posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:14 PM
Originally posted by spacedoubt
The idea for a new thread is a good one. Fresh pics....Fewer broken links. I have some things I will ad later.
I'm hoping members will keep the Photoshopping to a minimum. Just average darkroom techniques...Color adjustments, Contrasts, cropping etc.
Too much Photoshopping changes a photo, to a graphic.
Lets see the RAW talent folks!
Is this ok with OP?
By all means! I don't see why not.
I've edited a few with contrasting/hues, I will not lie, just to enhance colours. But most of the work I've posted is as naturally seen. I just have
that unique a camera to be able to get shots like that.
And I would like to thank those who've participated already, and those who will in the future!
An ATS Staff member sent me a message the other day explaining how he liked the idea of my thread as well as my work, and gave me 500 bonus points!
You have no idea how good that makes me feel given how new of a member I am.
It wouldn't have been at all possible if other members didn't intrigue and encourage me. The broken links are what irritated me most with other
Thanks again, everyone! I look forward to seeing more work in the near future!
edit on 5/8/2011 by andriod because: (no reason given)