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The Tea Party is anti-democratic and guilty of abuse of power

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:11 AM

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Kitilani
post removed by staff

Keep up with the insults and you'll probably get the same responses.
As has been explained countless times by different people, the Tea Party mindset is something that doesn't fit in a category or niche that you can isolate and attack.
It is a philosophy, a mind-set promoting smaller government and personal responsibility.

Why do you want government to be bigger and more intrusive?
(rhetorical, don't bother answering, your posts speak volumes)
edit on Sun Aug 28 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:35 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by dakota1s2

The democracy will cease to exist
when you take away from those
who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

Originally posted by crimvelvet
Bank Script + Mega-corporations + big government = CORPORATISM

Corrupted government = Corporatism

Government can be empowered to protect our environment and prevent the enslavement of the masses.

In fact, in is the only thing that can really fight corporatism and the plutocracy.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
The tea party wants to see the return of real capitalism and that means getting rid of BANK SCRIPT ( MISES ) and getting rid of the collusion between corporations/banks/government.

The individual members of the "tea party" might want that; the problem is they are being used for a national political agenda that is in direct contradiction to their values.

The US government is OWNED lock, stock and barrel by the Bankers and Corporations and has been for over a hundred years. How the heck do you think they got the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913 and never had it repealed only strengthened????

May I suggest you read two well researched NEUTRAL (actually left leaning) Articles in the hopes your eyes will open?

The "corruption" of the US government was not due to happenstance. It is well planned long range and ACTIVE as the above articles show.

The "Liberals" like Obama and Clinton are snuggled in bed with the Corporate elite as are the Republicans. GET OVER the darn blind spot where the Democrats are concerned!

The ONLY hope I see for escaping the enslavement planned for us is the Tea Party (and the internet) Unfortunately the final enslavement is planned for the entire world not just one country this time. It is also planned to occur SOON. Personally I am hoping I am dead by then because once that enslavement happens it will be like another Dark Ages and last for centuries. The elite now have the technological tools to actually shape the rest of the population into the type of "Obedient serfs" they want and the DNA data base and genetic manipulation techniques to do it.

Also you can forget all the "entitlement" and feel good social programs. Once TPTB have total control those will be gone in a heart beat because the cameoflage will no longer be needed. Just look at the IMF and World Bank SAPs That is what is in our future. READ what another socialist, Davison Budhoo, a prominent economist who worked for the IMF has to say about the Bankers.LINK and LINK

"Socialism" is like religion a "Feel good" candy coating used by the Elite to brainwash people. "Religion" is used to enslave the right and "Socialism" is used to enslave the left.

This not an attack on either Religion or Socialism but the observation that both can and are used as propaganda tools by the "Elite"

I am afraid you are going to find out soon that 'Global Governance 2025′ is all about serfdom and slavery by the mega-corporations. Think about how Eugenics "Population Control" has gone from being considered a "HORROR" to being considered not only "Acceptable" but "Environmentally Good"

Also see the article by the Director of The WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION: LINK

And plans for a World Currency: LINK The reason the US dollar is being trashed.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
Keep up with the insults and you'll probably get the same responses.

What insults?
Are you threatening me with name calling?

As has been explained countless times by different people, the Tea Party mindset is something that doesn't fit in a category or niche that you can isolate and attack.

Yet they are all so similar that they all share the same label. How do you get that to work in your head because it cannot in mine. If they all share a label, they share reasons for that label. That is just common sense.
You cannot call yourself part of a group and then deny any herd mentality. Call yourself Beezzer instead of a Teaparty member whatever that means if you do not want to be grouped.
You are the one claiming to be part of that group. I did not put you there.

It is a philosophy, a mind-set promoting smaller government and personal responsibility.

Which totally explains why after 10 times you cannot even come close to answering my one simple question. You have said all this crap before. Repeating talking points is something I suspected beneath you. Guess I was wrong.

Why do you want government to be bigger and more intrusive?
(rhetorical, don't bother answering, your posts speak volumes)

I would love to handle your straw man just as soon as you ever get around to answering the one question I have asked almost a dozen times now.

You do not have an answer. You cannot even confront the reality of what I said. It is obviously because you keep hitting reply and then pretending I never asked it over and over again.

I just want my question answered. You have repeated your talking points enough. I can just read your old posts if I want my question ignored and the same junk I already read laid in my lap again for no good reason.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by beezzer

You keep falling for the complete con. At what point do you face the fact that you are being lied to?

The Tea Party is a philosophy of limited government and personal responsibility.

I can't see how anyone would be against that. Unless you desire bigger government and a reduction of freedoms.

Every politician who has gotten into office preaching these lies has done just the opposite. Why in the world do you think the next guy will be any different? They are all supported by the same group of con artists.

Not one TPer has done a single thing to help give working people in the U.S. a fair chance to compete globally. They are nothing but the puppets of the big corporations.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

It is a heck of a lot harder for the corporations to retain control if they have to deal with lots of local governments.

The reality is just the opposite, it is easier for corporations to bribe and control state and local politicians than it is federal politicians.

If you had really been paying attention, you would see that the corporations and their mouth pieces are the ones calling for a smaller federal government.

Our biggest problem is that there is no political party in the U.S. looking after the rights of the people anymore. Both parties, including the TPers, care nothing about the the average person in the U.S..

Just calling for a reduction in the fed gov isn't going to fix anything, and conservatives like the TPers are never going to support reduction of the military which is the biggest gov expense.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

The US government is OWNED lock, stock and barrel by the Bankers and Corporations and has been for over a hundred years.

Sorry, but this just a continuing distraction to keep people from looking at the real truth.

The historical truth is that in 1979, the gap between the rich and the working class in the U.S. was as low as it has ever been.

It is the policies that you support, and your TP politicians, who reversed the policies that grew the large middle class of the U.S., using the free market scam of not enforcing the laws against business fraud schemes that enabled corporations to gain the power that they gained over the last decade. Deregulation championed by Newt, based on the same failed policies that you still support lead to the destruction of our economy, and is still the biggest problem. The TPers have clearly demonstrated that they have no interest in going after corporate crooks. That ought to tell you something

At what point does this reality set in?

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
The "corruption" of the US government was not due to happenstance. It is well planned long range and ACTIVE as the above articles show.

Originally posted by Jezus

Our current economic situation is symptom of that damage.

Shifting focus to the "entitlement class" is a great way to prevent corruption from being dealt with.

Our "government" is not stifled by laziness and incompetency.

It is broken and sick.

It is aggressively crippled by organized and unrelenting greed.

It is repeatedly infected with toxic and insane ideology.

I am very familiar with the topics you speak of.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
The ONLY hope I see for escaping the enslavement planned for us is the Tea Party (and the internet)

The "Tea Party" might be in the right direction ideologically but they have been completely hijacked by the corporate agenda.

They are being used for political purposes that our in direct contradiction to their values of individual freedom and independence.

Going against "big government" is exactly what the plutocracy wants.

The citizens can use "the government" to protect our environment and prevent the enslavement of the masses.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

Going against "big government" is exactly what the plutocracy wants.

That's exactly what I want, too. Where do I sign up for this Plutocrat Party?

The citizens can use "the government" to protect our environment and prevent the enslavement of the masses.

How does that work? You know, the part where you beg for more control by more overlords and it somehow works out to giving you more freedom?

On a related note, how does it work to use the banker's tools (i.e. the bankster owned corporate government) to muzzle the bankers? What you're saying in effect is "the money men run the government, so the solution is to strengthen the government they run, making them stronger as well, and they will somehow magically disappear", and I'm just not seeing how that works.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
That's exactly what I want, too. Where do I sign up for this Plutocrat Party?

It's easy. Just go with the flow. Don't ask questions.

And most importantly vote for whoever "the news" says you are voting for....

Originally posted by nenothtu

The citizens can use "the government" to protect our environment and prevent the enslavement of the masses.

How does that work? You know, the part where you beg for more control by more overlords and it somehow works out to giving you more freedom?

Don't beg, don't talk, take action.

Take control of the real variables.

Originally posted by nenothtu
On a related note, how does it work to use the banker's tools (i.e. the bankster owned corporate government) to muzzle the bankers?

Step one - Become informed.

Originally posted by nenothtu
What you're saying in effect is "the money men run the government, so the solution is to strengthen the government they run, making them stronger as well, and they will somehow magically disappear", and I'm just not seeing how that works.

Step two - Stop money from controlling our government.

This is possible.

You have been brainwashed to believe the solution is the problem.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by tangonine
I count myself among the Tea Party.

We want responsible government that stays the **** out of our lives and spends less than it takes from me.

What do you disagree with?

I count myself among the Coffee Party. We want responsible, transparent corporations, with an expiration of charter in time so they would never be immortal,recognized only as a loose group of people that would have elected leadership from overseers etc, and not as bogus persons that would have the bogus rights to free speech or be silent etc. for definite terms in the given business sphere. We want minimum inteference in our lives. Advertise only at designated places where people got to search for products. Stop subliminals. Get out of our lives hen we don't want you.
Go bankrupt if you are uncontrollable from bad business and the investors and the owners shoud personally cover the costs. If I sue them they should pay for an equal pay attorney totally independent from them. We want government and NGO-s to oversee and audit them as well as arrange their activities in a national plan of production with some leeway. We want foreseeable projections checked by government and third party any time a large move or merger would be proposed. If a corporation does a heavy dent in the national economy they cannot repair, they should be sentenced to a corporate death - dissolution and taking every asset and banning the main participants from forming a new corporation for a certain number of years. If people die as a result of corporate irresponsibility, CEO-s and knowing investors should go to fill a prison term (and not in a luxury one.

These men and women should be finally accountable for the people whose resources they are using.
American enterprises should not have their majority of work done abroad and pretend to import it. That would count as tax evasion.

These are the simple principles of the Coffee Party.

COFFEE PARTY WILL BE FOUNDED ON ATS! YIPPEEE! (Scuse me for my all capitals - merely enthusiastic).
edit on 8/29/2011 by Kokatsi because: added some more explanatory words

edit on 8/29/2011 by Kokatsi because: spelling

edit on 8/29/2011 by Kokatsi because: spelling

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 10:11 PM
I will agree with the ones who have mentioned that for the most part, the Tea Party has been corrupted by corporate interests....but that does not mean the ones within the party, the common joe have been. The reason the Tea Party was created was because people wanted lesser involvement in our lives by the government, a massive reduction in spending and enough of a big brother guarantee that everyone gets their American Dream (that was the core of the Tea Party, just your everyday citizen)

But regardless, so all the politicians are corrupt - of EVERY PARTY (try getting a Democrat to admit that) what now? How do you solve something when the core is corrupt (and to simply say stop corporate / union tax dollars from interfering with the government, you honestly think that is ever going to happen - you would have an easier time taking a t-bone steak from a starving dog)

Might as well call this thread The Government is anti-democratic and guilty of abuse of power.
edit on 29-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:05 PM
What the TPers want is the elimination of representative government, liberty, and justice, and to replace it with corporate control of every aspect of our lives.

Whatever the people in the TP want, they have elected reps who are just the usual corporate shills out to screw the U.S. public at every turn. That the TPers don't see this demonstrates that they are no more honest than the politicians that they support, or at least not honest with themselves.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Kitilani
post removed by staff

Keep up with the insults and you'll probably get the same responses.
As has been explained countless times by different people, the Tea Party mindset is something that doesn't fit in a category or niche that you can isolate and attack.
It is a philosophy, a mind-set promoting smaller government and personal responsibility.

Why do you want government to be bigger and more intrusive?
(rhetorical, don't bother answering, your posts speak volumes)
edit on Sun Aug 28 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

well well well, a philosophy ?????

read about tea party and KOCH funding this group of puppets :

it is a eye-opener and a real interesting article to see and feel what goes on in the toilets of history ....

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Sunlionspirit

The far left New Yorker magazine as a credible source? Really?

Despite the far left bias on flagrant display I learned a lot about the Koch brothers I didn't know and like them even more after reading it. I'd like to sit them down and buy them a drink of really expensive single malt scotch. What you, and other left wing zealots, fail to understand is the Koch brothers did not create the Tea Party but rather found them as a resource of ordinary people who agree with many of their philosophys. I can assure you they exhibit no overt control over the local Tea Party I am a member of. And why wouldn't they oppose Obama at every turn? Obama is the closest thing to a communist president we have ever had. His socialist policies may have already done irrepairable harm to this country. If I had their kind of money I would have probably done even more, and been more open about it, than they have.

So, thanks for the article anyway. I don't read the New Yorker and would have never seen it otherwise.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by wasco2 n-groups/

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:54 AM
This is all this is, the party of The banks, Wall Street and The Federal Reserve all in order to collapse the nation in order to impose their will upon everyone regardless if we want it that way or not.

When they started to demand scripted q's from the press should've been a major red flag but there unfortunately is an entire segment of the nation who conveniently couldn't be bothered because of their intense hatred for an African American in the White House.

They are mainly responsible for this entire mess we are in today. If we wouldn't've had to factor them in millions could've had jobs.

Hence why they are The American Nazi party and in the very likely event I am attacked or called out on hitting on facts it will further prove and validate my point.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

What the TPers want is the elimination of representative government, liberty, and justice, and to replace it with corporate control of every aspect of our lives.

Whatever the people in the TP want, they have elected reps who are just the usual corporate shills out to screw the U.S. public at every turn. That the TPers don't see this demonstrates that they are no more honest than the politicians that they support, or at least not honest with themselves.

I dont agree with this at all poet 1b. The Tea Partiers want represenative government, Smaller Government, not the non represenative government we currently have. They want free markets not rigged markets.
The way to achieve this is to make the Government smaller for it is become obvious that the government has become the instrument of someone ..not the American Peoples.

I do not however agree with the Tea Partiers being associate with the Republican party. I think they are making a big mistake here.

For I see little difference between the Republicans and Democrats. They are both just mirror images working a Hegelian Dialectic on the American People to keep them steered in a desired direction.

The way to keep the government out of peoples lives is to keep them fiscally limited so that they cannot afford interference. This means that the people themselves be more self sufficient and not dependent on government doing for them. A tall problem in todays Dependent social/economic structure of "Entitlements."
And Entitlements are becoming the biggest spender/growth arena of monies for government.

The Republicans are going to burn the backsides of the Tea Party peoples just as will the Democrats.


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