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Originally posted by kro32
Why would the government go through all this trouble and complexity just for an excuse to invade Iraq or pass the Patriot Act when a simple plan would have acheived the exact same results with a far less risk of something going wrong?
A single Al-Quieda man setting off a dirty bomb or something along those lines would have given America all the reason they needed.
If the government asked you to create something that would mobilize the American people is 9/11 what you would come up with? There are 1000 different things that have to go perfectly right for this to be pulled off. The amount of people with knowledge is far too large for comfort.
Look at the history of government cover-ups and how successful they were.
Gulf of Tonkin, Johnson couldn't even keep one little bombing incident secret and it was leaked through the pentagon papers.
Bay of Pigs. A disaster by Kennedy that didn't involve nearly the complexity of a 9/11 operation, totally blown
Watergate, Nixon couldn't even hide 2 people stealing files yet our government is gonna pull off something involving 4 jetliners and 100's of people?
Get serious and look at the big picture. Alot of people get hung up on details and do not see the forest through the trees.
Originally posted by micmerci
reply to post by Observer99
Was the Pentagon and the plane crash in PA a demolition job too? You cannot separate the events of that day. They were a single attack on several fronts. The Sears tower was supposed to be hit that day as well. Why no explosives planted in there?
Originally posted by micmerci
I was an elevator mechanic in NYC for years. I can say without any doubt that the elevators were not the means of access for explosives. This would mean that Otis Elevator Co. was involved in the plot and that the resident elevator mechanics were involved as well. The WTC complex had a dozen or so full time mechanics onsite. Those guys were there everyday for years. They developed relationships within the buildings after seeing the same people day in and day out for years. There is no way any of these guys were involved in any inside plot.
Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by ajmusicmedia
Fine. So what happens when one of your phony elevator repair men runs into a real elevator maintenance guy? Elevator repair, construction and maintenance is a heavily unionized business in New York city. They don't like seeing strangers fooling around in their elevators. And they consider them "their" elevators. Sorry, its a lot more complicated then you think. I know that its a popular plot device in movies that all you need to do is look official and have the right tools and outfit and you can walk around and do anything, but it doesn't work like that. Try it sometime. Dress up like a some kind of repair tech and walk into a Manhattan office building and start snooping around. See what happens.
Originally posted by OccamAssassin
Have you ever worked in a blacksmiths forge?
Originally posted by OccamAssassin
How did blacksmiths ever manage to melt steel/iron down if coke could not provide the heat required? Answer...Introduce more oxygen. Fan the flames with air.
Originally posted by Hessling
Okay, since I just came across this video I'll throw another theory as to how explosives could have been placed into the ring...
I'm not saying I believe it, but neither will I discount it.
Originally posted by ClamChowder
I remember reading somewhere about a year ago (or more) the twin towers elevators were being "upgraded" for the whole 9 months leading up to the attacks of 9/11. I will post the link to where ever I read this, if I can locate it again. This same information is also presented in one of the video presentations on the website Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( ), I believe it was in the video "9/11: Blueprint For Truth".
This would give them plenty of time to have "3rd party, strangers" accessing the guts of the elevator shafts, and I believe access to the elevator shafts would allow access to other special-access areas where key structural joints were located.
At the moment of the impact by the planes on the Twin Towers and their collapse, as well as
that of WTC7, seismic waves were generated. To the degree that (1) seismic waves are only
created by brief impulses, and (2) that low frequencies are associated with an energy
(magnitude) that is comparable to a seismic event, these waves undeniably have an
explosive origin. Even if the planes' impact and the fall of the debris from the Towers
onto the ground could have generated seismic waves, their magnitude was insufficient
to be recorded 34 km away, and they should have been similar.
However, the composition and magnitude of the seismic signals show significant
differences, above all in their propagation speed, even though their paths were identical
under identical conditions. This last difference being physically unexplainable in the official
version, we must put into question the calculation of the speeds effectuated from the origin
shown on the video images. We can only conclude that in reality, the (explosive) source
was manually detonated, thus accounting for the variable shift for each origin in
relation to the videos.
The composition of the waves is revealing both in terms of the location of the source and the
magnitude of the energy transmitted to the ground. The subterranean origin of the waves
emitted when WTC1 collapsed is attested by the presence of the P and S volume waves
along with the Rayleigh surface waves, which are present in all five explosions.The
placement of the source of the four other explosions is subaerial, attested by the unique
presence of Rayleigh waves. The aerial explosions visible on the videos of the upper
floors of the Twin Towers do not produce seismic waves 34 km from the source.
There is a factor of ten between the power of the explosions at the time of the impacts on the twin Towers (as well as at the time of the collapse of WTC7) and the strength of those more powerful ones at the time of their collapse, the subterranean explosion under WTC1 being the one that transmitted the most energy to the ground.
Note as well that the degree to which the surface waves disperse (their speed depends upon their frequency), the duration of the recorded signal is not representative of the duration of the signal at the source.
Finally, the controlled demolition of the three towers, suggested by the visual and audio
testimony, as well as by observations of their collapse, is thus demonstrated by the analysis
of the seismic waves emitted at the moments of the plane impacts and at the moments of the
probably not an expert rapport to you?
still, the sniffing bomb dogs were removed 5 days before the attack,
there has been several evacuation exercises in the days (weeks?) before the attack.
The aftermath (falling down of the WTCs) does show 'anomalies', but probably we can keep on discussing this until the technology and the way how they did it is exposed by whoever
btw, back in 2001, how was the security in those days...was it also very tight and strict (as it is now)?