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Job listings say the unemployed need not apply

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posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Job listings say the unemployed need not apply

Hello ATS,

I did a search and didn't see a posting for this yet. I put it under Social Issues and Civil Unrest, because this seems like something that could lead to boycotts and possibly more if it keeps on happening. I understand why companies do it from a cost/benefits standpoint, but common sense should tell them that this isn't something to actually come out and say in job listings. Any HR department with half a brain should know better, but I guess not.

Basically, what we now have is thousands to millions of people blacklisted from any type of employment while companies are continuing to outsource overseas. At the same time, political leaders are doing nothing to improve the situation. Let's see how many politicians keep their jobs in 2012.

Hundreds of job opening listings posted on and other jobs sites explicitly state that people who are unemployed would be less attractive applicants, with some telling the long-term unemployed to not even bother with applying.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Dredge

That's sick! Those buisnesses should be shut down. Ahhh the more I hang out on ATS, the more i'm disgusted by greedy corporate america.

Makes me want to give up sometimes. Who will rise up? Who will do something about it? Not our government. At least not till voting season.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:55 PM
Lol Wut?

No basic human decency or rights in America?

I totally refuse to go work in america because I would only get what, 2 weeks holiday? Bugger all sick leave? Spied on at work? perhaps drug tests at work? And I have to be employed to get a job there?


What a ridiculous country.

Sorry but you really have to be laughed at and laughed at hard.

edit on 27-7-2011 by JennaDarling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Eventually when enough people are disenfranchised by the system they will, by hook or by crook, establish an "alternative economy" simply to survive. First barter, and then barter of services. In the third world, where true wealth is concentrated in a vanishingly small number of hands, this phenomenon manifests as black market / gray market economies. Study these, America. It's your future...

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:01 PM
This is insane. A co-worker and I were talking about this just last night at work, happy that we had just gotten this job a week and a half ago.
The point it brings up though is if they are not even looking at those who are unemployed how do the unemployed ever become employed again? How are they able to get employed to be looked at when no one is looking at the unemployed?
It reminds me of what is happening to a lot of kids graduating from college. Companies tell them they want people with experience, and wont hire them because they dont, but how are they able to get the experience then?
I find it rather ridiculous and upsetting, to be honest.
edit on 7/27/2011 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:02 PM
This attitude has been around for years, and now it is an archaic thought process. Certain businesses are still living in the past with the same ideas, but today the circumstances have changed.

In the past, being unemployed either short term or long term tended to show that a person, for a lack of better words, was lazy and may not be a good choice to hire. After all, if they were a good employee, they would not be looking for a job as they would already have one.

But today, it is still business as usual. Hiring managers do not look at the facts as to why people are unemployed. Do they not know our economy is in shambles? In some cases, it could be that the very same businesses that played a role in creating the mess we are in. But business as usual. Never mind that a business over extended itself and found that it could no longer pay its bills and had to start letting people go, because of their misguided business practices.

This really needs to be addressed in some way. Being unemployed today, is not necessarily that individuals fault, as the case may have been in the past.
edit on 27-7-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Simple solution to that, work for yourself, while you seek an employer, then again if you are working for yourself, why would you want to work for any other asshole other than yourself lol.

Go self employed. Simple. Not always easy and sometimes requires you to do other kinds of work, what if you are stocking shelves, you are employed, so you can still seek work, would they accept that application?

Then again why on earth would you ever want to work for an idiot / company / manager that has that kind of policy in the first place? You usualy wont last there long, you will be spending 9 tenths of your time looking to work somewhere else lol.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Skewed
This attitude has been around for years, and now it is an archaic thought process. Certain businesses are still living in the past with the same ideas, but today the circumstances have changed.

In the past, being unemployed either short term or long term tended to show that a person, for a lack of better words, was lazy and may not be a good choice to hire. After all, if they were a good employee, they would not be looking for a job as they would already have one.

But today, it is still business as usual. Hiring managers do not look at the facts as to why people are unemployed. In some cases, it could be that the very same businesses that played a role in creating the mess we are in. But business as usual. Never mind that a business over extended itself and found that it could no longer pay its bills and had to start letting people go, because of their misguided business practices.

This really needs to be addressed in some way. Being unemployed today, is not necessarily that individuals fault, as the case may have been in the past.

I don't know about businesses thinking in those terms before about the unemployed, I was unemployed a long time before I moved to Florida and found five jobs in two years(in 2005). I stayed at home with my children raising them before that. This is something new, at least to me. And to me IMHO, it looks to be another ATTACK in the class warfare against the middle/lower classes.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Makes me want to give up sometimes. Who will rise up? Who will do something about it? Not our government. At least not till voting season.

Alas, there's no one to vote for.... no decent person who can win anyway - the system's rigged.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by JennaDarling

Simple solution to that, work for yourself, while you seek an employer, then again if you are working for yourself, why would you want to work for any other asshole other than yourself lol.

Not so simple, actually. Most businesses require start up capital and time, commodities not exactly in ready supply when you're trying to provide for a family. On top of it, if you try to start a business while on unemployment, you'll lose your unemployment entirely (and not a lot of startups I know of make profits quick enough to survive that plunge).

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:06 PM
I have to wonder how many of those job postings were from head hunters?

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by JennaDarling

Hi JennaDarling,

That is actually what I am working toward. A few years from now I should at least have my own side business and then eventually make it my main source of income.

Smaller companies usually aren't bad, but even those can get caught up in the Corporate World's BS. When they get to the point where profit is everything and morals and ethics are no longer 'useful', it's time to move on.

- Dredge

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Boreas

I've been looking at what is required for startups in my state and just to sell baked goods from your home you MUST build a seperate kitchen completely cut off from the home's personal cooking area with commercial grade equipment; sinks with 3 seperate basins, etc. Basically you have to build a commercial grade kitchen in your home. So right there you are in debt for several years. I'm all for food preparation safety, but when a grandmother has to spend $20,000 in startup capital to sell muffins and pies, it is a bit ridiculous.

And guess who supports these types of regulations? Big business. It keeps the little guy out of the market and forces all small businesses into a slow death. For example, Graph Walmart's expansion against small town business failures and it very much mirrors an aggressive cancer's path of advancement within a body.

This unemployment thing, because it is not illegal, allows companies to discriminate and selectively hire who they want. A big portion of the unemployed right now are women and minorities. Guess who companies don't want to hire?

- Dredge

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 10:46 PM
These companies seem to feel that they can steal an employee away but no other company can temt that employees away from them.

They are shooting themselves in the foot.

In far too many cases the people being let go are the 20% who do 80% of the work while the 80% are veing visible stealing the work of the 20% and bootlicking the higher ups. While that might be gratifying it doen't get the work done.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by JennaDarling

Simple solution to that, work for yourself, while you seek an employer, then again if you are working for yourself, why would you want to work for any other asshole other than yourself lol.

LMAO.....That's my favorite quote for the night. Especially since you have not yet been busted for using the "a" word by the mods. LMAO

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Dredge

And guess who supports these types of regulations? Big business. It keeps the little guy out of the market and forces all small businesses into a slow death. For example, Graph Walmart's expansion against small town business failures and it very much mirrors an aggressive cancer's path of advancement within a body. Text

You hit the nail on the head, my friend.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by JennaDarling

Then again why on earth would you ever want to work for an idiot / company / manager that has that kind of policy in the first place?

It is called working to pay rent, to put food on the table, pay for education of children.

Apart from your ideal self employment scenario, how else would you acquire what is need to live?

It is well known that the longer one is unemployed that harder it is to become re-employed.

I do not see these companies has being bad or idiotic. I see them as doing business.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 11:07 PM
This decade is really starting to remind me of an episode of Deep Space Nine where they came back to the 21st century and the poor and unemployed were rounded up into camps and lived like prisoners, One thing that struck me about the show was that they said it really started when the unemployed were urged by the govt not to seek work.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Dredge
I've been looking at what is required for startups in my state and just to sell baked goods from your home you MUST build a seperate kitchen completely cut off from the home's personal cooking area with commercial grade equipment; sinks with 3 seperate basins, etc. Basically you have to build a commercial grade kitchen in your home. So right there you are in debt for several years. I'm all for food preparation safety, but when a grandmother has to spend $20,000 in startup capital to sell muffins and pies, it is a bit ridiculous.

This is why I feel "crapitalism" has replaced capitalism. There's too much B.S. involved. In order to start a small business, you're priced out of the market - particularly if you have almost no capital to start out with. Unless you're connected, it's not like you can get a loan either. Regardless, that bubble has burst, and taking on a loan is likely too risky anyways. To start out, it seems people are forced to work on the black or grey market simply because there is no other way to be competitive within one's means while staying honest. It doesn't mean you can't run a clean business, it just means that you can't run it officially because you can't afford to when considering all the hoops involved. You'd actually have to be successful enough while outside the government radar for a few years in order to raise enough funds in order to register a business and begin operating it legally within the scope of regulation.

Look at the story about the kids trying to raise money selling lemonaide not too long ago. If they had the $180 for a year permit, they probably wouldn't need to do the fund raiser now - would they? If they could make $50 for the day permit, they'd have to be doing a lot more than selling lemonaide or charging such ridiculous prices that few would buy it. Government interference with what is supposedly a free market makes it harder than it really should be.

Not that I'm against all regulation, some things like the environment and food safety should be protected to some extent. However there should be considerations to the scale of a business and how long it has been in operation. New businesses not associated with any parent or umbrella company should be given much greater exemptions in some things and given goalposts to comply with as they become more profitable or stay in operation for some time. Something like being able to use your own kitchen for the first 5 years unless you exceed X tax bracket in regards to profit would be a lot more fair. This would encourage a lot more growth in the economy than what is currently going on.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by pauljs75

Originally posted by Dredge
I've been looking at what is required for startups in my state and just to sell baked goods from your home you MUST build a seperate kitchen completely cut off from the home's personal cooking area with commercial grade equipment; sinks with 3 seperate basins, etc. Basically you have to build a commercial grade kitchen in your home. So right there you are in debt for several years. I'm all for food preparation safety, but when a grandmother has to spend $20,000 in startup capital to sell muffins and pies, it is a bit ridiculous.

This is why I feel "crapitalism" has replaced capitalism. There's too much B.S. involved. In order to start a small business, you're priced out of the market - particularly if you have almost no capital to start out with. Unless you're connected, it's not like you can get a loan either. Regardless, that bubble has burst, and taking on a loan is likely too risky anyways. To start out, it seems people are forced to work on the black or grey market simply because there is no other way to be competitive within one's means while staying honest. It doesn't mean you can't run a clean business, it just means that you can't run it officially because you can't afford to when considering all the hoops involved. You'd actually have to be successful enough while outside the government radar for a few years in order to raise enough funds in order to register a business and begin operating it legally within the scope of regulation.

Look at the story about the kids trying to raise money selling lemonaide not too long ago. If they had the $180 for a year permit, they probably wouldn't need to do the fund raiser now - would they? If they could make $50 for the day permit, they'd have to be doing a lot more than selling lemonaide or charging such ridiculous prices that few would buy it. Government interference with what is supposedly a free market makes it harder than it really should be.

Not that I'm against all regulation, some things like the environment and food safety should be protected to some extent. However there should be considerations to the scale of a business and how long it has been in operation. New businesses not associated with any parent or umbrella company should be given much greater exemptions in some things and given goalposts to comply with as they become more profitable or stay in operation for some time. Something like being able to use your own kitchen for the first 5 years unless you exceed X tax bracket in regards to profit would be a lot more fair. This would encourage a lot more growth in the economy than what is currently going on.

Working as intended. Try this one on for size: Around 2000 Pennsylvania adopted a new Environmental Regulation in regards to how to properly dispose of tires. Heck one of the key legislators sighted my dad's business as a key example of how Tire companies should be operating under said legislation(my Dad never dumped tires. If it was unusable you could pay a cement company to take them for use in making cement or something). Suffice to say the only companies that could afford the red tape fees where the companies that dumped tires in strippen holes and along side of the road. Ever wonder how Jack Williams became really really big this last decade? All their competition was wiped out by the government.

We live in a Pathocracy. You try and do things the honest, right way and the system is designed to shut you down. You cheat in a blatant manner and the system is also designed to shut you down. You are forced to cheat in a very peculiar sociopathic kind of way. It is like the mob took over and is running the show.

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