posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 11:55 PM
Originally posted by moonclamp
When did you first here the term "New world order" ?
I first heard it off a born again christian woman in about 1988, she was a bit of a fanatic who used to talk about the "last days" and similar and
said that a sign of the times would be when we started to hear the term "New world order". She also went on to say watch out for the reappearence of
Henry Kissinger as well, at that time he had virtually disappeared from politics.
When I first heard that GHW Bush speech I nearly fell off my chair because I had always regarded her as a bit of a crank.
first time I heard the phrase, was the september 11th 1990 speach by Bush Sr...had no idea what it meant(also later used in the song nwo by Ministry)
Then 1996, World Championship Wrestling. In fact, I'd wager to say thats when a lot of people 18-35 or older heard of it. The World Wrestling
Federation was dominating cable pro wrestling, then bam! Out of nowhere WCW comes out with this concept that truly revolutionized wrestling; the
nWo(with Hulk Hogan as the leader) Thinking back, maybe their logo shoulda been an all seeing eye pyramid, and they shoulda ll worn esoteric symbolic
aprons and
reptillian masks right?
At the same time I also remember a CCG(magic, yu gi oh, etc) card game about the NWO...this one actually goes hand in hand with topics seen on here.
I see two takes on the idea of the nwo. The fanciful 'the world's leaders, white house, corporations, etc are run by secret socieites and rich elite
familes all forming together as one world government globalists'
Then there is the more Noam Chomsky/activist outlook that the "new world order" is happening, but it is more the US using the circumstances of
9/11(inside job o rnot) to dominated countries, take away rights and install a orwellian society...all the meanwhile corporations int he government's
back pocket along with the IMF World Bank are doing some bad stuff.
Tho the idea of all the world decisions being decided by secret societiesm, bankers, rich families, world leaders and corporations in Bilderberg
meetings sounds mor ejuicy.
[edit on 26-6-2005 by 8bitagent]