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But his Austrian school economics just doesn't make a lot of sense but more to the point it just doesn't work in the context of a global economy which, like it or not, is the economy we live in.
He wouldn't have voted for the civil rights act. There are the Ron Paul newsletters that have rascist rants in them. He is for privatizing social security and medicare.
Those 3 things alone will destroy any election bid.
# Protect all voluntary associations; don’t define marriage. (Oct 2007)
# No legislation to counteract the homosexual agenda. (Sep 2007)
# No affirmative action for any group. (Sep 2007)
# First Amendment was written for controversial speech. (Sep 2007)
# Rights belong only to individuals, not collective groups. (Dec 1987)
# Voted NO on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Jul 2006)
# Voted NO on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
# Voted NO on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Sep 2004)
# Opposes death penalty at state and federal level. (Jan 2008)
# Not appropriate to prosecute all illegal adult pornography. (Sep 2007)
# Voted YES on funding for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons. (Jun 2000)
# Voted NO on more prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime. (Jun 1999)
# War on drugs is out of control; revert control to states. (Dec 2007)
# Repeal most federal drug laws; blacks are treated unfairly. (Sep 2007)
# Inner-city minorities are punished unfairly in war on drugs. (Sep 2007)
# Legalize industrial hemp. (Jan 2007)
# Drug War fosters violence at home & breeds resentment abroad. (Oct 2001)
# Voted NO on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests. (Sep 1998)
# War on Drugs has abused Bill of Rights . (Dec 2000)
# Legalize medical marijuana. (Jul 2001)
# Abolish Social Security, but not overnight. (Jan 2008)
[Ron Paul is well aware that people depend on SS and you can not just jerk the rug out from under them without getting rid of the leeches called the FED that is impoverishing us. Get rid of the FED and then SS becomes less important over time because people have more wealth. cv]
# Let people get out of Social Security; it’s a failure. (Jan 2008)
# Never voted to spend one penny of Social Security money. (Dec 2007)
# Allow young people to get out of the system. (Oct 2007)
# Personal retirement accounts allow investing in one’s future. (Sep 2007)
# Federal government won’t keep its entitlement promises. (Mar 2007)
# Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
# Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
# Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
# Create personal retirement accounts within Social Security. (Jul 2000)
# School prayer is not a federal issue. (Apr 2008)
# Private funds for arts work better than government funds. (Apr 2008)
# Close Dept. of Education, but don’t dismantle public schools. (Dec 2007)
# Encourage homeschooling & private school via tax writeoff. (Dec 2007)
# Free trade agreements threaten national sovereignty. (Apr 2008)
# FactCheck: NAFTA Superhighway not a conspiracy; it’s I-35. (Feb 2008)
# China trade not contingent on human rights & product safety. (Sep 2007)
# IMF empowers politicians by causing inflation. (Dec 1981)
Right to organize; but no special benefits for unions. (Oct 2007)
Just about everything Congress does is unconstitutional. (Jul 2009)
# Reagan ran on limited government, but increased its size. (Dec 2007)
# Called Bush a “bum”; didn’t vote for Bush. (Dec 2007)
# All political action’s goal should be to preserve liberty. (Dec 2007)
I think most of the people we elect are good, if only they keep sight of a few human principles...
I would love to see Dr. Paul in the White House but I have no doubt in my mind TPTB would take him out faster than JFK. This too would in my opinion lead to chaos in the streets which leads to the question we should all be asking: Is it intentional? Isn't the Illuminati motto - "Order through chaos"?? What better way to cause depopulation than to start a war of epic proportions and watch the people kill each other from the safety of your hidden bunker?
Bilderberg tracker Daniel Estulin says he has received information from sources inside the U.S. intelligence community suggesting that people from the highest levels of government are discussing “eliminating” Rep. Ron Paul because its controlled political system is threatened by Paul’s exploding popularity.....
Estulin’s past predictions about global events were accurate because of the solid information provided to him from within the Bilderberg organization....
Estulin, an award-winning investigative journalist, said that he was given the information from a source that has been reliable for over a decade in providing accurate projections of future events based on what the elite were discussing in their own circles and that assassination was a serious option should the Ron Paul Revolution continue to grow.
Retired FBI Special-Agent-in-Charge Ted Gunderson, 78, has been a whistleblower since his retirement nearly 30 years ago. He said “Yes, absolutely, they won’t hesitate to do it.”
Rather than shooting Paul, a more sophisticated silent attack such as poisoning or the provocation of a heart attack via exotic electronic technology would be more likely, he said....
15% tax on a purchase of $100 is more of a pinch to a family that makes less than $100,000 than it is to a family that makes $10 million. Sounds fair to me.
...Part of it makes me feel like he is fear mongering, another makes me feel like he is speaking out trying to awaken the masses and another part of me thinks he is trying to bring on social unrest just by speaking it......I dont know, Im confused with how I feel......
Originally posted by hawkiye
Originally posted by macman
reply to post by ontarff
Further more, if you read on Ron Paul, he does not want to abolish taxes. He wants to abolish the IRS (Unlawful anyways) and resort to a flat/fair tax. All will pay, all will pay the same percentage amount.
edit on 28-7-2011 by macman because: (no reason given)
Wrong! He wants to abolish income taxes period. Income taxes are theft. He did out forth a hypothetical on a flat tax once to get people to think but if you really do read him he wants to do away with taxes.
On November 20, 2008 Ron Paul said in a New York Times / Freakonomics interview:
“I want to abolish the income tax, but I don’t want to replace it with anything. About 45 percent of all federal revenue comes from the personal income tax. That means that about 55 percent — over half of all revenue — comes from other sources, like excise taxes, fees, and corporate taxes.
We could eliminate the income tax, replace it with nothing, and still fund the same level of big government we had in the late 1990s. We don’t need to “replace” the income tax at all. I see a consumption tax as being a little better than the personal income tax, and I would vote for the Fair-Tax if it came up in the House of Representatives, but it is not my goal. We can do better.” on 29-7-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)
Income taxes, yes, TAXES as a whole, no, because he does understand taxes (minimal) will be needed. But, all will pay the same percentage, not just the wealthy.
All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals. -Ron Paul
Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
reply to post by macman
Income taxes, yes, TAXES as a whole, no, because he does understand taxes (minimal) will be needed. But, all will pay the same percentage, not just the wealthy.
Nonsense, all taxation is theft.
How can you take someones money against their will and not consider that theft?
All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals. -Ron Paul
Taxation is force.
Originally posted by tnhiker
I like how he not only explains the problem, gives possible/probable outcomes, then outlines a plan. He doesnt just blame everything and cry doom without giving a roadmap to reversal.
A tax on goods is not forced, as in all theory, you don't have to purchase the item.
But I do not like taxes, but also understand some are a necessary evil.
Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
reply to post by macman
It is force, since I don't have the option to decline to pay the consumption tax.
But, you don't have to purchase the product either.
Look, I am with you, I think taxes are slavery.
Tariffs were the largest source of federal revenue from the 1790s to the eve of World War I, until it was surpassed by income taxes. Tariffs are import tax rates and the collected income is called customs or custom duties....
Responding to an urgent need for revenue following the American Revolutionary War, after passage of the U.S. Constitution the First United States Congress passed, andPresident George Washington, signed the Tariff Act of July 4, 1789, which authorized the collection of duties on imported goods. Customs duties as set by tariff rates up to 1860 were usually about 80-95% of all federal revenue.....
The U.S. Constitution of 1789 gave the federal government authority to tax, stating that Congress has the power to "... lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States." Tariffs between states is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution and all domestically made products can be imported or shipped to another state tax free....
Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by macman
But, you don't have to purchase the product either.
Look, I am with you, I think taxes are slavery.
An excise tax or tariff on imported goods also serves to protect the citizen from low prices due to currency exchange manipulation.
...Each day, representatives of four other London banking firms meet in the offices of N.M. Rothschild Company in London to fix the price of gold for that day....
Tariffs were the largest source of federal revenue from the 1790s to the eve of World War I, until it was surpassed by income taxes. Tariffs are import tax rates and the collected income is called customs or custom duties....
Responding to an urgent need for revenue following the American Revolutionary War, after passage of the U.S. Constitution the First United States Congress passed, andPresident George Washington, signed the Tariff Act of July 4, 1789, which authorized the collection of duties on imported goods. Customs duties as set by tariff rates up to 1860 were usually about 80-95% of all federal revenue.....
The U.S. Constitution of 1789 gave the federal government authority to tax, stating that Congress has the power to "... lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States." Tariffs between states is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution and all domestically made products can be imported or shipped to another state tax free....
...Each day, representatives of four other London banking firms meet in the offices of N.M. Rothschild Company in London to fix the price of gold for that day....
Tax on imports = excise tax, see graph:
But, you don't have to purchase the product either.
Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
reply to post by macman
But, you don't have to purchase the product either.
You don't have to work and earn an income either, do you not see what's wrong with this reasoning?