flights, is right next door to Fort Dix where the whole swine flu cover-up scare originated!

1976 - Nobel Prize went to American scientist Carleton Gajdusek for his experiments demonstrating that injections of kuru brain (1967) and CJD brain (1969) reproduced similar illnesses in chimpanzees.

A striking feature of AIDS is that it's ethno-selective. The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman, p 265)

The "discovery" of the AIDS virus (HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility.

1977 - Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1978 - The Hepatitis B vaccine study appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice, and "unavailable."

and the above is just a 'snipit' of what one might consider 'recent' and regularly occurring atrocities against the people. for some real insight, click the link and delve into our collective madness.

anyone recall the Georgia Guidestones ?? also referred to as the American Stonehenge ...

1979 June - A well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent.

The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields:

(1) Governance and the establishment of a world government,
(2) Population and reproduction control,
(3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and
(4) Spirituality.

ps: arguing against the historically obvious doesn't earn much respect 'round here.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by 140BPM

All the while gettin high I'm sure...People who tell others what not to do are usually doing it and guilt driven to tell others not to.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 03:35 PM
Just a few minor (:lol
issues with your post.

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa
Wildlands Project - summary ...

This link doesn't work, so I'm not able to read your information. Please repost in a format that works.

and then there's ...

This website connects a series of completely unrelated events (both in time and cause) and attempts to create some sort of 300 year-long conspiracy. How is the theft of lands from Native Americans related to CIA chemical weapons experiments? And how is any of that related to the discovery of HIV?

Simple: none of these events are related, unless you're trying to force a conspiracy into the issue (also known as shoving a square peg into a round hole).

1976 - The joint KGB-CIA chemical warfare experimentation program began in Philadelphia at the American Legion Convention. A convenient test group was assembled, and it was exploited. Data was desired for the effects of a formulation of the new family of poisons on older men in particular, and the American Legion Convention was chosen as the perfect target. Aerosol spray cans containing poisoned room freshener were used to selectively saturate the atmosphere of the Legionnaires. Afterwards the special spray cans were taken from the hotel, leaving the city by airplane from a small airport on the northwest side of Philadelphia. Two of the active ingredients in the poison that produced the Legionnaires Disease were plutonium and zirconium. Dr. Peter Beter

Huh? Legionnaire's disease is caused by a bacterium, Legionella pneumophilia. This has absolutely nothingt o do with plutonium or zirconium, neither of which are poisonous. If it were caused by poisons, why is the disease communicable? Poisons aren't able to be passed by coughing or by nasal droplets, while Legionnaire's most certainly is, so that would seem to rule out poison. Also, I can promise you, my KGB would never have worked with your CIA in the 1970s, especially on a new weapon.

1976 - Nobel Prize went to American scientist Carleton Gajdusek for his experiments demonstrating that injections of kuru brain (1967) and CJD brain (1969) reproduced similar illnesses in chimpanzees.

That's not shocking. Primate and human brains share a great deal of protein architecture. CJD is caused by a defect in this architecture, so it makes sense that a similar event would happen in chimps. How is this related to depopulation?

A striking feature of AIDS is that it's ethno-selective. The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities.

Every single statement in this portion is misleading. Are there a higher proportion of blacks that are HIV+? Sure. Is it because they are more susceptible or that HIV is "ethno-selective"? Absolutely not. When you adjust for socioeconomic status, HIV has the same infection risk in all ethnic groups. The main determinant in infection risk and death rate is access to adequate health care and education, not ethnicity.

at the National Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility.

False. There is a small sub-lab called NCI-Frederick at Fort Detrick, but the main NCI laboratory is in Bethesda, Marlyand and the NIH.

1977 - Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

Oddly, the only sources for this information are conspiracy sites. That suggests to me it's BS.

1978 - The Hepatitis B vaccine study appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice, and "unavailable."

Guess what? The first Hepatitis B vaccine became available in 1981, which explains why such a small number of people has been vaccinated in 1981, and why so many more were vaccinated in 1984.

Do you do ANY research before you post, or do you just believe anything that sounds "conspiracy-ish"?

1979 June - A well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent.

So, because some rich guy built a monument, you think the government is doing his bidding?

Are you serious, or are you just messing with me? Because that's the most ridiculously poor logic I've ever heard.

edit on 8/8/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

After reading the bulk of this thread I wanted to take a moment to let you know your time and effort to educate the ATS membership on this topic is sincerely appreciated by some of us who have at least passed basic chemistry and biology.

I have little to add in support beyond what you have already patiently tried to explain however the importance of keeping the facts straight on the subject in these types of alternate news forum's can not be understated and is not lost on everyone.

My fear is that someone battling an aggressive form of the disease catches wind of one of these threads and allow themselves to be swayed and loose the only chance of wellness offered by conventional treatment for the false hope these alternative "medicines" prey on.

It is reassuring to see a learned member of the conventional medical establishment standing your ground on this subject. Believe me, you will be doing some poor soul a great service by keeping the conversation honest and factually relevant.

It seems obvious that the more vocal proponents have not yet been taught the kinds of tools necessary to allow the science ( or lack of ) to prove or fail its own case, much less any hope of formal scientific education. It seems equally sure a few here are strongly invested in an shady belief system built on logical fallacy.

Having followed the partly remedial banter and rhetoric throughout, I would say that you deserve to be acknowledged for your patient demeanor and respectful manners .

I am sure through at least a part of the earlier discussion you must have been tempted to let your education put a quick end to everyone's misery but in allowing the discussion to make its own way you give more people a chance to understand for themselves.

Watching the complex efforts some will go through to keep these useless fallacies barely viable when often times half the effort expended would pay greatly superior dividends leaves me positively baffled. Some days I have to admit thinking that if someone really believes parts of this stuff they deserve everything they are missing out .

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by 140BPM

I'm with you..

What I meant by reasons being for eg:

Henry ford had a ranch and didn't want cheap hemp replacing expensive leather.

The oil companies didn't want cheat fuel..

The food and drug companies didn't want cheap drugs and food..

The list goes on.

Henry Ford may of been many things but he never voluntarily joined the anti hemp brigade. In-fact he tried to get the automobile industry to run off of hemp.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

I really, truly appreciate your post. It was one of the highlights of my day, in fact =)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

After reading the bulk of this thread I wanted to take a moment to let you know your time and effort to educate the ATS membership on this topic is sincerely appreciated by some of us who have at least passed basic chemistry and biology.

I have little to add in support beyond what you have already patiently tried to explain however the importance of keeping the facts straight on the subject in these types of alternate news forum's can not be understated and is not lost on everyone.

My fear is that someone battling an aggressive form of the disease catches wind of one of these threads and allow themselves to be swayed and loose the only chance of wellness offered by conventional treatment for the false hope these alternative "medicines" prey on.

It is reassuring to see a learned member of the conventional medical establishment standing your ground on this subject. Believe me, you will be doing some poor soul a great service by keeping the conversation honest and factually relevant.

It seems obvious that the more vocal proponents have not yet been taught the kinds of tools necessary to allow the science ( or lack of ) to prove or fail its own case, much less any hope of formal scientific education. It seems equally sure a few here are strongly invested in an shady belief system built on logical fallacy.

Having followed the partly remedial banter and rhetoric throughout, I would say that you deserve to be acknowledged for your patient demeanor and respectful manners .

I am sure through at least a part of the earlier discussion you must have been tempted to let your education put a quick end to everyone's misery but in allowing the discussion to make its own way you give more people a chance to understand for themselves.

Watching the complex efforts some will go through to keep these useless fallacies barely viable when often times half the effort expended would pay greatly superior dividends leaves me positively baffled. Some days I have to admit thinking that if someone really believes parts of this stuff they deserve everything they are missing out .


I can kinda understand where you think you might be coming from, but until science can prove to want and have the actual capability to cure anything, i believe that there should be alternatives other than the deadly radioactive poisons the medical community enjoys lining their pockets with at the price of horror, suffrage and death.

I'll take my chances with ole doc piss porridge before i ever subject myself to the MURDERERS

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by anumohi
but until science can prove to want and have the actual capability to cure anything,

1) Small pox
2) Polio
3) Diptheria
4) Pertussis
5) Tetanus
6) Haemophilus influenza
7) Measles
8) Pneumococcus
9) Meningococcus
10) Typhoid

These were just off the top of my head.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:12 AM
On patents, some links dropped for readers to form own judgement -

Link to the Burzynski movie website with cited investigation material, a text based appendix to the movie.

United States patent citing a Medline indexed, Burzynski paper as reference. PubMed link posted at end.,037,376.PN.&OS=PN/6,037,376&R S=PN/6,037,376

Methods for therapy of cancer


Compositions and methods of treating anemia, cancer, AIDS, or severs .beta.-chain hemoglobinopathies by administering a therapeutically effective amount of phenylacetate or pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof or derivatives thereof alone or in combination or in conjunction with other therapeutic agents. Pharmacologically-acceptable salts alone or in combinations and methods of preventing AIDS and malignant conditions, and inducing cell differentiation are also aspects of this invention.

Inventors: Samid; Dvorit (Rockville, MD)

Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health (Washington, DC)


Other References

Burzynski, S.R. et al., "Preclinical Studies on Antineoplaston AS2-1 and Antineoplaston AS2-5," Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Supplemental 1, XII:11-16 (1986).


NARRATOR (reading from highlighted sections of an internal NCI memo, 10/31/91):
It was October 4th, 1991, that America’s National Cancer Institute hosted their site visit to Burzynski’s clinic, and verified for themselves that “anti-tumor activity was documented by the use of Antineoplastons.”
[SOURCE: 11/15/91 Letter and 10/30/91 Review of Brain Cancers Treated by Burzynski by the NCI]

NARRATOR (reading from highlighted sections of US Patent #6,037,376):
Seventeen days later, on October 21st, 1991, The United States of America as represented by "The Department of Health and Human Services", and "Dr. Dvorit Samid" filed a patent for Antineoplastons AS2-1. They even had the audacity to include Burzynski as a reference. “The invention described herein may be manufactured, used and licensed by or for the government, for governmental purposes...” [SOURCE: Patent #6,037,376 pg 1, 6 of PDF]]

At the time, Burzynski had no idea this had happened, but did have his suspicions when they began to openly test Phenylacetate without him, and the National Cancer Institute knew it.


Drugs Exp Clin Res. 1986;12 Suppl 1:11-6.

Preclinical studies on antineoplaston AS2-1 and antineoplaston AS2-5.
Burzynski SR, Mohabbat MO, Lee SS.


Antineoplaston AS2-1 and Antineoplaston AS2-5 are degradation products of Antineoplaston A10. The initial hydrolysis of Antineoplaston A10 (3-phenylacetylamine-2, 6-piperidinedione) yields phenylacetylglutamine and phenylacetylisoglutamine. When hydrolysis is carried further the products of the reaction include phenylacetic acid, glutamic acid and ammonia. Sodium salts of phenylacetylglutamine, named Antineoplaston AS2-5, phenylacetic acid and a mixture of phenylacetylglutamine and phenylacetic acid in the ratio of 1:4, named Antineoplaston AS2-1, were submitted for tissue culture and animal toxicity studies. Tissue culture tests were carried out on breast carcinoma cell lines HBL-100 and Ki No. 1 and the results were expressed as the percentage of colony reduction based on control. Acute toxicity studies were done on a group of 88 HA/ICR Swiss mice with each of these formulations. An additional group of 160 mice was used for chronic toxicity studies of Antineoplaston AS2-1. In chronic toxicity studies the mice were injected with 92.3 mg/kg, 553.8 mg/kg and 1107.6 mg/kg of Antineoplaston AS2-1 intraperitoneally for 365 days and subjected to complete physical, gross pathology and microscopic examination. LD50 for tested formulations were as follows: Antineoplaston AS2-1: 2.83 g/kg, Antineoplaston AS2-5: 2.90 g/kg and phenylacetic acid: 2.71 g/kg. The results clearly demonstrated that Antineoplaston AS2-1 has interesting antineoplastic activity in tissue culture of breast carcinoma, and low acute and chronic toxicity in mice. Antineoplaston AS2-5 does not show significant activity in tissue culture of breast carcinoma HBL-100 and only slight antineoplastic activity in Ki No. 1. Both formulations were submitted for phase I clinical testing in cancer patients.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by anumohi


I can kinda understand where you think you might be coming from, but until science can prove to want and have the actual capability to cure anything, i believe that there should be alternatives other than the deadly radioactive poisons the medical community enjoys lining their pockets with at the price of horror, suffrage and death.

I'll take my chances with ole doc piss porridge before i ever subject myself to the MURDERERS

I wish you and ole doc porridge perfect heath for the next hundred years.

Make sure to remember your words if the time comes that you find yourself admiring your bone structure through the miracle of the compound fracture or your wife calls you at work to say she found a suspicious lump in the shower.

the medical community enjoys lining their pockets with at the price of horror, suffrage and death

Tough words, be sure to mark them well.

I would hate to think someone that hard were just a hypocritical windbag writing hateful nonsense to get a reaction out of a stranger on the internet then begging the free nurse at the walk in clinic for a shot of morphine the next time you sprain your ankle or find a hang nail on your pinky.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

and another question, who sent the results? Doctors? Those in power?

It's no more saying that fluoride is really good for you when in reality it isn't, it causes all kinds of problems.

Chinese medicine is good, in fact alternative medicine is the best way to heal all kinds of disease right now. General medicine isn't showing good signs of saving people, while alternative medicine is. As well, general medicine, such as drugs, surgery and radiation treatments, cost a lot of money, which isn't required. Alternative medicine just requires your time and a positive attitude.

To me, I would go with the Alternative medicine than the deadly stuff they serve in a bottle.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by lisa2012

There has been many in my family who have died of cancer, as I am sure most everyone here on this board.

The point is, if YOU cured cancer how much would YOU charge people? Would you charge a family member if you could cure their cancer? What would you charge a stranger? How much would you charge a young child to save their life?

I wouldn't charge a dime personally and anyone who would is a scoundrel. Any money that doctor makes I will consider blood money.

So, yes, the doctor is greedy and power hungry.

edit on 9-8-2011 by Jdawg9909 because: grammar

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

and another question, who sent the results? Doctors? Those in power?

Various universities, hospitals, and research groups world-wide have performed clinical studies on dozens (if not hundreds) of alternative therapies.

A good place for you to start looking it, a place where nearly every scientific journal in the world catalogues their articles for you to search through them.

Chinese medicine is good, in fact alternative medicine is the best way to heal all kinds of disease right now.


General medicine isn't showing good signs of saving people

Except for our ever-increasing life span, lower mortality rate from infectious disease, lower rate of birth defects, higher maternal-infant survival rates, and so on.

How, exactly, do you logically figure that medicine isn't "showing good signs of saving people"? I'd REALLY like to see your figures on this one.

As well, general medicine, such as drugs, surgery and radiation treatments, cost a lot of money, which isn't required.

While I DO think that medical costs are out of control in America, I don't think that medicine and medical treatment is free. Who would pay to run the machines in the operating room? Who would pay for the research required to discover and test new drugs? Who would pay the salaries of the janitors, nurses, doctors, and other employees of the hospitals and clinics?

Alternative medicine just requires your time and a positive attitude.

It also requires you to accept that you are willing to die in an attempt to prove an unscientific point.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:36 PM
It truly amazes me how many on this board would rather side with big pharm and capitalism than to help your fellow man. Especially when we all know someone who has died of cancer.

I don't get it and never will. It can't always be about the money.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

No need to prove a downer, so good-bye.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

while you two seem to be lost for facts about the history of the global depopulation agenda ... please, let me help you with some historical facts ...
Wildlands Project - summary ...

Moral and ethical guidelines for the Wildlands Project are based on the philosophy of Deep Ecology.
The eight point platform of Deep Ecology can be summarized as follows:

All life (human and non-human) has equal value.
Resource consumption above what is needed to supply "vital" human needs is immoral.
Human population must be reduced
Western civilization must radically change present economic, technological, and ideological structures.
Believers have an obligation to try to implement the necessary changes.

The Wildlands Project itself is supported by hundreds of groups working towards its long-term implementation. Implementation may take 100 years or more.
The Wildlands Project has received millions of dollars in support from wealthy private and corporate foundations such as the Turner Foundation, Patagonia, W. Alton Jones Foundation, Lyndhurst Foundation, etc.

and then there's ...

1976 - The joint KGB-CIA chemical warfare experimentation program began in Philadelphia at the American Legion Convention. A convenient test group was assembled, and it was exploited. Data was desired for the effects of a formulation of the new family of poisons on older men in particular, and the American Legion Convention was chosen as the perfect target. Aerosol spray cans containing poisoned room freshener were used to selectively saturate the atmosphere of the Legionnaires. Afterwards the special spray cans were taken from the hotel, leaving the city by airplane from a small airport on the northwest side of Philadelphia. Two of the active ingredients in the poison that produced the Legionnaires Disease were plutonium and zirconium. Dr. Peter Beter

August 1976 - About a month after the Legionnaire episode, and had quite a different purpose; and so a different poison formula was used. Plutonium was again an ingredient, as it is in the entire line of chemical warfare agents now being tested; but this time the formula was designed for very rapid effect with the victims receiving a massive dose. On a day late in August two Air Force C-141 Starlifter transport aircraft that were preparing to leave McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey on flights over the Atlantic were sabotaged by the placement in their cockpits of concealed canisters of poison gas, rigged so that the gas would be released in flights without being detected.

The two planes left McGuire at nearly the same time, and crashed within hours of one another when approaching separate destinations in Greenland and England. The very next day, with the wreckage of the aircraft hardly cooled, a Pentagon spokesman said, quote:

"Sabotage does not appear to be a factor. It's not even being considered as a factor."

Officials also said there was no apparent connection between the crashes. Apparently leaving the same Air Base at practically the same time and then crashing almost simultaneously without warning is not supposed to suggest the possibility of anything but coincidence. No doubt it is also coincidence that McGuire Air Force Base, the origin of these two strange fatal flights, is right next door to Fort Dix where the whole swine flu cover-up scare originated!

1976 - Nobel Prize went to American scientist Carleton Gajdusek for his experiments demonstrating that injections of kuru brain (1967) and CJD brain (1969) reproduced similar illnesses in chimpanzees.

A striking feature of AIDS is that it's ethno-selective. The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman, p 265)

The "discovery" of the AIDS virus (HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility.

1977 - Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.

1978 - The Hepatitis B vaccine study appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice, and "unavailable."

and the above is just a 'snipit' of what one might consider 'recent' and regularly occurring atrocities against the people. for some real insight, click the link and delve into our collective madness.

anyone recall the Georgia Guidestones ?? also referred to as the American Stonehenge ...

1979 June - A well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent.

The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields:

(1) Governance and the establishment of a world government,
(2) Population and reproduction control,
(3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and
(4) Spirituality.

ps: arguing against the historically obvious doesn't earn much respect 'round here.

Very good post, disturbing, but very useful in my quest for knowledge.

My thanks to you.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Alternative medicine just requires your time and a positive attitude.

It also requires you to accept that you are willing to die in an attempt to prove an unscientific point.

Your doing the same with modern medicine.

In a recent poll conducted by the Campaign for Effective Patient Care, a nonprofit advocacy group based in California, 65 percent of the 800 California voters surveyed said they thought that most or nearly all of the health care they receive is based on scientific evidence. The reality would probably shock them. A panel of experts convened in 2007 by the prestigious Institute of Medicine estimated that “well below half” of the procedures doctors perform and the decisions they make about surgeries, drugs, and tests have been adequately investigated and shown to be effective. The rest are based on a combination of guesswork, theory, and tradition, with a strong dose of marketing by drug and device companies.

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