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The Secrets of the Indigo Children and what 2012 REALLY means for humans

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posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by adamjagger11
exactly! why are you arguing over such a positive message? what is wrong? does positivity make you mad?
edit on 30-7-2011 by adamjagger11 because: (no reason given)
There have been threads on ATS about people who claim to be space aliens. These people also preach a positive message. When you are skeptical that they are from outer space, invariably someone comes along and turns it into an attack on the positive message.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by adamjagger11

I can't speak for everyone here, but I argue because positivity does not make it correct. In fact, according to my beliefs and the beliefs of millions and millions of followers of God and Jesus, this message is offensive and damning. It is the type of thing Satan himself would use to cloud people's judgement, cause them to turn from the face of God. He is a pied piper and his song is enlightenment, ascension, and peaceful loving vibrations. This is nothing more than a hocus pocus view of the universe. I am sure now to be attacked by people saying the same thing about religion and the Bible. But faith and belief in God has existed for thousands of years. There is no harm in modern times in praying to God and following His laws for a peaceful existence. Granted, atrocities were committed by people falsely claiming to be doing God's work, but I speak not for them - they were not one of us.
If I pray to God, and live a good and moral life, according to His writing, what harm comes to anyone? If I am right, I have a place in Heaven with Him - if I am wrong, what is the worst case? Nothing. If however, there is a God, and people out there are trying to convince the world to ignore Him, and to insterad focus on their vibrations and internal purity, how dangerous can that be??? God does not care how we vibrate - does not care that I ate meat for supper last night. He does not intend for us to be so self centered or self focused. It does not matter that you spend your time thinking you are doing the universe any good - the fact is you are still putting all your energy into the wrong place.
So at the risk of irritating a few people here, I am merely arguing to show those out there that might be seduced into abandoning the hard road in favor of this that it is not necessary. There is nothing that can be acheived through their means that cannot also be done with the Lord. And do not worry - God will not leave behind any that follow Him. No ascension will come to this earth but through Him, and those that know this and wait faithfully for it will go to Him - no matter how much or little you may "vibrate".

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 03:48 PM
i noticed that test or what ever u want to call it on page 1 costs is there another test avalible for free somewhere i know it may or may not be as accurate but i would still like to give it a shot.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 04:39 PM
S&F for your commitment as an INFP to finish this thread!!
You have thoroughly researched this and I applaud you.

I took the Meyers Briggs in 1989 during my first semester in college.
I am an INFP too.
We are the healers. After researching my results,
I decided to devote myself to helping others through nursing, and am very happy for it!

Without disclosing too much personal information:
The abilities that you list ARE obtainable. The skeptics will be skeptics because they have not experienced. That's all, nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you for displaying your courage in this post!
May you be blessed in light!


edit on 30-7-2011 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Starwise

the test you posted has this as a preface:
The MMPI-2 Free online test provided for educational purposes by Mindfit Hypnosis, with thanks to Kevin Timmerson, who created the code
for this facsmilie version .
To understand your MMPI-2 results and get an idea of which Hypnotic products can boast your desirable score (for only $12.95) you can get a basic description here.

This is a complicated assessment tool, it will required a trained professional to gain an accurate understanding of the results

I took it, and true enough the results were not the least bit helpful in determining anything. at all. really disappointing. The results are just a few graphs with little information as to what is there, followed by a series of categories and some numbers that probably mean something to someone....

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by chrissiel123

Yeah, you have to take your four letters, google them for meaning and all kinds of info will come up
You dont need to pay anything...

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by chrissiel123

How would an ADD 'indigo-child' even get thru that monstrosity?!

I just looked at a few questions and that was enough.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:39 PM
Reply to post by Balkan

lol....ADD indigo. They will power through it and answer every question because they seek validation.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Reply to post by Balkan

They will power through it and answer every question because they seek validation.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I'm inclined to agree with you 100%.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:52 PM
When I hear/read anything that says "god will not leave behind any that follow him." makes me sad, is your god really that selfish?

If your god damns those who promote peace, love and compassion towards one another, but not in gods name, then that is a god i want no part of.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by chrissiel123
reply to post by adamjagger11

I can't speak for everyone here, but I argue because positivity does not make it correct. In fact, according to my beliefs and the beliefs of millions and millions of followers of God and Jesus, this message is offensive and damning. It is the type of thing Satan himself would use to cloud people's judgement, cause them to turn from the face of God. He is a pied piper and his song is enlightenment, ascension, and peaceful loving vibrations. This is nothing more than a hocus pocus view of the universe. I am sure now to be attacked by people saying the same thing about religion and the Bible. But faith and belief in God has existed for thousands of years. There is no harm in modern times in praying to God and following His laws for a peaceful existence. Granted, atrocities were committed by people falsely claiming to be doing God's work, but I speak not for them - they were not one of us.
If I pray to God, and live a good and moral life, according to His writing, what harm comes to anyone? If I am right, I have a place in Heaven with Him - if I am wrong, what is the worst case? Nothing. If however, there is a God, and people out there are trying to convince the world to ignore Him, and to insterad focus on their vibrations and internal purity, how dangerous can that be??? God does not care how we vibrate - does not care that I ate meat for supper last night. He does not intend for us to be so self centered or self focused. It does not matter that you spend your time thinking you are doing the universe any good - the fact is you are still putting all your energy into the wrong place.
So at the risk of irritating a few people here, I am merely arguing to show those out there that might be seduced into abandoning the hard road in favor of this that it is not necessary. There is nothing that can be acheived through their means that cannot also be done with the Lord. And do not worry - God will not leave behind any that follow Him. No ascension will come to this earth but through Him, and those that know this and wait faithfully for it will go to Him - no matter how much or little you may "vibrate".

Thank you for taking the time to post.

I know that you are merely expressingyourself, and your more than welcome to do so.

But, I must say can you not see a problem with the way that your thinking?

I can't speak for everyone here, but I argue because positivity does not make it correct

This is hard for me to understand. It shouldn't be offensive at all, and if it is you would have to wonder about your views and what they are stopping you from achieving.

It is the type of thing Satan himself would use to cloud people's judgement, cause them to turn from the face of God.

Ah, in fact, quite the opposite. Christianity is turning you away from the face of god. And into the arms of control.

But faith and belief in God has existed for thousands of years

Sprituality has existed for even longer.

I want to explain this as I think it's important to you.

The version of the book you are using to find god, was written by un-enlightened, powerful, rich men. Don't get me wrong, the texts do have some truth, but they have completely mis-interpreted what they were being told.

To find any truth we have been forced to go even further back than this transalation of the bible.

The people who wrote the bible existed in a dark age. We are heading into a golden age. The original texts were written in the previous golden age. You can't understand unless you read the texts with the same level of elightenment. This is why the bible doesn't seem to make much sense and is FULL top the brim with contradictions.

There is no harm in modern times in praying to God and following His laws for a peaceful existence.

I agree, my grandma is christian and I respect her views 100%, As I do belive christianity did amazing things for our civilazation. Why can't this kind of acceptance be the same when it's the other way around? like now for example. Just appreciate I have my views, and I have as much right as you to share what I know.

this message is offensive and damning.

Lies, I hope you are able to open your eyes soon. As it's quite ironic. Maybe the christians will be the only religion left behind

See its not nice being told your an obination of god is it?

Play nice please and tone down until you have respectfully tried to see things from our shoes.

ahh that feels better

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by MrGrimm

meh - not really any different than the posters on here that said that those that do not cleanse their bodies and purge and abstain from eating meat and train themselves to the new vibration will not be able to ascend. How is my belief any different. According to the Bible, everyone with faith will be saved. It is not hard, it is easy, there is even a lovely ten-step guideline on how to do it. No excuse in this day and age for anyone to be left behind except for those that choose it. And I am not saying they will not be saved, just saying there are no assurances of the sort. I am not about to tell anyone they are not worthy of heaven, as that would be judging and i am not fit to be anyone's judge.I am just saying that of all that is in the Bible, it is very clear to know who is welcomed. And so it is very easy for anyone interested to find out if they make that cut for themselves. As for the rest of humanity, I am sure we will all have our moment to explain ourselves.

Look, i am not a Bible thumper. I know you already have a stereotypical image of me in your head, well I assure you you are likely way off the mark. I have a purpose here - a calling if you will, and I am pretty sure I know from WHOM it comes. I am prompted to learn certain things, say certain things, see certain things. not always, but enough that i can't help but feel that when I read things on sites like this that I am compelled to answer unasked questions. So I dutifully do so. If you do not believe in the Biblical apocolypse, then ignore me - if it is something you are thinking may happen, then I feel my messages have merit. According to the Bible, in the end days satan is going to subvert the people of God. He will lure them away, and they will blindly follow, not able to see him for what he is until it is too late. They will ignore the pleadings of those not fooled. I look at things like the great ascension, and the following such ideas are gathering, and i shudder. It feels to me like satan is doing his part, and many good and loving people are dancing along behind him, encouraging others to join in too.

IDN, perhaps i am wrong, but as i have said before, i would rather err on the side of caution. To be honest, all this ascension nonsense really is is a form of religion for people that dont want to praise a god. It is like a replacement for religion. They have a purpose, a belief, a future that trancends death and will transform them from hungry mewling humans into something more wonderful and with longer and better life. It is sad really. There is no basis for any of it. They can provide links and pics and YT vids all day long but they will not produce a shred of evidence that says our dna is going to change and we will transcend.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

OMGoodness you are crazy. Way to put a bunch of words in my mouth that I did not say! Do you do things like this to everyonet hat does not agree with you? I am not even going to touch on half of what you just said as it does not apply to me or my message. I wil say this, you assume much about me that is not true. You are assuming what Bible I follow and what my level of enlightenment is. You should not make such assumptions. I do not attend a church, and I read my Bible with an open heart and mind, and at the end of the day, I dont care who you think wrote it and with what agenda, because there are only ten things in that entire book that we need - the ten things that God Himself wrote in stone.

I am more enlightened and open minded than you would believe, and I speak what I do because it is my right to do so in a public forum.
And you say that spirituality outdates the Bible, well that is a no brainer, but the ideas of this coming ascension and indigo children does not. But you are free to your opinion as I am to mine.
just stop with your assumptions. I realize that you like to think of yourself as being on the cusp of becoming a being greater than a mere person like - but you couldnt possibly know where i am on my path for all your special powers. I have been to where you are now and have gone past it. perhaps i am ahead of you?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:58 PM
I will be honest. The only reason I opened this thread was that it kept popping up in the "recent post"column. I do not go out for this kind of stuff (just look at my post and the threads I have started).

Anyways I was reading through the personality profiles and I could be descibed as an ENFP (for whatever good that does) but I already knew what kind of personality I have. All the personality list did was to categorise me into a group with others.

I am a Christian. I know there are somethings that man is not ment to understand, yet being men we are going to try (its called free will). I believe that is what the new age movement is about, people trying to understand what is not ment for us yet.

There are things out there. Some of them I do not believe we should be looking for.

One more thing caught my eye as I read through the op. The "powers" you spoke of. I will tell you that you do not have to be an "Indigo Child" to do things.

I can see auras if I concentrate, I have always been able to do this. Never made a big deal out of it as I always thought everyone could do it. I am married with 3 kids, the oldest being 17, and I do not think I ever told my family about it because to me it's not a big deal.
When I was younger I new when something bad happened to my loved ones as well. There were many times I would wake my mom and tell her such and such needs help or is in trouble. The last time I did this I was around 13. My older brother had left for work one morning. I woke my mom and told her he had been in a wreck, of course she freaked, 20 min later he came driving up with the front of his truck smashed where he had hit a deer.
I don't tell this because I think I am something special. Actually I mention it for the oppisite reason. Its not something I talk about a lot because its really not that big of a deal.
I have always been close to God, I think He lets people know things. I can still see araus if I choose to do so, and every so often I get a strong gut feeling as I did when I was younger but I am no longer as innocent as I was.
Like I said earlier, this isn't my type of thread, just thought I would throw my 2 cents in .

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Balkan

Originally posted by adamjagger11
exactly! why are you arguing over such a positive message? what is wrong? does positivity make you mad?
edit on 30-7-2011 by adamjagger11 because: (no reason given)
There have been threads on ATS about people who claim to be space aliens. These people also preach a positive message. When you are skeptical that they are from outer space, invariably someone comes along and turns it into an attack on the positive message.

Forgive me, are you saying the people posting here that purport to be aliens - really are? I'm not attacking the message, I'm just confused that they believe they are in fact space aliens.

And why should I believe someone is a space alien just because they say that they are?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 09:51 PM
Because this has gone on now for over 30 pages with most everyone discussing their results from the personality test - please explain to me:

How does this relate to 2012. I can take personality tests until the cows come home - it really has no bearing on 2012.

Please, anyone that can explain the correlation - I would appreciate it. I'm just not getting it.

Personality tests = 2012?

In what way?
edit on 30-7-2011 by IceFlower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by IceFlower

Maybe this can help

The Evolution of Indigo Children, Indigo Adults and Crystal Beings

Basically, Indigo's will help with the shift that many believe will take place in 2012, or near abouts
, soon basically

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

I read your whole post the other day, but then I got busy with work so I was unable to reply. I read a lot of post on ATS, and although there are a lot that intrigues me, this one definitely did a great job of kidnapping my attention and holding me hostage until I read the last word.

I'm an INFP, so I totally understand where you're coming from. This hit home. I can't explain it in words. Great and flag...OBVIOUSLY!

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Starwise

i just took that test u posted and what 4 letters is it that i am sposed to google im wanting to understand these charts and graphs but have no clue on what to google lol since it dosent look like im going to get a reply tonight copied my ansers down and will just paste them agin when i get better directions hope to hear from u soon and wouldent doubt that some others might be confused as well as to what to google well thanks agin and il check on here tomarow for a responce good night ATS.
edit on 31-7-2011 by stormy01399 because: added on to my post

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 12:48 AM
I enjoyed the informative video up here. I hope like mad that all the indigos can overrun all the psycho-&-sociopaths of the previous old societies. The ones who set up the Industrial Age. Oh God, it bothers bothers bothers bothers me, that there are these creaky patriarchical old menacing greedy farts who had set up the brutal bloody filthy factory farms, spewing coal stacks, heartless capitalism, accountable'less finance, snake-in-the grass politicians, black ops murder for hire, social darwinism, I could go on and on. Sometimes more often than not, I cannot sleep at night, thinking about suffering animals everywhere.
I wonder why it seems indigos are not coming up in China (or are they?) with some unimaginable animal abuse stories I came across recently, from there.

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