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Footage Everyone Must See.

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posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:36 AM
I'm always very critical of material such as this. But I can't difinitively say for my self whether it�s for real or more disinformation. I�ll have to admit though; I�m persuaded this is real.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Opus
I'm always very critical of material such as this. But I can't difinitively say for my self whether it�s for real or more disinformation. I�ll have to admit though; I�m persuaded this is real.

I don't think anyone from the "choir" we've assembled on ATS doubts that. Aliens are real. I think I just heard a collective "DUH" that could shake the walls of Jericho.

What seems to be at issue (or not) is the hyper focused enthusiam of one poster that seems convinced chain letters can change the world, and anyone that doubts that is just a "pessimist."

Yes, there can be harm in "spreading the word" when you come off like an intrusive, obsessed crazy person (generally speaking, not directed at anyone here). And I'd imagine the serious UFO community would urge anyone considering demonstrations and SPAM campaigns to consider that carefully.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:50 AM
Oh,I don't disagree with sending out unsolicited SPAM being a bad idea,but sending out a dozen or so e-mails to FRIENDS and FAMILY,and encouraging them to do the same if they are behind it,could certainly be a positive thing,and could certainly have a snowball effect towards positively raising awareness.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:52 AM
Heroic Malcontent

Yeh your right my appolgies !!

Ive seen things in the sky what would be called UFO's with my own eyes here and there since I was a kid.

[edit on C:Monocu08e8 by Opus]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by 11thdimension
The more people that become aware and educated,the harder it is for the government to continue the coverup.And if being made aware of the situation encourages more people to challenge the powers that be through DIPLOMATIC means

Yes, exactly. Diplomacy is the way for us to go that will make the changes we need now and in the future. Education is what changes people's minds about the possibilities of other life and what they are really like. The aliens are the ones who are about to "blow it out of the water" by mass, open sightings. The delay is due to "what" people are going to think and "who" they are going to listen to "about" the aliens when it happens. The longer time we have to share information and learn how to figure out what is actually going on for ourselves, the less chance that people are going to believe whatever our govts tell us when the aliens show themselves openly to everyone.

Time is not exactly running out for Earth, but there is increasing needless human suffering going on on our planet, that our visiting races can help us with. There is needless destruction of societies and dangerous, needless depletion of our natural resources. Our govt systems built on power, money and violence have us locked into a way of life we can't get out of. Our govts are refusing to take the initiative to make allies of our visiting races for ridiculous, corrupt reasons, and so they need a little more help and a push from the publics and from the aliens to get it started.

All races get help from their neighboring races. Other races who are so much further advanced and experienced than we are have ways of solving problems that are way out of our reach. This is our world, not theirs, and they can't take over. But it's our world to ask for help with. It is the "reasons" our leaders will not ask them for help to improve life, but try to force them hand over technological weapons, that is so wrong.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:22 PM
Ok what next??

My question is when will humanity be ready?

My other question what will humanity have to sacrifice. I'm aware sacrifice will have to made, but to what extent.

Do they simply want us to grow of childhood and join a greater collective adding our uniqueness?

Or do they want us to assimilate at a biological and social level?

Either way, this contact could still take many more years or generations before all of humanity will ready. Or is there a choice, perhaps in our lifetime will we be witness something that will forever change the course of human evolution.

[edit on C:Monocu08e8 by Opus]

[edit on C:Monocu08e8 by Opus]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:23 PM
have you noticed that the report is specifically aimed at human testimony and nothing else - im not saying they are crazy or anything but if i put an advertisement up for people who are ex-military who have seen father xmas - im sure quite a few people would come forward to give testimony.

as evidence , it would stand up in court but people can be wrong on what they know - as dissinfo is a popular word used on these type of message boards.

people with clearence to this type of information are propbably subject to all types of psychology tests and stress tests before they get their employment - it wouldnt suprise me if the powers in control knew at some point from these tests that they would leak info and decided to fead them false info.

- I HOPE IM WRONG , I HOPE GREAR GETS WHAT HE WANTS SOON (if his purpose is for disclosure and not to make a killing off dvd's and videos)

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:32 PM

- I HOPE IM WRONG , I HOPE GREAR GETS WHAT HE WANTS SOON (if his purpose is for disclosure and not to make a killing off dvd's and videos)

Exactly! I will be really upset if this is his end game. I don't think it should be left to us to distrubute, or by his videos in order to further his cause. I think it's on him to take this torch and run with it. Like I said, if he has the evidence to "blow the lid off", then use it by all means necessary. If he has the plans from alien technology to help the world in it's search for alternate power, then it's HIS responsibility to take the necessary measures to get the truth out there, no matter how extreme his methods need to be.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
if i put an advertisement up for people who are ex-military who have seen father xmas - im sure quite a few people would come forward to give testimony.

Come on now, Acid. Considering the fact that it is a serious offence to willfully give false testimony in a court of law, do you really think you would be able to gather a group of at least somewhat credible witnesses testifying they had actually seen santa (and not just some guy in a suit)?

About the Disclosure Project, as important as it may be that these people come forward with their testimonies; lacking hard evidence, I doubt they will succeed in doing more than kicking in doors that are already pretty much open.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:45 PM
what im saying is that the world is full of "different" people - people will say anything to get attention , im not saying these people are not credible witnesses , im saying that who are we to know if they are credible witnesses , for all we know they could have all been disscharged with a back handshake from the millitary for having something amiss upstairs

do you believe outright because someone who is selling dvd's and videos tells you ?

as for in court , if i said i had seen santa in front of a jury then that would just be my observation , i am allowed to make mistakes - to me it could have been santa - to someone with a better viewpoint it could have been something totally different , its witness testimony and not fact - you should know by now that what people see is alot of the time, totally different to the actual truth

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 12:45 PM
I'm sure this has been tried before, but..... How 'bout circulating a petition on the issue? Let's do it again and again-I'll sign it, heck, I'll get others to do the same. There are cases out there that I think stand out better than straight up testimonials. Cash/Landrum, Belgian Air Force Interception, etc.
Encounters with physical evidence. This, I think would be more effective approach under the current situation. I too hope that disclosure is the ultimate ends to Greer's goal, not monetary income. And let's get MUFON, BUFORA, etc. to get in on it again, too. Keep pestering and pestering.

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Der Kapitan]

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Opus
Ok what next??
My question is when will humanity be ready?
My other question what will humanity have to sacrifice. I'm aware sacrifice will have to made, but to what extent.
Do they simply want us to grow of childhood and join a greater collective adding our uniqueness?
Or do they want us to assimilate at a biological and social level?

Either way, this contact could still take my more years or generations before all of humanity will ready. Or is there a choice, perhaps in our lifetime will we be witness something that will forever change the course of human evolution.

The way I understand it, we are getting ready quickly as a race now. Look at how much new generations think for themselves and challenge authority. Look at how we share information worldwide. "The big event" is going to happen suddenly for some, but many already know about the aliens. Sorting it out will take all of us some time. Not every one of us has to be ready, or every nation in agreement, just as a race we have to be ready enough for the event to be productive enough to overcome the immediate confusion it is going to create. This happens to every world when they reach their own point of discovering other life. Not all have as much denial, dogma, leadership trouble and infighting as we do though.

If you and I and our peers had to change ourselves and each other in order for us to accept other life, it would take a very long time. But the fact is that new generations move in every few years with new ideas, intelligence, potential and experiences. The individuals who have had so much control here lately will be replaced with those who are starting brand new.

There is no sacrifice to be made except some sharing of some money and power due to the improvement of our systems. There will be a process of ending the kind of secrecy we have between our leaders, and between our leaders and our publics. There will be a (hopefully swift) process to end starvation, genocide, rampant diseases and war.

The alien races don't want anything from us and do not demand anything in trade for assistance. What we all get is a unanimous effort to solve differences and the assurance of working toward peace on our world.

Yes, they want us to join our neighboring group of worlds. We have unique qualities and abilities and things to offer them too, but the point of joining is to ensure peace between us. We will not assimilate biologically or socially, but we will in diplomatic ways. There is an order to space and those who participate together in it.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 01:33 PM
I would have thought that the end of the 60's would have been the best time for a massive debut. It seemed that more people during that era had the least amt of trust for thier gov't leaders (in general...not necessarily about aliens though). I would think that more than ever, right now we are in the lowest point of free thinking. Massive gov't control is at it's highest right now.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 01:48 PM
Very,very true,and another reason why this project(and other huge events)have not gotten more exposure than it has.Literally all of the media monopolies are corporate sponsored,so they are tightly regulated about what type of material they may release.If they do cover an event,it always seems to be a singular airing,and then usually if anything beyond that is mentioned,it's the usual pattern of the debunkment crew(often scientists or military)brushing off the entire thing by saying the witnesses involved witnessed some assinine thing(military flares,ball lightning,etc.)and mistook it for something unidentifiable.Sadly,the majority of people believe this,and the story dies right there,but for a few that know the routine and press on.Hopefully more organizations like Disclosure pop up,and some with the ability and resources to override this business as usual routine,and change the course of the past 50 years.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 01:52 PM
Look at us, look at what we are saying, and look at what we all are sure we know. We are ready, we have proved that, we, the people who have sought out this knowledge, are ready.

We have been thinking each night about the consequences of what we know, and the consequences of other people knowing. Too many bad things are going on in this world for us, as a PEOPLE, to not sit up and take notice, and ultimately, to take ACTION.

We have sat through 2 world war, a genocide of 6 million people, all on religious grounds that may well be shattered at this information. We have been through the ruwandan genocide, the cambodian genocide, the vietnam war, the cuban missile crisis, in which the planet litererally stood on the edge of destruction, we have been though the korean arms race, the russian arms race, the middle eastern crisis, 2 iraq wars, the palestinian and israel crisis, countless famines, and countless im-poverishing of whole nations.

It is time, in our long and bloody history to unite, and finally see that we are all of one race, all of the same background, and finally see that we are not alone.

If only everyone knew what we knew? Think of what we could achieve, together as a race to build and develop new technologies, and together build food proccessing to feed the poor. It may well be all a dream, but this is the time when finally, the dream can come true.

The skeptics among you will tell us of all the bad things that may happen upon the mass knowledge of what we know, but i know they dont outweigh the good things that will come of this.

Mass education is the key, as acid said, we need to keep nagging and naggin, and pressurising and telling until finally the truth comes out to the masses. I know that what we have in this footage is not definitive proof to people that we have been contacted, i know that this isnt hard evidence. But its the best that he have, its the best that we can throw at the government, and i believe that mass education is something that cannot be denied. Once we know, and once we belive it will have to be talked about. The spreading of this news, and the spreading of this diffinitive evidence will bring a turn of events our way.

Some of you say why hasnt this changed the world already, IF this was real, why hasnt something been done? Well in my opinon, and this is not a definate answer, i believe that somewhere, someone is trying their damed hardest to keep this under wraps. They have a damn sight more power than Dr Greer does, and they have a damn sigh more money, with a damn sight more contacts. We cannot leave this to Dr Greer, it is too big a task for one man to accomplish. It is time to take it upon ourselves to do this, and finally move away and be independent from the governement.

Earthsister talks of the new generation and how we are finally questionning authority, and questioning right and wrong, well i am the new generation, and im thanking myself for my defiance. I REFUSE to stand for continually being lied to, i refuse to stand and watch the masses be lied to, and i am here to stand up and make a difference. Dr Greer says, that this is a subject that is scoffed and laughed at, and it is so because it is so serious. Well i think that this subject, the subjewct of getting this message across is also scoffed and laughed at because it to is so serious.

I'm going to be telling everyone i know, in a none threatning or alarming manor, and i already have done. People who would never ever thinkg about this are asking me so many questions that i am having trouble keeping up with answering. Questions they would never have asked had they not seen this conference. Questions they would never have even dreamed had an answer. These people are normal people who do not go delving into the internet and other books for answers, but they were like you and i were before we searched for answers.

You have expressed your opinions that my idea of sending a chain mail is ridiculous, but i believe that in 2 weeks we could have this footage on millions of peoples hard drives. Please please please if you have a better way we can spread the word without making people think we are crackpots then please let me know. Please suggest your ideas. The response so far however has been good.

Please support him, and his message, this video is a feed, a streaming feed, and it is costing no-one anything to watch it. There is no harm is spreading this word about.

(PS while i am writing this, my connection to BT BROADBAND keeps getting cut, in total it has been cut 5 times now, tell me this is a co-incidence, i think it probably is, pretty good one though!)

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 01:55 PM

(PS while i am writing this, my connection to BT BROADBAND keeps getting cut, in total it has been cut 5 times now, tell me this is a co-incidence, i think it probably is, pretty good one though!)

yeah - time to upgrade to 3meg broadband

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 02:01 PM
I'll tell you right now...the video needs to be condensed. Only those who are already interested in the phenomenon are going to sit thru the 2 hour video, which defeats it's purpose of reaching the uninformed public.

Here's a hypothetical question though. Let's say that we get our way and the truth is ultimately revealed to the public. The gov't wasn't able to stop it and now everyone knows the truth. This opens the doors for the aliens to make thier massive debut But let's then say that the intent of alien visitors is revealed as well. And let's say it's not good. Perhaps, world domination, or at the very least, a forced massive assimilation. This may not be what we are looking for. And all this time that the gov't was keeping the truth, they were acutally defending the human way of life. If we have to consider that the existence of ET life is real, and it's intentions are "Good", we must also sonsider that the intentions are bad as well.

Just something to sonsider.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 02:10 PM
It looks like the Mexican gov't is pushing once again for more info on Roswell.. Link

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 02:11 PM
Mpeake-Very good point...That could however have different connotations.It very well could unite us as a species,and make us less focused on warring with one another,and more focused on realization that we are all one species and should unite for our own protection and continuation of life.Kind of ALA Ronald Reagan's speech to the UN.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Phillyharper
this needs to be spread [...]
We start a syncronised chain letter, a chain letter that explains in quick and simple and urgent terms that this is a matter of pressing worldly importance. A chain letter that instructs people to MAKE SURE they set aside 2 hours of their life to sit down and watch this footage. And a letter that instructs them to, if they are not interested, to forward the email on to everyone in their contact list.

A chain letter? You do realize that this is, even at best, going to only be seen by an audience of people that actually read and distribute chain letters right? Do you really want to 'recruit' the type of person that actually forwards a chain letter?

This system is crude i know, but you have ALL been subject to chain letters, they get EVERYWHERE. They start in australia and end up in iran, etc etc etc. I'm SURE, that if we as a community start this chain letter to EVERYONE we have on our contact list, then the news will spread as fast as wildfire.

Sending out a chain letter is a really terrible idea. I haven't watched this footage yet, and if its convincing I'll certainly tell someone about it. But a chain letter? Who is going to click on a link that they get in some unsolicited chain letter? No, thats a really bad idea. In all likelyhood this footage isn't convincing at all, and yes, i will say that it probably is before seeing it, because, well, it probably is unconvicing. There've been dozens of things that people have posted to this board as 'proof' and what not that have been worthless. One guy even thought that some card game was proof of foreknowledge of the 911 attacks. And how many ludicrous predictions were there in that prediction forum before someone put a stop to that (very entertaining) insanity?

IT IS TIME TO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT PEOPLE! For weeks people have been sat at their computers posting and reading all the evidence, WE ALL KNOW, but there are BILLIONS of people who do not.

This letter needs to be carefully written, and i have written a draft of it already, i will post it here so you can review it, and as a community we can edit the letter and then get a standard copy sent out. We will set a date for the email to be launced, but it must be soon, because as paranoid as this statement is, our emails may very well be tracked and stopped at the first hurdle, just like the press conference was in getting broadcast over the airways.

PLEASE get involved, this is the only way i can think of getting the enws out to EVERYONE as fast as possible.

If this footage is proof of the existance of aliens, then there will be no problem 'getting the word out'. What happened why you brought this footage to the attention of your local news channels, or newspapers?

Ok watched some of it. Don't see what the fuss is about, didn't listen to the whole thing tho. Its just a bunch of statements. The Lockheed/skunkworks guy was interesting, 'ce[pt that he didn't have anything to say. I'd expect somethign called 'proof of aliens' involved a skunkworker to be like 'i worked on the flying saucers, i was Junior Reverse Engineer' or somesuch. I mean, christ, the guy's been to Area 51. He saw some lights? Great. Personal testimonies are not proof. What was really interesting was that he said the predecessor to the sr71 was a one person ship made for fast transit, not necessarily spying.

This DIA guy is pretty pointless here. He serves no purpose. He makes two statements, that there were reports referencing ufos, and that he almost joined the 'shadow governement' but 'saw the light' and got out. How is that proof that either exist? This footage is from a long time ago no? If he knew about this stuff, why didn't he bring any of the documents out with him? I mean, these people seem to be loosing and 'mistakenly' bringing uber-secret documents home all the time, and this guy couldn't get any definitive proof out, even tho he says he -knew- there was a conspiracy involving an illegal shadow governement and aliens? I can't even bear to watch the rest of this. I skipped thru a bunch, its just some testimonies.

I'll say one thing, I totally wasted my time looking at any of this. Go ahead, send out a chain letter to let people know about this. They'll never look at another paranormal related document/news article, or anything ever again. This footage is completely and utterly worthless. I almost find it hard to beleive that anyone can consider it proof.

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Nygdan]

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