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Police beat, taser mentally ill homeless man to death

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Thepreye

I think he is waiting for info of what other psycho pigs think of the incident, whether other psycho pigs support him. Obviously the government has given these pigs way more rights than ordinary citizens so we can't expect anything from the government thieves.

It's like pigs and thieves joining together in haunting and terrorizing Americans.

Sorry for the disturbing words, but that image truly pissed me off, and anyone who isn't pissed off can go to hell for all I care. I need to have a smoke and relax before I bash my laptop's screen... The f'ed up thing is, this isn't the first time, and this won't be the last time, what pissed me off even more is someone saying we should send emails and phone calls, this emotion
isn't enough to describe what I'm feeling right now.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:47 AM
double post
edit on 28-7-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:47 AM

Huffington post

Currently, the Fullerton Police Department is performing an inquiry into the incident, and the case is being examined by the Orange County District Attorney's office, reports the LA Times. There have been several protests, and a vigil for Kelly was held in downtown Fullerton, the OC Register tells us.

In an open letter, City Council Member Bruce Whitaker has called for the police to offer a clear explanation and to release a video that apparently shows the actual beating.

Added some more info for ya.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I was gonna post that video and say F all those people who just stood there and watched, F'en scum bags watching someone being beaten to death, and the camera man says "YouTube", like it is a F'en game.

It makes me sick, to see how passive Americans have become, it makes me sick, I would have sacrifice my life in that place stopping that murder, if they tazered me to death, I would have died for a cause, but instead Americans are happy going millions of miles away killing Iraqis and Afghanis to serve the scum bags in the government.

I heard him screaming "dad", "dad", maybe because he saw that non of the scum bags were helping him, and his last hope was his dad.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:29 AM
I think it's hilariously retarded that there are people here who are saying stuff like "Maybe he deserved it; perhaps he provoked the cops!".

Look, there's only so much damage that a homeless dude is going to be able to do to six police officers. Hell, you'd think tasing and apprehension would've done the job, but apparently not.

But, whatever. Even though I've been gone for a few months, it appears that some things will never change around here. How awfully depressing.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:34 AM
This thread is why I hate cops with a passion. they got a quota to meet and if they dont hand out enough tickets some poor homeless guy gets it. Avoid cops at all costs.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Nkinga
reply to post by Stovokor

See thats the problem...a huge problem...because it proves, people in society are becoming more and more fearful to stand up for what is right. Yes..they were police officers, and yes..they can arrest you, and the justice system is so messed up right now, that a first time offender might get a huge sentence, while a repeat might only get probation, its uneven in decisions. So, people are scared to death to step in when something like this happens.

in this example, a full crew of men who are happy to receive their paychecks by carrying physical restraints, batons, tazers, pepper spray and sidearms unleash holy hell upon one person. of course civilians are scared to step in when this happens. because then you'd probably have 2 civilians being beaten to death.

i wish someone would make a documentary on the psychological status of people who pursue careers in law enforcement. interviewing respected authorities in the mental health field would reveal sad, shocking truths about the bulk of those who wear police uniforms. people need to wake up and demand change.

mental health patients who attend group counseling and the like are warned by good counselors about the need to remain aware that police do not know if you are mentally ill, and they do not care. it's become quite obvious that LE training purposefully manufactures a vile, twisted mindset free of empathy and sympathy.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by areyouserious2010

I'm sorry but I have a right to speak in any situation. And I'm not gonna just sit there and shut up because some asshole cop is being a super dick or in this case KILLING SOMEONE. You act like a good little sheep and let the police treat you like #, you wouldn't just sit there and take it if that was your family member in there getting tasered and beat repeatedly.

I for one will stand up for myself against these police and I won't just shut up when someone is getting beat to death or whatever the case may be. If you are just shutting up you should be ashamed of yourself and you might as well be joining in with the police cause you are basically letting it happen.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by Nkinga
reply to post by Stovokor

See thats the problem...a huge problem...because it proves, people in society are becoming more and more fearful to stand up for what is right. Yes..they were police officers, and yes..they can arrest you, and the justice system is so messed up right now, that a first time offender might get a huge sentence, while a repeat might only get probation, its uneven in decisions. So, people are scared to death to step in when something like this happens.

People need to realize that if you don't stand up for this kinda thing now. Then things are gonna run rampant until they just become gangs of cops running around beating and killing people for any or no reason. If you do not stand up for other people being severally mistreated by the authorities then its only you and your children and so on that will suffer the consequences.

People need to stop being so selfish and realize that you only have a short time on this planet and the way things currently are. We the people need to step up and fight back or were just gonna be walked on until we are erased from existence. Just remember that its not just you in this society its our future generation.
edit on 28-7-2011 by Anoynymoose because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:24 AM
This makes me, literally, physically ill. Confreak speaks exactly how I feel. I don't understand how people can just be standing around while a man is being murdered in public and screaming for help. What the hell is wrong with these people? How can you even look yourself in the mirror after that? Bunch of cowards. So angry. I couldn't even finish watching the video.
edit on 28-7-2011 by imherejusttoread because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:35 AM
I just felt literally sick, and immediately called to Fullerton PD. The dispatcher told me to call the DA.

I'm on the other side of the country so there isn't too much more I can do, but mannn just know that when the SHTF and everybody's strugglin, these cops are gonna lose that macho attitude REAL quick. They'll start acting like the pussies they are.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by areyouserious2010

In this situation, the police used force against the man because he was resisting arrest.

This isn't force, it's cruel and unusual torture....


posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:07 AM
It says the guy was schizophrenic. So he might have been scared. Even if someone IS fighting back, there's shouldn't be much tasering to get him to stop. Correct? To beat and kill someone who is mentally ill because they won't stop fighting back is completely stupid.

This is those police abusing power. Using it to the fullest extent that it was extremely unneeded.

Stuff like this really irks me and saddens me, because he WAS scared, calling for his dad, and then he was tortured THROUGH his fear to his death. Completely insane on the polices' part.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by Backslider

Because they haven't released any information yet. I agree I don't see how the police will be able to get out of this one as it's reminiscent of the Rodney King pictures but I still don't make calls without seeing evidence and making up my own mind.

Neither should any of you.

Apologizing for 6 people beating and torturing a homeless mentally ill unarmed man to death.

Why not give the homeless man a psychiatric medicine and a tazer to even the odds.

This is pathetic either way you spin it troll.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Huffington post

Currently, the Fullerton Police Department is performing an inquiry into the incident, and the case is being examined by the Orange County District Attorney's office, reports the LA Times. There have been several protests, and a vigil for Kelly was held in downtown Fullerton, the OC Register tells us.

In an open letter, City Council Member Bruce Whitaker has called for the police to offer a clear explanation and to release a video that apparently shows the actual beating.

Added some more info for ya.

slap on the hand.

No jail time. Maybe a suspension with pay.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by LargeFries
i wish someone would make a documentary on the psychological status of people who pursue careers in law enforcement. interviewing respected authorities in the mental health field would reveal sad, shocking truths about the bulk of those who wear police uniforms. people need to wake up and demand change.

You'd probably find that the vetting process, background checks and psychological evaluations failed in far too many cases.

There are likely some cops on the force that couldn't keep a job in the fast food industry because of anger problems. But now they have a badge, gun and authority.

Law enforcement needs address these problems before they turn into incidents like this, not only move in to deal with it after something bad happens... Which is too often the way it all plays out.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by earthling42

So, this video proves my point. That initially, there were only one or two police officers there and not six.

Let me ask you a question. How were the two officers injured as reported in the article?

The fact that you can be so cold about this and even try to downplay a murder just makes me sick

I am not being cold about this. It is unfortunate that this man lost his life no matter what the circumstances. All I am trying to point out is that we do not have enough information to pass judgement on the situation. If the investigation reveals wrongdoing by the police, then they should be dealt with harshly as I stated in my first post.

Please, try not to demonize me just because I withhold judgement until all the facts are uncovered. And I am sorry, this video of the bystander still leaves questions unanswered and is not the damning proof you claim it to be. The interview provides mostly opinion rather than fact and what little fact is contained in the interview it is obviously exaggerated. The gentleman says in the interview that he was being beaten for 10-15 minutes. The original video shows that around 1:50 it is over so what else I ask is the man exaggerating?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

People have been resisting arrest for as long as there have been law enforcement personnel arresting people. The vast majority of people who resist arrest do not wind up in hospitals looking as badly beaten as the man in question did, nor do they wind up dead. This would fairly constitute probable cause in terms of the outrage being shown in this thread.

I would say that anytime the police use this much force and someone winds up dead it constitutes an obvious need for investigation to gather all the facts so it can be determined based on those facts whether or not the police were justified in their actions. I do not believe it constitutes "probable cause" for a knee jerk reaction to the situation.

All political power flows directly from the people. The members in this site count as people. It is not only their right to pass judgment in the same way police do, it is their responsibility to do so.

The difference is that when the police are investigating someone for a crime, they gather FACTS and charge a person based on evidence not their pure emotional response to the incident at face value.

The recent spate of dubious police beatings has not happened because there are more people becoming consciously aware of their inherent political power and exercising that power as best they know how to, this recent spate of police beatings is endemic of an earlier population that blindly defended police actions regardless of the circumstances. The echo of that blind defense can still be heard by posters such as you, but the times they are a changin', my friend.

Wrong. The reason it appears there are more dubious police beatings is the advent of the cell phone camera. Most videos of the police using force is completely justified and within the policy of the police department. The reason videos of the police using force appears to be police misconduct is because of two things.

One, there are people out there who disagree with the police using any force whatsoever. They would argue that the police should not strike people or shoot people and should instead use holds or shoot them in the leg instead of aiming for center mass. These people do not know what they are talking about and have never been in a situation requiring action such as this.

Two, the video leaves out key moments in the incident that make the police action look unprovoked or excessive when in reality it was not. A video showing the police using force to overcome someone and then arrest them could have missed the initial part where the person resisted arrest and began fighting with the police first. As soon as the police start winning, the video comes on. This is due to shoddy camera work or the person taking the video wants more "hits" so he only shows certain parts to invoke this very reaction from people.

It is ultimately the smug attitude that the members in this site should not pass judgment until you say they should that is what I am addressing with you. The hypocrisy of your smug judgment reeks of foulness.

You still do not have enough facts to render such a judgement. Your short-sightedness and quickness to condemn reeks of foulness.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by loneranger26

Dude, once the cuffs are on, the use of force is done. If you have to beat a man who is bound, your a coward.

I see what happened. I agree with you. "Use of force" does not neccessarily mean striking someone. Picking someone up and holding on to them is considered a "use of force" by police. What I meant by this statement is that the man should not be struck anymore one the cuffs have gone on. Thanks for the needed clarification.

I do agree that the cuffs should be put on as soon as reasonably possible and after the cuffs go on the use of force is drastically reduced.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

What if the person starts fighting with the police first. What if they begin striking the officer with their fists and the officer begins defending him or herself by striking back but unfortunately a strike or the fall from being knocked unconscious causes some sort of brain injury and the person dies? It most likely has happened before. The officer's actions would be justified and as long as the officer's actions were not excessive there is no wrongdoing by the police.

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