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The Secrets of the Indigo Children and what 2012 REALLY means for humans

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:56 PM
I think it would be better to not call yourself something specially when it involves your personality. People constantly change their personality as there is something new happening everyday that affects our perspective of reality and by not calling you "this" or "that" it makes you more open-minded and more receptive of those things that may be "opposite" to you.

Now, just because I would like to see what this is about, can someone post here a free version of this test?


posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by JustinSee

Isn't it enough to just be human? Why should we concentrate so much on the differences between people? Why should some people be special and others not (a claim made in the OP)? Should we focus on inequalities?

Maybe we should.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

I'm not judging them, I do believe people generally limit themselves...or put labels on themselves...

Originally posted by Balkan
reply to post by JustinSee

Isn't it enough to just be human? Why should we concentrate so much on the differences between people? Why should some people be special and others not (a claim made in the OP)? Should we focus on inequalities?

Maybe we should.

I don't even know why that comment was directed towards me. Its some sort of misunderstanding.
edit on 28-7-2011 by JustinSee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by JustinSee
reply to post by Witness2008

Not to be offensive, but some people see themselves in an entirely different light than what they really are...
A wife beater, doesn't see himself as a wife beater....
People lose themselves in the idea of oneself, rather than the actual self....
Yesss that is soo true,.
My wife says I am narcissistic.
However that is usually said when an argument starts about me being right..
and she knows she is mad cause I am right..

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by typwar
So let me get this straight, you are trying to tell me that people with clear mental problems are all actually super people who are going to save the world?

Ha ha. Ain't it the truth! Nothin' good has come from a star child yet. But it presents real world problems. In my last job the Director was so enamored with Myers Briggs that she made all the management team take it. (INTJ myself), then based her management decisions on what we scored. I thought it was about the funniest thing I had ever encountered in a Pointy Haired Boss. Not to be outdone, she then got off on "Who Moved the Cheese?" and paid literally thousands of dollars to force us to watch the insipid movie by the same name. She actually thought it presented some kind of enlightenment. Since it was a government job, you taxpayers actually paid for that. When you're in a situation like this it's like being trapped on Prisoner Island. These people are nuts, yet they make decisions? It's insane!
edit on 7/28/2011 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by azulejo

There are many free tests. Search for "Jung Archetypes test" or "Meyers-Briggs"... Any tests using the Keirsey name are heavily policed and taken down by the Keirsey heirs. (But you can borrow the books from the library for free.)

Here's a pretty straightforward version:

PS - I just have to disagree with you that people change their personalities every day. That would be highly abnormal. Personality is normally fairly stable over the lifetime.
edit on 7/28/2011 by Universer because: Library/PS

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by JustinSee
Yep, clicked the wrong person. Sorry about that. Was meant for Witness2008.

edit on 28-7-2011 by Balkan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Thanks for your thoughtful thread. It was very bold to make one discussing the ascension, for one thing, because most people who think of this believe that only Jesus gets to do that! Or it never occurred to them. Jesus was the wayshower and the Church has idolotrized him in spite of the fact that the Creator told us not to engage in idolatry. You have opened up dialogue on the entire sphere of higher awareness and dimensions, lightwork, and inner powers based on intuition and the inner faculties. That is awesome. I give you my support. We are here to do more than just work some job that barely pays rent and then watch tv and have a beer. It's ok for some, but there's more to life than that. You are correct that we do inner work while our body sleeps. Our Superconscious has awareness in other dimensions.
I believe that having reference for all life is important. Jesus taught that we can turn the other cheek even on the most vile of our opponents. And it may not even save our life. Even Jesus said at the end, "my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" This is important to know as we all must go through this tough initiation. St. John of the Cross wrote of this initation, and it is known by the Church as the "Dark Night of the Spirit".
Many people feel important things happening right now, but TPTB do not want us to have higher consciousness, and they command all the power in this world. They are the "Princes of This World".
Thanks for your post, well done.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by 11I11

Condoleeza Rice
Hillary Clinton and Pelosi calling for war in Libya
Janet Napolitano

Let's just dispel this rumor right now if we can. It's this sort of self-loathing rhetoric that gets people to feel weak and subscribe to this sort of hokum. The past few decades, men have been made to feel inferior to women when in reality men are more often the victim of domestic abuse, do worse in schools, get less scholarships, and fare much worse in almost every other aspect of society while women are coddled and accompanied. This is not equality. But I'm straying off topic...

Uuhhhh...Know much about history? Let's say the last two thousand years.
I know why the OP troubles you so much. Bringing back the nature of the feminine to all humans is threatening.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:13 PM
Most of this is what Pagan and witches have been doing for years.
if you have never read about it. you should read some.
but it sounds like you are going down the right path.
and all paths lead to the same places. at different speeds.
as long as you go in the right direction.
I pure the milk in the sugar. what is it with the milk?
Do you have trouble concentrating?
not if it is scientific and totally over my head.
Do you often feel depressed for no reason? all ways
Have you been diagnosed with ADD?
did not have that in my day.
Do you feel other peoples pain more than you should?
emotional empathy. yes.
Never been in a fight? Never
Do you often get gut feelings that turn out to be right?
no, yes, dont know. I second guess my self to much.
Have you expericed regular deja vu?
yes some times.
Did you have an imaginary friend when you were little?

Did your report card say, "fails to pay attention." Even though you are highly intelligent? yes
Do you often lose interest mid conversation?
this sound like the first question. what?
Have you ever astral projected?
I dream of flying in all my dreams.
the others in the dream just ignore it and carry on.
most of the time it has nothing to do with the dream.
yes I am nuts.
what about the animals and the people who dont make it to the 4 dimension?
karma and reincarnation. they just have to keep trying in the next life.
on another world!?!? but!
some time you have to incarnate back. to learn a lesson you did not learn.
hmmm! Star Gate and ascension? turning in to light!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by typwar
So let me get this straight, you are trying to tell me that people with clear mental problems are all actually super people who are going to save the world?

Ha ha. Ain't it the truth! Nothin' good has come from a star child yet. But it presents real world problems. In my last job the Dorector was so enamored with Myers Briggs that she made all the management team take it. (INTJ myself), then based her management decisions on what we scored. I thought it was about the funniest thing I had ever encountered in a Pointy Haired Boss. Not to be outdone, she then got off on "Who Moved the Cheese?" and paid literally thousands of dollars to force us to watch the insipid movie by the same name. She actually thought it presented some kind of enlightenment. Since it was a government job, you taxpayers actually paid for that. When you're in a situation like this it's like being trapped on Prisoner Island. These people are nuts, yet they make decisions? It's insane!

I changed my post because I see that people are criticising the OP over Myers Briggs testing. I took this test during a class too, and found that my personality matches Ghandi.
SO I should be real good at sit-ins and non-violent rallies. Oh yah!!!! Tea party here I come!!!!
I think this type of test is good in that it teaches that we dont all have to be perfect mathematicians and also have perfect grammar and also to do everything else perfect to be considered smart and effective. People need to have their talents appreciated.
edit on 28-7-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:15 PM
indigo children?

cant you just go and watch twilight and stop annoying the internet with this nonsense.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Universer

umm its true, what I mean is more... people do change.. I mean its true, I wouldnt say I am the say I was 4 years ago because at that time I was a teenager I thought I knew everything now I am more certain I know nothing... maybe what I mean is character changes over the year and your perception over things.

I dont think a personality test would actually say who you are entirely, just like horoscope or the kaffa, vatta, pitta test which is very similar to a personality test... they cannot describe who you are. because humans are way unique and different from each other and there is no other person in world like you and there would never be. (my belief)

Anyways, I did one and say I am ESFJ and I dont know what it means...
I will try your link

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by azulejo

thats the one I did, so yep Im supposed to be ESFJ, whatever that means

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Yes, the whole world is full of this type of stuff. Instead of learning Shakespeare, we are supposed to learn Briggs-Meyer tests. That is how low the level of real education has gone. These things can be fun additions, but it should not be the basis for good decision making. The world has gone crazy with "metrics" because thats how they think they can gauge progress. It's just more stuff the business world thinks it needs to replace real customer service by being the best.

Where do they teach Meyers-Briggs at all? Certainly not in high school? Do you mean in college? If so, I've only encountered these tests in psychology classes, never literature classes. That would be very bizarre. I really don't know what you mean. Also I believe Jung's reasons for creating/divining the archetypes were spiritual/psychological and had nothing whatsoever to do with customer service.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by azulejo
reply to post by Universer

umm its true, what I mean is more... people do change.. I mean its true, I wouldnt say I am the say I was 4 years ago because at that time I was a teenager I thought I knew everything now I am more certain I know nothing... maybe what I mean is character changes over the year and your perception over things.

I dont think a personality test would actually say who you are entirely, just like horoscope or the kaffa, vatta, pitta test which is very similar to a personality test... they cannot describe who you are. because humans are way unique and different from each other and there is no other person in world like you and there would never be. (my belief)

Anyways, I did one and say I am ESFJ and I dont know what it means...
I will try your link

Certainly there is some change over the lifetime and the archetypes cannot possibly cover every aspect of a personality. That would be absurd. Then there would only be 16 people repeated over and over
The information is very valuable to understand, anyway, especially concerning career in my opinion. Well, see if this sounds like you:

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Universer

Well, some people do go well over literally believing it! If you want to see another really cool test type in google: dosha test and pick the one with multiple choice and the one with more questions.. its really good! and it asks you more about your body type and habits.
But yes, I have friends who believe that's me so much mee!! but not really!

I did read it and it sounds like me but... I dont consider myself a carer.. maybe I dont want to be, too much responsability hahaha!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:31 PM
Threads with no intelligence behind them such as this one, make me worry for the future of ATS. When I first arrived at this site, it was full of real conspiracies that, whether you agreed with or not, had real evidence behind them. Now we have this one talking about those bs tests with a bunch of flags? Did children suddenly invade this website?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Im an indigo, it hasn't been fun at all, but still fun.

As a child the teachers thought i was deaf because i wouldn't listen to anyone, so they put me in a room to give me a hearing test, which i past.

The more i live the more i know why they thought i was deaf.

Even they day i joined ATS makes me smile. 10.10.10.

Its all happening

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by azulejo
I think it would be better to not call yourself something specially when it involves your personality. People constantly change their personality as there is something new happening everyday that affects our perspective of reality and by not calling you "this" or "that" it makes you more open-minded and more receptive of those things that may be "opposite" to you.


You're describing mood, not personality. By definition, personality involves traits that are deeply ingrained and unchanging.

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