posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:56 AM
You judge your freedoms on how late you can go out and get a beer and at what age.
If that's the case, perhaps you should move to Germany.
We used to be able to go out in NC very late and get a beer....and we still can... no curfew in my old college town, nor in Raleigh, Durham, or Chapel
Hill or Greenville.
As for the age limit, had young people shown more responsibilty in drinking, drinking and driving, and generally in raising hell... perhaps the
drinking age would have stayed at 18. Unfortunately for drinkers after the age limits... accidents and DWI arrests went down, only validating the
argument for drinking age limits.
As for the TSA preboarding searches... I have been through them... on purpose going to Mexico and back... wanted to see what the controversy was... I
was dissappointed at how simple, easy, effective, and nonintrusive the search was... no big deal. The group I was with was more frustrated trying to
find the rest rooms an parking.... really. And it was reassurring to know the guy sitting in front of me had been equally searched and the flight went
on without incident.
Freedom...despite the general views here. I do eat what I want, when I want, where I want, and withut limit. I can work where I want...if hired... in
a city I want... live where I want...say what I want... dress as I want... I do have dress code at work but knew that when I signed on...I can raise
my own food...not in city... and practice my faith, vote, go on vacation or work as hard, as often, or as little as I what I want, read
what I want..I even painted a big ol' protest sign on the back of my truck... no one has cut my tires and no cops have stopped me.. in fact a few
folks have honked the horn and given me a thumbs up.... I own firearms... several Bibles, a copy of the Koran, The Book of Morman, have read parts of
the Torah, a book by Karl Marx, Mein Kampf, and have a copy of the US Constitution in my truck...
There are laws in place to actually protect stupid people... like Do NOT light matches at the gas pumps... Do not jaywalk across busy streets and
highways... Do not speed above 35 at this very sharp curve
There are rules I don't like... Can't fly a US flag in some housing the HOA rules... but it was in the contract when you moved buyer beware...
But generally, I am free. Anarchy does not equivocate freedom. Mass chaos and mob rule and people doing whatever the hell they want does not equal
being free.
I believe Winston Churchill said it best... " Democracy is one of the worst forms of government, but it is the best that we have come up with so