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A Racist Conspiracy? Why are we taught that Black Africans never formed or ruled Ancient Egypt?

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by fordrew

This house is perfectly fine for the environment it is in.

Someone doesn't live in a McMansion in a climate that doesn't require it.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Precisely my point. They were something our ANCESTORS made 1000s of years ago. However , we are living in times of where mud huts are more than just obselete. They are ANCIENT! Sub Saharan Africans still live in them...

Arrogant commercialized tool.

What if they don't need anymore than what they have? What then?

What about banks that steal our mudhuts from us and then sell it back to us? Thats just sick and should be illegal.

Do mudhuts have unfair "parasitic enslavement" mortgages?

Drink your fluorine water capitalist tool.
edit on 26-7-2011 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:56 AM
I rather wonder if people think my ancestors were fools to move into areas that require bulidings with massive amounts of insulation, and clothing with massive amounts of insulation, so that we can live inside for more than 50% of the year. In areas in which you can starve to death for a lack of a sufficient growing season quite easily.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Aeons

Not suited to their climate? How about you see what the other fellows living in the same climate dwell in and then get back to me...

reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I will drink my fluorine water, but not before you lose your internet and start living in a mud hut.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:58 AM
I will like to open my post by saying something no one here has yet to mention. Egypt was conquered by Arabs. Arabs like Zahi and others who claim to be "Egyptian" are descendants of occupiers/ or invaders. The people who possessed the land did NOT call it egypt. Egypt is a modern day spin off of the greek Agyptos which means people with burnt faces. The original name they called themselves were "kemetyu" from "kemet"(land of the blacks, and it wasn't talking about some flood as most like to say)
not the misgnomer, disrepectful, derrogatory name egypt.
The paragraph above shatters any idea about them being caucasian or of anglo-saxon descent. People will attempt to make everything white but this totally incorrect. I converse with people and they swear the greeks and romans were "White". When they depict themselves, the romans were just as dark as the greeks. The greek described themselves as Olive. On what planet or what continent can we find a white olive????IT DOESNT EXIST.
Oh yeah and the blonde, red hair mummy evidence crap, is just that. They used dye and its part of the natural process. If you mummified a human who possessed alot of eumelanin, with dark hair, thousands of years later even his hair would be red naturally red!!!!!!!!!!! People always forget to mention that part.

Considering "Africa" is the place where "modern" man evolved why would we rule out the possibility of civilization/???
King Tut was the son of Ankenaten, if you believe he was so called "white" then you have a serious issue the truth.
Here's the thing you have to understand, its time to reprogram yourselves.
There is so much civilization in Africa alone its scary. There are 90,000 year old harpoons found in the Sahara the same style was found in central Africa. For all of you real researchers look up the ishango(sp??) bone which shows they had different systems to count different things. The oldest observatory, tracking the phases of the moon is also found in Africa. Now back to so called "egypt".
Egypt was one of the last major empires to exist in Afirca, but what alot of people don't know Egypt was a collaborative project that included Knowledge and spiritual practices that can be found all over the continent.
Egypt is so old it existed before the conditions were present to create an depigmented or pheomelanin human being!!! The ice age created the conditons that made humans"de-pigment" and stop producing melanin. So it a nut shell, some one doesnt evolve from 120 degree weather near the equator and produce light-skin.
Fair skin is not exclusive or inclusive to the white race. Ethiopians , Somolians and other African people are said to have "fair-skin", straight-hair, and even blue eyes.

Its time for you guys to stop sleeping. Wake up, to disrespect the Kemet people or any people from africa would be equal to disrespecting your parents. At the end of the day, its always the immature, ignorant(lack of knowledge) adolescent races that are trying to categorize, catalog, name, and list things according to how they look. You will always fail with this approach.
"The whole world has been up for grabs it's just that Blacks have never been able to rise to the top as other races have for whatever reason. "
"Blacks"as you put once vibrated on a frequency you would have a hard time believing. There is evidence of mono-atomic gold and they invented things we COULD NOT live without now. Heres just a few. Trigonometry which allowed the ancients to measure the distance from the earth to the sun, and the radius of the earth.
Al-Kemy or alchemy was presented to the world by so called black and brown Africans. Even the concept of the Holy trinity, the annointed one (modern day christ), or even (the enlightened one)buddha has its origin in Africa. Please look it up. Every single thing in your modern house could NOT exist without alchemy, including the car in your garage. I could go on and on considering we are talking about a civilized people that can be traced to every single continent and who do Not fit the box that time has provided for you.

I will leave you with one fact that will bother some of you programmed folk. The "Asians" that traveled across the pacific, did not have the typical asian features yet when they reached the americas. If you want evidence look at the natives of Thailand, ancient Japan, Fiji, and pretty much anywhere in Polynesia. Before mexico was raped, the natives there were very dark-skinned people.
There is a song that comes to mind............~~~~~"No idea's original, there's nothing new under the sun/ Its never what you do but how its done/"~~~~~
So.....Peace and I wish one day for truth to have its place in every single heart.
sry for sp and grammar errors, I was in a rush

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by Aeons

Not suited to their climate? How about you see what the other fellows living in the same climate dwell in and then get back to me...

reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I will drink my fluorine water, but not before you lose your internet and start living in a mud hut.

Better than being in a FEMA camp or start several illegal wars.

Who started this infinite war on terrorism? Africans or US government?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:02 AM
I know, right? They probably PLAY outside too, instead of having a proper outlet to play XBox like a proper civilized child.

And dear God, they might COOK outside. And not just becaue they like BBQ! Its a fracking travesty.

You do know that strawbale type / cob housing is increasingly being recognized for its excellent building and insulation qualities? No?

I guess "Mud Hut" done by a white guy is some how better.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by Aeons

Not suited to their climate? How about you see what the other fellows living in the same climate dwell in and then get back to me...

reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I will drink my fluorine water, but not before you lose your internet and start living in a mud hut.

Better than being in a FEMA camp or start several illegal wars.

Who started this infinite war on terrorism? Africans or US government?

Your ideas on the degradedness of Europeans is equally retarded.

Isn't that nice of me? Equally. All idiocy is equally idiotic. Now you all have something in common.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by 2012srb
reply to post by Xaphan

They've already done DNA tests on the available mummies.

The conclusion was that the pharaohs were -


Care to cite any sources?
edit on 26-7-2011 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:09 AM
ok ok ok



3000 YRS BLACK....LAST 500 YRS WHITE.....!.


THE FIRST FOREIGN PHARAOH OF LIGHT SKIN WAS THE PERSIANS (actually saites for a short period before)...

that means all the pharaohs youv heard about, narmer, aha, khufu, tuthmosis, amenhotep, tutankhamun, seti, ramses were all black...all the way to taharaq...he was the last real pharaoh...he lost tanis to the persians. later alexander the great lIberated egypt fom the perisains, which led to the geco-roman rule ending with cleopatra
to add these people never left alexandria...the capital of egypt was in thebes...
let it be known that the persian and greco-roman 500 yr rule was considered a dual lineage by the upper egyptians, who most likely still had their own royal line.

movie out next year
edit on 26-7-2011 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Well that is a different issue altogether, but I agree with you, yes. But let us stay on topic..

reply to post by Aeons

Well, it is about better living and better quality of life. And it depends on lifestyle.

That material might be good building material, but did they really have a choice in building with it?

This is based on my hearsay of course, but African people if they were to live in a real house would turn it into a dump real fast. My roommate said he used to live with African people straight off the boat. When giving proper housing, they would not clean up after themselves always, and not give the house the proper care it needed. Food everywhere, messes left to sit on the floor of the house, infestation problems arouse. And they hardly bathed.

They are just a very backwards people. I guess it is their lifestyle to be backwards.

edit on 26-7-2011 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
I know, right? They probably PLAY outside too, instead of having a proper outlet to play XBox like a proper civilized child.

And dear God, they might COOK outside. And not just becaue they like BBQ! Its a fracking travesty.

You do know that strawbale type / cob housing is increasingly being recognized for its excellent building and insulation qualities? No?

I guess "Mud Hut" done by a white guy is some how better.

Sudan has supermarkets!!!

and large cities!!!!

and bridges!!!!

and annoying News anchors!!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Precisely my point. They were something our ANCESTORS made 1000s of years ago. However , we are living in times of where mud huts are more than just obselete. They are ANCIENT! Sub Saharan Africans still live in them...

Do YOU know how to build a modern house? Nope, but I'll bet you any of those Africans living in a "mud-hut" built it himself. At least they are self sufficient, but if you were given the tools and supplies to build your own modern western style house you wouldn't have a damn clue what to do.

Originally posted by fordrew
They are just a very backwards people. I guess it is their lifestyle to be backwards.

That's a little subjective, isn't it? Maybe 'backwards' by your western standards, but not to them.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by fordrew

And I know a white guy who "collects" things and stores them in his house until it overflows, at which point he starts constructing shacks in his yard to hide the collection as it moves outside the house up his yard and begins to take over the alley.

I guess he's a good representation of all white people.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by fordrew

im sorry mate...your judging africans on a dude you met...ok
firstly...east africa, and west africa are completely different places...the same with north and south....
if you want to understand the ancients of egypt, you have to meet Nubians....once you meet them, you will know that they are the pharaohs....teh yello people you see now in the north are all foreign blood. ie greek, middle eastern...etc 3/4 of egypt is black

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Although i'm sure it was mentioned hundreds of time.
The sphinx face resemble face of black man. Especially with unbroken nose.
So at least sphinx could be made by black men.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by fordrew

wow really. If ever single human being possess african genetics and in your twisted little fantasy you assume they were backward. This western approach means that you are the best example of backwardness. Xaphan said it best much kudos. If they are backwards then westerners take "backwardness" to a new level.
Someone, anyone....... I know my post is long but it is very informative, just take a sec to read it please.
Peace and light to all.
....and just a little fact I have been studying Kemet (egypt) since a kid. The sphinx is actually a woman and many of the native say its torso is to long to be a cat. just something I want to throw out there
edit on 26-7-2011 by AKINOFTHEFIRSSTARS because: about the sphinx.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:26 AM
One day, when the Ice comes again, and our descendants start to move down to the temperate zones....they too may end up contructing "mud huts" to suit the climate and population density of the area.

And then your descendants will interbreed with those who have the acclimatized traits for the climate they are in, rather than spend 100,000 years hoping to develop those traits by hacking at the family tree.

Irony. Human existience is full of it.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Precisely my point. They were something our ANCESTORS made 1000s of years ago. However , we are living in times of where mud huts are more than just obselete. They are ANCIENT! Sub Saharan Africans still live in them...

Do YOU know how to build a modern house? Nope, but I'll bet you any of those Africans living in a "mud-hut" built it himself. At least they are self sufficient, but if you were given the tools and supplies to build your own modern western style house you wouldn't have a damn clue what to do.

Originally posted by fordrew
They are just a very backwards people. I guess it is their lifestyle to be backwards.

That's a little subjective, isn't it? Maybe 'backwards' by your western standards, but not to them.

Well sure I know how to build a house! It is not exactly rocket science. And I know rocket science. Want me to list the steps for ya? I even participated in habitat for humanity before...

As far as the backwards lifestyle goes, I am sure that in ancient times they were living in mud huts. Living in mud huts back then and living in mud huts today.

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by fordrew

And I know a white guy who "collects" things and stores them in his house until it overflows, at which point he starts constructing shacks in his yard to hide the collection as it moves outside the house up his yard and begins to take over the alley.

I guess he's a good representation of all white people.

I see what point you are trying to make, trying to conclude that from only that one experience that all black people live as pigs. But given the information that most live in mud huts in Africa, they would not do too well in "white people" housing, because most are too lazy to live comfortably I suppose. Too lazy because they can just throw stuff to the ground and then the soil would just eat it back up.
edit on 26-7-2011 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Well that is a different issue altogether, but I agree with you, yes. But let us stay on topic..

reply to post by Aeons

Well, it is about better living and better quality of life. And it depends on lifestyle.

That material might be good building material, but did they really have a choice in building with it?

This is based on my hearsay of course, but African people if they were to live in a real house would turn it into a dump real fast. My roommate said he used to live with African people straight off the boat. When giving proper housing, they would not clean up after themselves always, and not give the house the proper care it needed. Food everywhere, messes left to sit on the floor of the house, infestation problems arouse. And they hardly bathed.

They are just a very backwards people. I guess it is their lifestyle to be backwards.

edit on 26-7-2011 by fordrew because: (no reason given)

So backwards == not commercialized obedient serf? So your a commercialized obedient serf and you look down on them because they fit into a western corporate (conditioned/engineered) ideal. You know. They do come from a non-western culture. You would not survive there on your own without your commercial corporate allowance to help you. Its ok your not suited to thier enviroment. We are suited for american Mega-Corp society.

Drink some more fluorine,hormone and pesticide while you eat some gmo soy. What about some of that corexit shrimp/fish mmmmm.

So black people are the "bad guys" This can be remedied by a hug by an african person.You need a hug. You want a hug? Let me give you a hug.

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