reply to post by backinblack
i understand you aren't talking about the Chicago curfew. But the Chicago police didn't create the problem of youth being a major pain in the arse.
That was created by failing parents and the youth themselves. Sometimes parents have no control over their children no matter what.
My daughter when she was 16 was brought home by the police for tresspassing on railroad property. We dealt with it at the doorway, the police said
good nite and that was it. This was in the Chicago suburbs.
Now, parents start complaining about how their child is being disrespected and whatnot (same with problem in schools with teachers). i've seen this
grow over the years.
If i did something wrong my mother and father took care of it and the police would send you (or bring you) home knowing the parents would deal with
For some reason and i'm not sure why, our culture has changed. Parents blame the schools for their failing kids (mine were home schooled so i could
be blamed), then if and when kids get out of hand and the police are involved it's the polices fault.
No every individual is responsible for their own actions, and parents are responsible for their children, and if those children cannot be raised by
their parents as to not disturb the rest of us who also have rights, then the system will take over and assert my (and your) rights to live in a safe
community. And what is deemed a safe community is the community itself. This is why some cities in America are nice and some suck.
Chicago wants to be a world class city, San Francisco does too, so they "take care of business" so to speak. New York was getting out of hand and
they cleaned up Times Square. Sometimes problems arise out of this as San Fran was getting stricter so a lot of transient youth (hippie kids) moved
up to the Seatle and Vancouver areas where now those police feel overwhelmed and react poorley, but it's to get rid of them (where are their
No one wants to deal with anybody else kid or problems (we're all too lazy and self absorbed). But once the tipping point is reached someone is going
to react within the community. And sometimes it is gonna seem heavy handed, but if the original control was there to begin with (which is the
parents) then the problem wouldn't arise.
Generally nobody cares what the heck anyone does as long as it doesn't involve them. But when your stereo gets stolen, or your car stolen, or your
business spray painted, or crack hos are on your childs walk to and from school, or zombie meth heads are walking around your neighborhood the tipping
point gets reach. Rahm is trying to handle the situation before it's totally out of control (it already is out of control).
Of course there is corruption within the Chicago police and city departments (it is Chicago) but that's a totally different level. That level is golf
clubs, horse racing, real estate and high end union jobs and stuff like that, not juvenile delinquency. i went to school with enough mobsters kids
and they were very well behaved (dad didn't want no problems with junior).
As for some impending encroachment on our rights all you have to do is move to another city that doesn't have these limits. Or move into the counties
and areas where there are no cities or towns. i lived in a very rural area about ten miles from where i live now and it was infiltrated with
meth-labs and junkies because of the lax county codes and police enforcement. So i moved to a better place, closer to the city but still rural and
with a different type of people. i do not want to fear being bit by a loose pit bull or jumped by some tweeker if i'm out walking at night. And even
though i could carry a sidearm why is it my responsiblity to have to shoot some idiot when i pay taxes for others to control (maybe shoot) that idiot.
America is big enough and varied enough you can find kindred spirits anywhere.
This paranoia that America is going to create martial law, or drag us to some Fema camp is ridiculous.
Look how they do it, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pannama, Granada, all they do is come in with supersonic jets that you never see and
boom-boom-boom-out go the lights. Then they canvas the areas with drones and helicopters to pick of the rest You'll never know what hit ya. But that
is another level. We can't be confusing our levels of control and saftey.
The Globo-Narco-Military-Industrial complex don't care about what the ants do as long as you stay out off their kitchen. Something which Noreaga,
Sadam, and Ossama didn't understand as they thought they too were big league players.
Sorry backinblack for my response turning into a rant
edit on 30-7-2011 by trika3000 because: (no reason given)
edit on
30-7-2011 by trika3000 because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-7-2011 by trika3000 because: because my stupid eyes can't see what i