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Alien Disclosure Eminent!

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posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Axebo

The importance of the distinction between one friend versus multiple friends chiefly concerns the convergence I wrote of.


Before you argue the intricacies of grammar and how it changes the credibility of someone explaining themselves. You best understand that "they and them" can be used as a singular pronoun. (Although controversial -to librarians..)

Singular they is the use of the pronoun they (or its inflected forms) when plurality is not required by the context. Singular they indicates indeterminacy: either in regard to number — "Anyone who thinks they have been affected should contact their doctor"; or, controversially, regarding gender — "One student failed their exam." In the example sentences, they and their are generic, non-referring (or only vaguely referring) pronouns within the scope of universal, distributive quantifiers denoted by anyone and any.[1]

Singular they does, in fact, remain morphologically and syntactically plural (it still takes plural forms of verbs). Talmy Givón (Syntax: an introduction, 2001) even provides "If anybody did that, they'd be insane" as an example of non-referring, plural anaphoric they.[1] However, singular they is more often considered to be semantically indeterminate either in number, or in gender; and the usage is described as generic they or epicene they.

Make sure all yous read this.

edit on 31-7-2011 by boncho because: grammar, go figure...

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by boncho

Oh good grief already. The context is clear enough: is Common Scarecrow referring to one friend or multiple friends. I'd not assumed the point (a point I made clear in my post), but allowed that he or she could clarify that bit of confusion for me.

And no, I didn't read your citations & I'm not going to go off-topic on patterning pronouns.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:04 PM
I've seen this kind of post many times. I always offer this wager and no one accepts but here goes.
I will put a hundred bucks this doesn't happen by August 31st 2011. Anybody so sure they want to take the bet?
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this happen in my life time, I'm am very confident it won't. No I don't have any inside friend telling me it won't, it's just a safe assumption.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by boncho

Whenever writing in a proper format, I tend to try and avoid those situations altogether, but if I must, I usually put "(s)he", "he/she", or "he or she". Whenever I'm lazy, I just use "they" since nobody on the Internet seems to care.

To give some minor credence to the OP's argument, this link states that "they plan to have everything come to a head in August". Only time will tell.

reply to post by Hr2burn

With the way the US economy is going, your $100 is going to be worthless, so you're not really taking any risks, are you?

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Hr2burn
I've seen this kind of post many times. I always offer this wager and no one accepts but here goes.
I will put a hundred bucks this doesn't happen by August 31st 2011. Anybody so sure they want to take the bet?
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this happen in my life time, I'm am very confident it won't. No I don't have any inside friend telling me it won't, it's just a safe assumption.
I'll go in with you on this and add another $100.00.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by boncho
My Mom's co-worker has a friend that works with a guy who fixes my Dad's Honda, specifically the transmission, well anyway, that guy's brother works at the NSA too, and he confirmed what you're saying.

edit on 31-7-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

You went around the bushes when you could have just said that your dad's mechanic has a brother who works for the NSA.

It's confirmed then that alien disclosure will happen this August!

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

This would be cool if it was true. If it is true, then you have an extremely irresponsible friend who is a threat to the security of this nation. I know lots of people in the DC area with various security clearances, and to a T, not a single one has ever informed me of something they shouldn't. It's possible that I have friends who work for the CIA and I'm completely ignorant of the fact. I have friends who travel an awful lot for the government or parapgovernmental work, but I know that means nothing in and of itself. I have a civilian friend who travels to Afghanistan a few times a year, and they won't even describe for me a vague reason they go there. I once lived with a person who landed a position with a major defense contractor, and they came to my group-house to talk to us during their security clearance. It was only then that I realized that this person was very discrete, because beyond knowing where they grew up and what they studied, I knew next to nothing else about them. THAT is the kind of person who'd likely be working at the NSA.

Anyway, most NSA employees are hesitant to reveal who they work for, and are hired precisely because they're the sort of people who are comfortable compartmentalizing their personal and professional lives. Your friend, if they exist and they're honest and actually have some sort of information, is obviously a terrible NSA employee, and should resign.

Having said that, I'm extremely skeptical of your claim (or your friend's). Why would they have a first-hand knowledge of this explosive information. Certainly if THEY know it, then some journalists know it, and then others know it, and the rumors would already be flying around DC. Nothing like that is happening. For instance, I heard startlingly accurate rumors about the exact timing of the Iraq invasion WEEKS before Bush's speech asking Saddam and his sons to vacate Iraq. That means people were talking. It wasn't in the papers, but people were talking, and my work puts me just enough at the periphery that even I heard it (extremely unusual, believe me; I almost NEVER get sweet info like that).

So, all due respect, but I call total BS. There will never ever be a disclosure, not until "the aliens" force the issue, and they never will, because it's more than likely that if something "alien" really exists and is visiting our planet, they will have about as much interest in the specifics of our political culture as humans might have in the specifics of a wolf pack's male dominance politics (i.e none, except that it's interesting to watch and ultimately meaningless).

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

I would also generally challenge the assertion that a disclosure would "shake the world" these days. We are totally primed by half a century's worth of alien-themed mass entertainment, so the idea is not new, novel or shocking. Once it was clear that they weren't going to be hovering over our cities in enormous battleships that are vulnerable to mid-90s computer viruses (because aliens use a Windows OS), then the newscycle would last for a few days, be fodder for late night monologues for a week and a half, and that's it.

Well, obvious a few strange cultists would commit suicide, or act as though their outlandish belief systems had been vindicated. Evangelicals, ID-ers and global warming deniers might refuse to believe it entirely, and educated people would laugh at them, like they often do.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Revolution9

Originally posted by Common Scarecrow
A very good friend of mine, I have known them since we were kids, works for the NSA.

I was talking to them last night about a lot of the topics covered here on ATS. They said that some information was about to be released that would "shake the world". They couldn't get into specifics for obvious reasons, but they stated that the information was relevant to "gently" informing the public about the official existence of alien life forms and their interaction with people on Earth.

They said that it was coming very soon, within the next month, and would "rattle a lot of cages".

I asked them if I could mention it on here and they did not care because they said that so much of that kind of information that is false is flying around that this will just blend in with the rest of it.

Thought I would mention it anyway.
edit on 31-7-2011 by Common Scarecrow because: spelling

Is it imminent once again?

Did you post this here expecting people to just say "Oh yes, we believe you. You are in the know and are gonna tell us very soon".!

Can you answer a question for me? Why do you do this? Why do you post stuff like this? It has no value or depth and is really just blocking up the frequencies, Kenneth!

edit on 31-7-2011 by Revolution9 because: spelling

For obvious reasons of course. The OP is just a kid whos XBox 360 was sent in to get fixed...due to Microsofts poor turn around time...he/she got bored and decided to waste space with this NON SENSE! Come on OP, don't be so silly...lmao!

Hey Revolution9, next time...just tell us about your summer and how you finally "got some"....much more interesting and genuine. That my friend is ATS worthy.....(ultimate sarcasm BTW)!

edit on 7/31/11 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

Well if the 'Aliens' and 'TPTB' know each other.....

There will be no hope for the average (not rich) citizen.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by Hr2burn
I've seen this kind of post many times. I always offer this wager and no one accepts but here goes.
I will put a hundred bucks this doesn't happen by August 31st 2011. Anybody so sure they want to take the bet?
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this happen in my life time, I'm am very confident it won't. No I don't have any inside friend telling me it won't, it's just a safe assumption.
I'll go in with you on this and add another $100.00.

I'll see your $100 and raise you $50,

My friends uncles dogs walker said his cousin heard the same thing.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:06 PM
Could "they" and "them" be covers for a gender? as his friend could be male or female?
and if yous so highly edumacated, how is it you get confused over grammar, even if it is poor grammar?
so if a homeless guy who was a mute came to your front door with a piece of paper and an orange crayon, and whilst looking distressed wrote on the piece of paper "i seened an alian in your shed quick go before they come out" would you dismiss what he wrote pureley because he be under educated by your standards and warned you in poor form of grammar?


posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by paratus

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by Hr2burn
I've seen this kind of post many times. I always offer this wager and no one accepts but here goes.
I will put a hundred bucks this doesn't happen by August 31st 2011. Anybody so sure they want to take the bet?
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this happen in my life time, I'm am very confident it won't. No I don't have any inside friend telling me it won't, it's just a safe assumption.
I'll go in with you on this and add another $100.00.

I'll see your $100 and raise you $50,

My friends uncles dogs walker said his cousin heard the same thing.

Since when did ats allow gambling....I`m In...If its true,,COOL if it not Cool...Point is... We all learned how to Gamble..After all is that not what ats is all about...Taking chances that someone will believe your threat...The op is just like all of you ats members ,,,contributing what they feel is accurate info.. 99% of the time its all wrong anyway.. I`ll give you a star but no Flag.... yet.
edit on 7/31/11 by awcgs because: spelling correction [there are some that notice]

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:11 PM
it is possible. i read another thread on another site just like this last nite from a guy that claimed to work for us space command knew some stuff and claimed their gonna have to tell us real soon cause by the end of the year its gonna get real interesting.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:15 PM
You guys need to get off this kids sack. Just because he has bad grammer does not mean he is dumb or lying. Heck, I learn all kinds of stuff here on ATS all the time and MOST of you are retarded in some way. You guys seem to think ATS is real life or somthing.


Take these fools with a grain of salt. Most of the members here are not an expert at anything anyway.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:20 PM
Yay its about time ive been waiting for ever!

Time to meditate

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Weather or not the OP is making this story up or not, there has been a rather large story that got released to the public, the radiation and heat spots on the moon. Scientist seem to be stepping on there tongues on this one, this to me seems like a prelude to the "oh there are aliens on the moon" speech, which will open the doors to there entire exsistance.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

well i guess "they" were right.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:35 PM
I had my resolution set to where everything looks small and you can fit a whole whack of icons on your desktop type thing,
well anyway
I could have sworn it said : Aliens Discover Eminem

So they what, start communicating with us via chemically fueled psycho satanic angry rhymes about misguidedness??

yo yo yo, ya gatta check out ma whip
its a super cala fradja listick expee ala ship yo
and its cool that you drool bout the speed of ma saucer fool
is how we roll, laser guns,
on top of the sun, in more ways than one yo
before I read your mind to see your ass behind the times of my friend Stan
NIbiru's got a plan yo
Mother Faulkers better know.........

Or maybe they discovered him cause he got so high, we was invading their turf --

We all want the big D, however I doubt we will be so lucky.

Hell I don't remember ever feeling the need to gather my goats(way back when I had some) and trying to explain and disclose to them how the fuel system worked on the tractor.

Why would they do it to us??

edit on 31-7-2011 by gypsychology909 because: filled out

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 11:52 PM
Oh disclosure imminent... for about the 40th time.

I'm not holding my breath.

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