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A Racist Conspiracy? Why are we taught that Black Africans never formed or ruled Ancient Egypt?

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Nope when you add all wars, including civil wars, Africa by far leads other continents.

There has never been a time when there wasn't a war somewhere in Africa actually.

How many African wars have affected continents outside of Africa?

Half full or Half empty

But then Africans have never been capable of launching wars outside their own continent. Just because they can't do something, doesn't mean they wouldn't. Not that Africans would ever be able to construct them, but imagine an Idi Amin or a Mugabe with nukes. Now there's a scary thought!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:03 AM
i think there was a black reformation in egypt prior to white occupation and the entitlement to ancestry is the reason why any side that has a chip lays claim to something. someone mentioned unrecorded "races"; and i wanted to mention about a face carving thats in central africa that doesnt look like any "modern race" or mixture of. i want to find a link to its picture but its hard to find bbl.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.

The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission — but it seems as if the Egyptian failed to spot the giveaway part of the documentary which revealed the test results.

Hawass previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies — obviously because he feared the consequences of such a revelation.

But the truth is, the ancient Egyptians were not white. Neither were they pure black. The ancient Egyptians were a mixed-race people, especially in Upper Egypt, where Egyptian civilization began. While the earliest inhabitants, the Tasians, are believed to have been of Cro-Magnoid stock, the predynastic Badarian period which starts at 5500 B.C. in Upper Egypt, was quite Negroid.

The Freemasons (they actually know who built the pyramids) have always taught that the Egyptian pharaohs were fair skinned, blond and red haired, with green and blue eyes. The genetic makeup of the average people was probably different and mixed. But the pharaohs were of what today is Northern European genetic makeup.
edit on 26-7-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:55 AM
Why would there be a major anti black conspiracy in this day and age?oh god forbid that was true.

The truth is that the Egyptians were a dark skinned race(probably Arab looking)but not black.......or at least not the original ones but there were black rulers toward the later dynasties when the Nubian slaves starting to take over.

If the Egyptains were black then why did many before the later dynasties depict themselves as being different to black Africans and talk bad about them?

The bottom line is that any evidence of black Egypt came from the later dynasties which has been proven.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

The whole world has been up for grabs it's just that Blacks have never been able to rise to the top as other races have for whatever reason.

That is not a valid excuse.

I wonder do you and a few others even take your own responses serious. Its responses like this that give credence to that white superiority thread. Some of you all truely beleive that all black people are capable of is eating watermelon and dancing.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

Because the people who inhabit northern Africa are not Black... From Morocco to Egypt, they are ethnically Arab, regardless of the fact that they are from the continent of Africa.

Europeans prefer Arabs to Blacks and therefore re-wrote history? Flawed premise.

edit on 26-7-2011 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

There are more than just Arabs in Northern Africa the Berbers are the natives and they can be any color. The arabs drove everybody else out and or mixed with them

Is it hard to assume that everybody is mixed whether the admit to it or not. I'm willing to bet that if you gave everyone in North Africa a DNA test the majority would show mixes of Black, Berber, Arab and White

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:46 AM
I'm glad you brought this topic up. The blacks, or darker skinned Africans you are mentioning are indeed called Nubians. They had a kingdom / empire called Nubia which did include Egypt at one point in time. There is some nice reading from a NatGeo article about Nubia and the "Black Pharaohs". Here is an excerpt:

Piye was the first of the so-called black pharaohs—a series of Nubian kings who ruled over all of Egypt for three-quarters of a century as that country’s 25th dynasty. Through inscriptions carved on stelae by both the Nubians and their enemies, it is possible to map out these rulers’ vast footprint on the continent. The black pharaohs reunified a tattered Egypt and filled its landscape with glorious monuments, creating an empire that stretched from the southern border at present-day Khartoum all the way north to the Mediterranean Sea. They stood up to the bloodthirsty Assyrians, perhaps saving Jerusalem in the process.

Until recently, theirs was a chapter of history that largely went untold. Only in the past four decades have archaeologists resurrected their story—and come to recognize that the black pharaohs didn’t appear out of nowhere. They sprang from a robust African civilization that had flourished on the southern banks of the Nile for 2,500 years, going back at least as far as the first Egyptian dynasty.


Here is some more info about Piye, the possible first, Nubian Pharaoh of Egypt and a picture of the Nubian inhabitants of southern Egypt.


Here is a list of rulers during the Nubian reign over Egypt

Dynasty 25 (Nubian), ca. 712–664 B.C.

Piye (Establishes Nubian Dynasty in Egypt) ca. 743–712 B.C.

Shabaqo ca. 712–698 B.C.

Shebitqo ca. 698–690 B.C.

Taharqo (Loses control of Lower Egypt)32 ca. 690–664 B.C.

Tanutamani (Loses control of Upper Egypt) ca. 664–653 B.C.

Source: List of Rulers of Ancient Egypt and Nubia | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Egypt and Nubia were enemies, so if I had to guess another reason why many Nubian Pharaohs were left/blotted out Egyptian history because a revolt over the Nubian rule was staged, and many of them were more than likely made slaves under the new rule, banished, or killed.
edit on 26-7-2011 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
Ancient Egyptians were most likely Arab, and I'm not saying that due to any racial predjucide. I'm not trying to say that Africans weren't competent enough to have created a civilization. Look at this facial reconstruction of Tutankhamun. He doesn't look African (and I don't mean the skin tone). His facial features don't look African at all.

Actually that looks like the typical mixed (black and white) person. Another thing is it hard to assume that the common people and the royal family are not the same race ? Look at the commonwealth realm; the Queen of Tuvalu, Papua New Guinea or Solomon Islands (Elizabeth II) is not the same race as them why could that have not happen in the past.

We are also forgetting that Upper and Lower Egypt were two separate kingdoms that were merged is it hard to assume that they were two different racial groups and that after the merge there was intermarriage. Upper and Lower Egypt are at two separate elevations which would be hard to travel. Is it hard to imagine that Upper Egypt was Black and Lower Egypt was Berber or some other small minority in North Africa (Arabs are not native they did not come until the AD times)

If we want to the know the race of the true Egyptians we need to stop looking at Royalty; Royalty mixes with other Royalty and with there family.

Everyone needs to be looking at Predynastic Egypt and not Ramses, Tut, Cleopatra or anyone else in this times we need to look back at times before 5000 BC

Those do not look Arab or White to me

Another thing those mentioning Black kingdoms in Africa yall to mention forget Aksum, Punt, D'mt, Timbuktu
edit on 26-7-2011 by jatsc because: add more information of predynastic egypt

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
Based on the evidence what do you think?

edit on 25-7-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

I think ALL what are considered RACES on Earth had chances to rule and it cycles thru what is considered time. It helps to minipulate the genetics globally with blood mixing to build better leaders out of previously oppressed. So I think the Darker Africanaz played parts in empires of the past as well. the TRICK is once a civilization gains ego the downfall isnt far off.

Be well

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:24 AM
When I learned a long time ago that the first open brain surgery was performed by the Egyptians I knew proper credit would not be given, because Egyptians are Lighter than those in South Africa. It seems everysince the beginning of history, the Whiteman has tried to prove He is superior because of His Color, when most evidence usallly shows the opposite. When given the opportunity to compete; the Blacks out beat them in playing games; boxing, basketball, football, and even golf. As a matter of fact that's why the GOP is pissed off at our First Black President.

Originally posted by MasterGemini
Well when I was in Egypt (2010) the northerners where arabic and the southerners were more black and WOW the northerners were so freaking racist about the south it was disturbing. I could easily see there being a conspiracy against the black people of Egypt.

Off topic, but that also goes for the Black Thais, I was up in Thailand for three weeks (chang rai and bangkok mostly) and man did I hear a lot of racist remarks about them in bangkok.

I guess its normal to label the black sheep black. I should stop expecting much from the human race.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:33 AM
When we get White History Month and the NAAWP, I'll start listening.

Until then I have no sympathy for your viewpoint.

The pendulum needs to center itself.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
Based on the evidence what do you think?

edit on 25-7-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

I think ALL what are considered RACES on Earth had chances to rule and it cycles thru what is considered time. It helps to minipulate the genetics globally with blood mixing to build better leaders out of previously oppressed. So I think the Darker Africanaz played parts in empires of the past as well. the TRICK is once a civilization gains ego the downfall isnt far off.

Be well

We are all savages when we cannot control our base desire for control,greed and security.

The "race" tool is yet another attractive con the elites played on us with remarkable effectiveness. Another would be the commercial ritualistic godless religion. Yeah religion without God in it?
Techology just made it thousands of times more efficient at exterminating the competition and gaining control over the masses. Corruption is a lot more dangerous with advanced technology versus not having it.

Brazilians,Egyptians,Dominicans are what most humans will look like in 600-1000 years.

Most likely a lighter skinned asian looking indian with some negriod and european features. Thats if we don't start to self modify our genes and make metahumans/electronically inferfaced hominids(cyborgs) by then.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by 2012srb
When we get White History Month and the NAAWP, I'll start listening.

Until then I have no sympathy for your viewpoint.

The pendulum needs to center itself.

We need to have a Bilderberg Club History Month or a International fractional reserve banking history month.

That would be cool.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
Ancient Egyptians were most likely Arab, and I'm not saying that due to any racial predjucide. I'm not trying to say that Africans weren't competent enough to have created a civilization. Look at this facial reconstruction of Tutankhamun. He doesn't look African (and I don't mean the skin tone). His facial features don't look African at all.

Funnily enough I was reading an old (2005) National Geographic magazine last night and the feature article was of facial reconstruction of Tutankhamun that you posted above; created from CT scans they took from Tutankhamun.

The tone of the skin used for the reconstructed bust was an average of skin tones found in Egypt today.

Daynès based the skin tone on an average shade of Egyptians today and added the eyeliner that the king would have worn in life.

National Geographic

So this tells us nothing other than what the average skin tone of modern Egyptians is today.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:41 AM
All I know is that I'm sick to death of hearing how everyone is keeping the black man down.

Stop whining and start writing a positive history and maybe you'll get the respect you're looking for.

Grasping desperately at straws is pathetic.
edit on 7/26/2011 by 2012srb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by 2012srb
When we get White History Month and the NAAWP, I'll start listening.

Until then I have no sympathy for your viewpoint.

The pendulum needs to center itself.

You are joking right? At the risk of straying way off topic, let's give a history lesson on why that month and organization came into existence.

Black History Month came about because there was no black history being taught at all. You do realize that the curriculum that is taught in the majority of schools in the Unites States is Anglo-Saxon centric correct? Throughout the entire school year Statements like "Christopher Columbus discovered America" are taught year after year; when there were people already present on said land

The NAACP came about during the civil rights area in the United States where "African-American" people needed an organization to ensure their civil rights in this country. Where they were restricted from basic rights from where to sit in a restaurant, which water fountains to drink from, and what jobs could be obtained simply because of their skin color.

As you see there is not white history month, or NAAWP because they are not needed in the United States.

The pendulum of which you speak is as about as centered as it's going to get.
edit on 26-7-2011 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by 2012srb

OK it is obvious that you are just trolling this thread. Ignoring now...

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM
This kind of viewpoint is exactly why people like Michelle Bachman signed pledges that says Black children were better off in slavery, cause they were born and raised by two parents and according to Her History, the forefathers fought valently to stop slavery. Why People stop putting in our History books; things like the Black slaves fought for the Calvery, than maybe you will be able to see; Just How White Washed We All Are; by folks; who cant admit; their faults.

So if the truth be told; You will never Have Sympathy for Black folks; until it happens to You.

Originally posted by 2012srb
When we get White History Month and the NAAWP, I'll start listening.

Until then I have no sympathy for your viewpoint.

The pendulum needs to center itself.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by 2012srb
All I know is that I'm sick to death of hearing how everyone is keeping the black man down.

Stop whining and start writing a positive history amd maybe you'll get the respect you're looking for.

This is funny. Really.

All the while having institutionalized racism(like redlining,joke neighborhood security, failing substandard/poor school districts and credit/job discrimination) and other ethnic priveledges (racial nepotism).

Well now the banks are discriminating agianst middle class people of all colors but those poor US currency notes. That green race is getting harrassed by the federal reserve bank of New york on a daily basis with QE2 and the upcoming QE3. Banks are moneyists!!!!

Yeah stop whining about all that corruption stuff. Nothing to see here Not me not my family or friends so who cares right? Bank out more banks please!

Externalization at its finest!

edit on 26-7-2011 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I agree and it will be a wild ride if modifications do occure with augmented plastics, nanos, metals and bio neuro connections begin within the human body. good point

edit on 7/26/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

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