posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 11:16 AM
While many of us see this cancer cure and FDA action as wrong and as the immoral act that it is, we often if seldom ever consider that to the FDA,
this is normal business.
The FDA like the corporate and political interest it serves are clearly intent on profits where none exist, using bribed and paid for politicians,
federal agency heads, judges, and even the doctors and scientist doing the supposed unbiased research to become monopolistic in their quest for
profits at all costs.
Such actions are exactly what one would see under such a complete system of corruption that spans beyond the FDA and into other areas of government.
We can clearly see that only certain political ideologies in line with business interests are pursued in such federal departments.
These corrupt officials want complete control over every aspect of making money while they also dictate who is going to do business or repeat business
with the government that pays for such services. Deciders of who gets contracts or not.
Cures for cancer, aids, and other human diseases have been controlled for longer than we choose to accept or believe, but nonetheless, such is the way
of a system that requires such a parasitic symbiotic relationship to exist.
Making criminals of those that seek to better humanity is wrong. Anything these criminals do while undermining and preventing disclosure of known
cures for diseases that kill millions of lives every year, is a major crime that should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Of course if the law is legislated, written and passed into law so as to give some insider business interest on the hook to the executive branch for
political contributions, a hand up over others, and anyone can see that this system has failed long long ago. What we are seeing today is the
bloating and puffing up of the dead animal that it is. It also stinks.
Truth in areas of science, medicine, and politics should all be about truth and what is in the best interests of the whole nation and not just some
few who have elevated themselves to the high loft of elite status, over slaves to the system who they consider to dumb to know better.
The legal system has to once again work in truth or else, no amount of fixing or replacing politicians is going to fix matters so that our children
wont have to live in slavery or worse.
Only when the legal system offers real truth and justice, will it then be time to begin rounding up the criminals, because if felonious and genocidal
crimes were committed in some conspiratorial manner to deceive the public while slowing killing the public so as to feed the cancer industry and the
pharmaceutical companies and the hospitals and doctors involved with more dying patients so as to milk the insurance money, then nothing we do will
matter, until we work on real judges who are honest, above corruption and truly seek to do what is in humanity's best interests.
There is no need in bringing a crook to justice if that justice system which is also corrupt is going to side with those that pay the biggest amount
of money. Fix justice and then and only then will stopping corruption in government begin to send the message that if you commit a crime, you are
going to do the big time.
Cancer cures and doctors being threatened or thrown in jail is exactly why we must focus on the system of justice and find some way to clean out the
vampires while re-tooling to a standard of ethical behavior. Right over wrong and all that good stuff wont matter unless the courts are fixed first.
That is what I wanted to say as a means of discussion in the face of this recent cancer cure scandal. Thanks again.