posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by bsalert
Paper money and credit is worthless, compared to the commodities that its used to trade for. Earth dude is right it ain't worth the paper its
printed on without the assets to back it up, and hence that's why the war machine is in the countries and places were those assets can be reaped
cheaply without to much commotion from the local populous.
When you trade the only thing that is really worth anything for paper or zeros and ones in a computer, which can be made up out of thin air. You
really are not to bright. And so Apple and Steve Jobs is only as rich as he can convince people to buy his crap at over-inflated prices.
You see its all supply and demand, and the only thing that dictates richness is demand, and so we have the whole machine set up for people to buy and
consume stuff and whole sections of peoples just on keeping the demand up by all kinds of ways such as advertisements and all other kinds of little
mind tricks.
Steve Jobs and all others are just products of the state which was created by others, really they have not had an idea that was not stolen or made by
others or put there for a purpose by others. They are sales men, who know a thing or two about what there selling and are riding the wave while it
lasts. But really this is the time and place and age to sell what there selling, and anybody else can be successful if they were in there shoes at
it, if they but knew a thing or two about it.
And so nations and state are way more powerful then companies and individual people. And apple and people like steve jobs or bill gates are the
products of the state, they just got to big for there breaches, but really they are only as rich as demand dictates. So people enjoy the ride while
it lasts, because nothing lasts forever.
edit on 29-7-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)